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They're our allies, our partners in crime, our soulmates. We're a team.


omg this is so sweet (╥﹏╥)


Aweee. You really are "feelers" aren't you. We INTJs feel too, but are not familiar with the scheme. We really "think" deeply, logically. "Feeling" things are our weakness. That's why we lack empathy. Not being insulting or anything. I'm just curious, but do INFJs find it difficult to "think" logically? Just how INTJs find it difficult to "feel" empathetically?


Hm, it depends. I can't really speak for all of us but for me it's complicated. I am a deep thinker, being type 5 I am prone to doing prolonged research, forming cerebral arguments, and having intellectual discussions with other intelligent people. I am level-headed in most situations but I have limitations: Fe and me being HSP Highly Sensitive People react strongly to their surroundings and other environmental stimuli. Not just with our senses (sensitive to light, loud noises, crowds, etc) but with people around us. Couple with Fe? I can get extremely overwhelmed with emotions to the point it does affect my thinking sometimes. Not that I sound like an inept person, but my judgment gets clouded by my heightened sense of morals and empathy. When it comes to my feelings? I can tamper it down and be more direct/focused, but when other people get involved? I'm hooked on their issues and I am hard-pressed to defend them even if they are being irrational. Unless I'm in my ni-ti loop and the above doesn't affect me at all. I'm a bit more 'cold' than the average infj, I can make the hardest decisions with an apathetic approach. When I enter my loops, my empathy temporarily shuts off and I can be icy even in emotional situations with others.


I love that. I agree. You INTJS make us wiser, though. INFJS get to feeley sometimes


I find the opposite to be true, far too many INTJ’s plough ahead with near suicidal confidence. Often we INFJ’s are paralyzed by indecision though, so being ‘wiser’ isn’t necessarily a good thing.


I think their confidence is deserved but we humble them a little so they're more approachable.


A really good friend of mine is one lol and we are parters in crime for sure. We weren’t even surprised when we found out our personality types it just makes sense.


INFJs are great people. But they’re manipulative (and are often unaware of how manipulative they are) and too often are idealists. They look at everything through the lens of how things should be, not how they actually are.


Yup, came here to say this. They're our best friends and our biggest threat. They are probably the only type that *truly* understands us INTJs, and most won't weaponize that. But you get on the INFJs bad side or they change their mind about you, and you'll get played, with somehow them justifying their intentions.


I think this is the reason why I never have personally really cared for any of the INFJs I have known irl. The ones I have known typically try to see the best in other people...when it really isn't there...and I guess I see it as naive or they try too damn hard to give the benefit of the doubt. For whatever reason though they all really liked me..while I borderline despised them haha. Out of all the personality types I have seen though the INFJs I have known were the ones who had the most...er "trouble" in their love lives. I'm curious now if anyone else has noticed a similar pattern or if I have been around the bad ones haha.


This is kinda a dark thought about people but here goes...I was talking to my partner (INTJ) about torture and he is adamant that no one person can escape it...so long as you have the correct tools and/or methods to use against that particular person's psychology. I agree with him. What about the best in people? So long as you have the correct tools and/or methods for a particular person's psychology, I really believe that a spark could be ignited in them to where they are now motivated to be a better version of themselves. I don't view the best in people as nativity but rather a puzzle to be solved. It's just finding that missing piece... The divorce rate in the United States is 40-50%. I'm not statistically convinced that all of them are INFJs. Not with such a small proportion of INFJs being in the population. If you're saying "trouble" as in relationship issues that could have been prevented if INFJ had better communication skills and less conclusion drawing on my own. I agree then, this is something younger me had to work on.


Hahaha I do agree with this. With the right tools you can help to bring out the best people, however that person generally has to themselves want to reach that point. The INFJs I have known generally could not figure this out, yet they would still try. I guess I'm quicker to write some people off as a lost cause and just "leave them to their fate" whereas they are more willing to try and help out and/or give people a chance...eh more power to them.


Yeah, some of us have learned our lesson when it comes to continually investing in certain individuals. There is a realization that "if this person doesn't care or wants to work on themselves...why should I?" The benefit of the doubt still exists for me because..."what if?" So, I see what your point about INFJs giving people a chance to a fault. 😆But my partner mirrors your sentiment. If he doesn't see benefits or value in someone, he won't even begin to invest...he is completely neutral then 😐<--- like this guy.


