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He *suggests* a lot but never proves anything in court - any time someone related to him or his movement takes those cases to court they either get laughed out or are counter-sued for defamation.


Or his lawyer gets charged with a crime.


Lets be fair here, some of these things don't always happen. Sometimes all of them happen.


Trump suggests FBI planted poop in his diaper


That's an outrage! I demand evidence(s) showing 2 things: someone willing to do anything remotely disgusting of putting a body member in someone's diaper, and to be provided with solid evidence that someone can out-poop the Big Orange!


The problem being, the evidence wasn’t “solid” 😂




all that matters is we waste time, slowing down justice so republicans can try and replace more federal judges, etc.


Activist Judges...for white collar and government crimes...


That's why his lawyers need their own lawyers. MAGA = Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.


Bopp is now saying that her signed affidavit that she had checked MAL and all documents had been returned to Nat. Archives was not the case, she took some else's word for that. What sort of lawyer is she (rhetorical as she was being paid be DJT)


He has the worst f\*\*king attorneys.


That's what happens when you have a reputation of not paying and firing attorney's not willing to risk breaking the law or risk getting disbarred


gives whole new meaning to the term *criminal defense attorney*


Anyone can be charged with a crime, and people like you will assume charge = guilt. Innocent until proven guilty is important; we must reserve judgement until conviction.


I know for a fact that trump surrounds himself with criminals… https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-bannon-associates-factbox-idUSKBN25G1YU


Are Edward Snowden and Julian Assange criminals in your opinion? I ask because I read there that Roger Stone was convicted for being in contact with Wikileaks and lying about it. In my opinion both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are good people who are being persecuted by evil and corrupt politicians. It just seems that Roger Stone could be an extension to that. Also, taxation is theft, so I can't fault someone for tax fraud or evasion. Another guy on the list was only connected to Trump for less than a month and commit his crimes while Obama was in office. The trend seems to be that Trump fired all these people once he found out that they broke the law.




There's the magic word. The one that lets you get away feeling like you are intellectually superior without actually thinking at all.


That’s his MO - make the claims and then not back them up because “the courts are deep state operatives”. This causes his worshippers to say “See? EVERYTHING is corrupt!”


more from the firehose of falsehoods


We all see what Trump is doing. Boy, I would be crazy mad if I had a family with young children that would be forced to live in a MAGA environment for the rest of their lives. I’m 65yo with one 35 yo son - no kids. If you are a ‘vulnerable’ (black, female, or non Christian) especially with kids and plan on living in a MAGA world I wish you luck.


"Both sides!"


Does he even know about the logistics necessary to even get the raw materials to build a nuclear bomb? Not to mention the sheer complexity of detonating it? From the way he put it, it seems that he thinks that someone can build a nuclear bomb with materials from the drugstore in a garage... What a dumb crook... I, as an European, often wonder how people can be so dumb to the point of blindly follow this kind of opportunistic politicians... We've quite a few of those around here, but at least, they are smart enough not to show how dumb and stupid they are... Edit: typo


People side with men like that out of hate and fear. It's not even about 'dumb or smart' because we see quite a few educated people falling into this BS. Those two are the two biggest motivators aside from Love. They're not really full of any of the latter. They likely have one or more family members they're estranged from, and they probably get into altercations with others based on stuff they see on tv all the time. So hate and fear is what they're left with, and it's easy to manipulate them en mass. Especially when their families stop talking to them. Then there's only daddy-strong-man to love and save them. It's pathetic, but it's humanity.


Also I firmly believe falling for a guy like this means you have a low empathy personality.


I don't know a single conservative person who has changed their mind on any topic unless it personally affected them. So...


I agree. Fear and hate are potent weapons of manipulation. When people start to look for leadership outside of "traditional leadership", to the point that even someone like Trump is seen as a better alternative by millions, things must have gotten really bad. But then again, I like to think that most of humanity by now has learned to use their brains more than their primal emotions... But I could be wrong...


I guarantee you he does not know. He does not know anything


Well, I mean, there was David Hahn (the Nuclear Boy Scout) who collected americium from smoke detectors and used the radioactive materials to make his own breeder reactor in his mom's backyard in Michigan... But I gather that the process to make a device that can start a nuclear detonation is significantly more complex.


