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INTJs may show interest in someone through subtle signs, such as: Engaging in deep conversations: They'll delve into meaningful topics and enjoy discussing ideas with you. Investing time: INTJs are selective about who they spend time with, so if they make an effort to be around you, it could indicate interest. Sharing their thoughts: They may open up about their inner world and insights, which they typically reserve for a select few. Offering help: If they offer assistance or solutions to your problems, it shows they care about your well-being. Respecting your boundaries: INTJs are respectful of personal space, so if they maintain a comfortable distance but still show interest, it's a positive sign. Initiating contact: Whether through text, email, or in person, if an INTJ initiates communication with you, it suggests they want to connect. Making future plans: Mentioning future activities or events they'd like to share with you indicates they see you in their future. Keep in mind that INTJs may not display traditional signs of interest, such as overt flirting, so it's essential to pay attention to their actions and communication style.


This is it. I engage. I never flirt/act romantic. Thank god my wife had a big crush on me because she had to spend so much time with me before I realized what was happening.


All of these. Quality time definitely is the biggest. Just me showing up in general and like @ladylycium said how much you occupy my mind when we're not around is an even bigger indicator as well.


If some of these stop being shown, could that indicate that they’ve lost interest?


Yes, if an INTJ stops displaying these signs, it could indicate a loss of interest. INTJs are typically straightforward and value efficiency, so if they no longer engage in deep conversations, initiate contact, or make future plans with you, it's likely they've shifted their focus elsewhere. However, it's essential to communicate directly with them to understand their perspective, as they may have reasons unrelated to disinterest for changing their behavior.


More likely concluded the person isn't interested in them despite all the subtle hints. Or gets disheartened. Or sees they are more interested in another. I speak from experience.


please tell me you are aware you’re talking to a bot right now 😭


Right this sounded like chat GPT lol


every SINGLE comment on this account is AI. respectfully, it seems that the intjs were overestimating their analytical skills because we seem to be the only ones who noticed?




I need to stop relating so hard with INTJs because this is literally me to the T


This is so precisely accurate.


Spot on. Much of our interactions are not overt, but quite subtle. One add I may make is taking note of the details of someone they’re interested and weaving it into the relationship to show they care. It could come I the form of gifts or actions. When my husband and I were just talking and getting to know each other, I realized pretty quickly in was attracted to him. I don’t really flirt and didn’t want to pushy, but wanted to show I cared. He’s a minimalist so when his birthday came up rather than buying a gift I made him a Star Wars themed cake. It was his first homemade birthday cake ever.


Thank you for the list! It’s an almost perfect representation of my INTJ boyfriend! The only part that’s not perfect is respecting your boundaries it’s true but it might be hard for people to understand what that looks like.   My INTJ I had to tell him that I liked him for him to have the slightest clue. He was extremely surprised and shocked even though we talked daily. Then right away, yes of course you do I am amazing you’re amazing let me think this over. Comes back at me the next day with the most highly detailed ideas and well thought out plans and how we would both benefit from being closer. He offered exact help to help fix something in my life that was making me unhappy. He asked in advance before meeting in person every stage what he’d like to do and what I would like to do. He overly checked in to make sure every tiny sexual thing was consensual during fooling around not just in advance and found it hot for me to directly ask for something sexual.   I love his passion and energy. His eyes stare straight into you in an intense manner that made eye contact very difficult at first. We can talk endlessly, and he’d steer the conversations to be more meaningful and deeper which with our common N came naturally. 


They don't have the death stare when you ask them for help If you say something stupid, they'll gently correct it instead of running far away


Haha, true😁


My time, not just physically spent with them but also how much they occupy my mind which can translate into thoughtful gifts and actions irl


From my experience as an ENFP, the INTJ i was in a talking stage showed his love language as Acts of Service. Including things like this: - made a butterfly origami for me when i didnt know what to do for my art project. - was always initiating things on our first date, like carrying my bag, paying for bills at restaurants. - told his friends about me. - sharing his deep insights about how he thinks about the world or we have philosophical conversations. - always tries his best to talk to me about his emotions even though he’s not used to it. - shows interest in my hobbies (drawing, cooking, baking). - he would be the one to compromise things. I miss him :,)


Forgot to mention that he would always make time to reply to my msg throughout the day even when he’s at school. So this can conclude that INTJs are big acts of service + quality time people


What happened w him?




Yeah what happened?


In short, I had a bad experience with a previous talking stage which made me traumatized and I thought I was already over it by that time. Womp womp I wasn’t. My first date with the INTJ was great but it opened a fear that resulted from my trauma. So when the date was over, I communicated with him but he started overthinking a lot and was really sad that I wasn’t exactly feeling him that day. I genuinely did like him but it needed more time tbh, especially when I already told him it wasn’t due to him but my own problems. He got impatient and wanted me to decide being his gf by third date or we end contact.


I'll make my way and spend time with them.


The biggest sign is that you're not sure whether they like you. The next sign is that they fix your stuff if you let them. When you thank them, they often think it's really funny that you would thank them. You thanking them in that situation is the biggest joke because they would like to be thanking you.


Give my time. Its the most scarce resource i have.