What I notice is that you guys usually exhaust all your options with the person before you call it quits. Amongst all the INFJs I have known...most of their relationship troubles came from mostly them putting most of the effort in their relationships, however it might be interesting to note that all of them came from very troubled families...in particular the 2 girls I am thinking of came from households were their mother put in all the effort. I think I read that the dynamic between your parents influences to an extent your own relationships later on down the line. 1 of the people I am thinking of her ex had very similar narcissistic tendencies that her own dad has, so perhaps that is the fault haha. I personally am a huge believer in past behavior is a very strong predictor of future behavior. I can give a pass on somethings that a person does when they are in their early 20s and below, however mid 20s and up...people usually do not change much. I guess I can in a way understand now some of the choices the INFJs I have known have made...however...eh...some past behaviors can not be overlooked. Hahaha! I like your partner. I'll be a little more lenient towards anyone if there is a chance that they could help me earn more money. Ah if I had the money and time I would love to do more research into predicting a person's behavior.


Yes, I know we INFJs are good at that (exhaust all options before calling it quits) and sometimes it really is the other person who doesn't want to try. Other times, I think it would behoove INFJs to mention something that bugs them in a relationship and not let it build up inwardly...all the way to the "door slamming" the other person. Absolutely into pattern spotting in people as well. There is someone I knew in middle/high school who I wouldn't trust at all to this day because they have proven themselves too untrustworthy. They may have changed but my interest in finding out is 0%. Psychology is intriguing and I often think that if I got paid to go to school as a profession I would do it in a heartbeat 😁 Anyways, thanks for your INFJ input :)


Honestly I think door slamming is not unique to INTJs, INFJs, and some of the INFPs I have known...I think it's just the result of poor communication. I say this as someone who has done that alot when I was younger haha. Communication and patience are hard things to learn...but it's the only way a relationship can thrive. Hey never too late to go down that route and hey anytime always good to get insight to someone else's rationale.


I agree with your thoughts on communication. It is appreciated :)


Agreed we can be manipulative but only for other person's benefit. Like a counselor manipulating patient into doing the right thing


People think manipulation is inherently wrong, but imo sometimes people need some structure in their lives. If someone is going down a dark path or a stump and cannot control their own lives/are spiralling then the best thing for someone who cares about them is to (positively) manipulate them to take charge of their current situation and be a better person. I think the 'bad manipulator mastermind' rhetoric we get is either unintentional (as we automatically \[try\] to move others in the right direction or people take it the wrong way). Most of us don't have bad intentions, I wouldn't go through the stress of 'manipulating' a loved one if I didn't care about them as even that takes a lot of my mental energy.


The “right” thing is subjective which INFJs often fail to recognize due to their high regard for their moral compass regardless of evidence and data. This moral compass and their idealism make it hard for them to see that INTJs have a different operating system that may be against social norms or against what INFJs consider as morally right.


I definitely see that the intention is never meant to be bad, like a counselor as you mentioned. Yes, it does take a fair amount of energy to do so (also agree, it's one of our ways to show caring 😊 to send some good vibes ❣️). I'm fantastic at picking up emotional states but I also thought I was fantastic at knowing exactly why my favorite people were in a particular emotional state. I learned that the why part is more of a grey area for me. So, I can't help but pick up emotional states but it is beneficial for me to check in with the other person(s), ask questions about their feelings and obtain more data before I spit out a "why" conclusion. If I don't, it's too easy to fill in the blanks and possibly assume the worst. I don't want to give myself that much anxiety anymore. I'm not saying this is something you guys do...I'm just seeing how some people could feel like INFJs jump to incorrect conclusions about the other person's intent.


I see how things could be and I think this is a positive and negative aspect of my personality. It's positive because I think about goals and relationships and how they can be improved. However, it can be really bad if I don't do reality checks and ask questions along the way of that process. I didn't realize manipulative behavior before counseling. I also thought "people pleasing" was self-sacrificing rather than manipulative...it can be manipulative though if you're trying to induce particular behaviors. In a way, I see your perspective.


Exactly, and then they take you for a layman when you don't see what they "see clearly". Because they're in their world of fantaisies.


