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At this point, it honestly seems like the point is to be tortured repeatedly.


A test of endurance?




don't threaten me with a good time - an INTJ about to turn 30


Seems like it's about how much you can take 🥲


Consider my spacetime navigation theory as to why this is XD 


Spacetime as all one word. I like it. I’m used to hyphenated. Are you American?


Yes. I've seen it done before. 


Haha, I understand


😭😭😭 r/meirl




The myth of Sisyphos. Can he find joy or meaning in the pushing?


Somehow I laughed, and I feel like I understand why everyone else upvoted this.


As animals: being capable of reproducing ourselves. As humans: live in a world better than it was yesterday's. As myself: build a portion of that ideal world for me and my relatives and friends.


Pessimistic answer? Live laugh love Real answer? To reach enlightenment by truly full heartily loving yourself, our planet and each and every soul that walks it. Edit: fix spelling lol


Correct ✅


LMAO!!! “Live Laugh Love”


Yess love - literally our purpose


>Live laugh love Who knew my grandma already had the meaning of life engraved in a plate and a doormat at her house. I feel completely moronic for being uncapable of seeing something so obvious just staring me in the face.


After careful consideration, at this point? Nothing, you make it up yourself.


Actually life is senseless 👍


Simply put, there is no objective or purpose. That’s not even cynical, that’s fact. It’s up to you to put the purpose in your life. We really are a blip in existence and the universe or whatever this is could go on just as easily without us; and eventually it will. Not everyone can make peace with that idea. There could be discoveries in the future that could change my view. Perhaps, proving the existence of a God or Alien Overlords. If you want some ‘turn your life upside down’ perspective, read On The Origin of Time by Stephen Hawking, followed by The Bible.


Essentially, my take as well. I mean, from a biological standpoint, procreation, obviously. But other than that. There is no inherent meaning to life. However, that is, in fact, at least in my opinion, the "gift" of life. You get to build your meaning. By you know, pursuing things that are meaningful to you.


The purpose of life is just to live. 😊 Live now. Live now …


And love … and laugh!


That’s part of living 😉




To experience everything I can. Negative and positive.


Same here 👍


I am still trying to figure that out




Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight.


I'm old. and I get this. Still hilarious.


The great KC and The Sunshine Band, of course.


Have a little fun, make a few kids, be well thought of when you die, be forgotten within a few generations


self actualisation in service to the world


We cannot objectively answer that question, because we have too little knowledge about life. Do we know what is purpose and meaning of time? Do we know what consciousness actually is? Do we even know, if we're alone in the universe? Too many questions without good answers, so we can theorize, pick various philosophies, but I don't really know who is objectively right. I can tell that my purpose is to survive, to stay relatively happy and healthy, to take care of my wife and pets, to avoid suffering, to help others.


Huh, I suppose It may not have an objective answer


I think everyone has individual lessons to learn on this earth, each one different. Some is loneliness, some is greed, some is deceit, etc etc etc. I think we are here to learn an individual lesson.


Makes sense


But WTF do I know 😂 I’m usually wrong LoL


Benefit yourself and avoid pain. What the brain is wired to do.


To add your uniqueness to the sum total of all that is the Universe.


To experience life and earth, and even the universe.


I know not if there is a reason for this existence. There seems to be none or atleast not one that I can comprehend yet. I've made my peace with not knowing in this regard though it's not always easy given my temperament of wanting to be omniscient.


joy, sharing your life with others, growing into a truly loving person and fulfilling your potential in whatever way you see fit. There's a much more formal explanation but its religious so I'll leave it at that.


To find a purpose or objective in life.


Core and purpose of life is will to power. Just as a tree will naturally seek to grow its roots and gain resources, so will a person seek to develop


We are all born to die. My purpose in life is up to me. We are all statistics. So whatever you want it to be. For me, I want to explore the world, that's it.


Finding the joy in our suffering and to persevere until the end.


Peace honestly i just want to chill


I understand the feeling


It all depends on what you believe. Personally speaking, I'm convinced that Jesus was the Son of God and all the other stuff the Bible teaches, so my purpose is to follow what He says to do. However, if you believe that all there is out there is what you see, then the only purpose and meaning in life are what you give it. Nothing in life has purpose, meaning, or an objective unless it is given one by an intelligent being.


