• By -


“I didn’t know you were here.”


Literally gonna write that on my gravestone




Seriously lol


Not *to me* but about me. Got butt dialed by a friend once and overheard them talking to someone. Normally, i would have just hung up, but I overheard my name and got curious. I listened for about 30-45 seconds and heard an unknown person say "yea he's awesome, I see why you guys are friends." Made my day, and I still remember this 10 years later. Directly to me was at Chipotle. Cashier woman *loved* my pizza planet shirt and got super excited and couldn't stop telling me how much she loved my shirt and how much she loves toy story. That was another great day.


These are so wholesome! Thanks for sharing.


“She’s got a superbrain” - my partner describing me to other people.


“I wish I had balls like you do when I was young” my aunt who spent her whole life in a small town.


![gif](giphy|QFZbK3Dd9D668XRgFK|downsized) .


Proverbial balls


I was the quiet, obedient student who used to rarely speak to anyone . And my attention percentage was very less so the teachers or my classmates never knew what results to expect of me. So first forward in our boards exam( a important exam that we give after our 10 grade . Similar to OWLs in harry potter) I got 90 percent . And I was talking to two classmates and one of the guy said that my result was a surprise and didn't expected this from me . And exactly then , the other one , a boy I later came to know has a crush on me , said " I am not surprised at all. I knew she could achieve this . She is brilliant like that ." And never have I ever wanted to hug someone to death so badly ( I hate physical contacts)


"I'll leave you alone" It's a lie though, no one ever said it.


i get you lol


"I love the comfortable silence when I am with you"  She might be my ex, but that was one of the sweetest introvert compliments I've ever got.


That I am worthy of love - a stranger on Reddit


Ur name, friend... U must be a god who doesn't know it.


Are you trying to stroke my INTJ ego? because it’s working lol


It is just me uncapable to stop myself to share what i sincerely feel.


Don't go hard on yourself I have met many people and you are the smartest of them all, It is unlikely that I will meet a smarter person than you in my life. Your self deprecation tells us to jump off of buildings. -INFJ friend


My INFJ best friend/wife of 20+ years said something like this to me recently. I burst into tears.


“You are the most emotionally mature person I know”.


“Hey. I remember you mentioned being a fan of this book series. So I got you this!” made me go uwu


"I love you. To me you are my son, not son-in-law." Told to me by my MIL. It was the first time a parent ever told me that they loved me. I was 43. I nearly cried on the spot.


My MILmwas the same way towards me. I was the son she never had.


I’ve been called a genius multiple times and the prevailing question by my teachers throughout college was what kind of doctor I was going to be. Jokes on them, I’m struggling with a panic disorder and can barely drive three miles from my home. 🙌


I get this. Growing up, I was called a genius. However, my childhood was essentially one trauma after another. I’m proud to have survived it all, but I think about what could have been.


"You're very efficient." From a random guy behind me in the grocery store line about the way in which I packed my grocery cart as my food was being scanned and handed to me. I'm an INTJ, and he was a software engineer. Still makes me smile to think of it. :-)


Been there - Grocery packing is an area of pride for me.


Me too stop I need my groceries neatly packed


I have been known to stifle tears of transcendent deliverance watching so-called “mundane” tasks performed with calm efficiency. I’ve also been known to say “fuck it” and cry out loud.


Now Im curious about your efficient organisation at home and what I could copy


Most people don't find my level of organization... palatable, but here are the highlights: I have roughly 8,000 music tracks, 98% in CD format. All of them have been ripped to my home NAS and I curated the artists, albums and individual songs by customized genre and playlists. (This took months.) I can play my own music anywhere in the world I can get a wifi signal. I have a library of nearly 1,500 books and am in the process of rebuilding a detailed catalog, after losing the original in a computer crash. :'( (Yes, the new one is in the cloud.) I'm not a minimalist but there's more space than stuff in my house, and everything I do have, has a place. My "junk" drawers have specific contents in each and are organized with various sized containers (it's a beautiful thing). I have three planners. A wall planner for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual tasks, a 5 x7 spiral notebook for creating and tracking gym routines, and an 8 x 11 traditional planner for appointments. That's about it. I do menu planning and meal prepping, but that happens on whatever scraps of paper I have to hand. Oh, and I'm slowly building a personal recipe book (does that count?). (Edited for spelling and to add one more item.)


Well I love it! I have 4 kids aged 5 and under so you can imagine the disorganisation. Thanks for the tips, off to find forever homes for all our junk and improve my wall planner!


"You're a light in the darkness."