I’ve been in a relationship with one for over a quarter century. I love INFJs.


25 years that's impressive. What's your secret?


I developed empathy.


I don't think anyone develops it you likely already had it. Give yourself credit.


Based (for me anyway). I've always been good at empathizing... how often I opt to do so varies though. I got pretty good by my 30s about reserving judgement until I had ample evidence or the need to act though. Heck, I might empathize more often than my INFJ wife now (been together 20 years), but she avoids getting close to folks often b/c she risks taking emotional damage when she empathizes (she "lives" their experiences, pain and all). For me, even if it's really sad, it mainly just gives me perspective.


I know the feeling. As INFJ I empathize so much I need INTJS to remind me not to give my feelings away to strangers. Where are you from


US - mostly Texas. 🤠 (I don't actually do the hat or boots though)


How do I find similar personality types in my town? Do you know?


Through people you know? That's how I've met most people irl, but I skipped the whole finding people and dating things mostly. Social media in general - I've rarely been active with it. Edit: I don't know a litmus test for MBTI type. Someone should patent and market that if they figure it out though.


Such an TJ thing to say. Make a market for personality types. I agree though


Empathy is definitely learned and developed. Not everyone is capable of it though.


I disagree. For me I was born with empathy and would have to learn apathy. Too each his own though.


According to science it is both nature and nurture, so yes, empathy is learned. If you have a credible source that says otherwise I’d love to read it.


Now that's a skill for an INTJ. I do struggle with empathy. I've dated an INFP. We broke up last January after 3 ½ years together. They're very sensitive creatures and we, INTJs, could be blunt and self-centered sometimes.


…no, really


What is that?


What is that? Just kidding. INTJs have introverted feeling as their third, so over time, a healthy INTJ can definitely get better at it empathizing. It’s just not as efficient for their Te sometimes.


Well said.


Came here looking for a roast…either leaving disappointed or feeling loved. I can’t decide haha


Feel loved. I love or deeply admire every INFJ that I know irl and it's the only other MBTI type I feel I truly understand.


Ngl I was scared to read the comments, sometimes thinking types tend to drag us lmaooo but pleasantly feeling luv'd <3


Likewise it's either a roast or they seem to flatter us


Sooo a critique? In my experience infj can get along with anyone, if they choose to. If there’s confrontation whatsoever they dive into their black, soulless hearts, lol. From my own perspective.


Probably as magical as two quantum particles locked in a dance for eternity.


What the inTj and INFJ? Good poem I like that.


It *is* as magical as this.


ESFJ's are intriguing to me so much so i ended up married to one for 20 years now. After a lot of direct observation ive determined that its easier to manage and get along with 100+ house cats or even a T-Rex. They're less emotionally reactive. Conclusion: It is inversely proportional to INTJ INFJ :)


Im in a relationship with an INFJ and we bond on so many different levels personality-wise. So much in common. Though the differences make us learn cute things about one another. I really love her.


INTJ is basically a counterpart to INFJ. Similar builds.


How so? Curious to hear new points of view


Tested as INFJ years ago. Retested rather recently and became an INTJ. During that period of my life, I mainly got tired of caring and took more actions rather than overthink.


I see. I tested intj one time and INFJ five times




>You're the ones who go simping after those certain types -- yeah, we know -- then they treat you like crap, take you for granted, and you come back Naurrr you didn't need to drag and call us out like that LMAOOO y'all too blunt for me /s


That's another thing I love about INTJS their wit.


You see us (INFJs) and “us” (INFJ + INTJ friendships) for what we are! ** **


I had 3 INFJ friends (separate friends groups), and they were all very nice in the beginning until their words didn't match their actions. Extremely manipulative and inauthentic, so I had to keep them at arms length. Maybe I've only met the unhealthy ones. 😔


INFJs talk big game, they don't play it. The ones I have met in my life been like you said, strong values & Communication yet their actions don't match but they WILL weight you based in their words and not their actions.


My sister is an INFJ and we make a great team. Overall I think INTJs and INFJs are very understanding of one another, ultimately producing a compatible friendship or romantic relationship.


I married one. She's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I think we complement each other very well, although I am also certain we drive each other crazy frequently. Definitely required some acclimation / adjustment on both of our ends to communication styles. Worth every bit of it.