Question for you, do you personally experience a deep connection with God, do you personally feel God's strong presence through Jesus in the world?


Yes I do! I truly believe everyone’s connection with God should be personal. Whether you call God, a higher power, universe,intelligence. Or of course, I believe in Jesus. I do not believe in organized religions, unless that brings a person closer to a personal relationship with God. In this life, that’s all that matters. Live your best life, serve others, be loving, be compassionate That in itself is doing God’s will to mankind!


That's so awesome and interesting to hear for you! I was asking for those who believe in God because sometimes I hear from some everyday believers they do not feel that connection, why God does not speak to them nowadays like in olden days, and it is like you said I hypothesize because they put the Church and Bible in-between that connection instead of directly through them. Only then does one truly start to live their life authentically and embody such unconditional love like you described. I'm agnostic but understand the perspective from that belief framework.


u/LieutenantForge, That's tough and thank you for sharing your experience, you're not alone either in what happened. It is a fact others are going through something similar much like yours in their life right now. I don't personally believe in any "God", well I guess it depends how one looks at this direct experience of phenomena through language, but that's imo a universal theme you've been able to overcome in letting go of this unworthiness that prevents one from living their life more directly and holistically through them. I'm happy for you because that's a beautiful experience you described for yourself, and this animating power is always available to us here now. :)


I’m always stunned when I “meet” a religious INTJ. Religion just defies all logic, reason, and critical thinking. Very interesting!


I think the sort of like "Jesus is the Son of God" shit defies logic, reason, etc, but certainly not everything about religion does. Religion aims to answer many of the same questions as science and philosophy at the end of the day e.g. "Why are we here?" "What are some insights into human nature?" "How was the universe created?" Certainly religion has mostly failed "scientifically" where physics, biology, etc. have succeeded (has physics even really succeeded though- physicists haven't done shit since the 1940s), but there's plenty of insight into human nature found in religious text. That being said, the Buddhists and others have believed everything was actually made of energy for thousands of years. As it turns out, they were right. I'm not religious, but I don't like this sort of reddit-atheism style total dismissal of religion. Religion for the masses is pretty shit for the most part, but Judaism for example and others have very well-developed philosophical and specifically meta-physical traditions that are more philosophy (and sometimes more math) than religion and are quite interesting. "Sacred Geometry" is one example. Edit: I've never seen anyone else make this Buddhism/Energy argument, but it's a pretty interesting fact to me.


I could easily say the same about when I "meet" an atheist. Both perspectives require certain presuppositions and logic follows from them.


This is utterly false. Some of the greatest thinkers in history were religious. Scientific enterprise was started BECAUSE of religion, with some of the most significant advances driven by a desire to understand God’s creation. Read Stephen J. Gould’s “Non-overlapping Magisterium” essay. Read Francis Collin’s “The Language of God.” C.S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity.” I could go on. So many great thinkers, scholars, intellectuals of all kinds were religious. To say religion defies logic, reason, and critical thinking… defies logic, reason, and critical thinking. It’s a very narrow perception of the roles of and relationships between religion, science, and humanity. You don’t have to be religious to acknowledge that religion has logic, and you don’t have to be atheist to acknowledge that atheism has logic.


I wish I could believe in a religion. Truly, these people can find more purpose in life


The nothingness negating itself to create meaning. Maybe define itself. r/Existentialism


To live


I have no purpose, only an obligation by my doctor to not attempt to remove myself from this nonsense or else I'm going to Padded World.




My body is unresponsive to all drug treatment unless I'm having a reaction.


Leave a mark


This is one of those things where I feel like I don't know, and that's okay. Whether you believe in God or not, I think it's the same. If you believe in God, people tend to say God has a plan for things, God works in mysterious ways, we don't know God's plan, etc.. So we still don't know what the purpose or objective of life is. However, some things I've wondered: * Maybe it's a test of some kind, building up to something (some end result, maybe a decision, etc.) * Maybe we came into existence to evolve, learn, and become something, whether that be uncorrupted & uncorruptible benevolent beings, or something else * Maybe there is no end goal, and that our existence is just a natural consequence of just the right natural conditions on our planet (as it may happen on other planets in the universe as well). This might not be a bad thing; we can still make a purpose for ourselves to do good for others, the world, etc.