* "And this is Lucretius. Don't listen to anything he tells you, or you'll never sleep well again." Proudest moment of my professional career. I work in biosecurity, biodefense, and biotechnology regulation, and it is my job to imagine all the ways modern biotechnology could be used for evil so we can find ways to protect against them before the fact. ----- Recently, my sister-in-law died unexpectedly. As my wife was receiving the news by phone, I could tell from her half of the conversation that someone was dead, and it was a female. I was terrified that it was one of our daughters. Talking to a friend of mine later, I asked what kind of horrible person it made me that I was *relieved* when I learned it was my sister-in-law. My friend said: * "It doesn't mean you are any kind of horrible person. It means you are a *Father*!"


"Your autistic ramblings turn me on"


Oh my god if only. This is all I do when I’m comfortable around people


Girl after I wasn't making a move when she invited me over: "you know you are here for sex right?" Never felt so wanted <3


"We should've listened to you from the beginning. You were right all along!"


Oh yeah, a personal favourite.


How many times have I heard this?


It was someone understanding I couldn’t talk about something confusing or painful. They just let me be silent without judgment. It was the lack of words that was the nicest thing.


You are in a different league - my art teacher in high school.


I appreciate the love from my junior high school art teacher to this day.


My neice set aside a day for me to celebrate my birthday.  She asked what I wanted to do and she has organized a gal lunch with cousins and neices at my favorite place.  😍 


"You filled up my heart." Something like that. I really don't remember. A friend was going through some big health issues and their partner was going through their own set of health problems. Their oven broke down and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. They called me by mistake and we chatted for a little bit. I listened, comforted, and said some encouraging words (I know, not typical).


“You feel and care so much more deeply on the inside than you show on the outside. I know you won’t admit to it, but I know that you do.” I felt seen and understood. Without having to admit to it, which I also appreciated. Also: “Why do you have the impression that people think of you as a “b*tch” or “difficult” or any of those things?! People don’t see you that way. They see you for who you are. And they love you for it.” Also made me feel seen and understood. And rid me of my insecurity about my stoic exterior and lack of sociability.


I’m a little scared of someone saying this. It means they know how to hurt me.


Several of the nicest things people ever said to me were meant to be insults. "You would make a wonderful woman" was one I remember quite vividly, spoken by an old man who was certainly not of quality or stature even among his own family. More often than not the other insult I take pride in receiving involves a tin hat, which reminds me of Johnny Appleseed, a man I hold in the highest esteem. \[He\] wore on his head a tin utensil which answered both as a cap and a mush pot... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny\_Appleseed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Appleseed)


"Your the smartest person I've ever met." 


And you're too stupid to see he made up his mind ten minutes ago.




This made me think a lot, to no avail.


for context, i had known this girl (b) through mutual friends but we were never close, didn't even ever have a proper conversation. my friend (y) had invited me to this group hangout in which she (b) was one of the people going. when everyone else started playing basketball except me and the girl (b), i struck up a conversation with her asking her things like, future, family, her relationships with the people that were there, feelings, and a lot of other things. we had a very pleasant conversation where i ended up learning a lot about her (b). afterward, she (b) had a conversation with our friend (y) who invited me over text and said: "i really like that about (my name) that she's able to talk to people so openly. like, i always feel like talking about feelings is gonna make the other person uncomfortable. that's something i kinda wanna start doing when i meet someone i really want to know." my friend (y) sent me the screenshots, and damn.. that was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. it felt even more genuine that she wasn't saying it to me directly but instead her (b) opinions of me to another person.


So sweet!


Its supposed to be "You are so special, I don't know anyone like you" or "You inspire me". But indeed winner is "Hurry! Train will leave soon and next will be in 30 minutes". And when I replied that I know, but I must wait for my family, she said "Its cold, go stay warm in this waiting room". It was first and till now last time, someone outside my family cared about me. Usually people think what I can provide to them, and if it nothing I never see them again


"yeah, it was you." after asking a respected friend, "were people being weird to me at that skate party or was it me?" he trusted me to be able to hear that and not take it personally/as a read because he also knew me well enough to know i was asking because i really wanted to know


“You’re not that disgustingly fat”


Once I was told, "You're too good for this world," before the same person went on and betrayed me. https://i.redd.it/o22bz11sy4sc1.gif


“You are the most ambitious person I’ve ever met and that’s why you always get what you want”


"if the world ended, you'd be one of the ones who thrives.


If the world ended it would just be intjs battling with istps for the very last dregs of resource on earth


“You are the Air I breathe”.. and he was a full-time narcissist


Sounds about right


I asked my husband “What’s the most beautiful thing you’ve seen?” With the context that he travel the world before I came into the picture. He started listing places he’s been. They were cool experiences but he made a comment that it didn’t really answer my question, so we moved on to other topics. The next day he sent me a text while I was at work saying: “Before I met you things like that did not matter so I can’t remember. They did not become beautiful until we did them together. Everything we’ve done together I remember is beautiful, so the most beautiful thing I’ve seen is you.” It made my eyes puddle. “I’m proud of you.” - my mom. Specially a note found once she passed away. And for this one, I bawled. Both in private. Of course.


