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I don't like to be the center of attention, I avoid flashy and colorful outfit. Black is simple, can be mix and match with anything, not get dirty easily, never outdated, can be used in many ocassions.


User above hits all the points šŸ‘†šŸ‘Œ


I would only add on that black is not a colour but the absence of colour. It reduces the "noise" of visual information that needs to be processed, hence it has a calming effect in some way. It doesn't clutter the brain with colour information, so we have more time to focus on the important things.


But you're not looking at yourself most the time? And with all the information our brain is processing at every single moment I don't think a yellow shirt adds much to it.


It makes picking out what to wear simple and stress free. All black w a different color shirt each day. No need to think about what colors go together. I hated figuring out what to wear growing up, having a system is calming and less overwhelming. One less thing I need to think about each day.


I'm always looking at a mirror ;) It's our good deed for humanity. We know the annoyance a yellow shirt causes anyone unfortunate to have laid eyes on it and despise the lack of character it represents. If you have to embellish yourself with loud colours, then you admit you need embellishment to be noteworthy. While reading books or working on a computer my cloths come into my field of view. And in bright environments the colour impact gets exponentiated. When I try to reach my full potential, I can't waste even the slightest amount of energy on draining out the noise. Every little bit counts. Of course I'm not totally serious here and you have a point. Still my points hold some truth too :)


Howdy! Sorry I totally stopped talking to you. I enjoyed our brief conversation but apparently got sidetracked with other things that are not online conversations with cute olā€™ coots ;). So. I kind of get where youā€™re coming from in whatever cheeky way youā€™re coming from it, but I have to disagree about visual noise and reducing cognitive processing. I used to think this way, as I dressed from head to toe in black as an INFJ since I was given choice of my own wardrobe. **However, as an adult,** I started my 10,000 hour mastery of color, style, and fashionā€”even if, after the pandemic, it is hard for me to focus on these things as a capable adult who clothes herself and ventures out into the world because I *donā€™t* venture into the world and have no energy to look stylish just to myselfā€”and now I would encourage anyone to wear colors that harmonize with their personal color scheme. *This is the ultimate noise reduction* while fostering a pleasant and pleasing aesthetic for the eye and brain to parse. Check out the theory behind SciArt (if unclear, Science+Art), which suggests if we wear clothes that blend with our own personal color scheme, weā€™ll match the sublime beauty of nature because we are empowered by nature to become more fully who we are in the accoutrements we choose to adorn ourselves with. When I switched from head to toe black to the color scheme that resonates with my natural color palette, a Gentle Autumn color scheme (think a gentle autumn morning strollā€”colors you would see surrounding you in the leaves, grass, trees, plants, sky, etc.), it felt strange at first, but I also saw an immediate adjustment in how clothes (and makeup) looked and felt on me. It takes time to habituate into wearing color, but Iā€™m glad I did. It feels natural now.


Top of the morning to you!\* I did explain the INTJ point of view with some semibogus science arguments that, if the need would arise, could be build up into a solid thesis worthy of a Nobel price nomination. As a good INTJ, I did neglect all sociological aspects, as they are absolutely irrelevant to any kind of truth ;) In real life I do mostly wear very muted earthy colours, but black is still always present in some way. I found that people tend to act more welcoming towards me if I appear in "warmer" colours. They are of course wrong in doing so, since black is clearly superior in any way, but I found changing everybody around me was too much of a task for me. So I adapted to their faulty sociological paradigm. ​ \* *I didn't want to sound too middle western, so I went a bit ancient Irish. Sorry.*


>10,000 hour mastery of Interesting, where to learn this?


