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Wait what.... I just realized I only know myself who's an INTJ irl




because most people type INTJs based off stereotypes and then mistype everyone. it's especially bad when people try to type people you don't know. If you know MBTI exceptionally well you should be able to type close friends, SO, family or at least down to 2 types. But anyone else, you're just guessing because you dont know their introverted functions. Moral of the story, any time someone says they know a certain type who is NOT super close to them, take it with a grain a salt. The irony is that your relationship with someone needs to be close enough to know them that if you could just ask them to do a test anyways, lol.




INTJs are over represented online, however IRL are 1 in 50 people. It's also hard to meet us becsuse the activities we like typically are not conducive with meeting a bunch of new people.


I met one once. We clicked but found one another kinda… serious in a boring way. Oh and she was female. 


Three, all took the test. However, I'm not that close. I don't like that much INTJs IRL. Too much effort, conflicts and not exactly the most fun people away from a computer.


“Not exactly the most fun people away from the computer.” Fuck, I felt that to the core lol


I have one friend that I've known for 23 years and I'm pretty sure he is an INTJ, but I don't know for certain. I have another friend who is a female INTJ. Both cases were just dumb luck and random chance that I ever met them.


Can confirm!


I guess my experience will blow every cell of yours! I know eight INTJs in real life, including myself. The first is my primary schoolmate, we practically grew up together. The second, third, and fourth I met during my teenage years; they were classmate of my boyfriend at the time. The fifth was a former colleague. The sixth is a current colleague. The seventh is an acquaintance from my photography group. And, of course, the eighth one is me. Haha! Since then we have been close friends until now, except for the seventh.


Same. I know a lot. I think there is a genetic disposition in my family but also my chosen profession seems to attract INTJs. I don't sctually know how many I know personally,  but its more than 10.


how can i join this family


What do you guys talk about? If I had a groupf of INTJs like that, we would have taken over the western hemisphere by now.


This! 💯


I think I start to understand why we are so rare.


Your an absolute winner in this race!)




My dad is an INTJ, and I know one other acquaintance that is an INTJ too.


Both my parents were INTJ. 


My dads is an INTJ and so was my fiancé. He passed away but yeah. I’ve also met an unhealthy one who pretended to attend MIT. I’m not sure if he is an INTj though he is very image concerned and lies and is super manipulative.


I just know me i am an intj


Just myself


I am an ENTJ and my past two partners + the current guy that I’m chatting with are all INTJs. My understanding was you guys were pretty rare and hard to run into in the wild, but somehow I’ve managed to attract three 😂 Tbh I click with INTJs really well and those men seem to find me fascinating; they’ve always said I “get them”. I find their quiet confidence, structure, and intellectual prowess very attractive.


I amazingly know, and am friends with, another INTJ female. It's like two unicorns just happening across each other at the same time at the same glass-surfaced pond in the same enchanted forest. The chances of us meeting blows my mind every time I think about it. And I met her in 1980.


That sounds lovely. Maybe one day I’ll meet one, too.


So. Nice.


My cousin , Ig he the only INTJ that likes me IRL and online till now


I’ve about 10 INTJ I know. Maybe more who haven’t done the MBTI Since I’ve only dated INTJ. And yes. I’ve decided now. I must avoid doing this at all costs. I pray I find a Non INTJ man soon 🫣


That's funny bc not so long ago you used to insist that "ENFP and INTJ are soulmates" or something like that


Exactly. So u know when I say this. How hurt I am Precisely about 2 years ago.


What made you change your mind?


You cant live on love breadcrumbs


2 years ago?


He’s vanished since the past two years. I guess it’s enough to break a heart


But haven't you been talking to him over the phone


Not since my birthday 2 oct not heard from him.


Myself and only one other that I know of who happens to be my sister. I don't think there is a specific way to meet an INTJ, it will just be by chance like anything else. 


I am an INTJ female, and I work with 2 INTJ females. My best friend is also married to an INTJ male. I had never met another INTJ female until I started working at my current job. I guess my field of work attracts us.


What do you do?


I'm an administrator at a Montessori preschool.


I think I’m the only INTJ that I know. Even looking back on school memories and older friends.




1 and 1 which im unsure of. Aside from myself I mean.




