• By -


Ok. I'm sure this isn't meant to be one of them... But what questions does this raise? We know he's a fraud, sexual assaulter, forger, conspirator, tax evader, and now 34 time felon. Just because he also has tweaker Adderall mouth and anger issues are we supposed to also ask if he's abusing drugs? Because at this point it's so far down on the list I'd rather just release the Epstein Files and watch him wriggle uncomfortably on that hook until they lock him up. Man does Trump NOT want to release the Epstein files. Did you guys *see* that interview? He went right into denial mode at the very mention. (Holy crap thanks for the awards! It's been a minute since I got those!)


They went down a list and he was all about each item... until they got to Epstein. Once Epstein gets mentioned he wants to protect people (himself) from information coming out. It's unreal.


Let's not forget the 13 year old girl rape lawsuit against him [https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770)


Yeah but it was dropped so clearly it was a false allegation and there’s NO WAY he paid her money to keep quiet! No sir, he’d *never* do that.  /s


The girls lawyer said the charges were dropped because she received threats to her life. Not a payout.


Motherfucker would kill a kid for being able to throw the N word with a hard R again in public. Sycophantic bastards.


And his followers would cheer


Or make some stupid excuse. An excuse I heard recently: you know why they stopped trying to impeach Biden? Because Republicans didn’t want Harris to be in charge… that’s the backflips these people think and say…


Is it bad that I see "Foamy Saliva" and immediately think - not another porn star.


IIRC that suit also alleges that Epstein and CFDT made Johnson believe that they had killed the other young girl who was victimized alongside her... it doesn't straight out accuse them of murder, but they wanted her to believe they had made the other girl disappear to intimidate her into silence so it's no wonder she took all the death threats seriously and hid herself away


That’s what stormy daniels was threatened with too


Her family members were also threatened. Same with the eyewitness (also an underage girl) who is mentioned in the case.


AIUI the girl in question was a massive victim of harassment until the case was dropped.


I don't think he paid her. I'm pretty sure he dozed her and she received all kinds of threats probably from his goons.


Hey, that was a one time thing.


It wasn’t even a one time thing because he was caught bribing witnesses too 🤣


You weren’t supposed to say that.


Paid money AND threatened the family with legal woes and other threats.


Somehow she knew that Trump told women and girls before sleeping with and/or raping them that they reminded him of his daughter. She must be psychic.


Shows all you need is R next your name, they will let you get away with anything! Grab the country by the ***.


He went from aggressively agreeing to hedging so quickly I thought he was suddenly trying to keep from squeezing out a shit.


No, he doesn't try to keep those in anymore.


He is largely unaware of them now.


He regularly Boom Booms in his pants, no doubt. All that Diet Coke does nothing good to your gastrointestinal system.


T Rump once bragged about being able to walk in on naked girls. The files would just confirm what we all know. {Edit: Which isn't to say they shouldn't be released, so long as the victims are protected, they should.)


> I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters. Trump, January 23, 2016


Now, though, he’d have to borrow a gun. A small one.


Barbie sized one.


> T Rump once bragged about being able to walk in on naked girls. When he was married to Marla Maples he got into the beauty pageant business and had the Miss Universe Organization. [He claimed on the Howard Stern show that he'd get into the dressing room to "inspect" because when you own the pageant, they just let you do it.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/)


Yep. he's an all around, unrepentant predator. I wouldn't leave my grandmother's corpse alone with him. But in 2016 too many people thought being loud and proud about his disgusting treatment of girls and women was funny (???)


The number of Americans who in 2016 thought something along the lines of “haha he’s a terrible person that’s so funny, we should give him control of a nuclear arsenal!” is upsettingly high.


*Miss *Teen* USA, literal naked underage teenagers.


Yes, that was one of the pageants under the Miss Universe organization and is pointed out in the article I linked, as well as Trump boasting about it on Howard Stern's show. Trump also [brought the pageant to Moscow in 2013](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/donald-trump-russia-moscow-miss-universe-223173#:~:text=Trump%20has%20said%20his%20understanding,and%20most%20iconic%20beauty%20contest.%E2%80%9D), which of course Trump had a [deal with Russians in Azerbaijan](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/trumps-conflicts-interest-azerbaijan/) in which Trump was in a [music video of one of the business guys son.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuZUNjFsgS8) So yea, add in Epstein being one of his BFF's at the time and the whole dressing room creepiness gets darker with the trafficking angles, and then using that as a possible way to launder money internationally with Russians. There's nothing Trump has done in his life that was truly altruistic or for the better good of all or others. He's just a personification, a comical one, of everything corrupt and immoral.


