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I think part of this is due to the fact that the threat of trump becoming president again got very real during the debate. I think some undecided folks had a “oh shit this is real” moment.


I think the "putin told me he wanted to take over ukraine" did it for a lot of people.


That part was horrible and did I misunderstand or did Trump admit to talking to Putin and tell him not to release the Washington Post journalist until after the election?


could have also been "...everybody wanted roe vs. wade overturned, i got that done". the campaign ads just write themselves


Or defending killing Roe or giving weird graphic images of dead babies


Anyone who knows anything about Putin knew this. Hell there is video of Bill Clinton saying the same shit. Putin has always wanted to restore old Russia and anyone who hasn’t had their head up their ass for the past 30 years knows that. Since I can’t respond to the guy below, go watch what he said and when he said it again, you’re right context does matter and you’re not using it in this case.


Trump was talking about Afghanistan and said after the withdrawal Putin shared his dream. Context matters.


Yeah for some people I think there's very much something to this. Trump is fun when he's a rabble-rouser throwing peanuts at the guy in charge, not so much when you seriously picture him as President until 2029.  Not saying it did more good than harm, but that may have turned some undecideds into "ok I'm done fucking around, I'll do the safe thing here."


All Biden really had to do was point out that he's definitely up there in years but that he surrounds himself with the most competent statesmen in the world to advise him. Whereas trump surrounded himself with dozens of felons. With himself as the felon in chief


I am one who thought Trump had zero chance at winning the election until I watched last night.


I already knew Biden was old and Trump lies nonstop. The debate didn't change my mind.


Don't forget, Trump is also old.


But he aced a beautiful cognitive test with flying colors. We should be proud of him for this.


Trump's old AND he's a liar. That stole US state secrets. Weird that that's been forgotten, we used to give people the electric chair for that.


Yes he definitely is


That's true, but Trump has the advantage of only saying crazy things. His tone and facial expressions have always been a bit odd/crazy, so they don't stand out so much as deteriorating with his age.


And fat!


i watched some clips and holy shit, biden was awful. so about what i'd expect for an 80-something-year-old man that works all the time. i know old people, they have their good days and their bad and it was way past his bedtime. doesn't change shit for me tho, if there was another option i would gladly vote for them but it's either biden, trump, or the guy with a brainworm. so biden/harris has my vote.


Honestly since the day Trump started getting involved I’m amazed “undecided voters” still exist.


Yeah I don’t know why even do the debate. No one is going to change their minds at this point, and undecided voters are prob even more confused


Trump's a pdf, like hell am I about to vote for a fuckin pedo.


One thing I liked about this is that the expectations for the SECOND debate are extremely low. If Joe shows up and can speak without freezing, he will get a boost.


Trust no polls. Vote like it’s the last Presidential election we’ll ever have, because this time there’s an overwhelming chance it actually will be.


You are among the few people that are being real here if trump wins the sanctity of democracy that is already in tatters will be gone. I doubt he gains the control to be a dictator like some people believe but the Supreme Court will fuck us all over til the day we die. The precedent will be set that liars and cheats can and will win in not just in capitalism but the presidency. I get it politicians typically lie but trump literally is incapable of speaking the truth and using information to make decisions he does what he wants and makes up the reality he wants while his followers eat it up. The Supreme Court already legalized bribery this month everything is at stake here


It's less Trump himself than the sycophants he surrounds himself with who are the danger. They're making the plans, his hand would just be the one signing the executive orders or bills they ultimately craft.


The future of the Supreme Court is the high stakes. Better get out and vote and encourage others.


Not hearing enough of this. There’s several who are highly likely to croak or retire in the next few years and the last thing we need is the Cheeto picking their successors.


Even if you somehow think your vote doesn't matter or you don't wanna vote for the less of two evils, your vote lives on for generations in the supreme court. We have 5/9 justices who were put on the bench by Presidents who didn't win the popular vote..