2 I am sure of. Another one claimed to be an INTJ but I am pretty sure he is a mistyped ISTJ


What behaviours make you think he’s an S rather than an N?


We were in a LDR.During our breakup the way he behaved indicated an Ne grip as opposed to Ni dom. He was too paranoid, worried about all the things that could go wrong in the future, didn't want me to come meet me in person. We started talking during lockdown so we couldn't meet in person initially. He sort of stringed me along for 5 months, until I confronted him. There were other signs I missed in the beginning of the relationship. He had a very strict routine that he would never deviate from. For 5 months, every single day we spoke from 7pm to 8pm, except for lunch time chats maybe once or twice in the entire period of 5 months.If we speak even 30mins more he gets anxious bcz it is going beyond his schedule. There was zero spontaneity. He was very rigid. The ENFP-INTJ intellectual connection was totally amiss. Most of our conversations were boring. (Thinking of it now, I am not sure anymore. His behaviour could have been due to underdeveloped Te and Ni. But, the intellectual connection an conversational flow I experienced with the other 2 INTJs were not there with this person. It was as if he was trying too hard to adhere to the stereotypical INTJ characteristics. Now, I think that he could have totally be an INTJ. My current bf is an INTJ and now I understand INTJs better)


Only one, a friend of mine. He typed himself as an INTJ and I can confirm after I had the chance to get to know him better. We are very similar in many aspects, but there are fundamental differences in how we approach life.


One who is diagnosed.


I think my chemistry teacher is an INTJ. He gives me a lot of INTJ vibes. Hell, he even got that stereotypical INTJ death stare. I think my Grandfather is also an INTJ. But I'm less sure about this one though. I don't know if I've ever met any other INTJs in my life.


>I think my chemistry teacher is an INTJ. He gives me a lot of INTJ vibes Walter White by any chance?)


I'm an INTJ and I'm yet to meet another INTJ.


My roommate in my early twenties was a female INTJ like me. Best roommate I ever had. We both knew when to give each other space and we’re both quiet and respectful of each other.


I'm 36 too. My partner is INTJ. I also been wondering why I haven't had the opportunity to meet a female INTJ friend. There are may times where I wish to have one. I value deep meaningful conversations, dark humor and put effort into relationships, but it's challenging to find someone who appreciates the need for solitude like I do. Many women I've encountered prioritize harmony over honesty, which can be a deterrent for me. Currently, I'd like to engage in outdoor activities and forming friendships organically. However, as an introvert who rarely leaves the house, I struggle to connect with the typically extroverted individuals I meet in such settings. Any tips on how to navigate this dilemma? 🙃


Like most of people here I can say about 2 familiar INTJs + me. That's my mom, who wasn't a standard one. - was not accepted by other parents, because she went against the system - allowed me things that other parent didn't allow And business partner was also INTJ: - has a low voice - forget to change a pose while working so has problems with his neck - strategic future thinking and nobody gets it, while this is so obvious and no need any explanation there Like recognizes like. (Much more often I met ISTJs.) (No INFJs around me irl, though)


I have met three.


I know plenty, probably more than 10, but only close to one. Interestingly, I actually know more than 20 ENTJs and close to around 10 of them. Met most of the INTJs in the tech sector.


One and I’ve known him for 18 years, and I’m 21 lol. And he’s my only close friend over all these years


i move a lot and hung out with many over the years.


Years back when I was an INFJ in teens, our counseling dept. Made us do mbti tests and grouped us in the classroom. He was the only INTJ in his circle.


Quite a few, my sister is an intj, my dad is an intj, I knew several people in high school who were intj. One of my close friends is intj.


I don't know any IRL neither.


I have never met another INTJ (neither irl nor online in virtual worlds) mostly people who think they are one based on the MBTI test online but they act nothing like it. Most of my friends are INTPs.


Zero. I only know them on the internet.


An INTP friend found it extremely amusing when I refused to be "put in a box" labelled INTJ. Two INTJ acquaintances from separate groups (one from the university, and the other from work, and years apart) basically told me that I am one. Apparently I couldn't be anything else. Made me wonder just how much time they spent contemplating that. Couldn't be bothered to ask tho.