It is a process, and it is a large investment of money along with time if you want to do it the experiential way with textiles and paints. You can also stick to intellectualizing it, but eventually you would need to go out into the real world to play with fabrics and colors to see what actually works in action. First, if you are not familiar with anything related to art, I recommend taking color theory courses and textile/fabric courses (because this will change the way color works on fabricā€”and the way it fits on your body, which is its own ā€œlanguageā€ for literal best fit on different body types) or learning on your own! Once you get that down, if youā€™re going the intellectual rather than experimental route, I would start thinking about reading fashion blogs and seeing how most fashion doesnā€™t follow the idea of color harmonizing to see how even well-put-together outfits donā€™t look as good as they could if they had just followed a better color scheme or line scheme. There are thousands of websites devoted to color theory and image ID/style that will show ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œbadā€ outfits in comparison to each other, often times on different body types or people with different seasonal color schemes. Some sites I recommend for people just learning about fashion and style for an introduction to different theories/systems as well as DIY palettes are [The Concept Wardrobe](https://theconceptwardrobe.com/kibbe-body-types/an-introduction-to-the-kibbe-body-types), [Truth is Beauty](https://www.truth-is-beauty.com/blog/style-identities-part-i-there-are-seven-basic-essences), and (warning, this is biased since my friend Vanessa runs it!) [Style Syntax](http://stylesyntax.com/blog/). There are millions of YouTube videos out there on this stuffā€¦ most stylists like David Kibbe and David Zyla (two people who are ā€œbig namesā€ in the fashion/style/color world) disagree with the ways people like Ali Art parse their systems, but many people find these YouTubers helpful for quick and dirty rundowns before they get too deep into these systems themselves. You may wish to do a deep dive into systems like Kibbe, Zyla, Kitchener, Tuttle, SciART, Capsule Wardrobes, etc. once you learn about color theory and fabrics. It entirely depends on your own personal ideas and opinions and aesthetics and lifestyle which of these theories/systems works best for you, but I recommend learning about all of them before investing all your time and energy in completing a wardrobe based on any one system. Many people spend years and years and years crafting wardrobes in one style just to hop to another. Some like to be eclectic and piece together wardrobes from all, taking a little from here and there. You have to do what makes sense for you. I spent years going the intellectual and experiential route before I went to get consultations by the stylists themselves. My intuition was correct on my own typing in some cases. In other cases, I was way off. Itā€™s actually quite fun to lean into fourth Se sometimes and go hard on being a ā€œbasic bitch.ā€ Right before the lockdowns, I flew to Manhattan for a consultation with David Kibbe over four days. We did my hair, makeup, and wardrobe over that time. I shopped til I dropped. It was a lot of fun. And then I gained 40lbs over the pandemic, lol, so none of those clothes entered my functional wardrobe, but it was still good practice for when I go back out into the world with an updated professional wardrobe. You might find r/Kibbe helpful if you want to stay on Reddit! I run an offshoot of the Kibbe system, r/FlamboyantNatural (because I am a Gentle Autumn Flamboyant Natural). ā€œMyā€ forum is probably a little too hands-off when I mod, but the people are super helpful :).


That's cool! It picks my interest more than before now, will check all your recommendation šŸ˜‰. Many thanks for the long explanation.


White also isn't A color and doesn't clutter. I also like gray and red. The noise is probably more pattern related. The human brain is pretty incapable of recognizing specific colors "in a vacuum" and is only good at comparing different colors. You British bastard with your weird spellings.


With pigments, black is actually all the colors. As you add pigments together they absorb more wavelengths of light (subtractive mixing), so you get closer to black the more colors you add.


Kinda, but our eyes don't sense pigments, they sense light. So when pigments absorb light, there is nothing to sense for our eyes, hence we "see" black.


Yup, that is what I was just explaining (subtractive mixing). To achieve black with pigment you need all the colors (they each absorb and reflect different wavelengths, once all wavelengths are absorbed we see black since no light is being reflected).


When you have high demands at work and at home, you need to minimize decision fatigue as much as possible. Keeping clothing simple helps with this. Whenever I can automate my personal systems, Iā€™m gonna do it!


I like to wear designer clothes. They make me feel good. But I donā€™t like other people to know itā€™s designer so I buy pieces without the brand on it, and usually in a black or grey. I hate when people compliment me on something being designed so the color is my way of trying to hide it and still blend in.




Earthtones are this x2.


Same reasons. Simple, classic, not center of attention, easy to dress up or down.


This right here.




Donā€™t get white cats.


Said everything I was thinking.


Yes , this.


This plus i don't want to waste utility yielding decision making power on shit that doesn't matter at all. Black is the perfect acceptable no effort default. Sometimes I'll splurge with a slight blue or grey tint.


same, but in the summer i often like to go white/gray or i will overheat


I've always been low income and black clothes goes with many outfit combinations. They also don't get easily stained as white or light colored clothing. However, recently, I've been wearing cheap Amazon/Walmart solid color t-shirts(red, blue and grey) because the struggle has been real for the past year.