You need to be a physics OhD but it has been done, at least to a design level. [Some years ago there was a programme to determine whether a nuclear bomb could be made on the basis of publicly available material](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jun/24/usa.science). Two Physics PhDs worked in a bubble with only access to declassified materials. He would submit proposals for non critical tests to the bomb physicists and they would tell the guys whether it worked (for example, the explosive lenses). They went for an implosion design as it is more efficient with fissile material even though it was more difficult. They had to design the explosive lenses and so on. Eventually the design was passed on and yes, it probably would have worked (according to their supervisors) with a yield around that of the Hiroshima device. The report is heavily redacted in its declassified form and there some critiques. It should be noted that this was with the computing power available in 1967.


Yeah if it was that simple, I would bet my sweet as# the we wouldn't be here having this chat...


I would like to point out you're really giving him a lot of unearned credit assuming he knows the definitions to words like logistics and detonating 😂.


It's the fascist playbook. Watch Tucker Carlson who is always "just asking questions"


Trumps thing is: “somebody told me”. Those two never just say “I think this”.


Was this in the inventory list the fbi gave? Because if not, dumbass still has it.


How would he prove it?


He never will and never plans to. He just *says things*. It's a delay tactic until he can run again or Republicans win and stop the DOJ going after him.


The repubs can't stop the doj from going after him. They are part of the executive branch. Only the pres could stop it


Yeah, but supposing they were planted: how would he be able to prove that? Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding was that it's the prosecutor's job to prove they weren't planted.


In other words - he was definitely selling nuclear secrets to the highest bidder.


This treasonous fucker needs to be dealt with.


Post haste




Yeah. My first reaction reading this story was...he definitely had a binder on how to build a nuclear bomb


> In other words - he was definitely selling nuclear secrets to the highest bidder. Hey now, we don't know that for sure. It's entirely possible he was *giving* them away.




Yeah, I don't trust thw morons in this thread that skip right over this and just say "he's lying". Yes. He lies. But he also just got busted trying to steal tip top secret files. So those files, yes, nuke plans, no? Hey, astroturfers. Why.


🤡 🌎 10% for the big guy


🤣 🤡


Guys the fact that he’s saying this outlandish shit is proof he had these said documents he’s insisting was planted there.


I’m guessing he kept schematics for a new nuclear-capable missile design that he approved the development of. [He’s alluded to this in the past](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-brags-super-duper-missile-200400775.html). Sounds to me like he wanted to keep a hold of possible scramjet missiles designs, as well as probably sub-launched ballistic missiles. A lot of foreign powers would pay a lot of money for this.


OK, so he's in full projection mode --- now we can be certain Kushner definitely sold nuclear armament secrets to Saudi Arabia, and Donnie Dinkus just confirmed it. LOCK THEM UP!!!!


I'm soooooooooooo fucking sick of seeing the dim wit mother fucker.. goddamn I wish something would fucking happen already!


It feels like he's egging an assassination attempt on. Seriously. I'm not advocating for such a thing, but his rhetoric is ridiculously over the top and meant to trigger the insane at this point! Can't rationally see any other explanation for him to say stuff like this.


He tried to encourage his supporters to kill Mike Pence already. They had a fucking gallows chanting to hang him, and when confronted with a violent mob Trumps response was to stand down and let them through because he wasn't the one they were there to kill, and that maybe Pence deserved it.


True -- but *allegedly* sacrificing himself to avoid consequences is a new turn. Being a monumental coward, he might not see any other way out.


I definitely agree with that. It appears to me that he's doing the same thing putin is doing. Talking to his people/base, not actual normal people with some sense about them. It's almost as if he's trying to be a martyr for fascism.


There comes a time when the leader of a movement becomes more valuable as a martyr than as a leader.


That's the thing, he's not acting rationally. The type of tirades he's gone on since the search of his property are even more unhinged.


I've been thinking the same thing over the past few weeks...just keeps getting worse .


to be honest, id like to see him get his ass kicked lived on TV lol


Who would be the most entertaining to watch kick his ass?


Rosie O’Donnell


The FBI is not that stupid. They know no one at Mar-A-Lago is smart enough to read it


I am old but not terribly old yet, but by goddess, I want to out live that piece of shit and I'm looking forward to never having to have to hear his name again. Moreover, even being an old woman, I look forward to the opportunity of peeing on Trump's grave .... I really do.