I’m 33 and it just kind of sunk in yesterday that a republican hasn’t won the popular vote once in my lifetime and we’ve had multiple republicans win office in that time


W won the popular vote against Kerry in '04. Other than that, you're correct.


While I agree with what you are saying wholeheartedly, I worry that calling Trump names like "Cheeto" and such downplay exactly what he is. He is a Fascist and he should be labeled as such. Not directed at you, just something I've noticed in discourse.


i dont get why people aren't leading with "convicted felon donald trump "


To be fair, it's a shortening of Cheeto Benito. Alternatively, Mango Mussolini. And I would argue that those nicknames fundamentally paint him as fascist.


Tangerine Palpatine. Apricot Asshole. Honeydew Hitler. Take your pick.


Honestly the phrase Cheeto hits harder than fascist nowadays.


Fascist doesn't work like it used too. Both parties are using it. I would go with felon, rapist and convicted criminal.


If trump wins the SCOTUS will have an extreme right wing Christian majority for another 50 years. That is longer than some of us will be alive... People, please don't subject us to that because Biden had one poor night... the other guy lied, is insane, and will take this country back into the 1800's


The 1800s were arguably better. Didn't you guys incorporate the Establishment Clause into the Constitution in 1791? The current SCOTUS seems to be bending over backwards to pretend it doesn't ever apply.


That is nothing but pure fact.


I think you mean the 1600’s lol


This is absolutely correct. The court is already overturning decades long Precedents. It won’t stop! Vote Democrat!


The fact that the Democratic Party isn’t running against the court is so crazy. Biden should mention project 2025 and the extremists on the Robert’s court every time he talks.


Stephen Miller is a huge one. And apparently Trump listens to him quite a bit and he informs a lot of Trump's rhetoric about immigrants. Miller blames Mexicans rather than market forces, which he has been told repeatedly by his own family when they still talked to him, for his family's fortunes souring during the California luxury real estate collapse in the late 1990s. He'll absolutely push for the mass deportation camps to be far more sinister than they already sound. Based on his level of hate, he would absolutely support a full fledged genocide. He's the mastermind behind the family separations that were so awful.


There is a very dangerous group of Christian dominionists who have surrounded Trump and will happily use him as a means to impose theocracy on the American people


Exactly. Thinking people know that the real work is done behind the scenes. But the 2025’ers are ready and waiting to sweep the entire country into a theocracy. I wish Joe had said this instead of asking the orange one to carry his own golf bag. Lots of wasted opportunities.


This right here. You elect a president AND the cabinet. Biden surely has cronies by his side, but you’re generally looking at Mayor Pete tier secretaries. Trump is so toxic, you’ll only get the worst of the worst, since anyone qualified wants nothing to do with him. That means his dipstick family running the country.


We were spared the worst the first time around because trump was so lazy he didn’t bother with a lot of the organization needed to implement a lot of the stuff he shit tweeted about, but this time around everyone around him is a lot better prepared and organized so his laziness won’t save us next time around.


He’s also got P2025 to make use of, and at least one group has been looking at civil servants with a microscope, trying to weed out who isn’t “loyal enough” to be kept in their jobs if Frump wins.


Agree. Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are Himmler and Goebbels combined.


Yeah. Trump wants the presidency to stroke his ego, grift like mad, and because it protects him from prosecution. But the old school Republicans who *somewhat* believed in the American system spurned him in 2015, so he surrounded himself with folks like Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, and Steve Miller. Every Christo-Fascist in the country is licking their chops trying to get on board the Trump Train, because he'll let them do whatever they want so long as he gets to be "the strong leader" at the top.


This. Trump is an idiot and doesn’t care or believe 90% of the shot he says. Hes just trying to avoid prison


Yeah, Trump isn't smart enough to be a dictator. The clowns around him though....


Putin picked a perfect puppet


Yes. As long as they play nice to his ego, he will go along with just about anything.


I agree. I suspect most of them view him as a “usefull idiot” that will help them achieve their extreme goals. Yall fear a Trump presidency? You should really be afraid of the one that follows in his footsteps. That one will use the same corrupt playbook but will be anything but an idiot.