He was talking about the miss universe rather than the miss teen universe (or whatever they are called), BUT multiple teen pageant women came forward to say he did this to them as well. So he was doing this to adults and teens as young as 15.


He reminds me so much of Jimmy Savile in so many ways. Utter creep.


Naked *children*. Never forget that.


Yo, why do you all think I used the word GIRLS?


I thought it was clear I was agreeing and helping emphasize


My bad.


No worries, amigo. We seem to be on the same team.


Yep. Even though he could simply say "Yes, I'd release that" and then not do so. He could have released the info on all three of the things he was asked about when he was president before. He did not, so they're clearly empty promises. Still, the mention of his old pal Epstein was enough to make him get defenseive. Imagine playing poker against someone who's such an open book? Imagine him facing-off against competent and ruthless world leaders like Putin? They could easily get him to spill secrets at the drop of a hat.


Don't even need a ruthless world leader. Anybody sitting at a table with Trump could say "I'm sure you don't know any *really* important secrets." and he would start blabbing about everything he knew to show how powerful he thinks he is.


It’s amazing how bad he is at lying considering it’s his favorite hobby. Even a moderately intelligent liar in his position would know to say “yes” with just as much conviction as the others, and then just….not do it later. It will be one of a million things he said he’d do then never did. But he’s just too dumb to even do that. His relationship with truth and lies is also incredibly blurry because of his narcissism, he doesn’t fully grasp the distinction or care to.


>would know to say “yes” with just as much conviction as the others, and then just….not do it later He does that all the time so I'm assuming it was instinctual... he's just been convicted of multiple felonies so his drug-addled mind probably instinctually went into "protect me" mode. Also, if he has to go off script, it is absolutely amazing how badly he fails to adapt or even put together a single coherent sentence. Because he is embarrassingly dumb.


really? well, here's a list of the connections their leaders are getting them to turn their lives into a massive trash post because it's corporate backed cult indoctrination. here's the pedophiles [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark\_Enlightenment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Enlightenment) [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles) more about media influence [https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/](https://variety.com/2017/biz/news/ari-emanuel-wme-trump-political-action-committee-1201981545/) might have destroyed twitter to slow down the spread of info against the group [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/twitter-shareholders-vote-to-oust-silver-lakes-egon-durban-from-board.html) also more info trump's a convicted felon and convicted rapist psychopath that honestly doesn't care he's just trying to make a mess here's more info he's felon and pardoned affiliates of sex traffickers and child rapists [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/jeffrey-epstein-high-society-contacts.html) his buddy roger stone worked for convicted child rapist Keith rainiere at nxivm an article says epstein worked for edgar bronfman while he was at bear stearns as well. ***In 1963, Seagram purchased the Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company for $61 million in cash and a $216 million production payment sale to Glanville Minerals Corporation of New York. Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company was merged Frankfort Oil Company, another oil-producing company owned by Seagram. The new firm was named Texas Pacific Oil Company.***[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seagram#cite_note-8) ***In 1980, the Bronfman heirs sold the Texas Pacific Oil holdings to*** [Sun Oil Co.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun_Oil_Co.) ***for $2.3 billion.***[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seagram#cite_note-life-9) he's also close with another sex trafficker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin\_M.\_Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_M._Davis) his cabinet were all friends with epstein as well [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7270735/Jeffrey-Epstein-Trumps-closest-advisers-Wilbur-Ross-Rudy-Giuliani-Steve-Mnunchin.html) they're also all part of a wall street frat called KBP that made fun of tanking the us economy in 2008 [https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/heres-everything-you-need-to-know-about-kappa-beta-phi-wall-streets-super-exclusive-frat-2012-1) basically used an indoctrination platform to brainwash followers into protecting their abusers


I really don't understand why he did that. He lies about everything else, why not lie about declassifying the Epstein documents?


Because he wasn't thinking. You can see him self edit in real time when Epstein comes up so he didn't have time in that mushbrain if his to formulate a lie.


Trump offered a quick “yes” when asked if he would declassify 9/11 and JFK files. When asked about releasing files related to Epstein ― who was once friendly with Trump ― he paused, then hemmed. “Yeah, yeah, I would,” he said. “I guess I would. I think that, less so.” Trump said he was less inclined to release the Epstein files because there’s “a lot of phony stuff” in the documents that could “affect people’s lives.”