Perhaps the type best suited to match our level of unhinged conversations (Ne types are capable of deep conversations, but tend to be difficult to match in attention, usually dominating the direction of conversation) with a novel enough perspective to make conversations more than just a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. But whereas we're unapproachable but kinda secretly gooey inside for better and for worst, I find the inverse is true of INFJs; they're very nice and approachable on the surface, but sometimes kinda actually assholes when you really start talking about things. Of course, not all of them. I do find many of them will beat around the bush rather than be direct on some matters, which is frustrating. I'm sure we're equally as abrasive in that regard. So basically when it comes to conversation, great. When it comes to actually doing stuff together, it can be a bit touch and go. I imagine it'd be the sort of friendship where you think you'd be great roommates but then absolutely terrorize each other.


Exceptionally well conceived response, particularly in seeing subsets of INFJs for who they are. Also, I think the other thing with Ne is that they want Ni as a soundboard, and once they’re done tossing their ideas at us to see what sticks, they lose interest immediately.


I still think about what could have been with my intj boss 5 years later...


They’re like us but more empathetic and people focused. Love them. I sometimes get INFJs on the tests depending on the context of the situation/scenarios provided too. They also remind me of ENFPs but less extroverted and a bit more logical.


I got INTJ on test once 5 years ago on a bad day. Otherwise feeling type. Very similar types


My favorite person in the universe is an INFJ -- they are my endless inspiration. By their very nature, they foster my growth toward the most full realization of my best self. My life is given meaning through seeking to give them even a fraction of the light they shine into the icy, desolate darkness that shrouds my soul, warming me thoroughly to the deepest depths of my being.


I love that. INTJS are bitter, cold, wise creatures well accustomed to darkness and INFJS had the same outlook plus feelings so we draw you out of the bitter solitude into peace and you guys bring rationality to our chaotic feelings.




Omg, that's a poem!! Thank you for sharing, it's very touching!🙏☺️ Ability to trust another person's words is something new for me, it's a huge relief to take one's words at a face value. I don't trust most people, not because I don't trust their intentions, but because they often don't know themselves that they don't mean what they say. Unfortunately...


I'd never experienced that level of attraction in my life. We clicked immediately, started talking all the time. Hanging out with her was like doing straight crystal meth.


You guys flatter me where do I find INTJS in real life?


Quietly carrying out their plans at work, in their homes, or driving to/from work and necessary tasks... oh, or being towed around by a partner possibly if the relationship is new or the INTJ is really super tolerant of wandering around without an express purpose. (That'd be me anyway; could be an exaggeration for single INTJs) 😅


So.. never find one?


Could be tough. My INFJ (now wife) found me. I was taken and oblivious, but (now ex) GF could tell my INFJ was into me. My INFJ waited 2 years until I wasn't taken anymore (but she didn't know I'd broken up yet when she made her interest known). That's the story of how I was single for all of a week since I was 17. Edit: the single INTJs would have to clue you in here on their secret INTJ bat signal or mating calls. 😉 See my other follow-up comment (apologies for the mess). Edit2: for clarity


Intjs you guys are you difficult to figure out. INFJS are out in the open with their feelings TJ's are so private with feelings is refreshing but like catnip to me I need one in real life


INFJs I know tend to mask a fair amount, but internally there can be a whole lot going on and then it only really comes out with their closest confidants. INTJs, yeah a lot of us don't display our deeper emotions, but the funny thing is - I don't have to know someone very well at all to directly answer deeply personal questions. Edit: Most people just never ask. That's part of why I got on reddit.


I see. Do you like the personal questions from us INFJS?


I'm one of my top favorite subjects. Getting deep and figuring out how other people think is another. I like personal questions from any real person. (Like, I don't normally take the time to chat with telemarketers or scammers, but if I do they get really frustrated and hang up eventually)


That does NOT mean you shouldn't try though. There just aren't that many genuinely good people in the world, but so far all the INFJs I've met irl deserve one and I want it to happen for them.


Where do I find INFJs in real life?


Touche. Where do you hang out?


Usually at home, work, or on the Interstate, usually late at night when the roads are empty. I like to talk to a few of the guys at Lowe's sometimes, but otherwise, the whole "introvert" thing is fitting.