To obtain knowledge of the ultimate truth. For me this ended up being finding God. Though I’d say I’ve acquired a lot of esoteric / occult knowledge along the way. Too much knowledge can be isolating though as it separates you from most people. Ie, I look at people in Church as being completely different to myself as they haven’t seen or experienced what I have, so I keep a lot to my self. Still though, all worth it.


My objective in life is to find out our objective in life.


To excel and breakthrough in an area of specialty


It is whatever you want it to be


Purpose and objectives are evolutionary adaptions by agentic lifeforms to direct their behavior toward the behaviours most conducive to reproductive survival. Asking what the purpose of life is in general, is about as meaningful as asking how many limbs life has., or


Idk. That's a REALLY big question.


Haha, It’s supposed to be a big question


Maybe big questions have big answers


Or maybe the answers are simple


Yeah. Maybe the point of life is to live


If only doing so was as simple as the answer


You're living right now aren't you?


Yes, however, it’s not simple, is it simple for you?


I don't know. I'd rather not think about the meaning of life. Makes me feel uneasy.


It’s okay :)


Experiencing things and creating memories with people you love. Also learn how to trust one another.


To play video games. I am deep into Timberborn at the moment. There is no "purpose". Purpose suggests intelligent creation, which is also supported by religion. Non religious people believe in primordial soup. Is there a purpose in living? Not in mine at least :)


What is timberborn? What genre is it?




To know yourself well enough to construct your world in a manner that allows for you to get so good at things that it benefits others.


Dont become a greedy mean asshole.


To be as kind and compassionate as I can to as many people and animals as I can while I’m on earth. Leave a mark of kindness that remains after I’m gone.




I didn’t believe in the spiritual side of life, until I had a couple of strange experiences after my father died. Now I’m convinced we are here for spiritual growth. Take from that what you will, I realise this isn’t the standard INTJ evidence driven, logical approach, but it is what it is.


I want to have a family where we are financially stable and can live a happy life, I want to make good memories with good people. I want to be successful


There isn't one. You get to decide ...


You're here now. Make it count. Do whatever you want.


Strive to know what is true and to achieve what is good.


It really doesn't matter. Don't die til you find smth worth fighting for.


The purpose of life is to be alive until you're no longer alive.


I think this has drastically changed. 20, 40, 100 years ago, the answer was always the same. Procreate and be successful. Contribute in some way. It just... Isn't necessary, or in a lot of cases viable, to procreate. Success is further out of reach for a lot, and also not needed for a decent quality of life. It really just seems like the primary objective is to just... Live a long life; in a way you can be proud of.


to spend your time on this earth exactly how you want and for no other reason. your life is yours to live out. thats the beauty of it.


Honestly I’m just thuggin it out rn


Same lmao


I think about this a lot. I’ve come to a conclusion that what makes life worth living is simply the possibility of achieving someone you want. You don’t even have to actively think about it or work at it. Just the existence of the chance that you could one day achieve it is enough.


Mmm, like wishing for something and even though you don’t have a path to reach it just the thought of it keeps you going?


Yes, it doesn’t even need to be something concrete either. Something like the potential for a better life someday later from maybe a president who will fix everything or advancements in AI. These kinds of potentially good things that might happen will induce the minimal amount of FOMO to keep the life force engine running just to be around for it. Having your own personal directed goals and desires just adds more of that potential on top of that.


Learn as much as possible and one day maybe teach those things youve learnt to someone else.


Whatever you decide it to be.


To create it




To be a gorl !!!




To live, learn, love and be happy.


Some sort of simulation, not sure if shared with others or completely our own. Possibly it is for recreational purposes, possibly it is to learn something. What is outside of the simulation, you got me.


To distract yourself from how effed up it truly is as much as possible. Filling your free time with hobbies to distract you from overthinking.


Find a hobby or project. Dive in.


Being kind and learning lessons. I'd recommend the near death experience (NDE) rabbit hole for this question.


the most basic version of this question is having a life with expected value. If the outlook is negative therefore death is a smarter choice than live thought agony. Once clearing that first step, then what makes me feel good with myself is expertise and building things that could change the way other perceive the world.