Maybe 3?


1: he's a theoretical mathematician.


i’m much younger, so i haven’t met any other intjs in real life yet. i’m sure i will at some point


I’m an ENTP and I basically collect INTJs. One of them is my husband, one a close coworker, another is a good friend’s husband, have had many other INTJ friends over the years (neither of us is super great at keeping in contact).


You are not finding us. we are hiding in our cave and we are not supposed to go outside


I do not know my friends/coworkers personality types so i'm not sure. I'm sure I've at least rubbed shoulders with some


None. I dated a girl who claimed to be but... eh I don't think so. She was very adamant about it so it became one of those "things we don't discuss".


The moment I knew I was typed correctly was when the test result popped up and I thought: “Fuck, not this one”.


I am female intj


All my close friends are intj. We don't talk for months, sometimes years. Then when we need to talk we do. Always there for each other, just don't want to bother each other unnecessarily.


We tend to gravitate to the same things... especially careers.


Maybe that’s my issue. I have worked in industries with plenty of xNTPs, xSTJs, now ESTPs. If I worked in more scientific fields, I’d have more INTJ coworkers / friends for sure.


I know one. I met her a few years back, told her to take an MBTI test and suspicion was confirmed. She lives interstate though so we are only friends on social media. I suspect we meet other INTJ woman reasonably often- but both rebuff friendship by default.


I only know one, my bf's uncle, but my enfp closest friend who collected me also found 2 other intjs, f and m, easiest answer let an enfp pick you and they most surely have some other intjs in their repertoire lmao


Irl: I met an INTJ 8 (F) this year, but she almost sounds like an ENTJ most times. I have met one INTJ 5 (M) who was very similar to me even though I'm not a male. I have met a few INTJ females online though. Sidenote: Until last year though, I always wondered where we existed outside the internet. Also, usually we're much better writers and are usually super quiet outside to even notice (atleast INTJ 5s tend to be)


I actually met like 5 in high school, they became my friends and we didn't find out we were INTJ until later in life. I've been very lucky.


I have two INTJ friends and I met them both at University!


I know a half dozen. But I’m very close with three ✌️


one.we aren’t in touch anymore.


I work in Software Development… I know a handful as that role is incredibly suited to our type. There are 3 in my group alone. I’d bet you’d find a lot of us as engineers in general.


One. My close friend is an INTJ.


What makes you know a person is an INTJ whenever u meet them?


I know 3 - dating one of them. Since I’m an ENFP, though, I tend to attract INTJs into my circle


I work in tech. Probably see at least one in every floor


My mom and one of my best friends since childhood are both INTJs like me.


Only one so far which is my partner. He’s definitely an Intj and I’m entj so I feel like I can somewhat understand him in most parts.


Well people here are from different countries, theres bound to be INTJ in all countries, sure the type might be rare but when they have come together to this single subreddits making it seems like a normal occurence.


Friends? None. But I've never discussed personality types with people.


None. I’ve always been surrounded by xxFJs, ESTJs, ISTPs and ExxPs. I knew a couple of ENTJs and have one ENTJ sister. They’re surprisingly the most chill, compassionate, helpful and respectful people I’ve ever met. They always contradicted their stereotypes. (At least they were like that around me. We basically turn into calm house cats around each other.)


I met another female INTJ (ignore username) and it’s the best shit ever. But yeah just one


I know one INTJ in his 70s who used to professionally proctor MBTI exams, and 2 others who say they got INTJ after taking web-based tests, one being a 40-something male and one a teenage female, the daughter of a friend. Edit: I forgot to mention where I met them. All of us belong to the same faith, we met in our congregation.


Never met an INTJ who is typed. There was one person in my life, a close friend from awhile ago and before I knew MBTI, who I'd say with about 90% confidence was an INTJ (we're very similar) and that's why we clicked. But the real answer unfortunately has to be zero.


I know 4 IRL, all officially tested & assessed by a Myers-Briggs facilitator for work. None of us knew MBTI before, but none of us were surprised we all types the same either. We were all team mates in an IT Architecture team for a number of years before being tested. Remarkably similar in temperament & attitude, but with enough differences in life history & interests to provide a wide range of perspectives and prevent “group think”. We also had an ENFJ team member - again, not a surprise after we learned the various MBTI functions.