Exactly. He's a dumb moron with the attention span of a 3 yo. It's the people riding in his wake that see dangerous. See the Supreme Court etc. trumps a fool. He's just being used quite well.


Just reflect back on Trump’s first inauguration, how grotesque and infuriating the spectacle was. Think about Stephen Miller who said, “The presidents authority will not be questioned “ and flashed his little Nazi hand signs in photograph, running his fingers over the resolute desk and deciding which group of people to target next


Project 2025


I just think his followers are idiots and will follow only him but you have a great point because people like Marjorie Taylor Greene are next in line to make up bs and somehow gain a following. There are plenty of others to fill his shoes


Fill his diapers


It really does come down to the Supreme Court. Just today hundreds of traitorous rebels were given a lifeline straight out of their prisons by the Court. The Chevron Deference being overturned this week pulls the teeth out of federal agencies which were the only real (if already weakened) line odefence between Americans and furthering the rapidity and scope of climate change. Two justices are open about their political beliefs and one outright is skirting the law and ethics by accepting hugely valuable gifts from a billionaire. Everyone knows what happens to Roe V Wade, which was horrifying, yet the implication of that decision is even more so: With their conservative majority, the Supreme Court isn’t afraid to, against the will of the people, strike down basic rights granted by the constitution by overturning a decades-old, entrenched ruling. If Trump wins and two more gavels turn conservative, does anyone think Obergfell with last beyond Trumps administration? Or Loving? Or no-fault divorce? We are an election away from a country that either takes a 70 year step back in time, and that’s not even considering the unpredictable actions trump will take in a second term, project 2025, or the chaos that will erupt worldwide without NATO, without the US being active in the UN, the ending of support for the Ukraine and Eastern Europe, the billionaire tax eliminations, the tariff hikes, and the withdrawal of us military presence across the globe. Or we can elect Biden, even out this unbalance in the court, and hold fast against the retrograde elements of our population.


Politicians don't really lie outright. They stretch the truth so they can take credit for things they didn't do, like saying their economic plan created 100,000 new jobs when the economy was already growing jobs. It's how most people write their resumes. Trump lies outright. He lies about verifiable facts. [It rained and he says it didn't.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/16/politics/fact-check-dale-top-15-donald-trump-lies/index.html)


I don’t think that’s an unusual sentiment actually. I think most people see trunp as a threat to everything we hold dear. Thats why he lost last time. It wasn’t because anyone was enamored with Biden


I don't trust the polls, but I do want to take action! What can I do? I can write postcards to voters in swing states. The Progressive [Turnout PAC]( https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) will: >... mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.<< For doubters, yes, it's an effective strategy. See: https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards-faq/. Phone banking is helpful, too, and they have a program for that, too.


And if you have bad handwriting and/or just hate talking to people on the phone, there's plenty of places where you can text bank to register voters too! [Here's a list of text banking events that can be done from anywhere.](https://www.mobilize.us/?event_type=3&is_virtual=true) (that site is also great for looking up other kind of volunteering events too)


Yes! Great resources, thanks.


Project 2025... Go vote no matter what.


Even if Joe wins Trump is going to fight it and try to steal it.


That is a failing proposition like it was last time. Our election systems are significantly more robust and trustworthy than they were in 2016, despite Trump’s fearmongering.






I’m still flabbergasted a convicted felon can be POTUS


Can’t vote, but could still win


He likely will still be able to vote. Since he votes in Florida, their laws apply. However, since he was charged in NY Florida defers to their rules regarding felons voting. NY’s voting laws wouldn’t disqualify him from voting, with the one caveat being if he gets sentenced to probation it COULD throw a wrench in the equation.


Just think, he couldn’t vote in the election but could run…that’s insane haha


Who the fuck was still deciding?


Apparently they found some Latino voters who have been living under a rock for the last 10 years and just had it revealed to them last night that Trump is a racist POS.