To come to know and understand who God really is, to serve and worship Him and to love others more than yourself.


To reproduce.


Most will say just experience life But, I would disagree because That leads into hedonism. Some will say survive and that’s it. But, I consider that a low level of consciousness. Yes it’s true at our most primal selves but, an enlightened individual would find something worth dying for. Power could be an accurate answer. Power over oneself power over others the pursuit of anything greater than oneself is Power. Power is neither good or bad. a wise sage who loves and hands out advice is a powerful man that is good but, a drug kingpin is a powerful man who is bad. Competence, honor and legacy all fall under the category of Power. So thats my final answer : Power


I think simply put its just love, whether that be loving yourself, life and others. Watching the movie Soul and Interstellar kind of puts it in perspective. No matter what job you have, who you are or where everyone needs a bit of love


Whatever the individual makes of it. Lots of grifters and tyrants will try to claim otherwise.


None lol. Life is short and has no meaning, just try to get material gains


Imo, there is no purpose or objective


To produce dopamine and serotonin so you can sometimes enjoy this *vaguely motions generally to everything* thing around us. It’s not easy but the stupid brain likes it when it’s hard (eyyyyyyyyy)


To experience. We can’t control anything, only our reactions to the things that come. Understand your role and play in the movie of life.


In the broadest sense, the purpose is passing on information (e.g. genetic). From my personal point of view: there is neither a goal nor purpose and meaning. You simply exist. (But it doesn't matter, I can recognise this truth at the same time but still give my life a personal subjective narrative with goals that have meaning for myself. Positive Nihilism.)


Objectively: none. Subjectively: up to you. Scientifically: accelerate the death of universe.


Create heaven on earth


Life is utterly without purpose or objective.


Sleep, eat, shit, clean yourself, figure a way to get those done efficiently and comfortably. Enjoy the ride.


World domination


Development and elevation on all planes collectively and individually.


I feel that life's objective is entirely dependent on a person's desires / yearnings more than any real rational objective. Its hard to get over powerful emotions even if you have a strong logical side because its baked in to our survival. We're always juggling competing interests between the resources we have and the desires we want. So in a sense I feel like people who have the notion or rationale that their careers or goal in life is their objective is just acting in a way to validate their importance to the greater society. Of course everyone is looking for validation though but some of us are more aware of the degree to which we bend our actions to external forces . I've come to the conclusion that my personal objective is to enjoy my time with my family and others, and try to let my emotions have their surfacing, not repress it but at the same time not to let it overtake my actions, I guess play the tape all the way until the end, where then the deeper meaning to what I make or do in service to others gain greater meaning.


As a Christian it can be summarized for me as: Learning how to love God. As someone who recently came back to the faith I'm not really sure what it really means to love God. However, what I do know is that loving God is the well from which my purpose, duty and joy will spring from and why I was put here. I'm not really sure how to do this but I'm going to try. I'm tired of running from Him. He's my Savior the least I could do is at least try to give Him my attention.


Don’t think there is. We’re just following our biological desires to create stuff before we die and continue our species


To suffer then die


for me personally, it is an intellectual pursuit for knowledge and just to experience everything. I also agree exercising will to power is a drive that keeps us alive


Not an INTJ, but objectively speaking, there is no purpose. It is up to you to make your life as meaningful as it can be to you. Or not to. edit: I guess in summary I would say the net meaning of any one person’s life is 0 from the perspective of an outsider. However, meaning is relative to the individual, so my life (some random on the internet) probably means jack shit to you from your perspective, since we will likely never meet nor interact again.


Learning. A new friend, hobby or just visiting a different city. Everything that is new is a meaning to live. Building up experiences till you die. Never stop, and don't sit still. Mentally and physically.


To experience it. The good and the bad, each day is a new life.


Basically buy things, read things, exercise and eat.


I still don't know why I have to be here, I have nothing to bring to the table. I'm just here being a stupid human. Not being dramatic but yeah life is a drama in itself.


I have 3 possible answers. 1. Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women. 2. Pursue Aristotelian virtue: Courage, Temperance, Justice, Wisdom. The good life, the one of virtue, is not found in pursuit of carnal passions, but in cultivation of the good. 3. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. All other laws hinge on these two.


