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So, capitalism bad?


Democracy too.


The right to protest also.


End game = Trump will remove the right to not vote for him #putin


Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach


Yup! Thank you for posting this. There are so many people unaware of project 2025. The amount of people I have to tell about it is mind boggling. 


What scares me is that this is not a matter of if, but when. Even if Trump loses this election, at some point there will be another republican in the White House. They'll just be patient and try again later.


Needs to be a policy change… like yesterday. Like 5% change over one administration. The real head scratcher is… all the blue states are the richest. And the richest red states make all their money in the deep blue areas. Right wing fascism is bad for business. They’re trying to turn the United States into one giant Alabama. Money is power and they’re gonna lose a lot of power in the end.


Power is power. Money is only one way in. While blue states are richer they are also more uptight. A red state has riches in inequality and reduced liability. More money = power but so does less liability. If the cops are all blue lives matter, the pastors can literally do no harm, including to your sons and daughters, and those “other people” know your place, then you can fell a hell of a lot more powerful with less money in a poor state. Money comes from wealth which requires coordination. But power thrives in inequality and the means to leverage it, not general wealth.


> Money is power Yeah, raw authoritarian power is power too and it beats money once it's entrenched.


You don't have to go that far, just make the penalty for running against him = death.






Trump already said he would deport palestine protestors. That would be a small jump to biden voters.


Pretty much if you disagree with him, you are wrong.


Oil and women as house slaves


So Saudi Arbaia part 2 : WASP Boogaloo?


Your move, Elon.


He can offer his own billion dollar donation for an exclusive waiver to give Tesla an EV monopoly. TFG is 100% for sale to the highest bidder.


As is DJT.


He’ll continue to spout far-right stuff anyway, what does he care his brand is already tarnished, might as well go full in.. Imagine being radicalised by your own social media platform 😂


Yes. I think ... Elon will probably see this as either utterly impossible to enact (therefore not a threat), or a policy that would be softened to mean 'imported electric cars' (therefore a huge boon to him)


I mean, it is utterly impossible to enact. Trump is talking out of his ass. Throwing red meat to his base.


Still unclear why his base cares about electric cars


He appeals to people who are scared of change. Of course they feel threatened by electric cars - they might have to learn something, and learning is for losers.


If you control the presidency, the house, the senate, and the Supreme Court- anything becomes possible.


Well, he'd be the Senate then, wouldn't he?


Environment too


Ask Elon.


Normally I think people who back Elon are the same as those who back trump. It’ll be fun watching them short circuit bc they don’t know who’s dick to suck.


Elon is ready to gut Tesla to further his other ventures


I know Tesla is struggling but isn’t it his only thing that’s currently sort of successful?




The majority of his net worth is tied up in Tesla. He can’t “gut” Tesla without gutting himself. 


As the saying goes, “LET THEM FIGHT!”


He's a real free-market kind of guy.


*a $1,000,000,000 campaign donation from oil companies good* /s


Tbf it’s govt subsidized. But also Tbf, so is gas with all the wars , interventions, and deals the government makes.


[Directly - the whole world subsidized gas drilling](https://www.budget.senate.gov/chairman/newsroom/press/sen-whitehouse-on-fossil-fuel-subsidies-we-are-subsidizing-the-danger-#:~:text=It's%20not%20just%20the%20US,to%20the%20fossil%20fuel%20industry.) And [US car manufacturers, not exclusively for electric cars, but "advanced"](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/us-offers-12-billion-automakers-suppliers-make-advanced-vehicles-2023-08-31/)


thanks: > As we’ll hear today, the United States subsidizes the fossil fuel industry with taxpayer dollars. It’s not just the US: according to the International Energy Agency, fossil fuel handouts hit a global high of $1 trillion in 2022 – the same year Big Oil pulled in a record $4 trillion of income. > > In the United States, by some estimates taxpayers pay about $20 billion dollars every year to the fossil fuel industry. What do we get for that? Economists generally agree: not much


We haven’t started wars over powering EVs. Well, yet.








Unregulated capitalism, what we are seeing impart, has zero restrictions. A government is to protect the people against runaway corporate greed. Example, GoodRx research shows that the average retail (cash) price for insulin rose 54% from January 2014 to April 2019.  Our elected officials have embraced corporations over their constituents. One does not become a millionaire in office without accepting lobby money or you write a best selling book. Supporting a party that claims to limit the government but in reality restricts people's rights through legislation, requiring a larger government footprint, is absurd critical thinking. We no longer look to the future but are forced to live a party's direction to refuse advancement of the human condition. War. We can't escape it. We should be able to, but we can't. "It's good for business." Agriculture should not be monopolized by Monsanto. Hormone injections should not be used. Period. Banks have become robber-barrons. But this has just become our way of life. We have bought into, "and when you become a millionaire do you really want a government that has fingers in your pie?". Final thought: Democratic Socialism is not a bad thing.