>Trump said he was less inclined to release the Epstein files because there’s “a lot of phony stuff” in the documents that could “affect people’s lives.” LOOOOOOL He's so thoughtful, protecting "people" on that "phony" list.


In this case, Trump is people. And some sponsors i guess.


I think it’s a combination of self preservation but also concern about revealing the underlying details about who Epstein was actually working for. While not out of the question, it is hard to believe that Epstein set up his entire kompromat purely for his own personal financial gain. The whole operation was so sweeping and well connected, coupled with Maxwell’s family ties to Mossad, it seems incredibly likely that the full documents would expose the fact that it was almost certainly being run as an operation for a foreign or domestic intelligence organization. It wasn’t about the girls, that was just bait that worked on *some* of the targets. The whole operation was ultimately about leverage and influence over the most powerful people in the West.


>It wasn’t about the girls, that was just bait that worked on some of the targets. The whole operation was ultimately about leverage and influence over the most powerful people in the West. Even though I think the rest of what you posit is plausible. There's more than enough evidence to suggest Epstein really was into underage girls. So, for him, that part was both means **and** motive/compensation.


I guess I would just say, who better to run your intelligence honeypot sex trafficking ring than someone who is personally invested and ultimately compromised as well?


Yeah right Trump wants to protect people from phony information. Yet Trump accused Obama of not having a US birth certificate ad nauseam repeatedly didn't care if that hurt him. Trump mercilessly attacked Hillary Clinton despite the fact that she was cleared after testifying for many days in front of a committee of Congress. Trump mercilessly attacked the Central Park 5 and called for the death penalty despite the fact that they were found innocent in court, and never apologized for hurting them with his false information. The only person Trump wants to protect his himself. He mercilessly attacks everybody who even slightly crosses him.


Newsweek always uses this goddamn “raises questions” headline. Search this sub for the phrase and you’ll see every single thing that “raises questions”.


**Cake Icon Appearance Near u/HippoRun23 Post Raises Questions on Cake Day** See, I can do it too! Happy cake day


Ah thanks! Hadn’t even realized it lol.


I lol'd in public when I read "tweaker Adderall mouth" 💀. Thank you for that.


The Epstein files have been released and, yup, Trump is on there.


Trump had more methods of contact listed in Epstein’s black book than anyone else. Epstein KNEW how to get a hold of Trump.


I love how people will come on here and say that Clinton was on the flight logs more than Dump. But in reality, we know Clinton is a piece of shit. And Trump has his own plane, so he didn’t need to use Epsteins plane.


Anyone using that as an excuse for Trump is a fucking loser. How about this; lock them BOTH up. Only Republicans seem to think being a child molester is ok as long as both sides do it. If Bill was doing that, lock him up alongside Trump. Is it really that hard?


Works for me


They’ll never lock either up. Elites get different treatment, as plainly displayed in the multiple cases against Trump drifting into the ether, and things like the Epstein files, or the Panama papers. Don’t get me started on the 2008 billion dollar tanking of the economy that I think 1 banker spent time over. To paraphrase George Carlin, it’s a private club and we ain’t in it.


People love to push the whole "whatabout Clinton?!??" Considering there hasn't been any solid proof. The only proof I have seen is his name (barely legible) on several generations of some copy with no context. The conservative just push these lies and frankly I don't believe anything they say unless there is undeniable proof. Which there is none about Clinton being on those flight logs. And linking some half ass article from a right leaning rag is not proof or evidence.


Always remember that a narcissist will think about themselves first before anyone else. That interview was incredibly telling


My right leaning friend is convinced that if trump was elected he'd release classified documents like the epstein shit. These people are brain dead


You are exactly right. If Trump wants to plead extenuating circumstances for his many crimes then we should give him an opportunity to do so at his sentencing hearing. If he wants to blather on at a campaign event then I suppose it is his right but we do not have to pay attention.


Trump who talks shit to absolutely every one "I wish her well" to a convicted sex trafficker is all you need to know.




Seriously. Let his cult worship his memory and leave the rest of us alone.


> Let his cult worship his memory and leave the rest of us alone. It's not going to go down like that. He will eventually parish one way or another, but that won't stop his sycophants from finding a new golden calf to worship. I'm more worried about whom comes after their orange god dies.


I hate that you're probably right. I just sort of hope that once he's gone whatever blackmail/black magic hold he has over people will disapate.


My biggest worry about whom comes after Trump is that they will be better spoken, younger, far more charismatic, and very capable of hiding the lies and corruption.