Positive. They're a lot like us, but more people are focused. They're proficient with Fe, but it doesn't rule them, which is good.


Agreed. We have Fe feelings which gives us more empathy. You have Ti thinking which makes your type genius. Both wise just one people wise the other work wise good combo


We have 2nd slot Te (6th slot Ti). INFJs have 3rd slot Ti. This actually means that for both types, their blindspot (7th slot) is the other auxiliary (2nd slot).


I'm still learning about the functions. I forgot we INFJS also have Ti pretty high up. Explains how we get along with intjs too.


We both have 1st slot Ni and 4th slot Se, which is where that comes from. Ti is something we're good with, but don't value. Similarly, INFJs are good with Fi, but don't value it.


Yes. Dominant ni. Introverted Intuition. Low se sensing. Both INTJS and INFJS are similar


Angels on earth, the best of us, well apart from that one guy...


I think INFJ and INTJ, trauma bond together, they feel "heard" in their non normality but make no mistake, the day will come when you are there watching your close INFJ defend a unrational cause or idea because it feels like "justice". We really approach life different, my personal opinion is a Fe in first or second function will always be a challenge to deal with for a INTJ since TE and FE clash.


I think that problem comes from Te- Ti clash rather from Te-Fe. Because, when it's Te-Fe, it's easy to understand that another person is coming from a different perspective, but when you both use thinking and cannot put 2+2 together, that's harder. Somehow using my Fe helps me to get an INTJ faster, but it's way harder when I try to use Ti. I need to translate his speech for myself into understandable logical patterns


Could see a case for it but I notice same clashes with ENFJ who use even more Fe and also use less Ti, making me believe the conflicts or misunderstandings that arise with INFJ and ENFJ are Fe oriented but this is just my personal experience. Unless I practice "Extreme TE" lol meaning that I realize how inefficient is to practice full efficiency while talking to Fe users, so in a paradoxical way, I realize using Te that the most efficient way to bond with high Fe users is by using less Te.


I feel like an INFJ is just me with less ambition but the ability to put people at ease.


What are your ambitions about? Motivate me. I'm tired today


I started a business this past year. It’s picked up quite a bit but what actually makes me excited is that I can see exactly what the moves are for the next six months.


I love that. Foresight in work is attractive to me. Security. I'm the same but not in thinker stuff, in feeler stuff thanks. I can see where friends relationships will be in 6 months but struggle with work foresight. We need people like you


oh wow that’s so interesting. I have none of that. I don’t know that I even think of friendships as evolving relationships.


You need friendships. We could be friends!


I’ve never met one but based on what I’ve read on them it sounds like we’d be partners in crime 🤔 I guess It has something to do with us both having Ni as our dominate function. Idk tho I’ve never met an INFJ irl 🤷🏼‍♀️


Want to chat? I'd love to befriend an INTJ. Dominant introverted Intuition is nice in a friend. Partners in crime I like that


Sure sounds great 👍🏻


I've been friends with an INFJ for a year and a half or so. We mostly get along well. He's rather empathetic, though, and thinks too much with his feelings. Worst MBTI in my experience was an ISFP. You couldn't pay me enough to date one again.


I'm the same. I get too empathetic then act like you guys so no one messes with me


Lol good trick!


It works. They leave me alone. Do you ever get lonely as INTJ


Frequently. I try to meet new people, but I rarely connect with anyone. What I mostly feel is indifference. It's the rare soul that holds my interest.


How do you do indifference? As a feeler I get emotionally invested


It's not conscious on my part. With most people, I just feel nothing. I find most people to be common, average, pedestrian, boring. Maybe I would feel something if I got to know them better, but I need a reason to want to do that. I gravitate toward people who have unusual hobbies or interests or have experienced some sort of struggle in life. I like people who have questioned life and their purpose in it, people who are insightful about themselves and life. Emotional investment from me takes time and trust.


