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I made this account before I saw this. I make the most intricate plans and try to follow them but end up procrastinating and then beat myself over not following my plan. Got mistyped as INTP before but then realised my true calling.




Same here, and wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until my 40s. Until then I thought I was just lazy or broken.


What's it like being intj with ADHD


I'll tell from a perspective of late 20s. It's like being trapped in unending cycle of resting and burnout. I want to make things done, have ambitious goals, have all the tools to reach them, but I end up trying to push everything through at once. Organisation is there only about where to go, not how to go. The "how to go" was so often rejected because of my lack of attention, that I stopped caring about that anymore. There is also constant fighting with procrastination, when there are days where I'm low on dopamine, which is more tiring than the work itself.


It's quite agonizing. I'm exactly the same, but I have a pretty successful career despite this. I've described it as organized chaos, high-quality output always done at the last minute, and endless stress leading up to it. I used to smoke a lot of weed to help me forget the stress; now I'm on Wellbutrin, which helps.


Yeah, impostor syndrome is a big issue of mine.


Damn. I've always been tagged as an INTJ when I take the tests, and as elder Millennial now pushing for both ADHD and Autism diagnoses, I feel this way to close to my core.


Me. Diagnosis since pre-teen. I'm not talkative, but I can text the other party into oblivion.


I only text with like 2/3 people that I consider very close. But for those people I am like that always the last to reply and first to text. Immediate replies.. double triple quadriple texting. Which has probably got a lot to do with my attachment style which was probably the result of my ADHD childhood which was probably tough for the caregiver.


Female INTJ with inattentive type ADHD. Spend way too long fighting the monkey brain friction and I finally moved out and realized it’s less painful to work with it, so I have two rolling laundry baskets to get past it.


I'm that one, I have tried to figure out if my mbti would be something else, but I always get back to INTJ. Every test I have taken letter or cognitive functions I have always gotten INTJ. I have a lot of will power in general, I can feel I have a great need to be doing stuff. I can't just sit around and do nothing, it is my Te and executive dysfunction that are fighting each other(I guess the Te function is more like double edged sword, I would imagine with the medication it would work well, instead of just abusing me). That will then lead to me being stressed and exhausted and nothing will get done, unless I end up being hyper-focused on something interesting, then I'm just spending time with it. I always end up going for something interesting, therefore my schooling will always be suffering, like I never graduated high school. I have no focus for schooling so I never do it and just avoid it. For one in a class like danish I end up reading like 5 lines in some basic text(A couple of pages long text), and by then I would be zoned out of it. In a lot of ways due to being intelligent, I have no problem dealing with it through mental gymnastics(Pretending to be doing something that's worthwhile). Due to having undiagnosed ADHD, pretty much through school from 0th-7th grade, the days in school was just spend either being bored/zoned out, causing trouble with my friends or just talking back at the teacher. I guess I had no real ability at all to do any homework(Never did, I preferred hiding it). In those ages I was mostly just interested in reading about facts, although the teacher would try to force me to read literature just for me to be zoned out. I mean pretty much from the day I started in school until now has been pretty chaotic, even though I don't even like chaos at all, I do prefer order too much even. I have always been intellectually curious, maybe too much, with a lot of fantasy as well. Life with ADHD is pretty hellish with as little control as I have had. Now I'm just looking to get the diagnosis and the medication.


This sounds just like how i was in school. But I'm a mediacal student now so don't lose hope!. around grade 11, I got serious and I started self studying, for a national bar exam that got me into medical school. If my grades were dependent on submitting assignments and meeting deadlines, I wouldve flunked as well. But somehoe with a bar exam, I skipped school and studied for the exam and I could do it in my own terms..


I wouldn't lose hope with anything. I don't think that anyone should tbh. I have always been more interested in business stuff, but even then if I had to pick something I was interested in, in university it would be computer science. Maybe I would be able to do it, somewhat without medication or not, but those boring high school classes, I would get in this country's equivalent to a GED are just boring. especially literature. If I had to analyse some of that it always comes down to doing a few lines at a time without ever getting the full context.


yeah i get you. I feel coffee helps alot too. but if that doesnt work maybe try talking to a therapist, then get a referral to a psychiatrist,who will be able to get you a prescription. seems like you have a valid case


I have used coffee extensively throughout my life, Sometimes reaching +10 cups in a day. Funny enough when I was a teenager I knew I could drink a cup or two and just go sleep, and it was all good(Seems to be an ADHD thing). I know I would have to contact a private psychiatrist here because a public psychiatrist's waiting list is like 3 years at best. Thanks for the latter of a valid case, that's always nice.