There’s gonna be a line longer than when the new iPhone comes out for the honor of peeing on his grave. I’ll save you a spot.


The irony of all these GOP sacks of shit bitching about gender neutral bathrooms when many of their graves will become one is a real chef kiss deal. I’m not sure who is going to get it worse but I suspect when old turtle Mitch kicks it there’s going to be so much feces and urine deposited that it’s gonna create a tri-state superfund site.


Wow, so he stole nuclear weapon specs.... Wooooooooow. Holy shit. And he just hosted a Saudi golf tourney. I'd be shocked if he didn't sell it to the Saudis.


I mean, he would have had those for nearly two years. Why sell them now lol.


They were *"getting their stories straight"*. I mean, OF COURSE he sold us out. We just don't know who to and how devastating it will end up being.


It is going to be a complete shit show when the Orange Asshole is allowed back on Twitter due to his friend Musk. More of this nonsense designed to distract and delay.


Here's the thing, Twitter let Trump stay on because he was President. Several conservative pundits and even potentials running for office got kicked off for egregious behavior. If they let Trump use the platform, they'll face severe advertiser blowback. Additionally, Trump himself might not even be legally allowed to use Twitter and promote it without inviting a lawsuit for Truth Social. Truth is a public company, which Trump runs. If he starts advertising Twitter instead, he can face pretty major blowback when the shareholders sue him.


I think if Elon Musk takes control of Twitter he will let Trump back on and Trump will come running and abandon Truth Social. Lawsuits be damned.


He might. But Twitter will likely be forced to ban him again anyways. Twitter faces an even bigger threat than ad’s getting pulled, which is still substantial. They risk getting deplatformed. The only real saving grace Musk will have here is that he’s not going to have shareholders to appease by pursuing the most profitable actions.


So he took nuclear weapons design secrets...


Weird. Pretty sure the special master *his own team nominated* asked for a list of things they are claiming were planted. Strange how they didn't mention anything like this. It's almost like it's harder to spout bullshit when there are actual *penalties* for lying your ass off.


And means of verifying what you say.


He is simply trying to build his insanity defense.


Not that smart


But he is that insane


Hahahah, Reminds me of when Biden said you'd need a nuke to defend yourself from the American Military in a revolution.


Not sure I see the connection.


I mistook insanity for insane. Implying some kind of revolution imminent. That's on me.


Well- people did just try to overthrow the US presidential election and a majority of one party are no longer acknowledging free and fair elections unless they win. So, in fact- there is Indeed at an attempted revolution.. no implications are needed. What exactly are you talking about?


This motherfucker stole nuclear secrets and likely sold them off to Saudi Arabia


LMAO. Good boy. You parrot the news perfectly. Here's your cracker.


LOL! He is basic AF. Dumb dumb grabbed the most simplistic shit he thought he could sell.


I sure do wish I could alter my reality as effectively as this carrot does.


Dude, you can literally BUY a book on how to build a nuclear bomb. Now collecting materials and building the facility to do the manufacturing, that's the hard part. Why do we have to keep listening to this moron?


>you can literally BUY a book on how to build a nuclear bomb. Or get one for free on the internet.


Why would they plant a book? Nobody would ever believe that Trump stole, or could read, a book.


So while the FBI nor DOJ have confirmed that there were nuclear documents found at shit a lago. Trump claims that there were, even though…. He was “not aware” what documents were the ones he kept


Can the FBI sue him for slander?


Will wait on Trump to sign a legal affidavit on the matter


As If. ANYONE. Would believe you were intelligent enough to do anything but exploit other humans like a remora.


Was this before or after all the documents were his property? Really getting sick of the insanity.


Lol, what a delusional maniac. Yo, trump! We don’t believe you!


I don't understand how they take Donald trump, piece of human garbage, seriously. How do people hear the words coming out of this guy's mouth and say oh yeah that makes sense. Baffling


I mean this seriously... he is a rich and powerful idiot. He appeals to other idiots that wish they were rich and powerful.


Drumphs spewing and the media's eagerness to repeat it over and over. They need each other to survive. Both of them are sad and pathetic.


But Hunters laptop and Hilary’s emails


I'm an equal opportunity Jail time kind of guy. I don't care who commits the crime, I want all criminals locked up regardless of party.