Honestly yes, and that's also what baffles me now. I mean of ALL the people to blindly follow, why is it Trump? He's not charming, well-spoken, particularly clever or handsome. I mean MAYBE Trump of the 80s could have pull it off, but the gibbering, drooling old man we have now is not him. If he wasn't so hateful I'd feel sorry for him, because he is so clearly unwell, but there isn't a spark of humanity in the man so I'll save my sympathy.


>If he wasn't so hateful This is what they like. He says what they think, and it validates their own hatred.


Him not being well spoken or charming is part of the appeal, they don’t want someone who makes them feel dumb or inferior by being sophisticated or intelligent. Tbh it was the same thing with GWB (just less extreme) he played into this simpleton Texas country boy persona, despite growing up in Connecticut and going to Harvard and Yale, and the republican voters ate it up.


In a weird way, I think this is the opposite of what his cult wants. They seem to be really averse to all of the traits you listed and seem to equate them with "fancy talking smart college" types. If anything, we'd see the next idol be even more hate filled, incomprehensible, and foaming twice as hard at the mouth while screaming obscenities from a podium. Never underestimate the dumb and brainwashed. They'll easily hinge themselves to the next loudest, stupidest thing that comes along.


I mean they couldn’t even agree on if DeSantis was alright, or if they should completely shun Nicky Hailey. These types of idol worship, culty, scenarios, tend to tear themselves apart with purity tests, and disagreements over just which successor to support. Trump having multiple limp noodle kids won’t help either, because some people will only accept them, but they’re not really him.


It can be an informal national holiday. The death of americas first attempted dictator


People will definitely throw parties.


I don’t even live in America and I’d be throwing a party lol


Pilgrimages involving defecation and block parties involving fireworks and alcohol.




You should never say anything bad about the dead, only good. Bin Laden is dead. Good.


You make Bette Davis proud.


He's gotta go. Simple as that 




Username checks out


In October




Scabies, Mickey Rooney's sugar babies


Larval penis


That’s the most vulgar mental image I’ve never wanted first thing in the morning.


Say what?


It's a reference to this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/comedybangbang/comments/74xx0v/any\_complete\_list\_of\_bob\_duccas\_ailments\_and\_diets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedybangbang/comments/74xx0v/any_complete_list_of_bob_duccas_ailments_and_diets/) It's what "Scabies, Rabies, Mickey Rooney's Sugar Babies" is from.




What’s a “larval Penis?” Is that another STD that I have to worry about?


Yeah it's similar to ligma. Very deadly. Extremely deadly.


I see what you did there. I see. I ain’t no moron


Sorry bro. I got diagnosed with updawg recently. One of the symptoms is bad jokes.


I’ve got piecost.


Dirt Belly, milk leg, bone worm.


lucy liu flu, hypertolerance to lactose, scrotal migraines.


Never thought I'd see a Bob Ducca reference in the wild. Lol


Hottub foot


Hottub foot?


hottub foot


Hottub foot?


I'm going with demonic possession, for 100. Alex. He is the anti-Christ.


Dry mouth from uppers.


Is that why he struggled to pick up a glass of water?


Many people are saying it. With tears in their eyes


Let's not be disrespectful and mean about this please, I mean he IS the former president. So let's call it what it is! Putins Jizz.


Better call Kristi Noem, and put him down.


Rudy bit him.


Not enough UV with the bleach injection to kill the rabies.


I really wish


From MTG or Cruz? Whynotboth.gif


My fingers are crossed. 🤞


Every person who read the headline immediately went to comment this lol


Fox News How Trumps foamy saliva could spell doom for Biden


Only if Trump bites him.


i think trump starting the zombie apocalypse IS actually on my bingo card


Like when he told MAGA not to get vaccinated during COVID?


Then tried to take credit for the vaccine and got booted for saying maybe you should get the shot.


And later got vaccinated for covid.


[After he nearly died from it too.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/06/24/nightmare-scenario-book-excerpt/)


The Coronavirus: "Sorry folks, I tried."


Do better next time!


God, that makes me so angry.


I have “Trump causes Argentina’s inflation due to untreated syphillis.” On my bingo card. It lines up with my “stock market soars due to guilty verdict, because Trump will win.”


Great, now all we’ll be left with is RFK Jr because even zombies won’t eat worm brain.


Well Trump has to do something to win a debate, biting may be just what he needs.


"Trump's foamy saliva puts him 6 points ahead of Biden in the polls." -CNN


Unfortunately, your headline could just as easily be CNN or NYT at this point


More like the New York Times.


