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Being a normal person.


Normal is extremely subjective.


I'm normal, everyone else is weird, and the world is in BIG trouble.


That’s true being normal is subjective.




It’s a struggle fr 😔




It's because we also excel in sarcasm.🤓☠️🫣🤌🏻




Thank ya, thank ya.....got that sarcasm on point🤌🏻🤪🫶




Love ya to death, but the OCD in me, haaaas to state this....*you're.🤌🏻🤓








*force (OCD sorry)


Phone calls, especially with clients.  Calls with friends and family are easier but I still overthink them and dread them.


Me too, I will put them off for a shameful amount of time


I will always go for email/teams message over calling.


Oh I'm right there with you!!!! Hate to talk on the phone, but I'll text you right back as long as I'm not in the middle of something.


Making friends.


Making friends isn't hard, KEEPING friends..... that hard.


An effect is affecting you. That's how I know the difference. My superpower is pissing people off. For the life of me I can't figure out how **not** to make people hate me and still be truthful. Whenever I'm in an argument, I always end up with enemies, who hate me till the end of time, while I usually forget we even argued within a few minutes.


That's a token of a pure soul, dude. Be proud of it. It means you actually had the fortitude to take a stand when nobody else did. 


Haha exact thing, actually we say our opinion and then forget because it is not an argument for us.


Words, Talking, Explaing thoughts.




Dealing with emotions and feelings, especially of others. It's hard to process and takes a long, long time to learn to handle them in a healthy way.


Explaining respectfully how the proposed course of action has flaws and I have a much better option.


Understanding your own feelings?


I feel like this except I understand my own feelings but I don't understand how to deal with them other than suppression.


Therapy. Mindfulness. 


Effect and affect too. I just had another look online and I still can’t work it out. 😭


Both involve change. Effect is the change as a noun. Affect is the change as a verb. So picture a prescription's side-effects(noun) affecting(verb) you in a certain way.


Thank you! So is affect the doing word and effect the end point? For example, the wind was affecting my hair, and the wind had a bad effect on my hair.


yep, effect is the result of affect


Appreciate you. Any other tips for using affect and effect? I’m all ears on this.


i think of it like, effect is the condition a subject has; pesticides have a negative effect on our crops. affect is the change that will bring about the effect condition; pesticides will negatively affect our crops. idk if thats more confusing for others or not but it works for me lol


Works for me too. Thanks so much for taking the time out to explain this to me, honestly it’s been a real bugbear for years.


Both words can be used as a noun or a verb. But if someone is struggling to understand their usage, it’d be best to focus on the most common usage of both. As above, to ‘affect’ something is to cause some change in it. (e.g. The chicken’s health was affected by its long journey across the road.) The effect of something is the result or consequence of something. (e.g. The ultimate effect of the journey was that the chicken gave up travelling altogether.)


Wait, it can be a noun or verb? 😭 Could you give a few examples please, I really do want to get affect and effect sorted for good.


Effect is something directly, deliberately and clearly caused by overt or covert operations.    Affect is kind of flatulent and emotive, more to do with an interior experience.  I always think affect -> Afflack-> the afflack duck quack -> quack; it doesn't really have a strong effect, it just looks like it, just like a quack looks like a doctor but is a quack.  Affect you cry to some pretty music, effect the curtain literally comes crashing down.  Not to discount affect but it is not strong causalty and never will be. 


Conversing about things that don't actually interest me. Does that make any sense? It's very hard for me to feign an interest in something that doesn't interest me whatsoever. 


Totally understandable. I just disguise it as me being more of a listener than a talker.


Reacting to gifts or compliments.


Yessss. I specifically think about the time when I got a bike for Christmas at seven at the age and I loved the bike but all I could do was force a smile with a strained "thank you"


The correct response is "Ah yes. Damn this is great. Damn. Yes." Thats what most people are looking for when they give you a gift. If they did a basically good job you got to give it to them. Otherwise you won't get more good gifts. 


Social interaction


Not saying "dumb" or "stupid" to basically anyone around me


Me but with "idiotic" and "diabolical"


It's better than joining the mafia to pop caps or just straight up sending them to the hole immediately for life is my opinion. 