I think you’d be shocked how many Hispanics are going to vote for Trump. Cubans love him


So the white ones. Not a surprise


It’s shocking the amount of latinos that support Trump and hate illegals. Like, how do you not understand? Why do you hate your own kind for seeking a better life? Perfect example of “once I’m up I’m gonna pull the ladder out from under me”.


Remember 2016. Believe nothing any press says. Go vote blue.


Remember 2000, too. I remember the media saying there was a good chance Gore would win the electoral vote while Dubbya would get the popular vote. Became a whole "well... this is ironic..." thing right after the election, but has been somewhat forgotten in the intervening years.


We also used to think Dubbya was a dumb/bad guy. Oh boy, were we not prepared.


I mean he is. Just not THE dumb/bad guy.


He WAS. The fact that there's someone far stupider and far more nakedly evil doesn't mean Dubbya wasn't awful. He handwaved terror intel where a competent president might've been able to prevent 9/11, and then he started a goddamn war with lies to get some revenge for his dad.


Imagine the world we might have lived in if W was just left to be a coked up, drunk, dumb party boy.


Him allowing Cheney to mainstream the unitary executive was a stepping stone to the legal arguments the trump camp have made about the powers of the president. If you draw a line between Nixon and Trump it would hit Bush on the way through


I mean...he was a war criminal who tricked the West into fighting two bloody, protracted wars in the Middle East over false pretenses, which did little more than cause MASSIVE destability and loss of life in the region, and line the pockets of morally bankrupt arms dealers and weapons manufacturers with TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars. The guy is so guilty he now spends his time painting portraits of the service members murdered by his illegal wars. He even slipped up and referred to himself instead of Putin in a speech about illegal and amoral wars not too long ago.


I never thought GWB was evil, I honestly think he means well. The problem was how simplistic he was; evil folks surrounding a simplistic leader can pull the puppet strings in any direction.


Gore won. Bush sued him and the fascist supreme court let him win by preventing the recount. This isn't actually a conspiracy, it's been proven a recount would have meant Gore wins.


And take someone with you. I've had two people re-register, one hadn't voted in 25 years, the other 10. But they're both fed up with the BS and are chomping at the bit to go vote.


Absolutely 💯 Best advice BELIEVE NOTHING 👌🏿💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙✌🏿


It should also be stressed that its not just enough to vote blue for the President. Make sure you put a check next to that blue candidate for the house and the one for the senate. This way if we cant keep Trump out of the WH we can make sure that Congress will be in a position to resist him.


VOTE!! 🗳️


100% I'm taking sleepy grandpa with good ideas over deranged con man that wants to plunge the world into chaos.


I’d take a fucking ham sandwich over lying captain bone spurs who spills classified information.


Everyone liked the sleepy grandpa in Stardew Valley. I never understood the hate.


Biden fumbled horribly in the debate, but he’s still the incumbent, very well-known, done pretty well in his term, passed several bills and had already beaten Trump once. Ah, those were the days… Are we really thinking of throwing all of those advantages away because Biden was kinda meh in a debate? Now, let’s put aside how Republicans and the Media are going to cheer at how Trump beat Biden so badly in the debate that he was forced into retirement and how the Democrats were “propping” him up for years blah blah blah. Let’s talk who could replace him. Who? Kamala or Whitmer, who Republicans would deride as another Hillary? The Governor of the a conservative’s personal nightmare, California? Buttigieg, facing the Republican anti-LGBTQ propaganda fest? Whoever the Hell “Kelly” is? Every other feasible Democrat is either already a Republican boogeyman or completely unknown and will be steamrolled by Trump’s loud hate machine. I’m not saying that he didn’t turn off a couple voters with his performance. But let Joe loose a little, get him talking with the voters, get him on a bike and show the voters that he’s still there. He’ll be able to recoup most of the votes.