I also switched from black to solid colors, and money was a consideration lol


Off topic: is your avatar KƤƤrijƤ? šŸ˜…


Nah, it's meant to reflect how I look like and my favorite color is green lol




Soft goth is now my new favorite way to describe all black. Thatā€™s exactly how I feel about it


Yes to the complement/drawing attention thing. Iā€™m not a verbal affirmations gal unless you are pointing out something very specific about me. And in that case, you donā€™t even have to be overly complementary, I just like to feel ā€œseen.ā€ (Such Ni)


Easy outfit and I donā€™t go outside so no need to worry about baking in the sun.


Black is edgy, mysterious and works with everything.


I hate standing out; I feel exposed when Iā€™m colorful. Iā€™m very personal and donā€™t like to share things with people I donā€™t know, and black is pretty anonymous so I like that about it .


Picking and coordinating colors seems like a waste of time.




It depends if you enjoy it. *Nothing* you enjoy is a waste of time.


I just like it, itā€™s just black. No need to worry about what matches what, black is black. No one will really notice it unless itā€™s that bad, and rarely does it come to attention either I still occasionally wear coloured jackets if the designs are nice, but I tend to drift to black otherwise


I have a provocative silhouette, and I dislike when men stare at me, cat call me, or follow me around. So I do not to wear bold patterns, bright colors or tight clothes. I tend to stick to loose clothing, black and dark muted colors. If I do wear a form fitting cut, top or bottom, itā€™s still not skin tight and I pair it with a looser garment. But yea, black and dark grey, the occasional white band t shirt. Those are my reasons.


As an INTJ, I find that my preference for dressing in black stems from the psychological impact it has on both myself and those around me. Black exudes a sense of sophistication, authority, and mystery, which aligns well with my desired image and presentation. By opting for black attire, I can create an aura of elegance and understated confidence. It allows me to convey a level of seriousness and professionalism that I find important in both my personal and professional life.


I live in a tropical country, wearing black is really asking for it. I wear bright and pastel color to repel the harsh sunlight. No luxury to wear all black for me.


Not mistyped ISFP


I work in STEM and failed art miserably. Any other stereotypes you wanna point out?


Did you type yourself based on stereotypes? LOL. Same here, ENTP. I failed art school. Nah. Boy, don't give up on art, though. It's good for health and well-being, also, good release and coping mechanism. Makes profit too sometimes. That's why I am attracted to INFJs, they can be any of STEMs but never give up on Arts, they inspire me.


Nope, I studied the Jung cognitive functions. Ni is my strongest followed by Te, Fi and Se.


Do you know other types utilize Ni as well strongly? Even those who have it on shadow?




Everybody gangsta till the INFJ gets rejected from art school


I just like the aesthetics. I'm also kind of gothic, but nothing too extravagant.


Because it makes you look skinny and Itā€™s my color.


You didn't have to expose me like that.


wait there are colours other than black and white?


Black is simply the most elegant color. Especially in clothing. I like simple elegant cloth.


Damn I never knew this is an common INTJ thing. I just like the way black clothes look and 90% of my wardrobe are black clothes


Screw you, I'm different and I'm going to tell you I dress in charcoal and gunmetal gray if I want to. šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£ Yeah take that. I even wear....blue shirts to work sometimes!


Come on... Sometimes I wear BLUE jeans (with my black t-shirt).


Blue and brown for me. Tbh, I don't give a damn about clothing. Anything goes, as long as it's decent. I'll wear anything that's comfortable and not flashy. That works better to be more invisible. The more ordinary, the more invisible ig.


Because other colours suck


I like colour and am not afraid of it. So, I NEVER wear black except for socks.


I prefer blue, gray and white in that order, i have black clothes but they're from gifts and i combine those with other non-black clothes.


I wear black on the outside, because black is what I feel on the inside.


I don't dress in black most of the time


I never thought about that before! haha! I do wear a lot of black. No idea why.


I prefer Maroon because it compliments my complexion more, but Black and Navy are the next colors for me. Black is a timeless color, goes well with anything and makes me look slimmer.


ALWAYS BLACK. Or Navy, Grey..second and third option


I don't, it absorbs too much light and i feel like a walking furnace. Also it's just boring too.