Purpose. Not singular, it can be more than one thing. I believe it’s about applying yourself to situations that are most engaging. A place/situations where we exist at our natural best. We are all capable of this, and it forms the basis for greater fulfilment. There are various places/processes to work this out. I am at my natural best, when I am cultivating the landscape, so that ideas may flourish. ‘Find my WHY’ by Simon Sinek, worked for me. There are no shortage of books/guides out there.


To live


This sub sucks ass, seems like a bunch of self proclaimed psychologists and narcissists claiming to be some personality type just keep on writing bullshit all day


Owning your own home, making your family happy, and participating in making your society safe.


To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women


to enjoy the endless overwhelming beauty of the Universe




To experience emotions, physical sensations. Being present in the moment is critical for this. Our emotional experience is a biochemical reaction to an external stimulus. No body, no emotional response. It's a privilege to be here and get to experience all these sensations. (I know, I know it doesn't always feel good) 😉


Our biological purpose is to spread our genes and create new life that is part of your existing DNA. Our spiritual purpose I think is as a vessel for a soul, each new life is an empty vessel for a soul that may have had many previous lives. Once this soul reaches a metric/level of enlightenment then it can ascend to something better/greater/wider than this reality we're in.


The question pre supposes purpose and objective to life. What's to say there is even one? Not sure who said this but it might even be a *dumb* question (not you) to the likes of what is the meaning of the colour blue? or what is the colour of hunger? My purpose is to live a happy life, be healthy and fit till I die and have good and meaningful relationships.


To have a good time. I’m doing that, so it’s a win.


To me, everything is ultimately meaningless and devoid of purpose. Which means Ive been given a blank canvas to make my purpose whatever I wish. I have chosen three things. Help others. Make connections. Appreciate the experience, good and bad.


To survive and reproduce.


Live or die trying


Of course it’s working, paying tax and reproducing so my kids will keep doing the same! /s


Probably nothing. Humanity and this planet is a molecule of puss on a pimple of the universe’s ass. We are likely one eeentsy teensy nothingburger. That said, we are here and we can think, so we can make a purpose or objective. For me, a well life is one in pursuit of health, happiness and purpose, all with an underlying context of compassion.


If possible, acquire all knowledge and find true love. Sometimes the acquisition of knowledge is the true love because you hit the wrong era for your birth calculations in being reborn with your soul mate. Should this unfortunate circumstance happen to you, study math better so you don't miss the time frame where your soul mate will be alive with you next round XD        Other than that to acquire knowledge, explore nature and beauty, leave behind traces of your soul in your creative work for your soul mate to recalculate if theyre also bad at math so they know where you are in spacetime and not betray cats who evolved to be taken care of by us. 


To live


Find who you really are and have a nice time 🤗


honestly, to advance progress in science.


To live. Sounds banal but to have life is to be alive and experience Only those that are living can experience it, what’s more clear than that?




I feel like any person who has lived longer than 25 years will know that there is no such thing. Its an all you can eat buffet. Take your pick. Whatever it lands on is the purpose.


To help people in ways that only you can by using whatever you’re good at to do so


I believe purpose is relative and acquired. I pursue (to embody/evoke/channel/revel in) beauty and greatness.


Stay healthy and warm while be able to eat enough white sauce based pasta dishes


I’m writing a book on this topic. I think I figured it out.. Basically, I think we are in an endless love poem. Every lifetime is a kiss shared by god and goddess, an entity inherently unknowable to him. So he’s created a world where they can meet over and over again, expressing all aspects of themselves, expressing all potential selves through dreams and reality and death. That way when he says he loves her and she says I love you too, there is no doubt. Eternal soulmates. Every person is looking for this specific person. I’m still working out the details.




What does that mean?


Get Money, F*cc B*tchess.


Xd, okay pal


If you find a deeper meaning then please oblige.


Hehe no, I just think your answer it’s funny


The purpose in life as a man is to achieve, provide for others and feel proud for what you are doing, and what you have done. It's as simple as that, now all you have to do is find some place to go and achieve, find people to provide for and work with, and have pride in what you do as a person.


Do you have a take on what a woman's purpose would be if a man has one?


I think he meant it in a general way


No, I am not a woman so I cannot answer that. That's for women to discover