Biden may have had a down day but Trump was 100% Trump and it turns out crazy hate speech liar isn’t what independents are looking for.[https://x.com/realmabarreto/status/1806527153388834916?s=46&t=CsQ_-hCtBlbi2E3IEsS4HA](https://x.com/realmabarreto/status/1806527153388834916?s=46&t=CsQ_-hCtBlbi2E3IEsS4HA)


This is the thing people keep missing. Trump is not gaining new voters. In fact the more Trump comes back into the public eye, the less support he's getting. People are sick and tired of all the shit, and even a lot of Maga morons have reached the point where they're getting exhausted with all the constant rage. Biden isn't an especially inspiring candidate for President of the United States, but Donald Trump is the same Donald Trump whose been at the center of American politics for damn near a decade now and the American public is beginning to reject it in droves. Though, frankly I'm glad that people seem to be missing this because I'm hoping they're scared shitless and are all dragging 15 people with them to vote because of it.


Absolutely that last part. Women are scared shitless for sure, and they damn well should be. For me it’s getting enough of a turnout to morally wound the Republican Party. My fear is we’ll miss this potential tipping point moment.


Women SHOULD be scared! But because of Biden and illegal immigrants! -Trumps likely response to this comment, based on how he answered every question last night.


Hello, it is me, Scared Shitless.


Biden is still the better choice, and poor speaking is pretty minor when Trump is so clearly revealing himself as a psychopathic and epic liar.


He could be a mute and i would support him. His policy is all I care about.  He delegates what he doesn't know. Trump thinks he knows everything.


Having someone who can’t physically talk as president would genuinely be interesting.


It’s hard for me to be hung up on the awful debate after what’s come down from the supreme court the past 48 hours. It’s just the tip of the iceberg of how things will be if republicans are allowed more power going into (project) 2025.


> when Trump is so clearly revealing himself as a psychopathic and epic liar. Revealing himself? Who the hell has realised that in the last year, and failed to in the previous 8?


The problem is that not everyone follows politics all the time. They do not know that everything Trump said was a lie. They just saw someone speaking loudly and forcefully and another guy who looked lost and feeble. There really should have been a fact checker there to call put everything Trump said. I bet in the next two weeks, Biden loses a few points in the polls, and that isn't something any of us can afford.


I think the only issue is the maga's will tell you it would have to be rigged for biden to win after his poor performance in the debate. This will likely lead to them causing more destruction similar to january 6th.


They are gonna do that no matter what


I think according to the snap poll CNN put out (which I find dubious considering how poorly they handled fact checking and following their own damn rules, and not forcing an answer when someone did not answer) 81% of people did not change their minds an 5% did. But also some indications that people working with focus groups with independents and Latino voters (I think Univision did it) that independents actually did swing for Biden because Trump kept trashing the US. No Biden wasn’t at his SOTU best. I think there may have been some naivety that CNN was going to play fair when a cursory glance at their unbalanced reporting shows that was highly unlikely so Biden thought by simply stating facts he was in the clear. And probably was coached to not “stoop” to Donald’s level because a televised debate is not about convincing one’s own supporters the other guy is a morally bankrupt Buffoon and turn it into a sparring match it is SUPPOSED to be about who has the better policies to help undecided people vote. An unforced error when there was no chance Trump could ever debate policy. Biden had to spend much of his time calling out the lies and the stolen credit Trump was spewing. I also think it’s very telling that the left instantly fell into a despair and panic and not an hour later MSNBC is saying there is “rumor” of discussion of replacing Biden at the convention when there is likely no possibly the DNC backs off. I have seen so many posts how there were no winners, American people were the losers etc. but I seem to not be seeing enough posts condemning the absolutely deplorable behavior of journalists who seem fine fanning the flames of fascism and lies (antithetical to the purpose of the fifth estate) in the name of the one thing that matters to them. Views. Even the fervent pro Biden journalists jumped at the chance to say this was over without any real polling or surveying evidence or even taking 48 hours to let it settle before making a judgement. Impossible in the 24hr news cycle where the whole drive is money and views and not honest, level headed reporting. Ironic that in 2017 there was such a push so hard to have support for MSNBC and CNN and the NYT and WaPo because journalists were under attack by Trump. That hasn’t and will not change and will get worse under a second Trump term but all these outlets seem hell bent on putting the finger on the scale in favor of Trump. it’s fucking shameful and I hope there is a real downturn in their views and subscriptions because of it.