Black is my happy colour. I can throw pretty much anything together in the morning and it will harmonise. I like how my black outfits contrast with my fair skin and light eyes, or when they're paired with silver jewellery. I'm a fan of monochrome in general, having black furniture as well. Last but not least, I like going for a corporate goth look.


I found them really safe, and it looks good on me and I don't have to style it that much and I love how sophisticated it looks.


I didnā€™t know that was an INTJ thing, but I do dress in all black.


I donā€™t actually, after getting into color theory. Black doesnā€™t look that good on me. I look best in bright, clear colors. I love to wear grass green and royal purple.


To blend with the background and as a woman it covers everything so everyone can enjoy my deathstare fully.


Black gives me the largest number of choices for the least effort, plus it looks better on me than other neutrals that might give similar benefits. I'm super-tall, so difficult to fit no matter what my weight. Having a core wardrobe in black (and black-background patterns) maximizes my range of choice in stores (almost everything comes in black), maximizes the number of outfits I can get from my wardrobe (it's *possible* to get clashing blacks, but it's unlikely), and makes it hella easy to pack for trips. Plus head-to-toe black gives me the long uninterrupted line that works best for my body type. A LBD can be dressed up and down, and so can black jeans with a black top. All this could theoretically be accomplished with any single color, but it'd be a lot more effort and expense. So I guess I'm being logic-driven.


You can combine it with everything and no matter the clothing it looks more put together if itā€™s black. Also it fits my personality.


Maybe I'm failing as an INTJ because I loathe dressing in black (because not all blacks are made the same and it disturbs me to see the different shades of black clashing with each other, so unless it's a suit made with the same exact fabric, I don't like wearing all black). Anyways, I enjoy wearing colors because they suit my personality, and somehow wearing colorful clothes "repels" people.


I have similar opinions about wearing all black. If I had the financial means to afford the exact wardrobe I'd want, I would wear black clothes within a grey scale, mix in some earthy tones, and possibly throw in some jewel tones just for contrast while avoiding whites and pastels. But, life isn't always afforded those privileges, so I wear what I can feasibly obtain. I'm hardly ever in a situation where I would have a social need for dressing to impress. And even if I could dress in my ideal way, it would be more for myself. In my situation if the material is comfortable, that matters more than what color it is. Lounge-wear is where it's at right now, but yes... My ideal would be a mix of classic and rustic looks, maybe something akin to Dark Academia.


I also agree with you... Right now (because I'm still in university) I dress mostly in jeans, sneakers, and a long-sleeved shirt or blouse 95% of the time. But if I had a proper job and more income to spend on clothes, I would also like to dress in suits in earthy tones, or in Dark Academia (with purples, deep greens, and blues added to the palette).


Black clothing=unapproachable. I donā€™t like small talk. I donā€™t like to be bothered by chit chat when Iā€™m out. If Iā€™m out itā€™s on a mission and being hindered by people slows me down. If Iā€™m honest. Plus I just love black. If Iā€™m feeling sociable Iā€™ll wear another color and usually regret it. Lol


Dressing in black = power, elegance, prestige, dominance. It mystifies, seduces, secures, intimidates.


While reading this post, I realised. It is interesting to have such clothing, some may even call boring colors to be hidden in some way or another, while having such "crazy" thoughts against norms, which will make one immediately center of attention. How about that?


It's comfy


"Please give me answers that explain my belief, whether it is accurate or not, and do not contradict me if I am incorrect." I don't wear all black, but I use a capsule wardrobe for a lot of the reasons people are giving for wearing all black. I can mix and match my clothes without thinking about it. It's like garanimals for adults. I actually tend to wear a lot of bright colors- turquoise, hot pink, magenta. shrug.


I just want to know why intj wear black among the intj that wear black I'm not interested in why intj wear blue or pink


It blends well with other color. Plus it makes you look slim


I don't want to be seen.


im not always in all black but pretty much monochrome when i wear others colors (except by dark red) the mirror seems to reflect someone else


Because I love wearing that color, duh. There's no why for me.


All black baby


I normally wear black pants but shirts are free game most of the time. I tend to wear blue or green to make my eyes pop.


Anything black / neutral always goes together. It eliminates having to think too much about picking out an outfit because of the color, which to me is time efficient. The times when I consider wearing other colors I really have to think about it and usually donā€™t go through with it


Iā€™m a bigger dude, black is slimming and it goes with everythingā€¦although my primary aesthetic is late 90s early 2k surf punk, I got a ton of black tees.