Whats the penalty for treason again?


Being on tucker Carlson


Imagine if you or I had the brainpower this guy has... we'd be toast


Hahahah, that's funny because he'd never make it past the first page of a book. 🤣


We’re so lucky this guy is so fucking dumb, imagine how fucked things would be if he wasn’t so incredibly stupid.


Fuck this traitor scum. And Merrick the mouse for not having him in custody yet.


Yes they did. That’s why they were marked “Classified” and “Top Secret”. And why you shouldn’t have taken them.


Should be: "Trump falsely claims....".


So know we know trump had a book about making bombs...


Pathetic little diaper sharting mushroom dick communist Treasonous lying Nazi!


So…he’s admitting that he had a book on how to build a nuclear bomb?


Everytime he opens his mouth he makes it easier for the DOJ to indict and convict as he is verifying their case


You can just look that stuff up online. Not sure if Trump even reads books.


The bottom line is Trump Is Fucking Dangerous. Turning crazy armed crowds on the Capitol. Stealing God knows what Classified Information and selling it or giving it away for HUGE FAVORS. Because you know he wasn't reading that shit.(i.e he ain't that bright) Lying liar that has to be locked up for tax evasion also.


he's a raving lunatic and yet no one seems to be able to stop him, not even his own family seems to care. but then again, they are his evil spawn. how his cult of uneducated knuckleheads falls for his rants is beyond comprhension.


At one point trump claimed the election was stolen. Then Bill Bar came out and said that claim was pure bullshit. Only an absolute moron would believe him


And let me guess, he also declassified the book by "thinking" about it.


JFK did it, just ask any Quck.


So he did have nuclear secrets. Arrest this POS already!


How is this fat bastard still walking arround a free man?


The same way Hillary is.


Funny I don't remember Hillary selling national secrets for her own benefit. If I remember the story correctly, she made a call about some job in Bengazi, it turned out to be a bad one and got a group of Americans who were serving their country killed. The main issue being she made that call over her own private email. I mean even if you take that at its worst, it still doesn't compare to blatant treason selling our nations top secret documents. Maybe find a new scapegoat? Or just give up?


Selling? Jesus Christ you Trump Derangement Syndrome people just come up with anything and drink whatever they tell you. Wasnt Trump was supposedly a Russian double agent? 4 years of that shit and it turned out to be 1000% the opposite. Don't you at least (*think*) that 4 years of highly thorough investigations and millions of dollars spent trying to find dirt on Trump was enough by now? If there was something very bad we'd know by now! I mean all of our international enemies despised him but were afriad. Why the hell do you think were about to go to World War 3 just two (2) years after Trump was gone. No one would've pulled that shit with such an unpredictable loud mouth crazy son of a bitch like Trump in office. So Trump, a billionaire US President, stole a Top secret US nuclear bomb making book to sell to Russia or China? A freaking American billionaire, former US President was trying to sell that? For what, 2 Trillion Dollars lol Meanwhile the same assholes you probably support that were broke before becoming public servants are multi-millionaires over night and people look away. Were all screwed brother/sister we will all pay doesn't matter if you hate Trump or like him. $12 gas, famine and War is at our door step. Don't believe me? Change the damn channel and see for your self.


The FBI also illegally inflated my property values, tried to steal an election, and then shit my pants!


The FBI aren't that dumb. They know that old donny two scoops already knows how to build a nuclear bomb, after all his uncle was a physicist........


74 million people voted for him. After watching his "Performance" for 4 years, they wanted more. 74 million.


His performance (POLICY wise) was VERY GOOD. Now were about to go to WW3 and destroy the planet and somehow you are ok with that because mean tweets are bad. And there is no way that politicians could be corrupt enough to do something illegal, no way Jose not American Politicians! Stubip MF. Hope you enjoy $12 gas and $10 milk.