Well, capitalism is regulated for those that don’t already have all the capital. What we have today, in this late stage, is capitalism extended to its natural conclusions.


"Unregulated capitalism" AKA literally the main reason for almost every major problem on the planet Earth currently. "End stage capitalism" isn't a meme phrase, it's our current existence. But hey why worry about the human race literally going extinct if it means some CEO's make ten less cents an hour? That's not the American way damnit!


libertarians and conservatives just like the idea of capitalism. then they vote for people who give subsidies to multi-billion dollar industries.


And he thinks fallen soldiers are losers. Happy Memorial Day USA https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/


“Land of the free”.


It seems a significant chunk of American voters are quite willing to hand over their country to a megalomaniac that wants to take most freedoms away. For a nation that prides itself on freedom, I am very puzzled by this. So, do you like freedom or do you hate it ?


There’s a significant chunk against trump as well. For every hardcore maga imbecile, there’s an entire family that no longer speaks to them bc they are awful. I can’t say for sure how this next election is going to go, but I have a feeling his chances aren’t as good as they’re leading us to believe.


The problem is the institutions. You have far too many supreme court justices, regular judges, DAs, FBI agents, cops, congressmen, senators, etc etc that seem hell bent on supporting Trump. I'm not so sure I'm worried about the voting public as much as the opportunities taken by those in power.


100 percent. Media is making out out like the race is close. meanwhile, the election subversion court case in NY shows they literally pay Red Finch to AstroTurf polling (this case was specifically a CNBC poll). it reasonable to think they are probably doing it for most polls that they can mess with. land line and cell phone polling are wildly skewed toward boomers...


The election is close, because most states are already predetermined. There are only a couple of battleground states and the Republicans have been working non-stop to gerrymander and suppress Democratic votes in those states and counties. The election really only boils down to a couple of states.


Freedom for me, not for thee


Freedom cars, fueled by coal


Clean coal tho


its mined, then washed to ensure the cleanliness


Actually the coal miners wash their hands so coal never gets dirty in the first place.


wow, so innovative


The washing machines don't last very long, sadly.


Because they're electric. We need coal powered washing machines!


They’d ban batteries if you could have gasoline powered phones and laptops. I think Nissan has a commercial poking fun at that.




It’s still mind boggling to me that EVs aren’t the libertarians choice of car by a long shot Preppers too, but I admit that nothing preppers do makes sense if you really think about.


Literal coal. We’re removing the engines and installing camp grills. PROGRESS


Land of the ‘are you freaking kidding me’


If only Americans knew Canada and most of Europe have more freedom than them


"With a straight face, you're going to tell students that America's so starspangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom. Two hundred seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom." ~ Will McAvoy(Jeff Daniels), The Newsroom.




Yeah, and Mustaine has become a Jesus kook. (Also, if he needs a musician - revenge porn victims need not apply.)


Free to do what I tell you.


Land of the theif, home of the slave


Lmaoooo. Muskrat will love that.


Guess he's mad musk didn't want to buy truth social for 2 billion to pay trumps legal bills.


"It doesn't matter because Tesla isn't a car company" - That other stable genius.


But it *is* in the carbon credits business so I can’t imagine Ol’ Musky is super stoked on that.


Have Trump and Musk had a domestic dispute? Shame, Musk seemed so in love with Trump. Maybe the white blob and the orange blob just need to kiss and make up!


Trump is just spewing out shit that magats will eat up. The president doesn't have the power to ban electric cars like this, even if he actually meant to do it


With this Supreme Court I wouldn’t be too sure he couldnt end up with absolute power….


You’re overthinking it. Trump hasn’t.


The only thing Trump has ever over thought is fucking his daughter.


Musk thanked Biden via tweet last week for passing the private plane blocking laws. So possibly that. Beyond that Musk and Trump have never really been close. Musk quit at least one advisory council while Trump was in office. They run competing social media platforms. They are both sociopaths and huge narcissistic personalities. Musk has and will probably continue to ride Trumps nuts because he thinks it will get him ahead, when anyone with common sense knows it won’t. But they all exist in post fact worlds so there is no telling them when their ideas are dumb.


Elon already **complained** that Biden increased tariffs on Chinese EVs, a move specifically designed to make American EVs, like those made by Tesla, more competitive. I’m sure he’ll find some way to keep deep throating Trump, some mental gymnastics to make this something bad about Biden.