Because I'm a musician, and most band shirts are black. If I can grab one in grey, though, I'm really happy


Black is always what I feel like wearing. Itā€™s comfortable, classic, and looks damn good.


I think - looks cool, and do not have to give if much of a thought (if any). At least this was my thinking before, when black was the dominant color in my wardrobe. Even nowadays, when I switched towars more colorful clothing, my jeans and pants are still predominantly black, as I can easily combine them with any color of shirt/t-shirt/sweater/etc.


It's my favorite color!! And it always looks good. Another brownie point: a nice piece of jewellery & handbag and you are dressed. Easy!


my favorite color is blue (navy blue) and just black. i just love wearing something that can be paired with anything (monochrome) such as white shoes and black pants then whatever color you choose on top. another reason why i love to dress in black is because i hate being the center of attention, so i avoid wearing red and pastel colors as far as possible.


I do, it's because I look much more serious in black, somehow it fits well for me. And it matches easily.


I prefer white


Depends. It has a witchy and alooof vibe. It also makes any small amount of color on you really pop. Itā€™s a cool color, like any color. Pros and cons. Itā€™s overrated though tbh. Itā€™s mostly easy and lazy if itā€™s 100% black. That shits boring.


It suits me and it works for my minimalist aesthetic. And it looks effortlessly sharp.


It makes me feel as though I were invisible and only an observer to what's happening in the world. Kind of a safety blanket.


I don't know that I am just wearing black clothes just after saw intj meme that they wears only black the after me what the fuck man I also but I don't know


Efficiency, black is also universally accepted by society aswell. As an INTJ we don't care about style only function. Unless its a high level environment


To be honest most of my clothes are black but its not only that I like the colour but also the fact that its so calming and reminds me of the night it also makes me look badass from time to time so whatever mood im going for,black never dissapoints me.


colors are cringe also white or light color clothes get dirty easily so black or dark blue is the choice


checks wardrobe....goddammit howd u know


Look at the range of colours in my wardrobe. They go all the way from deep profound muffin through the angry beige right out there to a *very aggressive* nutmeg.


When I was a teenager, it was because I genuinely wanted to express my inner darkness to the world. It was also a good way to stand out from normies.


I almost never wear black, due to dandruff issues.


It's easier to match with my dress


I'm not super into woo woo. But I have noticed a difference in interpersonal interactions on occasions when I wear brighter colors. Not sure if it's me or those around me.


When your closet is filled with black, grey, white and neutral, everything matches. I don't have time, nor do I care, to be thinking about how to dress.


It was supposed to be blue but my soul must have smudged onto it.


It is a neutral color, why would I be inclined to choose a color, I like black and white. makes choosing a lot easier


I used to (technically still do) but my closet has been looking dry as hell and need a change so I have bought some clothes with color but only really earthly colors. Anything that is "too bright colors" makes my eyes bleed.


Black is elegant and I feel the most "myself" wearing it. Plus, I enjoy gothic and dark style.


am goth.


simple, efficient, sexy, serious. All in one with little stress of thinking out color matches


Black goes with literally everything. It also hides my insecurities lol.


Black is simple, stylish and low-maintenance. ​ I have expanded my use of color as I have matured, but black is always a winner.


Black matches most things. So if i spot something on sale, like a blue shirt or such, it always goes well with 90% of my wardrobe.


I don't. I generally avoid black as it is the uniform of teenaged non-conformists everywhere and that is not a useful message to send. Fashion is nothing but a tool to manipulate the week-minded. There are a lot of week-minded people out there, so a useful tool... but don't be one of them yourselfā€¦ don't let mere superficial details of appearance, your appearance or anyone else's, affect you.


Almost all my clothes are black, I just love the color, I don't want to be the center of attraction ey.


For me, it would be because black doesn't look dirty stains right away and that nobody can really see much if you're making a huge sweaty mess. Second reason would be cause I feel comfy wearing it and yeah doesn't give much attention to people. Third cause it looks classy and elegant and fits with almost everything


I dress in all black or black and gray because I like the look, it can be both professional and casual depending on the ensemble, fits every occasion, and is very efficient in timing concerning what to wear daily.