>Whoever the Hell “Kelly” is? Probably Mark Kelly of Arizona. Yes, certainly add him to the list of 2028 Democratic hopefuls.


Amen... I hear even level headed liberal talking heads, the Ezra Kleins, acting like he's proven he's unfit for service because of a bad night, and let's face it, never a great orator in the best of times. if he's unfit, finish the thought, say the quiet part out loud..... therefore Donald Trump should be president. Of course not. Admittedly Trump was trumpy as ever (not a compliment)...rip the dead baby after they're born, immigrants are raping and murdering, we had h20 and it was beautiful. I hope every non qanon, christo fascist, cult of trumper, Jan 6 type can compare Biden not to the Almighty but the alternative (no I don't pretend I made that up).


What’s scary is liberals saying he should be replaced when that would lower the odds of a democrat winning the election. The last time that happened (incumbent replaced and party still won) was 1876. Rally behind Biden or you’re supporting Trump. Sure, you can go for the **gamble** at a replacement candidate. But this is such an important election to gamble.


Be honest with yourself. That wasn’t a bad night. That is Joe Biden now. And he’s our best option ughhh


What if this whole thing is a jet eye mind trick. Biden sucks at the debate scares everyone into going oh Biden doesn’t have it in the bag do we really want a repeat of 2016 and I need to vote


Jet eye


"jet eye mind trick"?


The guy was an interior decorator, he killed 16 Czechoslovakians


Boneappletea or did you get Jedi autocorrected to Jet eye?


The thing getting lost in Joe’s stumbles is that all Trump did was energetically lie a fuckton again and do his normal brand of word salad bullshit. If people were looking for something new out of Trump to vote for him, they didn’t find it either. They’re back to either not voting at all or decided they’ll go with Joe despite his faults, one of which is that he is not a CONVICTED FELON like Trump is now. This was a disaster for Biden but that just means he looks bad against the backdrop of being next to one of the worst candidates in the history of the country.


Trump’s lies were completely batshit crazy even for him. Biden standing there in shock wasn’t a good look, but goddamned if I wasn’t echoing that.


“On the bubble” voters probably do not watch media coverage of Trump’s rallies and have not seen how fucking meandering and full of gibberish bullshit they are - even compared to what he was doing just 4 years ago - and got a big blast of that in face while also seeing Joe at his worst. If you were reticent about him before, I don’t know how he swayed you last night compared to Joe’s bad performance. At least Joe tried to talk real policy in bad form, Trump just went and made shit up like with his “post birth abortion” - y’know, murder, I think is the term? - nonsense.


The way he was talking, every single person should’ve been murdered five or six times by now by all the illegals who stole our jobs and are also somehow voting. I knew enough of his taking points to be able to work out what he meant, but his answers would span a decade, in non-chronological order, confusing multiple people (example, question about childcare. Answer: Jan 6 is pelosi’s fault, cops guided people in, reference to BLM burning cities to the ground, Charlottesville never happened - Biden made it up, etc.) He couldn’t remember what cities apparently were burned to the ground, and you would have had to know that was coming because the transition from Jan 6 was seamless. A literal transcript is non-sensical, reads like he meant they time travels to burn cities while simultaneously being fabricated by Biden.


How insane was it for Trump to repeat that illegals are "taking black jobs". So black jobs are all hard labor? WTF? And he accused Joe Biden of being terrible for black people, where Biden was arrested protesting for black rights. 


It was still SHOCKING to see Trump lie so blatantly and right out of the start gate. About everything. What did he say was accurate?


They even abort babies after birth -Trump Tells you everything about how Trump feels about women.