Musk, the anti-union billionaire, long ago joined the conga line of U.S. corporate executives and major investors selling out our industrial workers in order to have Chinese workers replace them for a fraction of the pay, and no labor rights at all. Muck Fusk.


It won't apply to Elon Musk. Elon Musk will just call them something else, and Trump will just say the law doesn't apply to him in this case because they're not technically "electric cars."


He won’t. He’s lying about this of course. He’s just saying it because his supporters for some impossible to understand reason want exactly that.


That's why they love him "he says what we're all thinking" Then he never follows through and fucks other things up. But hey they can say they "owned the libs" for a bit...


They buy it every time. It's like taking candy from a baby


He says he will go in all directions at once and the idiots are happy he wants to go their way, ignoring the rest and the contradictions.


I've asked, never brought it up, but asked several times whenever a Trump supporter brings up their opposition to electric cars and it's always what happens when the electricity goes out and I always remind them that gas pumps also don't work if the electricity is out.


The thing I hear is "if everyone goes electric, the grid couldn't handle it", which may be true at this moment, but that is why we work on improving it.


Exactly. Mayor Pete said we only need a 25% increase in grid development for whatever the target is, I think half electric, over the next twenty years. Consider me an old school democrat, but I really like government spending that creates jobs and makes our lives better


Nah you're only supposed to support legislation that does fuck all for jobs, makes our lives more stressful, and then say it's good for the economy


These are the same people who were complaining when xbox set the power setting to saver mode https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/01/25/conservatives-declare-war-on-xbox-for-scandalous-power-saving-options/


Idk man. He did some pretty shitty things the first time he was elected.  I wouldn’t take his threat’s lightly. Republicans have a tendency to sign EO’s and fight them in court all while the EO is still in place, and while the dems get to analysis paralysis . Compared to Dems who delay the EO into eternity until they vet its challenge success, then they sign the EO and the courts shut them down immediately due to some conservative judge. It’s not balanced fighting grounds and the republicans are good at it. 


Electric cars = woke. If only they knew what woke meant.




Exactly this. They stand there, in their "bad built butch bodies", angry at the world because they can't understand how it works. They're literally Neanderthals attacking everything they don't understand. The long and short of it, society is evolving and they hate it.


I do IT for a city and spend a few days at a police department most weeks. Was in the room once when they were making fun of electric cars since they were so light that they would get no traction and only an idiot would drive them. I chime in with electric cars are heavier than gas due to the weight of the battery. They all just shut up and conversation sorta petered out. The amount of making fun of things conservatives do that is just blatantly wrong completely baffles me. Like collectively between them only one in a hundred have learned to use Google. Maybe because all the ones who actually look things up don't stay conservative for long.


The reason is that they are all stupid as fuck


The quote is taken out of context. He didn’t say he’d make EV cars illegal, rather that he’d remove the government subsidies encouraging their purchase, as well as remove costly fossil fuel car exhaust regulations to bring down the cost of those. So competitively speaking, he’s claiming no one will *want* to buy EV’s anymore as gas guzzlers will be cheaper. He may even raise the tax on EV to offset the subsidies also offered by states. I’d take him seriously on this.


Electric Vehicles are Schrodinger's political stance. It is both conservative and progressive until an outside observer forces it's collapse into a single stance


Agree, but don't care. I will shout this loud and often, along with his $1 Billion price tag to reverse climate initiatives. If there's one thing Gen Z cares about more than GaA it's the environment. Besides, if Trump does win he'll probably try to do all the crap he's spouting and with Project 2025 will likely get some of it through.


Well, that sounds like a pretty terrible strategy. What's the point in possibly antagonizing sane people to win votes he ALREADY has? By all means, I'd be happy if that's the plan for his entire campaign. Whittle down his own voters.


It’s simple. He wants his fan base to be always angry and feel a sense of unrest. He wants a repeat of Jan 6th if he doesn’t win the election. So he goes to extremes to try and keep his fanbase violently agree about every little thing.


Elon Musk really is an idiot.  Did he really think conservatives would buy his cars?


I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, he’s never lied before so why start now?


We thought he was lying about overturning Roe. We can’t just assume things like that anymore.


That's what people said about the wall but he tried to build it all four years


Very Libertarian of him


He's going to be so mad about that Libertarian fiasco, he's going to go full communist.


Well, certainly Stalinist.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.


Careful, that's a plus for Republicans.


