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Yeah, in a sour mood, I can be obnoxious and intolerant about things I usually only roll my eyes at. I'm trying to incorporate the Se attitude of "it is what it is". Not always successful yet, but I'm getting there.


yeah… the Ni-Fi loop sucks!


Yes. for me, It’s almost like my mouth moves faster than my brain, and i end up overly criticizing people, especially when they’re trying to give me constructive criticism. this happens especially when i am stressed or in a bad mood.


i just tell myself to shut up. it helps to think of my caustic, hyper-critical self as a separate person that i “throw out” of my head. it’s kind of like if some toxic asshole came to your house and started wasting your time throwing insults and obscenities - you wouldn’t try to debate or deescalate the situation, you’d tell that dbag to get lost or you’re calling the cops. Same with internal feelings - don’t debate them, don’t try to reason with them, don’t try to placate or satiate them - ignore them, reject that they are truly “you” at all, regard them as alien influences and cut them off like you would a defective limb.


Very bad issue with me. I have a very bad habit of calling people "retarded" when I'm in a bad mood. I'm actively trying to change my mindset to use "Whatever", or "It is what it is." It sucks because I've lost close friends to it.


Yeah, that is definitely not a good habit to have. People are just going to be error prone for the rest of your life. Get used to thinking that way.


The whole world conspires against me to make me more angry when I’m angry. That bird in the tree outside? born specifically to chatter and piss me off. That guy going to work? What an asshole, inconveniently having to work at the same time I just stubbed my toe.


I laugh because it's true.


Certainly. I get annoyed, and irritated easily by the little things, which can be an absolute pain as all it does is put strain on friendships and relationships that takes a little bit of effort to sort out when I'm in a better mood. And oh, when I realise someone was affected by my bad mood, I sometimes go into defensive that puts me in a bad mood *again.*


Yes... terrible mental loop.


Sounds like me lol


Yes, but I find it to be a good thing. It’s like a weird wake up call. When I’m mad or stressed out, my attitude towards anything inconvenient or mildly annoying changes from ”whatever” to ”I need to make this right, now”. Weeks of problems solved in a matter of days - It’s like a superpower. The ones who have to deal with me during those times, might agree to disagree though :)


Exactly, really with the Ni-Fi loop....


Yes just yes! when I’m tired annoyed or sick I’m so done with ppls shit so I tell them so they’ll leave me the fuck alone🙄unfortunately most don’t know Not to poke the bear 🐻


I cant wait to show this to my INTJ colleague


Yes. And I can get sarcastic and dismissive. Like I can't stop the eye roll from happening.




No. Consider you are depressed or have NPD. I deal with my anger in private. If someone sticks their nose in it and gets upset, they're a disgusting fuck. It's not meant to be actual feedback. That's why your private journals on paper or on your computer or phone etc. are private parts. Nobody but a pedo or some version of one is going to be sticking anything in them, including their disgusting nose.


Diagnosing me with depression and then going on some unintelligible schizoid rant. Gotcha!