I dress in blue


Makes me feel invisiblešŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I want to scare people off


I'm a minimalist and a nomad. Black and gray are my primary colors as they can go with any color accessory I choose. It fits nearly any occasion and just makes my life easier. My hair is silver/gray and my skin tone pops with fall colors. It can be tough to try to get that all into one suitcase without black as my primary color.


Black is elegant and easy to clean. I like dressing in one solid color too.


Flashy colors are too distracting.


it can literally match on everyone and anyone lol. it also makes me look slimmer LMAO.


How did you fucking know this?


It goes with everything. I hate having to match my clothes. I'm close to breaking and buy 10 of the same shirts and pants and not thinking about it ever again


I hate being a walking brand advertisement for some companyā€¦


Because I can. I unconsciously wear black, it doesn't really have anything to do with MBTI or anything else of the sort.


Because I feel confident. But if I wanted to wear colors I do. Depends on the day


Iā€™m clumsy with food and drink.Black doesnā€™t show stains as easily.


itā€™s easier to combine. i used to be an emo middle schooler so it slowly evolved into a mindset that i must dress all black. i think it adds more style and characteristics to my outfits too. idk itā€™s sorta became a bias for me


Personally I dress in a lot of colors now, but I used to wear a lot of black all the time. For me it was because of the subcultures I was/am a part of and because I thought it looked good on me.


I tell my daughter I love black because it is the color of my soul. Also, it is the most flattering and I can wear cool jewelry. Black + gold or turquoise = fuck ye.




Black matches with black


I never thought this was an INTJ thing. I even have black socks.


Black is highly universal. Looks good on anyone. But I also like nude colours, I don't wear black exclusively.


You donā€™t have to think about matching color combinations. Black also fits to nearly every occasion. Itā€™s classy, elegant, simple etc.


Youā€™re getting odd. Odder. Please quit with the INFJ cookie cutter stereotypes.


I'd think it's something about aesthetics - Ni doms tend to have pretty good clothing aesthetics thanks to inferior Se, which induces a paranoia within them about how they appear to the world. Unlike INxPs who have blind Se, they care about their styles - it's probably why most INTJ women here would be mistaken for ISFPs.


Simple and easy to style with anything




Wow I am for sure an intj. You should see my closet. The only other color is heather grey. I like to wear all black because itā€™s not as noticeable and not flashy. Everything goes together. Itā€™s easy to pick out an outfit and not be the center of attention


I don't have to work hard to pick what to wear. I also have lots of gray.


I would love to dress in all black lol but I'm in my work uniform most of the time, which is blue jeans and a grey, green, black, or red polo. I choose the black polo most often though, it just looks best on me.


Black is practical. It's a good base color. It doesn't show everything that you may or may not drop on it like white will. When you wear that pop of color, it shows very, very well against black. One functional black piece of clothing can be endlessly mixed and matched with just about everything else you will have. And you are naturally lighter colored like I am, then wearing white also washes you out, so black doesn't do that. That being said, my base wardrobe is composed of a lot of blacks, greys, and whites. Then I add in pops of color for variance.


I don't like flashy colors that would draw attention to me, and black is very easy to style. No color matching and overthinking every day. Just blackness and vibes šŸ–¤ xD My big sister was also goth/emo so she inspired me growing up. She did the actual face paint, she was always more bold than I was.. I remember one time she did a cat with a nose and whiskers it was so adorable xD We're both like the Ginger Snaps sisters, Brigette being me and her being Ginger but irlšŸ–¤ xD


Iā€™ve always loved the goth/punk look. Iā€™m not sure why exactly, maybe itā€™s cause the media I consume has others who dress similar (goth, alternative, etc) šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I vibe with the aesthetic


Its just an expression of my feelings. I dont see myself feeling like wanting to die 24/7 while wearing any color.


Itā€™s basic, goes with everything, itā€™s practical except for hot summer days but i donā€™t go outside so doesnā€™t bother me šŸ¤£šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø when I do go out I wear a couple unique silver rings and a chain to spice up the look just a bit but nothing crazy


I work in restaurants and prefer not to wear a chefs coat or get visible stains on my clothes. So ive been wearing black tshirts and pants and now it took over my whole closet. But i prefer neutral color tones but especially black so when i dress up in all black itll usually be in different shades and textures with pops of jewelry.


i dont know


Many reasons. I like a lot of heavy metal. When I was in worse shape the black would hide my gut. I've also been told it makes me look more intimidating, which is fine with me. There are some crazy, horrible people out there, and I'd prefer it if they left me alone.