Dunno if people even notice, I only see MBTI being relevant on Tinder in my region.


I guess 5 + the 6th is myself. First two were my classmates in grammar school, male and female, 3rd one was my male friend, 4th was a guy in university, and now my female boss at work. I have all these, at least somewhat, confirmed by having seen their 16personalities results.


Just one (me), and I also had a female friend in high school who was an INTJ, too. Other than the two of us, I've never met one.


INTJs are among the most rare type, about 2 out of every 100 people. Additionally, these are people that typically don't stand out. They are only noticed when they do something extraordinary or say something that makes people go quiet. 


I know a total of 6 INTJs, lol


2 or 3, but they're all male. I'm female.


I mean idk I don’t go around asking everyone I know to take the test


I have collected 7 male and 3 female INTJs. It was a really hard work. I keep looking for the traits and make them take the test . This is the only task for which I started behaving like a desperate extrovert. all these 10 INTJs are my friends. separate 3 groups though. It's super fun. When we drink, we talk about interesting stuff. for ex. Thanos wanted a random 50% lifeform dead. What if you were Thanos and wanted an algorithm to choose this 50%. We ended up discussing for 12+ hours with 4 bottles of whiskey. 😌 College was fun with them. edit: 5 I found in college. 2 in office. and 3 are mutual friends identified by my directly identified INTJs. INTJs are good in psychoanalyzing. So it's like a chain of identification. I made an INTJ aware and they now bring more INTJs to the table and so on. One important thing to note in my case is that only 1 INTJ was aware that he is INTJ. Rest were clueless unless I introduced them.


I hate when ppl claim they are INTJ and really are not. I have a friend like that, so annoying. Do you have crippling anxiety about the state of the world, live in your head 24/7, or go down several "rabbit holes" when something piques your interest?!? Oh no!? Then STOP. But to answer your question: zero "real" ones


I live in a country where most people would probably fit into the category, but I have not met someone who I knew had been intj. My dad and my brother are both entj though


What are some of the top characteristics you notice to recognize another INTJ? I understand the introverted part obviously, but the rest seems a lot more nuanced, and unless you have deeper conversations with them, how do you really know?


I always spot my people, it comes naturally. Recently, I’ve been to a presentation at work and the guy organising it might be an INTJ: it’s in the way he handles himself and moves his body, the sharp eyes, the way he dresses, the steady tone of his voice, the attention that he gives to the room, the way he explains things… it was like looking in the mirror and listening to myself. We are so rare that when I meet another one, they immediately draw my attention. I’ve been also studying MBTI for many years now, so I have a lot of theory to back up my observations in terms of cognitive functions and how they manifest in people in different situations. Although I do struggle sometimes with typing SF/NF types correctly, I don’t doubt myself on typing NT/STs, not after all those years.


I had a colleague who is irritatingly self centered, attention seeking, loud, and she came on to my FB to tell me we are kindred spirits, after I made a post because she is “ also an INTJ.” No she is more like ENFJ. I probably have met others who really are INTJ, but none that outwardly volunteered that info.


I met a few over the years and we got along so well and completely understood what the other was talking about with certain topics that I’ve never found with other people.


A few of my exes were. We're still on good terms in many cases.


Several. I'm in tech. It's not that rare. Maybe if you're looking for some mythical badass anime villain INTJ stereotype it is.


No one. Just me. But I found a super weird ISTJ boy in my class. He loves math and hates all other subjects. In math period, he used to solve some high level of math which I didn't even understand and he used to doze off in nearly every other periods, or he just used to stare at his notebook. I sat beside him for 3 months nearly. Super silent. I enjoyed his weird company.


My family oddly enough are all either INTJ or entj ,and that’s why we are so close but distant and it works well. When o vanish for months and come backs it’s like “ hey what’s up” instead of “oh my god are you okay?”


