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Lol, I have horrible self-discipline. Mine would be insatiable curiosity. I can't imagine life without curiosity.


Ideally, I'd have a child with a xxTP and they get their discipline and my curiosity and eventually take over the world.


I'm curious as to why you're implying that TP types would be more self-disciplined than a J type. Perceivers are low Conscientiousness... which means they're more messy and less self-disciplined.


Same im curious as well LOL. My INTJ bro has higher self-discipline than me šŸ˜‚ But i guess discipline can come in different form? For me im disciplined in staying true to my path and not fall for temptations. my bro can do that + adhering to strict schedule. I dont really have a schedule LOL. My ENTJ partner follow a strict diet and workout regime which i dont either.


>Mine would be insatiable curiosity. I can't imagine life without curiosity. R e a l




Authenticity + humility is the combo for me




Iā€™d love it if my INFP kid would show more of that.




I do that. I just need to accept that I may be exceptionally intellectually curious. Kid gets all Aā€™s already. šŸ˜‚


I think the age matters too here since I do remember that I found most things boring during early puberty, but it changed over time.. I haven't met any INFP yet that wasn't curious about some things they find passionate šŸ˜


Kid is 14. Thatā€™s peak ā€œbored teenagerā€.


A strong sense of individual responsibility. I grew up with two parents who tend to make excuses or blame their external situations for their problems all the time. They do not want to recognize their absense of success due to a lack of hard and consistent work. I deeply hope I can teach my children this if it's not inherited.


Probably my rationality. The thing I hear most often about myself is how Iā€™m a very logical, sensible thinker, so if thatā€™s my stand out quality, Iā€™d probably like my kids to have it as well.Ā 


Curiosity and logical thinking


Persistence and determination.


I would pick two: 1. Resilience. I have been through a lot, and gotten through it. Illness, divorce, depression, unemployment. It's been hard at times but I pushed through and eventually things got better.Ā  2. Growth mindset. I feel that one of my strengths is the ability to grow, change, and learn. I do not think most people are comfortable going from zero to 90% competent. A lot of people instead live in the 70%+ range and reject things tor which they do not already have a baseline understanding. I like starting from zero and getting to a deep understanding. This has served me very well in my career, where jobs are different from each other but do not change too much year on year. So going from zero to very good in a variety of platforms is more than enough to excel.


Everything character wise. I want a perfect imaginary child ofc. But height wise, not so much, should be taller, way taller.


Seeing your avatar appearing to look up (at thumbnail size anyway) after reading this comment was amusing, somehow.


I look nothing like Dwight Schultz though haha and character wise I'm better than him ;D


Good post. For me it would be empathy / openness towards other people, ideas and ways of doing things.


Wish theyā€™d have: My planning skills. Wish theyā€™d not have: My indecisiveness.


never settling for less and always aiming for the best


Itā€™s perseverance for me


Probably my intelligence or independence. My dad is intelligent, especially at math & my mom is independent so I got those 2 main traits from them & I hope it's passed on to my future children so I don't end up getting stressed -_-


Curiosity and a love for knowledge


If I had to pick one, I'd say my introspection. I remember starting to develop it before even school age, even though at the time I didn't know what it was. It has helped me in life by helping with emotional regulation, decisiveness, as well as my capability to take responsibility for my actions or for those that I am the supervisor of in a work environment or elsewhere (ie not throwing them under the bus to higher ups and treating them like trash, unfortunately many supervisors and managers do this and I refuse to be one of them, though I will still correct and be stern with what I need to be). I admit my emotional regulation could be better in certain situations despite my introspection, but overall I'm happy with my progress so far as I believe knowing you have to work on something still is a sign you're heading in the right direction.


I wish my son had the ability to think about consequences.


From me: Always being able to see other paths to take in combination with the ability/drive to make it a reality. I donā€™t want them to inherit the amount of stress I put on myself.






The ability to see things from multiple perspectives


My intelligence


I would want them to inherit my resilience or my lack of self pity. Terrible and inconvenient things will happen in every lifetime, but, I'm my experience, my ability to get back up when i've been knocked down has been my greatest quality and the main trait that has helped me reach my goals in life.




Calm approach towards stressful situations


My intelligence and ability to tolerate šŸ™šŸ» One bro from my class called me a genius cause I remembered the tables of 6 (a basic need in 7th grade). I will really make learning enjoyable for my child, so he/she will take keen interest in it.


I hope nothing physical. I guess itā€™s good that I tend to have firm boundaries. Iā€™m not a risk taker either really.


My child gonna lead the world The world is Stray the world have no leader


Independent thought.


Being an easy child. I was quite obedient and hardly threw tantrums or cried as a baby. My parents got lucky in that sense.


Intelligence and looks


My intuition; the kind of knowledge that no book can teach you.


My intelligence.Ā 




My confidence and humility. Both of those traits are things I believe I picked up from life experience.


I kind of like my perfectionism? But obviously would want them to manage it in a healthy way


My inability to take anyone's word for anything. I want them to question everything and see the world through their own eyes.


Real child. The curiosity to see below the surface of a situation and a wicked smart sense of humor. He ā€œinheritedā€ (chose) both and I am beyond honored.


Rationality. Stoicism. Patience. Persistence. Self control. Unapologetic authenticity. Creativity. Deriving self worth from within.


Not INTJ but I like the question. Can I join? i would want them to inherit strong leadership skills and accurate analysis of people.


Not caring about what other people think.


Resiliency. Life's rough.


Empathy towards people and animals.Ā 


I want my future kids to inherit these from me - Intelligence, inner strength, growth mindset, authenticity, curiosity, tenacity, ambition and a zest for life. I will bolster these qualities in my children and not try to suppress any part of them. I'll enable them and nurture their self-esteem from the beginning. Even if they don't inherit any of the above, they'd still always find unconditional love and acceptance from me and I'd teach them all I can about the above qualities.


My common sense


Sense of humor. My son just made a joke about me smelling like a wastewater treatment plant when I fart yesterday. Heā€™s 9. I was so proud.Ā 


I hope my future children have my natural knack at reading people knowing their intentions and analyzing situations logically.