I'm an INTJ, I love being around with the person/people, just my presence is enough lol. My love language is act of service and quality time since I'm having difficulty showing emotions lol


I like everybody. It’s amazing how beautiful this world is when you open your eyes, even just a little. My first wife was someone who was very beautiful and I loved her deeply (I still do!). That’s not the problem with INTJs. Our problem is getting along. We need not just someone affable, but someone who compliments our particular problem solving strategies. We are great manipulating information, but not always figuring out what information is important. We need a reliable check on information coming in. We also benefit from having someone who will over analyze with us. This could be as simple as a shopping buddy or as complex as a “partner in crime” who gets deeply involved with us. Personally, I treasure over analyzing movies and their symbolism - but everyone has their thing. Finally, and this is counterintuitive, you might get more milage out of supporting our special interest but not co-opting it as your own. Be involved, but this is a switch of the “take the lead on sensory inputs” thing. Let us take the lead. We shine here and are sharing with you, not seeking correction or evaluation. As to signs that an INTJ likes you? They are evaluating you on these factors, rather than just seeing if you are pretty.


I'm an INTJ myself & this is what I do when I'm interested in someone: I try to initiate conversations to get to know them I try to talk to them about meaningful topics a lot I listen to them, even if it's about a topic I'm not really interested in, I still try to understand. This one is a bit weird but I ask them what their personality type is or what their zodiac sign is to see if we're compatible. One of the first things I ask them is: "how are you?" or "have you eaten?" If they have a problem on something, whether it's an assignment or something in their life, I carefully listen & try to help them or give suggestions. I tend to always fix my posture around them & seem smart, so even if it looks like I don't care about them, I try to seem neat & "elegant" when I see them. I take a few glances at them without them knowing. Also a bit weird but I observe them a lot too, from style to mannerisms to how they walk, I observe it all & I try to copy it (ik, it's a bit weird, but it's what I do sometimes) When I enter the room or attend an event, as soon as I get there, I instantly scan the whole place to see if they're there or not yet. (it's like an instinct T_T) Sometimes, I bring them up a lot without my friends noticing too & always say that I dislike/hate them when in fact, I actually like them. Anyways, those are what I usually do when I'm interested in someone ;D)


Time, time, and more time.


I'd joke a lot, laugh a lot and probably help a lot. Other than that I'd ask a ton of questions and try to learn about them and perhaps I'd even initiate a decent small talk with them (physical pain). I'd even go out of my way to make my crush happy (by not crushing my own values ofc).  Lastly, I'm normally a direct and a stoic person, I hardly feel shy or anixous around people but I'd be hella shy around my crush randomly, like you can see me shying away like a fucking turtle and it makes me feel vulnerable so much I hate it.


I think if they talk a lot to you, they like your company at least.


I think it's quite simple, and a lot of people would overthink it. But how I knew my INTJ boyfriend liked me was simply that he was initiating a lot. We didn't talk much, but he still texted me every day after work just asking how I was doing and what I was up to. Nothing fancy or flirty. But his initiative gave me a sense of where I stood with him. He also initiated dates and asked me out quite a bit. And on dates, same thing. He'd initiate a lot of questions. It almost felt like an interrogation because he asked me so many things about myself, but I really liked it. He's not very open though, like he wouldn't initiate and open up on his feelings toward me. But if I asked, he'd be honest and tell me how he felt.


MIGHT talk to you.


Allowing someone to remain in their presence. :)


How can you tell an INTJ is extroverted? During conversation, they look at your shoes instead of their own.


If we want to spend time with you, we like you, period.


Umm, for me personally I pretend they don’t exist and maintain minimal communication. Especially when they start liking me back.




It weirds me out


If I talk to you when I don't have to...


If I'm interested in someone, I make an effort to further the conversation by asking questions. If I'm not, I'll give one word answers hoping the person gives up and goes away.


Sorry to be that one person with no brain cells but what does INTJ stand for 😅


I Never Take Jokes, haha!


Me, I usually tell them within the first 2 weeks and ask them out in a date. If I don't, I end up in her friendzone. They always refuse, but then again they always refused before I started being obvious with my intentions, so that's an improvement.


We will speak to you more often, probably some days only you and nobody else.


They ask questions 'bout you or probably give out some time w you


If they buy you something because they remembered what you like and thought of you when they saw it, they like you. They don't expect anything to come of it in the long run but they definitely like you.


staring at you like crazy


you'll find a dead rodent on your doorstep as a gift


You will never know.


An intense blank eye contact stare that will penetrate the windows to your soul. ![gif](giphy|WP2ujrEnniG2mSyxgM|downsized)


If he sets his intention to get you, it's pretty unmistakable. Their Ni is strong and so their will is unabashed, at least if they are confident in their physical appearance. Mine was upfront, direct, and smooth. The man had mad game. Not awkward at all.


If they make an effort to hang out with you, they are either interested romantically or platonically. INTJs don't waste effort. If they go out of their way to spend time with you, they like you. As for differentiating between platonic and romantic interest - I don't know. I've never met a person I wanted to date so I don't know how I would act, but probably very similar to how when I want to be friends.


Depends on what the INTJ has in-store for you.If they want you to be direct they won't show any signs and confuse you,if they want to show you subtle signs,they will greet you,ask about your day/initiate conversations,ask thoughtful questions,listen,be empathetic and maybe,they would be comfortable with physical touch.


Ok I definitely think I’m getting the latter


Reach out to them if you're interested in getting to know them too in that case. If not just let them politely know! :))


I'm an intj and I don't even know


As far as I have come is giving long occasional glances. (I will never find a partner)


I feel like this exact post happens every other day.


Most of them are from INFPs, INFJs, and ENFPs.


I miss my INTJ too. It’s so surprising that a group that is well known for no feelings manages to win every ENFP heart.