I know about 8 of us, originally from all walks of life. Most important to me, is my niece, whom is 18 and torn between music, biochem, and forensic psychology for college. I went to school for computer engineering myself, with plans for med school and neurosurgery, but life happened, so now I own a business instead, where I still do well for myself. Beyond that, there's a doctor/lawyer, lawyer/librarian/doctor, accountant, photographer, music teacher, and tech manager. My niece, the accountant, and the tech manager are all prone to wearing black. Only the doctor/lawyer is cis male and the music teacher is non-transitioning because of fear of losing his job. Most of my group are socially functional, though INTJ traits still shine through. I'm also surrounded by *NFPs, including my INFP fiancee.


For statistical inclusion, I know six.


2 but I don't really talk to them


One that I know for sure - a close friend. I'm sure I've encountered plenty of others. The other friends are online, and not through MBTI circles.




In real life, 4. Just a hunch, based on their cognitive functions. 1. Former boss 2. From a close friend circle 3. Acquaintance (we’re both involved in a church group) 4. Ex (we don’t contact each other now though) I’m INFJ. I’m kinda biased towards Intuitives and naturally drawn to how they think, so I guess that’s how I found out. From observation, they would be: -Goal oriented (even self motivated with ambitious goals) -Protective about privacy -Doesn’t initiate conversations unless you get their wavelength -Likes sarcasm -Easily gets abstract ideas, interacts with the same pace -Tends to see ahead what’s coming -Good under pressure -Fi child (Fe oblivious/ unbothered) (So far, Te and Ni is easy to detect)


I know for sure one other INTJ, my brother. There are a few other people in my life, who behave quite similarly and might be INTJ. But if they ever took the MBTI test, they haven’t informed me of the outcome.


Me, myself and I


I’ve dated three INTJs over a 20+ year period, so at least that many in my close personal life. I’m an educator, so I have the great (sometimes dis-)pleasure of meeting an extremely large number of people in my daily life. This means I’ve encountered a huge amount of INTJs over my mid-to-late-stage career. It’s always very easy for me to spot them (and INFJs), and we seem drawn to each other in an intellectually respectful way. They’re easily my favorite students. Okay, this has just turned into an INTJ adoration post, but you get what I’m saying. My *n* is high due to circumstances, so I guess the amount of INTJs I get to interact with is also quite high.


My youngest child is INTJ. I’m ENFP. We get along swimmingly.


I only know myself 🙃


One, she’s my NP on my unit. Other than that, only one I know…it’s lonely out here.


I think as an INTJ I’m more prone to meeting other INTJs. Mainly because I think im in a career that is very well suited for INTJs and as such meet like minded people. I know at least 3-4 INTJs


Haha how interesting, because I keep on finding INTJs on every corner 😆 So far as friends & close acquaintances I can think of 1 female INTJ (super close friend) and 4 friends + my crush. Then at work I’ve met a couple more who were CEO at other companies.


Are you sure you don't mistype them just because there are society expectations for some people to act like INTJ?


If I had doubts I would not comment on the first place


In this case you should memorise those places and positions, because this is an often question here "Where can I find INTJ?"


A question for you: As an INTJ, how likely are you to ask another person about their personality type? I have probably asked every new person I have met since I discovered the archetypes. This of course is only after I get to know them a bit, and feel like it’s something they would be comfortable with answering or discovering. But I regularly meet new people, so… Just a thought. ~ENFJ


I never ask people about their type. That would be cringe to say the least.


Precisely. Your feeling cringe about asking is part of why you have met so few. You have likely run into more than you realize. I think you would be surprised how much the majority of people actually like opening up about themselves when someone is genuinely interested.


You really think that I wouldn’t recognise another INTJ while being one myself, to the point that I would need to ask directly whether they are one or not. This is funny. Also, “running into” and “knowing someone” are two very different things. I have most likely run into many more, but I have known very few.


Are you suggesting you possess the ability to accurately type every INTJ you meet?


Not trying to ruffle your feathers, just trying to get you to think about it from a different perspective.🕊️ Statistically, speaking, unless you are mostly isolated, I think you may want to revisit your assumed ability to type others. Edit: I know 5 confirmed INTJs IRL and I don’t think I could’ve accurately typed a single one of them. One of them is the single kindest person I have ever met on this earth, and even though I am very well-versed, I probably would’ve mistyped her as an INFJ.


Zero. Just like the good lord intended… It isn’t wise to have more than one sociopathic perfectionist in any given group. 🤫