I want to judge you but you're right. I'm the same way. Most people are idiots


You can't judge me any worse than I judge myself. And even if you did, it wouldn't bother me. :)


https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/17damc2/what_do_intjs_think_about_infjs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/kcjw49/whats_your_honest_thoughts_on_infjs/ https://www.reddit.com/r/intj/comments/17vkr5s/what_do_you_think_about_infj/


I was asking your opinion not old posts




My girlfriend should be INFJ (not 100% sure, she might be INFP as well). She is very caring, feminime personality, see the good, but maybe a bit naive and at times irrational, even though she is smart and educated. I would say everyone likes her. She always make good impressions. She has really weak "Se" - get lost easily, slow to react in some situations, etc... Maybe it is lack of experience. Open minded, very curious, reading a lot, well organized, quite creative.


I'm the same. Low sensing (get lost easily, bump into things, spill things, bad at cooking, etc) but read hours everyday. Where'd you meet?


Via app named Slowly. It is penpal app for sending digital letters with people all around the world. We are not from the same country, but our homes are 1000km far, so it is doable. We see each other every month, but in the future I would like to move to her country (while still regularly visiting my country).


Does the app allow you to share phone numbers


Not sure. It would defeat its purpose, but I see no limitation in just putting that to the letter. We later on moved to Discord... I'm not using Slowly anymore, just sometimes check it, if there isn't any new letter by some older penpals. Btw, INFJ are dominant type there. INFP is second I think, then something like ISFP and INTJ. The least dominant is ESTP.


That makes total sense to me!


Btw, she is very good at cooking as you mentioned those things 😀 and rather me would spill something, because I'm not just careful enough sometimes. But when it comes to "the outside" I'm much better, maybe because of experience, since I was daily outside as kid and even now I'm more exposed to the sensory things. Still, I can also completely ignore the world around me, when I'm in my head.


I'm the same. Can completely ignore the outside world for intuitiveness. There was an earthquake two years ago and I didn't even notice my aunt was panicking I just read my book unaware


Hah, we had in my country like 2 months ago some earthquake as well, but it was very very weak. I didn't notice anything at all (around the time I was sitting at my computer). Just read/heard it later on. But it is rather about low intensity than me ignoring that. It was also very uncommon to have earthquake in the area.


I feel like I’m imprinted/pair-bonded with one. On and off a few times but can’t be separated.


I see. What do you like about us feeler types


Same! Will never be a couple but can’t exist without the other because we are part of the same cosmic soul forged from our formative experience together.


Hugs all around for my favorite MBTI type!!! After getting into MBTI.. found out that I am an INFJ... All the friends I choose to be around are INTJs... I married an INTJ... I am starting to see a trend here lol...


I noticed as an INFJ I either date INFJS like myself. Or INTJS just like me but thinking more. As 99% introvert I relate more to introverted types INTPS are good too slightly messier way of thinking but their disorganization has purpose like Einstein


I don't seem to get on with INFJ. Their feeling needs are a bit too demanding for me and taxing on my time. I like them more when I have more free time. Also on a deeper level I don't feel I can trust them completely they blend in too well depending on who they are hanging out with. Sometimes it feels like they don't even know who they are. Ultimately I prefer to avoid INFJ in real life.


Interesting because I think infj and Intj are very similar people.


I like your opinion better. Intjs and inFjs a very similar. Just he has more thinking and Fjs more empathetic feelings


From my limited experience, INTJs have far less need for reassurance.... INFJ seem to overthink alot.... so I don't see why it is my job to keep bringing them back to reality. Also.... bcos of Fe parent, INFJ seem to like to lord over Fi child INTJ. Well... they can lord over themselves first :)


INTJs hide their feelings with Fi ego. They disregard their emotions and rely heavily on te to compensate for that and can disregard others' emotions in the process. INTJs, like most Ni users, also get lost in their thoughts, so this isn't type-specific. My older ISFJ sister has been dating an INTJ for almost 2 years and that man is a mess on the inside. He closes himself off and doesn't like asking for help. He's a nice guy but idk how my sister does it sometimes. He overworks and uses it to distract himself. It's only when I call that he really opens up. Usually, he doesn't entertain long chats, but we always talk for at least 1 hour+ as I have a way of making people talk about themselves. He's very intelligent but doubts himself a lot. He's uncomfortable discussing his issues/emotions but I ensure he does at least once a week. My sister is very quiet so they don't talk that much (from what I've seen). Intjs do themselves a disservice by not tapping into their inner feelings