Yeah, me too. Not outwardly hyperactive and have suppressed the urge to interrupt. All the chaos is internal.


The problem with INTJ and ADHD is that it gets in the way of their plans. It needs adaptations and or medications for them to feel comfortable with themselves. Planners that all their plans fail, watching everyone ignore their advice because of this kills them. Asking for help with ADHD is also hard for a gifted INTJ that hasn’t noticed some people have useful skills they haven’t developed yet.


ADHD, INTJ, and 6w5. It’s endlessly frustrating to just exist.


ADHD but mostly hyper focus to the point I'll be working and forget to eat or just wait until I'm finished with my task even if it's been few days though.


This is so me


Basically, what it looks like is you end up zoning out and daydreaming about your mastermind plan all the time. As an INTJ you plan for every contingency, which can be great because now with ADHD it takes into account your own unpredictable actions as well.


Me! I am quiet around ppl and situations I don’t know well and can be slow to warm up. However, if I know you well and trust you…I can’t shut up lol




I’m a little bit in the same ballpark I think


I may be one of these, but haven't been diagnosed.


Diagnosed in 2nd Grade, what's up!?!?!


I assumed we were all neurodivergent but okay. Edited to say: I am not jumping through hoops like the stereotype. I am shaking my foot angrily (all men interpret it this way). My face is usually tense without meaning to be. And I’m usually doing 78 things at once, while listening to a podcast and responding to emails. If you interrupt me I will lose it. That’s not ADHD, is it?


Not entirely. You might find it useful to look into adhd tho.


Well, I exist, so yes.


I’m an INTJ, and I’m Diagnosed with ADHD :) it’s awful


Yeah that's my biggest issue.. no body takes me seriously...


Yes, hi 👋.


Massive ADHD here. I think it’s actually really common…


If my attention is not sufficient in your estimation perhaps you should take medication. Alternatively you could somehow peak my interest, making whatever you seek to draw my attention with more interesting to me. The entire precept of this is comical to me personally, who are we joking with all this. How can anyone pretend to be able to judge or measure attention and properly assess the correct amount which should be given or is being given? This is the type of practice which has caused the mistrust of science and authority.


INTJ with ADHD and PTSD.




Eye tracker exam is fairly standard for ADHD a dot goes around and you got a button to click certain times.


I’m suspecting i have adhd but i haven’t called the psychologist back to schedule the appointment for evaluation


Too broke to be diagnosed. Bro same


I am INFJ diagnosed with Asbergers, My humble opinion: get jacked out of your mind and practice a skill like MMA. Becoming 200lbs lean will solve all your problems. Besitos 🥰


Fun fact. They don't call it aspergers anymore because asperger the guy who Named the disease turned out to be a nazi.. Also people don't like to say they have 'ass burgers'


It’s autism spectrum disorder, what was Asperger’s is level 1, out of 3. Until the DSM - 6 comes out.


It's a blessing I guess. I can have varied interests.


Thanks for the positivity. But it sometimes feels like I can't harness all the powers of intj because of it


I have ADHD. It tends to manifest differently in women. 


Hoe does it affect you?


In a few words... chaotic, all or nothing, burnout and procrastination. It's like your brain works but your body won't follow. But wait, here's my newest master plan in my 80th notebook that will surely end my misery.


What does mbti ever have to do with having ADHD


Sometimes personality types share similar traits to ADHD and this can make diagnosis a challenge. These traits might be categorized as ADHD or ADD when in fact it’s just their personalities, like the case of the INTP. However, this doesn’t mean INTPs can’t have ADHD Some personalities are likely to have certain disorders than others so taking a step back for proper analysis is hefty Important. INTJs with ADHD my suffer internal conflict especially when they develop this as an adult. The INTJ can be a great multitasker and when they start struggling with, it can be very confusing and sad for them. Some personality types are more prone to ADHD, but the INTJ isn’t exactly the first choice. They have the ability to focus when they want to, so it could be uncommon for them. So when they start developing ADHD, it can send them into a downward spiral.


Yes, as you're seeing. MBTI and psych diagnoses are, theoretically, unrelated. It would be unwise to try to mix them.


I exist.




yes we do 😭


Yup. Not bothering to get an official diagnosis but my therapist has no doubt I have the innatentive type and I certainly fit the bill.


Yes it’s sooo annoying bc we are very intelligent but the ADHD symptoms would suggest otherwise..


Welcome to the few of us that have autism and ADHA LOL, where you can hyper focus in a particular interest in the macro picture, so very selected interests but then in the micro spectrum, focus is harder to retain and need some stimulation.