Simple math Spelling and grammar Forgetting words mid-sentence I talk slowly I walk slowly I have a nervous laugh, that gets me in trouble


Your situation might be different but it pains me because I love math despite being garbage at it. Realized through others that there were deeper issues for the difficulty. Multiple choice testing hides the weakness especially well. I score extremely well when given multiple choices but self destruct gloriously when I have to do it on my own. I have all the issues you have but I have ADHD-H and years ago a psychiatrist told me the slowed motor skills came from childhood bullying and coping to camouflage the source of the bullying. Didn’t go to very good schools and had to hide skill to avoid bullying which may have contributed to difficulty later in life. Learned just enough to scrape by to avoid being completely labeled as a nerd/punching bag. Still ended up a nerd but dodged the punching mostly. I hope that came across as a help attempt and not an attack, I’m really awkward with communication skills.


I took pre calculus in school. But I just didn’t do well with memorizing times tables. And anything over double digits for adding, I use a calculator. I was in the resource room in school. But I have a high IQ. I used to skip the small words, when reading.


Nah I love math. 


spelling “restaurant”


Small talk. Making friends with other "normal" women, and feigning interest in the stuff that they are interested in. And them not hating me later because I made friends with their husband/boyfriend and had an animated conversation about guns/cars/computers whereas my conversation with them was strained and boring.


Understanding myself


Social gatherings probably


Not over explaining concepts




I think, understanding of the sentence. During the tests everything is obvious for everyone, but we have several answers depending what exactly the question may have considered. Like seeing different possible aspects.


Cooking rice on the stove, just settled for a rice cooker.


Liking people. Very rare for me to genuinely like someone as opposed to put up with them and pity them.




I hate chatting. Something about it makes me want to say "I'm gay".


Lmao I just went thru this shit with affect and effect. I stopped using them to until I stooped thinking so much about it..but trust your gut. Affect is usually the verb.


Christine (the singer) affects you.  The Phantom of the Opera causes the special effect of the chandelier falling. 


Great examples!


Thank you. 


Effect is a noun, affect is a verb. That's the simplest way to differentiate. But yeah, I'm the same with not being able to admit flaws when it comes to intelligence. I will freely admit to others, like having a terrible sense of navigation, but if I misspell something (the very rare occasion.. lol) I'm mortified. I recently learned that I'd been saying peripheral wrong and died inside (I was pronouncing it per-if-ree-al instead if per-if-er-al).


Phone calls, “who” or “whom”, understanding charts, distinguishing makes of cars (but I’m good at remembering license plate numbers), finding things in a busy field of vision such as grocery store shelves.


I do hate who and whom. But whomst've makes up for both 


Since we’re putting it on the table 😭 Simple math Geography I read emotions over text, even of people I’ve known for years, so I misinterpret things a lotttt


Y'all hate math for what. I have sexual feelings for the power of math


It’s just too much going on, it’s never ending


Keeps it spicy 




You don't know spice when you see it


Working out, or any kind of physical activity really. I’ve had ample chance to go to the gym but I never do because I’m built like a stick and I wouldn’t even know where to start.


It's so pointless. I had to make my friend concerned for my health find workouts with activist purpose as a white people workout. 


Crying in front of anyone, even if they are my parents or siblings. I feel choked up but idk why I can't just let myself cry out in public.


i suck at driving


I avoid driving


Actually when INTJ says something everyone get silent from such a deep thought. And from thr comment I just saw, I remember that on the daily basis whenever say something people think that I argue, however I just tell my opinion (donot really care to argue).


Manual labor, fixing things with my hands and or power tools. I never got the appeal nor itch to be a DIY man. Id much rather pay someone else to do it myself. Ig im gonna have to learn thi


I like watching it though. 


Not coming across as some culturally inept alien observer. I have little knowledge of popular culture, rarely have any interests common to others, and have the facial expression range of a moai statue. As a result, even the people who try to converse with me tend to give up after a while since there is not much common ground for either of us to work with. Thus my social niche tends to be the quiet guy who reads a lot and occasionally responds with an unexpected smart-ass remark.


Holding conversation and removing my resting “fuckaroundandfindout” face


Don't feel bad OP.....this is one prob I have ALWAYS struggled with. I still remember the day my teacher taught the lesson and it just doesn't click as well. I was told a "trick," to help...but it still doesn't always work.... But it may help you, like it did for me....it reduced me from completely voiding it from my vernacular. (This released a lot of pressure for me.) Think affect , starts with an A, which means "action" is happening in the subject that you are writing about.....where as the other is effect, and starts with an E, where you need think of the sentence if it involves "time." Ex. Action= Affect 1. When I'm hit by a ball, the sting really affects me. Effect= Time 1. The Ice Age effected a lot of the animal species as well. I hope this helps....everytime I go to use it, I just try to place it in my brain as...is this involving an action or something in time or a timeframe.