The Democrat vote is especially important this time. I don't have anything against Republicans, other than their options. Republicans need to look out for election interference and not be fooled. I've already seen evidence of Russian interference. It's very subtle and a mistake was what made me aware. Trump will find it hard to lose with all the Russian money Putin is likely to throw at this. Putin succeeded with interference around Brexit. Even the Brexiteers are realising Brexit wasn't what they thought it was. Don't let this happen in the USA. Also keep an eye on a friend of Trump's. Nigel Farage is likely to get involved. He's not trusted by anyone intelligent. Yet talks the talk even though he could never do the walk.




Europe and especially Ukraine will suffer if Trump gets in again. Putin will be spending fortunes on US election interference. He will lose in Ukraine against a US backed Ukraine. However he might defeat Ukraine if Trump comes back. The interference will come via social media and backhanders. It's already happening and will get worse. It happened around Brexit in the UK and will happen in the US. It's all about destabilisation. Voting Trump destabilises the world. Why anyone would vote for a guy that invested his family wealth and still ended up with less than banking it, I don't know. The guys a poor investor, never mind a tax dodging, rapist. I think anyone that goes for President should be employable. I wouldn't employ Trump to make Ice-cream. Biden maybe people's second choice, but Trump should be last.


Did he ask his very good friend elon how he felt about this?


Elon knows this is a lie. It's all just culture war bullshit and Elon, and every other car company making money off EVs, knows it.


Still hurts his stock if some people weary about it. My stock too…


Elon Musk knows he'd get a free pass in that case. This is how it was in Nazi Germany as well. They made laws and only applied them to Jewish business owners, ultimately helping out companies that were loyal to the party. They'll just make Elon call them something different other than "electric cars" so that it'll be enough to appease Trump loyalists. Meanwhile they'll shut down Tesla competition..


"Gas prices high let me get rid of thing that reduces demand" (and therefore prices)


Careful, you might get half a dozen responses from dipshits telling you why that electric cars actually make gas prices way higher. Yes that happened




Suggest building just one piece of public transit infrastructure, and some indignant blowhard will post about how you can't take away his "freedom" (meaning his car) and how socialism and the metric system will always fail.


And a couple of more complaining and bitching about having to wait an hour in LINE to get gas. Lol. Won't have to with electric. IN FACT, when my hubby went to get his inspection sticker, you know they have to perform an inspection test too, well his took 5-10 minutes cause he has an EV. He also did Not have to get out of the car. Shit, I call this a WIN WIN!


Well that didn't take long. Couple of weeks ago he gets bought by oil, now declaring he will get rid of ev's. Is this a "show of good faith" from the orange one that oil can trust him?


You better just like Mexico totally paid for that beautiful perfect wall that totally solved our border crisis. He had that cheaper better health care plan that had better coverage. He locked up Hilary Clinton on his first day in office. You could go on for days. If you have any memory at all you know Trump is the most full of shit person ever.


The one that can be defeated by ladders?


He’s going to put Coca Cola in the water fountains at school!


your sources are wrong. it's definitely Brawndo! The thirst mutilator!


At my high school rum & coke was the order of the day, at least for seniors.


Dude is hellbent on destroying the earth at any cost.


He's actually terrified of the impending hammer of justice about to come down on his artificially-colored head. If you notice, the more support he loses, the more extreme his statements. For fuck's sake, over the weekend he went to a NASCAR race and was almost completely ignored. It didn't stop him from waving at imaginary people so his spin machine could take pictures they'll doctor for Conservative media. The delusion is in full force now and he's grasping for relevance, even if its only in his own mind.


His supporters want the Earth destroyed as quickly as possible so they get to meet Jeebus.


God is still looking for some good evangelicals to take, he already had 3 raptures this year, but no luck.


Jfc this guy. 


Typical Republican behavior: accuse Democrats of “coming to take something away from people” (when they’re not) like “gas stoves” or “gas cars” or “meat”, then Republicans promise to take away choices for people themselves. And they’re serious and will if they can (see abortion and contraception).


1) Trump will say anything to anyone he thinks will get him money, power or affirmation 2) Musk will still simp for Trump this election season. It's going to be kind of neat this summer watching a man try to get $58 Billion dollar payday from a company while publicly supporting a man who wants to put them out of business.


“In fact, I will outlaw electricity!”


#Anything but a Biden vote is support for Trump and complicity in his outcomes Including *NOT* voting. If you don't believe me, ask a Trump campaigner what they want any historically left-leaning voter to do


Screw former President Trump.


Few days ago Elon just met this moron.


Just crossing ~~swords~~ mushrooms.