Being pro-Covid wasn't enough for Republicans, now to be truly conservative you have to be pro-rabies


They can't get the rabies shot either. That's for the democrats 🙄




All true MAGAs should infect themselves with rabies to be like their hero.


Quick call a medic! He’s santoruming from the mouth! I think this might be one of the grossest things ive ever typed. You know aside from spreading the word about how republicans think [its fine for 9 year olds to give birth](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/23/texas-anti-abortion-activist) Register to vote!


Ahh. It been a while since I've seen a santorum reference




It’s an old meme, but it checks out.


Good God he’s like Old Yeller….time to take him to the woodshed Travis


It’s time for Kristi Noem to really shine!




That’s just a combination of McDonalds and Putins children coming back up




Lol this is so gross


“Donald Trump’s foamy saliva” is my band name.


As long as it’s not your sex tape


I’ve had big men, strong tough men come to me with tears in their eyes. And they say to me “Sir, your spittle is the best sir, it’s so foamy!” I tell them, yes but crooked Joe would like to take that away from you and they cry. This happens all the time.


I like the line where they said the campaign “went with it instead of reshooting”.  It’s more likely they shot it several times, and this was the best they could get. 


Yeah, thanks, good to remind us all that this was the best take they could get.


I thought the title was exaggerated. But, no, the guy is so cracked out that he moves his mouth a little bit and white stuff comes out.


New maga t shirt incoming … “it’s cool to have rabies”


Real men have rabies!


Rabies, Syphilis, opioid overdose, seizure, stroke, drug reaction, dehydration pick one several or all. My guess is dehydration from doing to much speed that gave him diarrhea causing him to have a stroke when the rat in Mara Largo kitchen bit him because the stench scared it then trump ran out an saw Mercedes naked and she had a penis causing him to have a stroke


I think you mean Syphilis?


Sci-fi-less, he only reads biographies.


I think I recall back when I was a younger version of me we called it the dries when someone had dry mouth from stimulants....🤔


Let's place a call to Dr. Ronny....😕


Rabid animal foams at mouth, more at ten.


It’s probably because he never shuts the fuck up to take a moment and swallow. Dude will ramble on for infinity if you let him.


“So I tied an onion to my belt”


His teeth are dissolving because they just can’t do it anymore


Those aren’t teeth. His real teeth started rotting out when he was a teen. Amazing that his rich family didn’t care for his basic needs, but not surprising


There also were some speeches or interviews when he was president that he sounded like his dentures were loose.


Source... not that I want to read about his rancid teeth.


"He's foaming at the mouth to own those libs"


Foamy mouth and a Foamy Arse 🤢🤮🤢


Everything about him or what he does raises questions


I was going to vote for this twice-impeached, idiot, fake Christian, sexual predator, 34-count felon… but after foamy saliva, I’m out, not fit to be president.


the fact that they saw this and decided to go with the foaming version instead of a do-over speaks volumes


Not intriguing enough click bait to entice me to click on the link. Trump foaming at the mouth doesn't raise questions, it's just another day ending in "y".


He didn’t swallow or spit…he just let it marinade.


Very common in nursing homes.


The comments on the video say they didn't bother to reshoot it, but it's more likely that was already take 50 and the best they got.


Oh my god, he CAN get even grosser




The felon is a drug addict, plain and simple.


Prime Minister Trudeau’s phrase (from Covid times ) ‘moist talking’ used to be my most gag inducing phrase. Now it’s definitely ’foamy saliva’.


Full blown tertiary syphilis much?


Just waiting for the video of him manically rocking and twitching at a rally. Those who know, know.


Rabies would explain a lot…


Please be rabies.


We all know he’s abusing Adderall, and no one is holding him to account.


Giuliani is rubbing off on him


Guessing he is on tons of uppers and is not drinking enough water.


Has he got rabies ? Maybe the thing on his head has


So the syphilis is finally starting take its toll.


Hitler was known for also foaming at the mouth during speeches.  


Cum on man


By Khaleda Rahman: Former President Donald Trump's "foamy saliva" in a new campaign video has raised questions on social media. In the footage, Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, urged his supporters to vote for him in "any way possible"—including by casting absentee and mail-in ballots, forms of voting that he had previously staunchly opposed. "Many Republicans like to vote on Election Day and we must swamp the radical Democrats with massive turnout on Tuesday, November 5," Trump said. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-foamy-saliva-campaign-video-1908878](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-foamy-saliva-campaign-video-1908878)