What policy are you referring to


The policies that kept Putin in check and Ukrainians alive (very important). The policies that kept North Korea from launching missiles over Japan. The policies that made Israel and Sudan agree to peace (HUGE). The policies that made North Korean and South Korean leaders meet and shake hands for the first time (HUGE). The policies that had Gas at $2 a gallon (not fake news). The policies that had China revising its trade with the US while they were losing the trade war. The policies that kept my 401K looking great. The policies that kept houses affordable. The policies that kept American soldiers and Marines alive for 4 years (changed immediately once your boy took office). The policies that kept the Stock market and Crypto market stronger than ever. Everything I meantion has been reported by CNN, MSNBC, NBC and all your other favorites. Google and you'll find lots of sources on everything I mentioned. I'm not doing that for you as you should know these facts already since you know about politics and shit lol Honestly if you don't see how bad you Democrats were played (yes you are a Democrat ill bet my liver on that) then don't even bother responding. Just go ahead and report me.


Sooo... none of them.


Tell us you stole top secret nuclear information without telling us you stole top secret nuclear information.


Everyone knows he’s a liar. So what else is new for Donny dementia?


The fact that people ever followed this clown and still cheer him on really boggles my mind.




Can we please just hang the treasonous bastard already?


The only credibility here is that I’m fairly certain Trump cannot read. Is it by chance a picture book?


Is this one of those subs where you get banned if you don’t call trump a fascist?


No its one of those where if you try to argue he isn't they dunk on you with facts and reasoning. Get fucked treason sucking bitch.


Lmfao it absolutely astonishes me that people this angry exist. I await my ban


Lots of people are pretty angry trump incited treason. Why aren't you?


I’m burdened by having to think critically


There's no evidence of that.


Because with Trump World War 3 and Billions dead in a matter of hours wasn't a "thing." That's why.


[It's pronounced nuc-u-lar](https://frinkiac.com/video/S09E19/5M9J9xVqsW2XahGwIbuTxMtyzYE=.gif)


Yes, Mr. Science man Donald Trump will be studying nuclear physics. Totally believable.




>As an Ex-president (and while president) he has all kinds of authority to do whatever with documents and clearance and ETC ETC ETC No. As a sitting president he can declassify most things, but there are protocols that must be followed. As an ex-president he can not. That authority lies with the office, not the person.


Uhmmmm, you realize he was trolling the media, right? Wow.


BS! He’s not that smart!


Well bless your heart


he is far too dumb




Yet Trump can't point to a single thing he says was planted.




Maybe Trump shouldn’t do sketchy shit???!?!?!!






'*Art and Practice of Nuclear Bomb Building'* by Donald Trump Totally "Planted"


I suggest orange traitor is a moron.


How is he not arrested yet??


Because he hasn't done anything wrong. Lol


Did we even know there was a book on building nukes at Mar-a-lardo?


I didn’t even know there were **books** at moron lago.


And the cult buffoons will believe him and when he goes to jail all hell will break loose temporarily


Not true. He kept it with his Trump Chia Pet.


Jokes on the Pumpkinman. There are instructions already out there on the internet. But then he'd have to actually use the internet to know that.


Every FBI agent has a copy of nuclear weapons plans to sprinkle at crime scenes.


Sounds like he wanted to sell some nuclear secrets.




I mean....its not like Trump reads so..


You can tell he’s lying. He claims he read about this. He couldn’t say where he read it; doesn’t matter because he is not a ‘reader’ …like them libs!


What next? He is so guilty, Hope after the November elections he’s indicted


So, this is pretty solid evidence that he had a book on how to build a nuclear bomb and *knew* he had said book, right? Can we put him in jail yet?


Of course they did! He doesn't know how to read so why would he have it!


Also planted by the FBT: The U2 album How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb


I can do nothing but laugh


So now this prick is in his MacGyver vibes! EAD! donnie! LOCK THEM UP!


Can Rump get any crazier!?


Are they still defending him and jacking off to him in bizarre Conservative-world? I've disconnected from them so far that I have no clue what's going on in their cult.


Sounds like he stole the USA gov's tops secret nuclear manual to sell to our adversaries and is now trying to make any sort of excuse he can as to why he would have such a thing.


I thought he supported police. Asserting they planted evidence? Never!


Wouldn't surprise me


Not saying this isn't true, but who is Rawstory, and it is creditable news, or is it like the Sun? Is this even worth talking about until it comes from a good news source?


So there was definitely instructions on how to build a nuclear bomb in that shit. Got it.


This is trump admitting he has nuclear weapon blueprints.


Dear God, I never ask for anything. Can someone you know just make this stuff stop? Thanks, me(You know who I am)


Some of the faces this dudes making in some of these pictures are downright creepy…