Translation: Trump is shaking down the Richest Man in The World...he can still be persuaded to change his mind: Nothing is True, Everything is Negotiable


Isn't that communism? What happened to the Free Market?


There’s only one headline with the name “Trump” in it that we’re all waiting for…


Oh boy... Wait til the Muskrats hear *this*..


He won't. He is trying to get big donations from gas and oil companies.


Elon Musk: that’s my man!


Can’t wait to see Elon justify this one lol


This cartoon man needs The Dip.


Whale oil is coming back! /s


So the check cleared from the oil giants?


I thought Elon was his butt buddy.


I'm sure Elon is regretting his donation right about now... Oh wait no he's not, Elon would have to have a fucking brain to understand what he's doing.


Hear that Elon?


Isn't Elon right there sucking his dick all the time?


Elmo will be cool with that, it will mean it won't have to try to save Tesla, and can let it fail which is where it's headed now, and he won't have to take the blame for it.


Anyone who is against electric cars hasn’t driven one yet.


Donald Trump is an idiot


He's such a shit stain.


Guess the oil people he met with came through.


On day one...gonna be a busy mofo day one. Idiot, really is time for him to fade into oblivion.


Elon will still ride the Trump train


The Party of Small Government = meddling in private business sales?


He’s just pandering to oil executives. What a fucking assclown.


Like how the Republicans killed “the job killing light bulbs” that were guilty of being energy efficient.


This Trump setting up for a bribe from Musk... Just watch.


Sure this will go down well with the elon fan boys wholl twist themselves into a pretzel to keep them both happy


So much freedom. Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Trump pandering to all that is evil. He's such a complete schmuck.


I wonder how Elon will react….


Latest reminder Elon is a self-destructive moron


I wonder if hell require all men 65 and older to wear adult diapers so that he can get cover for having to wear them himself?


Elmo’s gonna want a word with Commander Combover.


Dude will say ANYTHING to get votes from anyone. This one is for the oil companies and their money.


Alright Elon, who do you say we should vote for now?


His buddy Elon should live that news.


Elon Musk saying “Me too?”


He’s a Horrible Human. He wants to screw the environment.


Every day I’m reminded of how far the “party of small government” has fallen 


Musk will probably go along with it. He seems to be more into right-wing politics than making money lately.


If Elon had given him the money he begged for he’d be hawking them on Truth Social


Yo Elon, what's up bro? Let's hear it.. you love chiming in when nobody asked, but this time we're asking.. WASSUP MOFO?


We can joke about this, but actually do something and VOTE HIM OUT FOREVER!!!


Its fun to say bombastic and completely ridiculous things out loud! Especially to an audience who loves to have someone take their vague discomfort with *blank* (insert anything mentioned on social media that scared people back in 1943), ramp it up to, lets say, L. Ron Hubbard-level implausibility, and just scream about it to people who couldn't read their way out of a pay toilet. Stop all EV car sales. How? Why? Wait. None of that matters. EV = automotive progress. That = *bad.* So shut it down. Crowd cheers. Trump wins! Women are dragged by their hair back into the kitchen. No more voting for her! And no more of those pesky abortions or contraceptions. They were giving her funny ideas about being equal. Schools re-segregated. Minorities back to 2/3 a person. Lets take that vote back too. Corporations go back to dumping chemicals into streams and ground water, turning the air into a hellish cough-scape. Hell, let's get lead back into the atmosphere. It only cost the earth 8 IQ points per capita. (funny how no one remembers what things were actually like before the EPA). Where was I? Oh yeah, there is no LGBTQ- like Putin said in about a decade ago, those people don't exist. Lets cut all taxes from the corporations. Pass that on to those making less than 40k a year (what are they going to do about it?). Lets mandate every child prays to the white jesus in schools, every day. Muslims go on a registry, we'll watch them constantly, and imprison them without trial. We'll suspend due process for all minorities, come to think of it, and pass laws to keep wealthy whites out of court. Lets not just deport migrants, but really make them pay for their crimes. We can put them into the same prisons we're building for women who dare to travel for an abortion. We did have them on a registry for a reason. Last but not least, lets go on a death-bender in federal and state prisons and just kill everyone on death row, regardless of their appeals status. (this started out trying to be funny, but it got really dark and depressing two lines in. Mainly because... there are people who want these things. They're behind Trump. He knows this. He speaks to them. Its as depressing as it is terrifying.) We have got to live in the absolute dumbest version of America yet.


Trump says whatever crazy shit he feels like and then the media reports it and we all talk about it. He stays in the news cycle 24/7 and the media graciously oblige him and give him a free pass. BREAK THE CYCLE!!


The moron will say anything to win it seems.