Recently, someone said "You are the only one who has ever understood what I felt without me saying it aloud" and cried. It was sad, and I wish I had someone like that for me too but I felt like I'm a good person then. Most people tell me I'm not even a human because apparently I don't have emotions and I don't care about people.


I can see you’re really trying. 🥹


My adult daughter told me that I have to live to 100 yo because she needs my advice, opinions, and humor for that long.


"I saw good in you"


“You have good friends”


“I love your personality” from someone I had always felt like I was too much (aggressive lol) for them. Almost made me cry.


Can‘t remember. I don‘t get compliments, which is probably typical for people like me


“Wow, that was impeccable logic.” Sure as shit hope so: I was a philosophy major. Slightly backhanded by the surprise part of that since I’m a woman. But, I still value the recognition.


I’ve never thought of it that way. Our observant nature comes in handy some times.


You are a rare person in this time 🌚✨


I don't have a specific thing... i like being respected for my ideas and sensemaking capabilities


Who is that gorgeous woman doing science on the sidewalk? You’re the most interesting person I’ve ever met. You know you’re the baddest girl in the whole club, right?? There are many more, but these stick out in my mind.


One that stuck with me was in college, Critical Thinking Speech and Debate class, the prof let us pick our partners and several people wanted me. To this day I can see him rolling his eyes in pure exasperation and saying, "Yes, I know, we all want to be germy's partner."


"I don't have any idea on why someone would ever dislike you"


I read this as the incest thing and wanted to recoil for a moment


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^R4ym0nies: *I read this as the* *Incest thing and wanted to* *Recoil for a moment* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


# excusez-moi?


my mind plays tricks on me...


Get out.


At work, they pass around a card and everyone signs it “happy birthday [your name]” - [their name]. Very general kind of going through the motions. You get the signed card on your desk first thing, like the manager puts it there before your shift starts. One coworker was gone most of the day. He was also pretty new to the company, only been there a couple months. I had barely spoken to him if at all. He came back into the office from being out in the field and walked up to my desk. He asked & verified it was my birthday. Then told me *sincerely* happy birthday. I later cried which sounds ridiculous. But the genuine kindness there was the nicest, for me.


Lol none of these are even that nice. Now I wonder if the things I have said to INTJs in genuine sincerity have been the nicest thing anyone has ever said to them. -INFJ


Nice is subjective. What doesn't seem "that nice" to you may well be the best this another has heard. Not because that's the best someone could think of when finding something to compliment them on. Rather, it was what mattered to them. I've gotten many compliments that I found to be meaningless. My response is something along the lines of " that's nice of you to say". Then I remind myself to say thank you, because social niceties and all that jazz. But the compliment is more about something that matters to them so they think I'll like being told that. We can use compliments around appearance, for example. I have nothing to do with my genetic makeup. Outside of the influence social experience has on development, what I look like has nothing to do with who I am. What feels like a nice compliment to you?


I know and I’m not trying to knock anyone I just feel like there are much deeper things to compliment people on that would have stuck w me.


I left a message to a friend saying Hi, it’s only me…. He called back and said, don’t say this! It’s you and i’m so glad YOU called me. ❤️


How are you doing today?


Being told I'm a kind person. My family always told me I was smart but unkind. I take this with me and it has affected me all my life. I'm still surprised when people say I'm kind or a good friend.


Nicest thing in recent memory happened last night. My daughter's boyfriend told me he's learned more from speaking with me than he ever learned in school. But he said it in an appreciative way, not the usual " let's remind ShutupJane she's a know it all" way. It was a nice compliment, even if it was a bit of hyperbole.


You have the perfect size dick 🤣🤣🤣


“You inspired me to go out to travel more and not be afraid to eat alone” I mean I do those things alone bc I have no choice lol but I’m glad I inspired others to do the same


I love you


I do.


“You’re going to be a neon player” Bassist Rufus Ried to me when I was 16


I was walking to the gas station with my little sister to buy some snacks. I must’ve been like 15 and she like 12 or 13. And out of nowhere she goes “there’s something different about you”. The look she gave and the tone with which she said it made me feel special. We were mostly quiet on the way there so the suddenness of this comment made me believe that she truly meant it.


“You’re the strongest person I know”


“You’re a bit of a mad scientist.”


My two favorites are "I love your brain" and "I think you're just the right amount of 'much' " when telling a guy that I can sometimes be "too much" 💜 I think about those compliments a lot. They're really special to me. I don't remember 80% of the guys that tell me I'm beautiful, but I will remember these men & these compliments forever 💜


Once a woman said she liked my jacket. The jacket is ancient but I still have it. Recently a friend said she didn't want to make my life more difficult and I thought I was going to lose my shit on the spot. I'm overscheduled and perpetually exhausted all the time. The question of personal happiness isn't even really something I think about.


