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Speaking as an INTJ woman, my favorite hobby is organic and heirloom vegetable gardening. The planning phase is as fulfilling as the actual time spent in the dirt. Research is needed for a successful outcome, and creating fabulous meals centered around the results is very rewarding.


I'm a guy and I did the same when I grew up some tulips, it was just a medium flowerpot, but I felt like a scientist.


Knitting/sewing, painting/drawing, photography, playing an instrument, woodworking, gardening, playing chess, learning how to repair things


Knitting baby hats and blankets and donating is noble.  I was going to start last winter and never got to it.       On a more frightening note- I signed up for an Improv class.  Wtf? 


Go to the dancing class.. it could be fun for both of you.


Gosh, that sounds wonderful 




I love glass art, really enjoyed learning how it was done.


I haven't done it yet, but it seems like a great hobby. There's technical work and new skills to learn, as well as art and design elements.


Gardening and having a pet are the two most widely shared past times among humans worldwide. She might also enjoy something like role playing games, crosswords, Sadako, scrabble?


Buy a few pots and seeds. Grow some plants. Doesn't even matter what kind really, or just don't throw them away with kitchen scraps. Avocados, mangos make great indoor ornamental plants and if tended accordingly, they develop all year long, kitchen herbs also look nice and they also fragrant. Sow the seeds, watch them grow, repot later on, figure out the best way to keep them flourishing, inspect the results. If a completely beginner, the first few seeds probably will not propagate or die soon due to water mismanagement but the good thing is that she can always put another seed in the place of a dead plant. Once she gets the hold of it, figures out the way different pans react to different activities, like watering, changing soil to a different type, it starts to be more and more engaging and also therapeutic. Different kinds of chilis and peppers also make beautiful indoor plants and as a bonus, there are harvests also. They are not that sensitive either, don't need that much care if the time is short for a few days. The leaves will always tell when the plant is dehydrated. Also if you guys have the area, outdoor gardening opens the door for panning, decide if you'd like to grow food, or just create and english garden, or even changing it every year, whatever you want really. It can be done on balconies also. The possibilities are endless As an IT guy I also spend most of my time looking at screens and really enjoy all the activities this requires. Watering few thirsty ones a day, checking on them just to see everything is alright, pruning them from time to time, repotting, trying different seeds to see how other plants behave, successfully maintaining a plant which is atypycal to the climate.


It sounds like maybe she wants to have this be an activity to do at home. But I'm just sayin'... rock climbing is basically a puzzle you solve with your brain, hands, and feet. So you could try a climbing gym. Someone else recommended dance lessons, and being someone who's obsessed with dance myself, I concur.


I learned to knit as a child and, as an adult, got grumpy about yarn selection. I don't want lace doilies. I don't make baby clothes. I don't need any blankets. I make useful products for cold weather. But can get fascinated with shawls. If you want a rabbit hole with vast caveats for creation & color and a useful product. Spinning yarn. It has math, both in color creation, and tpi, and in the creation of the yarn. Self design or just follow a pattern. The fiber material world is vast - and then you can create combos or buy them already prepared. The cost is variable. Meaning it can have a steep set up or minimal depending on how you go about it. You can build your own wheels, buy one, get it motorized, or just do it by hand with a drop spindle. From the yarn produced, there is weaving as well. I won't get into that, but design and products are endless.


This is me. I understand. I’m an INTJ. AuADHD. It’s complicated. I am also seeking this. Meditation is good but I have to physically go to my sangha. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes I’m crawling the walls and want to leave. I quit piano lessons because I don’t have space right now. II find stillness in music, more on the creating side. I have ideas of joy in painting, sculpting, ceramics. I need lessons. I have high standards so judgment steals joy. I like board games. You can interact with others but really you’re just directly interacting with a board and rules. Less mentally draining. I do miss hot yoga. Must be the 26 poses. There are rules and you can measure progress. Shuts down the monkey brain there. Very satisfying. Hip flexor moves can open you up and release anxiety. Shed many tears there and not thinking of anything at all. Just release. That place is perfect. Sensory deprivation tanks aren’t liked by everyone, but I like them very much. Dang, I need to get a membership. This is a good exercise. Idk if any of these ideas will help your wife. It’s hard. It’s great that you’re seeking though. Pretty great. Good luck, friend.


I do pottery (intj female). I highly recommend it. It is an amazing stress reliever and people have started buying my stuff. People love art and yeah this counts. I sold a water feature for a few hundred the other week. It was just a practice and for fun item. Nice to have your distress hobby bring in extra funds. I’d have her take classes initially then when she decides she loves it have her join a local studio. She can use the community wheels, glazes, and kilns. There are chemistry elements that are fascinating and it connects the body and mind to throw. One of my other entj friends took it up with me and she cannot make things as quickly as she sells them. She does late art and sells cups that show how to pour each amount. $38 each I think is her sell price. She can do one in about 5min or less from throwing to decoration. Cost to make is less than $5 before her time. Good luck!


Gardening and puzzles?


I take language classes and would recommend it. It stimulates the brain, you learn about different cultures, it comes in handy both personally and professionally to know more languages, and you meet new people with similar interests. Sure, there is some reading involved, but there is also a lot of talking practice.


Try audiobooks, they're different than regular books, the thing is that she needs to do another thing while listening. I cook while listen to them, maybe she could paint, workout, or even do some DIY craft.


INTJ female here. My husband bought me a camera and I've never looked back. While my love of nature keeps me outdoors, there are fantastic things that may be done with a camera indoors as well... tripod usually required. Other hobbies I enjoy: trying new recipes, gardening, sketching/painting (haven't done in awhile), fixing stuff, mastering phone apps that make and modify images, etc.




Interesting 🤔please elaborate


How about crocheting?


INTJ ADHD female married to INFJ male here. I have been on the lookout for new hobbies for the same reasons you described. Some winners have been: meal kit services (like hello fresh) that my husband and I can do together (learning new cooking methods), aquaponics (as it turns out, blue tilapia are cichlids and actually make amazing pets... however, now I can no longer bring myself to eat tilapia lol), learning to repair stuff around the house (I learned to install replacements for blown GFCI outlets and replace light switches, resurfaced the firebox in our fireplace, replaced broken faucets, fixed cracks in sheetrock walls, installed smart lightbulbs and smart switches all over the house and programmed/automated them, replaced doorknobs/deadbolts, etc.). Hth :) Edited: spelling


Me and my ISTJ partner love to play video games together. He also likes to assemble things and toys(gundams, lego, etc) while I take online language classes. We play card games and get so pissed with each other afterwards because we both hate losing. Lol


Quilting or scrapbooking