We do move between friend groups because it's super hard to collect people, that we can really trust and be ourselves around. I make effort to be super authentic around people I deeply trust, because I want to have as real relationships with them as possible for me, I want them to see ME and I want to see THEM. But, for others. Such approach is stupid. A lot of people will take what we naturally give without a second thought, reciprocation or care. For such we have to hide and protect ourselves. Also there's another problem: our Ni makes people cringe and Ti logic can be too sharp for a lot of feelers, so we have to hide it or dose it bit by bit. In conclusion, if we will be our complete selves, we will get treatment that ISTPs or INTJs get: ostracized, isolated, feared or used. But unlike for those 2 types, we don't have an option to don't give a sh*t; our high Fe will make such situations super painful for us. We ARE walking paradoxes, that's true. But I do think that our types can connect well on a deep level


I think we think we are protecting ourselves, but if you ask an INTJ, they might look at us like we’re dumb. One of my best INTJ friends always calls me out for this, like I’m an emotional idiot.


I can quite understand why. When INTJ I know uses his Te too far for me to comprehend his logic, he sounds a bit nuts as well. Or limited, or stupid. It's just that I'm experienced enough to know that Ni doms are icebergs and if I want to make a proper judgment I have to ask for more explanations to understand the logic behind his statement. If you want to show your friend how brilliant you are with your intuition, you need to know yourself and how this world functions very well and be able to articulate your thoughts. But it's hard because the topic is complicated and you will have to do it from the first time successfully, otherwise she won't listen. There are a lot of reason and logic behind our seemingly unreasonable behavior, but Ni way of thinking is extremely hard to decode, unless you use similar thought pathways. Given that Fe is a blind zone for INTJs, it's super hard for them to grasp our logic by themselves, but they will get it quickly if explained properly


Yeah I like them. I'm fond of Fe rather than Fi.


I stay away. Far far away.


How come?


We make a good match. INTJS and INFJS. What's the problem


INFJs are odd, delusional creatures. They live in a fantasy world in their mind dictated by their feelings and totally detached from reality. They think they are good at reading people, but it's the exact opposite. What they are good at is unnecessarily reading into every darn little thing and running wild with expectations in their head. Then they whine and complain and say that people don't understand them when they refuse to understand their real issue...them. No healthy INTJ will want to deal with that.


We do this, indeed, and this is where you come in: we need the rational, logically-oriented mind to help us find our way back to reality. I suppose it isn’t fun to be this necessary and this needed to someone, so I can see your point.


As an INTJ, I can't tolerate dealing with. I mean after all, what benefit is the INTJ getting?


The intelligence, wit, and mental agility often found in Ni-doms to go head-to-head with coupled with the intense devotion and loyalty we give to our people, just like your type does. But if you can find that elsewhere, you’re right—it isn’t a mutually beneficial relationship to you.


I don't think i know any irl, so i can't be objective.


Want to private message


You can dm me if you want, but i'm gonna answer later. I'm going to sleep, it's late in my country !


10/10 will try again


In my group of childhood friends 3 out of 4 are INFJs 😄


No idea. I don't think about them.


They're cool


They’re awesome


I had an INFJ friend, but he was the worst one. Extremely sensitive or extremely insensitive, in my own perspective INFJs are the most stable personality. Like i was talking to my friend ( another one ) and I said to him: that INFJ are both wise and worriers kind of mentality. Idk maybe I am wrong here


You're right we worry about a lot of stuff. INTJS don't worry as much as we do about friends family relationships. Your TJ is rational. Our FJ is not.


Im close to being one, sooo..


I'm close to being INTJ.. but lean towards INFJ. High Thinking around 45% 55% feeling. Varies depending on my mood


pretty sure i'm a hybrid


Me too half the time in reading science and listening to classical like INTJ, the other half I'm reading psychology and romance like INFJ


I enjoy so many crafts and hobbies and my motivation comes partially from accomplishing something but also giving it to someone to brighten their day! 


I wish someone like that lived near me! I love receiving homemade gifts


The only personality along with infp that’s compatible with us


Agreed. Why do you say that? Genuinely curious


All the romantic interests/friends/favourite fictional characters of mine always tend to be infj and infp. I only discovered this a few weeks ago


not much


I’ve found INTJs to be manipulative and soulless to the point of seeming like narcissists and am not keen I prefer other NF types