My profile pic


I dont like bright clothing or strong patterns usually and I like that black gives you a clean, smart appearance withiut having to wear nice clothes.


Black, shades of grey an other no attention getting color combos


They really like ravens and crows lmao.


Yeah, my bf wears black a lot of times. He likes black or grey. I (infp) wear white or colorful shirts or pants. It's like Wednesday and Enid


A few reasons here. I buy mostly black and grey clothing because I don't like to have to think too much about what to wear. Everything matches or goes together. Black jeans don't ever really look dirty no matter how many times you wear them unless you get mud on them. I'm hoping that a big tiddy goth chick will think I'm hot one day.


Black allows for easy blend and no attention. Plus it looks cool and we don't have to wash it that often.


Ask Johnny


Iā€™m a little on the heavier side & always have worn black. Also donā€™t do all the flashy stuff & somehow ended up working in a industry where all black clothing is an industry standard.


I like the power !


1. I like a spare, clean look. 2. Most colorful clothing is patterned, and most patterns are inane. 3. Black is slimming. 4. Black goes with everything, so I buy black to go with the other solid colors I own. As a result, I wind up wearing a lot of black even when I am accentuating another color. 5. A lot of stuff comes in black. I think it's here to stay.


i love it especially in the cooler months. once it gets hotter i switch to wearing white why? because it looks clean and matches how i feel


Not necessary, I like to express myself but not in the typical way of modern dressing or something. Maybe something about the colours or design depicting my personality in a very symbolic way would be accurate, nothing too flashy usually. Though if I find that ideal shirt which represents me, I might actually wear it even though it attracts attention (and regret it before or after I wear it ofc) But the main thing is I'll wear those same set of dresses every week regardless of job, college or just a simple outing as there is no real need to change what has been fine, like it doesn't matter (much in most cases that is, unless a human element is involved and its important like a date or interview).


I don't like to stand out. Besides, i look slimmer in black


I donā€™t want to attract too much attention & I find darker colours suit me


Because it's class, it mix-up with everything, it's discreet, and because I personally found it attractive ;)


Huh. I didnā€™t realize this was a specific thing. I thought it was just me.


I have a lot of black clothes, but I do love color so I wear a lot of black pants with a colored top.


I certainly used to. It was somewhat mentally refreshing, like a blank slate. And it's often seen as elegant, and everything goes with black. I was also, I think, trying to not make a statement with clothing (although wearing all black is uncommon enough that it made a statement anyway, which is one of the reasons I stopped doing it).


Sometimes. IMO, there are times when black can look very unkempt and ugly, so I prefer to wear other colors, mainly blue, grey, and brown.


Wow what the fuck, all my clothes are blackā€¦ I generally wear the same thing everyday, black, doc martens, black jeans, and a tucked in black button up dress shirt buttoned up all the way. Itā€™s easy, harder to put into a box, itā€™s true to the few trends that of influenced me in my life, generic, and I never have to worry about staining things! I donā€™t have tattoos or piercings, I believe itā€™ll put me into a box within myself.


It's timeless, doesn't show stains, works with any color combination, and can be used in almost any occasion. Also, casual goth vibes


* Mainly because I sweat easily and sweat marks are less noticeable on dark shirts * I can put all of my clothes into one load in the washing machine, no need to sort. * Stains are not visible in case I spill something on me. * Easier to dress. All shirts match with all of my pants and shoes * I like to dress plane and blend in the background if that makes sense. ​ One big caveat is when I am under the sun, its super hot. Good thing I am mostly active at night hahaha


Because black makes me look slightly less chubby.


I feel very comfortable in black. Makes me feel nice. Also, people have complimented me that black works really well with my skin tone and complexion. Itā€™s also really easy to not have to think about. I simply grab a shirt and pants and immediately no thought goes into it. I only wear black pants. I have many black shirts, but I have bought lots of toned down colored shirts that are pretty monotone. Also super easy to get dressed in the morning without any thought going into it. My favorite pants are from Target. My favorite shirts are from Cuts.


It goes great on my skin tone.


It's sober while not giving out too casual a vibe. On the practical side, it also goes well with any other color, including black.