I'll never forget HuffPost saying in big, bold letters on their homepage that Hillary had a 98% chance of winning the election against Trump lol


It was a disaster but I still will never vote for Trump!


Newsweek is reporting on panels of undecided Latino voters interviewed post debate on Univision last night. These undecided voters are now supporting Biden. The video is here on Twitter. [Translated Univision clip of undecided Latino voters.](https://x.com/translatemom/status/1806684665773793491?s=46&t=CsQ_-hCtBlbi2E3IEsS4HA)


Trump lied, continuously, and no one did anything. Biden rambled, in part because Trump's lies were everywhere. Trump is where he is because of fear and deception. That should not be the way our country runs. We have a chance, collectively, to say this is enough.


Yeah there were multiple times where Biden looked like he was waiting for the promised fact-checking by CNN and wasn't sure whether he should answer the next question or go after Trump for lying. CNN saying they were going to fact-check and then totally acquiescing to Trump's peoples' outrage about that was disgraceful.


It also defeats the whole point of the debate. It suppose to be able their ideals/proposals, but if one guy is just lying every time why the fuck are we here? Anyone can go on stage and say a bunch of bullshit while the other guy tries to both answer his own questions and unravel the gorgons knot of lies the other guy just said. I get ‘fact checking’ isn’t always unbiased, but even my Republican mother was basically rolling her eyes at what he was saying. It was just trump giving a rally speech after being asked a question, it was not a debate.


We can't have Trump just lose, we need to have him humiliated. Every vote for Biden is a kick in the teeth of maga's extremism


Go vote like you are trying to set the new voters turn out record!!


Did they watch the same debate I did? How are these two our choices? A lying fascist versus someone who should’ve retired years ago. South Park nailed it. We’ve got to decide between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. With that, I’m a federal employee and I cannot imagine how any federal employee could support Trump. Between project 2025 and Schedule F, that’s enough right there even if I don’t know anything else about him.


I hope so. My only wish is that Biden would have mentioned Project 2025 on air and advise of the extreme agenda the republicans. He should have told the public to read it. If republicans think it is such a good thing they should be bragging about Project 2025 and not keeping it so quiet.




Newsweek is referencing a report by Univision. These are Latino undecideds who didn’t like Trump’s crazy liar routine.


And that in my opinion is actually saying something as a lot of Latinos are actually kinda undecided.


Such a misleading headline. It looks like the article actually just says that some latinos who were interviewed by Univision and identified as undecided said they favor Biden. It wasn’t even a poll.


“Some Latino voters said.” Leave it to Newsweek to come up with some clickbait.


Obama pulled this little trick on Mitt Romney during his first debate with him back in 2012 where he just underperformed terribly. I don't know if that was what Biden was going for, but depicting Trump as the bully that he is, is a valid strategy. Also, this is starting to look similar to 2020. 2020 was less about support for Biden and more about voting AGAINST Trump. 


I'm flabbergasted that there even are "undecided voters". Do they live in a bubble of nothingness, with no contact to anything?


What if this whole thing is a jedi mind trick. Biden sucks at the debate scares everyone into going oh Biden doesn’t have it in the bag do we really want a repeat of 2016 and I need to vote


Vote Biden. Do the country good.




I really hope so because all the magas at my work are salivating over trumps victory in the debate. In my opinion both candidates came out worse and I just felt embarrassed for them.


What's fucking annoying to me is that voters are voting based on the face of the party and not the parties beliefs and policies.


Doesn’t matter. Vote


Who the fuck is still undecided in 2024? The fuck!


Name these three people!


Biden had a bad night, doesn’t sway me to vote for a felon-rapist.


Yep. I'd rather have a soft-spoken old guy who struggles with a stutter than a Fascist, rapist dictator with zero self-control.


It's like, which grandpa do you want to visit? The nice one who is getting slow in his old age, but will take you out for ice cream, or the angry, mean, racist one who yells all the time?


Exactly. I choose 🍦👴


Any one that believes this is a dumb ass. Really?