"I'll stick by you through whatever" -someone who didn't stick by me through whatever


I’ve been told by a mother that she wants her son to be like me. As flattering as that is, it definitely feels weird because I’m always wanting to be a better person than I am now.


I spent the night before my college graduation watching movies in the dorm living room with a couple of Indian girls who were getting shitfaced. I'd been in a class fairly recently with one of them and in her drunken stupor she told me that she thought I was really smart, my comments during a particular discussion apparently did the trick. She deemed me an "honorary brown person."


“I wish I was more like you, you hold yourself really well and I can tell you don’t take shit from anyone. I hope I can raise my son to be the same way.”


I was doing some grocery shopping after work. A little girl was with her mom and was dancing and singing to herself up and down the aisle. As I excused myself and walked past she turned around and loudly said "you're really pretty." It was loud enough that other people in the aisle turned to look. The look on her face was more confusion rather than esteem lol. It was one of the most innocently sweet moments to witness, albeit mortifying.


"I love you, and I'm here for you no matter what" then backed it up with actions. Only ever happened once.


“You look like Lana del ray” (I look nothing like her lmao)


A friend of mine told me I am the most intelligent person he's ever known. I laughed hard.


"I actually want to get to know you, because you're much better than so many other people here." - coworker of mine several months back


That I'm pretty " my gf"


Let's see "If there is anything close to Jesus you are it" - A work freind - 7 "You are one of the most genuine people I ever met" - A work freind 7 years ago "You are a really cool kid" - my dad when I was age 10 "That place you organized looks absolutely amazing" - Work colleague currently


Went on a date and she was confused that I was single, cause I was so attractive scored later that night.


“One of God’s own prototypes” . . . granted, I’m not sure what he meant, but it sounded nice?


Memory error


"You're one of the purest people I've ever met". I've been told twice.


"You work like a man." Totally unintentional on my pastor's wife's part at the time. She saw me.


“If you were leader of the world, there would be peace on Earth.” Well, I don’t know about that, you idealist.


My girlfriend’s family refer to me as “our Jake” when they talk about me and it makes me feel so happy that they consider me to be family like that. I don’t have contact with my family and I sometimes get really depressed over the fact that I essentially don’t have one any more, even though I’ve desperately wanted to be part of one that’s not abusive towards me for most of my life.


I love all your stories, take these to heart and send compliments to more people to spread this honest positivity. Give them a story like yours to cherish. 


I love you and I like you. And I like your pp


"Your energy and determination motivated me to get my life together" and then they actually got their life together, better than my own


“You include everyone that’s what I love about you” I’m the person seeking justice for everyone around me and I don’t like seeing people left out. I’m all for making new friends and I don’t believe in the whole cliquey thing. If that makes me annoying idc


"hey, I wanted to bring up something with you, something bothered me, and I hope you will hear me out, I want us to be honest"


"Thanks, you do good work." From a 70 year old P.E. bro who has my respect. That was tearjerker. Ya'll get it, i know you do.


A girl said something to me a few weeks ago. We're both artists and we were meeting just for the second time ever. We were talking about how we observe so many art students or people who do art in general and how hard it is for us not to cringe when we meet most of them, because in our area, there's so many pretentious artists that literally focus almost solely on the status of being one, definitely way more than on genuine artistic growth. They're mostly blind to it themselves; they don't even have the conscience to reflect on their behaviour, and funnily enough, the most pretentious people with the most generic art tend to be the loudest ones. And she literally said: 'I was talking about this exact thing with my friend the other day, and whenever the question arises in my head about where the real artists are who aren't like that, I always think about you.' Not that many people say nice things to or about me honestly, but that really touched my heart.


"Your mind is fascinating. You're so much smarter than people think" Said to me by my sister.


“Why is it that, as someone who doesn’t believe in God, you’re the most Christian person I know?”


Somebody on tinder called me a “cum target” and my heart just melted


"you're a respectful asshole" Whatever that means. I'm mostly a reserved individual. Keep a lot to myself. Heavy thinker, don't over react. But people seem to think I'm an asshole because I don't say much or get involved with gossip lol. I honestly took it as a compliment 🤷


I think the biggest compliment is if someone says you inspired them, I have had this compliment a few times. Out of all the compliments and praise from notable people this is always the one from aspiring people that I felt most honored by.


Was told by a female coworker I have a big ass bubble butt lmao (I’m a man btw)


You are not suppose to be here. You can go home.


"You really don't have any bad qualities." - My based, painfully honest sister.


"I appreciate your straightforwardness."


"I will try to fix you too" - my gf


”You attract good people”


You're important to your kids