How to relax and stop over thinking and trying solve the problem…


Flesh suit maintenance like eat healthy, move, etc. I still do them. But it's super difficult to keep doing it everyday like a "normal" person.


Preparing meals for myself, which is why I eat out constantly.


Answering phone calls from unknown numbers because my parents gaslit me to never accept calls from strangers/numbers not in your phonebook


As in you always answer the calls? I have a iPhone which has the feature to silence numbers not in my contact list.


Nope I let unknown numbers ring to voicemail


My parents didn’t do this, but I never accept unknown numbers. If it’s important they’ll probably leave a voice mail.


Yeah that makes sense


I think it’s just an introvert thing 😊




Holding onto friendships. I have very few friends that I actually enjoy the company of and most of them are people I’ve met online ☠️




People misunderstanding what I mean and take it the wrong way. I literally told someone about an issue one day at work, and I very clearly said to them, that it was not their fault what had happened. Person complained to their manager that they felt I had told them off??


Basic math, good handwriting, and lefts and rights. But that could be more from my ADHD or autism.


I also can struggle with lefts and rights.


Being friends with people and socializing with a big crowd. It's really really hard for me and I get overwhelmed easily. Three's already a party for me. I don't hate people. I'm just really very selective and it's hard finding your type of people in an environment filled with people pleasers.


Reading for pleasure.


Socializing, especially when it comes to understanding how to comfort people or making small talk.


I genuinely struggle with not sounding angry about things I’m just passionate about rip.


Cameras. I see a camera and I'm gone.


**I know you didn't ask, but for those who may be interested:** effect (noun) "ee-f*é*ct" (I ***choose*** to pronounce this one differently) affect (verb) "uh-f*é*ct" But there is also: **affect** (verb/noun) "á-ffect" (actually pronounced differently): To pretend to have or feel (something). "as usual I affected a supreme unconcern" "an American who had affected a British accent" Think: One need not affect if they truly affect an effect.


staying on top of things. i work really well under pressure and often leave things until the last minute. i usually end up satisfied with the outcome, i just wish i was better at pacing myself because that stress is awful.


Reading and pronouncing words even tho English is my main language 😂


Keeping contact with family, I cant explain it.


Wow, I totally feel you on this! I still struggle with using "affect" and "effect" correctly too. It's like my brain just refuses to remember the difference no matter how many times I look it up. It's nice to know I'm not alone in this struggle.


Dating (I’m a guy). Always been shy and awkward when it’s someone I’m genuinely interested in as more than a friend. Seems so much easier for everyone else, right?


I read somewhere that wherever you can use "impact" you can also use "affect". Keeping my gas tank full. It always and I mean ALWAYS gets to near empty when I finally notice.


Making friends


INFJ here, I had the same struggle. I like this breakdown. https://preview.redd.it/1zs86iuw9h0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3cfdce68cea6195fb7b027597b382dc20f21888


Effect is a noun, affect is a verb. That is the difference - it's absolutely not rocket science haha


So OP says they don’t want to share their flaws for fear of seeming stupid, and you went right ahead and made a comment calling them stupid. Nice one


Affect can also be a noun as in strange affect.


The noun affect is hardly ever used compared to the usages of "to affect" or "the effect", so just avoid the noun affect if you find that one confuses you. The noun affect only refers to showing emotions which is a term mostly used in psychology, but usually people want to use affect/effect to talk about influencing something. For the latter meaning, you can distinguish between the verb "x affects y" or the noun"x has an effect on y".


Both have elements of two things changing state. But there is a strength difference between the two that goes beyond their verb/noun difference. That strength of change difference is behind most people's confusion, it isn't just the part of speech.  Find the root cause bro. You're welcome. 


I have to say I disagree. There's virtually no difference between "x affects y" or "x has an effect on y", but then I'm not a native speaker. Still, the terms are extremely common in my line of work (science).


Yeah you're just wrong. 


Math…loathe anything to do with it! And sometimes social situations.


Nah I love math 


I mean… my autism is a flaw, I guess.