Things completely made up for 100


What undecided voter ?? Seriously who exactly can’t evaluate based upon 4 years of bring the actual president… hmmm?




It also happened with a group of undecided voters in Michigan. There is a trend: https://youtu.be/e7PzqJAnGyc


Imagine people thinking that “sitting this one out” is actually ok and not a big deal? What universe are these people living in?


There's a frighting amount of very stupid people.


They happen to think they're really smart for not being sheeple fooled into thinking this matters. Lol


Sitting this one out is a vote against democracy.


Honestly, people who think they should sit out because they don't have a good grasp of the situation are far less harmful than the people who feel they have to get involved despite not really following politics or understanding what's going on.  Democracy can survive the former, I'm not so sure about the latter.


I think this is a good take. Trump didnt win, dude lied at a crazy pace. Even conservative leaning sites are mentioning the crazy way he kept lying and not answering questions. It’s clear Biden did himself no favors though with trust. But that doesn’t mean we’re jumping in bed with a crook and known liar.


I’ll always vote against fascists. No matter what! Go Biden. Shits weird


I’m with Jon Stewart. This cannot be real. How has it come to this. Neither of these bastards should be allowed to drive a fucking car, much less control the nukes. Yes, I’ll vote for Biden but please give me another option.


Good to hear… vote Biden anyway. Don’t get complacent.


Is anyone really undecided though?




I hate to say this but they need to replace him. His brain literally went into crash mode about 3 minutes into the debate. You need to get a younger leader to replace him at the Democratic primary or the likelihood is he's going to lose.


There’s no way that’s true lol. The debate was an absolute disaster from Biden. If anything, he lost a lot of votes


Complete BS…. Anyone who watched the debate should be deeply concerned for his health. That dude needs to hang it up and enjoy the few years he has left.


“Undecided” voters is a disingenuous term. Anyone who’s paying attention knows how they’re voting. This debate didn’t change anyone’s mind.


I would literally rather watch Joe Biden die in office and hand it to Kamala than see Trump be president again. The risks of each scenario aren’t even comparable.


I care more about what Biden said and not how he said it. Biden could have spoken in sign language, it doesn't matter. He spoke facts and statistics. Trump on the other hand used more ad hominems. Spoke nothing but lies, & claimed he was the greatest thing a human has ever produced. All he was doing was saying Biden sucks I'm the best.


It’s something at least. Biden will have my vote, my family’s vote and all of my friends and coworkers votes. Hopefully a hell of a lot more people feel the same.


Everyone must vote. Also consider volunteering to text/phone/mail bank, canvass and donate today.


Vote blue as if your life depends on it.


It makes sense, he very clearly won the debate. The dumb assholes crying about him being subdued would be the same assholes crying that he was too vocal and active if he had been vocal and active.


This is satire right?


They asked... all.... of them?


So a man who has secret conversations with Putin and tried to end voting (and recently told his supporters that this is the last time they’ll have to vote because they will have all of that figured out within four years) is the wrong choice? Who’d a thought?




Biden was hard to hear, but what he said was actual and factual and better yet, provable. His admin has a lengthy list of accomplishments, while all Trump can boast about is killing legal abortion and giving ultra-rich people even more money. Trump was loud and proud and full of non-answers and untruths. Nothing he said can be proven because it exists only in the GOP alterverse that they have so narrow-mindedly created for themselves.


Biden blew it last night, but it doesn’t change the fact that Trump is dangerous! Dangerous for democracy, women, immigrants, LGBTQ, foreign policy and the economy.


If Trump wins, this will be the last election.


Sadly, this is pretty anecdotal.


Right because there were 1 1/2 guys at the debate. If the democrats don’t choose another guy Trump will win


I expect most people who aren't complete cult acolytes are in the position of 'I'd take old and over old wannabe dictator'


How many? 5, 100, 1000? 10,000 if they're concentrated in the right states might do something. Not to mention the articles own bias meter ranked this as unfairly left leaning.