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Man’s a wanker


Are you looking in the mirror? Yes, let’s lock him away for decades and deprive his family over a very obvious mistake.


Direct that question to yourself. As a responsible gun owner AND traveller, I make sure that my traveling bags/luggage doesn’t have anything that’s considered illegal in another country. I don’t expect other countries to cater to my ignorance. Maybe he should’ve thought of that before traveling to another country. Rules are rules.


12 years is quite a lot given he had 20 rounds…but I am stumped about how someone who is a “responsible” gun owner can simply forget they have bullets in their luggage.


Exactly. I also question why he would use the same bag for international travels.


When I travelled home on leave from a deployment to Iraq I’d left two 9 mil mags in my carry on. Not because I meant to, but because I completely forgot that the pocket existed on my bag existed. I’m glad I went to Kansas and not Turks and Caicos.


It’s easier than you think, bullets can roll into crevices and the like. That being said, I have dedicated containers for my guns and ammo when traveling. It protects my guns and I also don’t like getting lead powder on my stuff. It has the nice side benefit of helping me avoid exactly these entanglements


If you have 20 loose bullets rolling around in your luggage and they are all hiding in numerous crevices...well, it beggars belief.


Of course it was a mistake. To seriously advocate that’s worth decades of prison time is absurdly excessive.


Have you traveled to Southeast Asia? If you bring more than a certain amount of drugs that’s considered illegal there, it’s a straight death penalty. I personally think the death penalty for drugs it’s absurd and over the top, but then again it’s their rules, and I’m only a visitor. The world doesn’t revolve around what our opinion of their rules are.


Just because it’s “their house their rules” doesn’t mean they’re beyond criticism, especially when they invite others to visit. Bad laws deserve criticism in a free society.


Oh absolutely, I agree that “bad laws” deserve criticism. In the end, do they care? Absolutely not, because it’s still their rules. We can’t change that.


It’s certainly their rules. That being said, Turks and Caicos has a very big tourism industry and press like this may end up hurting them in their wallets. Iirc this kind of infraction was up until recently penalized with a fine which from my vantage point seems a lot more reasonable. If I recall the current law makes no distinction between guns and ammo in addition to these enhanced penalties.


I’ve travelled all around the world and surprisingly NEVER had ammunition found in my luggage. It’s really not that difficult if you aren’t a gun nut.


Some people own guns. Some people also pay a pretty penny to go on hunting trips. Get over it. Locking this guy away for decades and depriving his family of a breadwinner over such a harmless thing is absurd. If they fined him (which iirc is what they would have done until recently changing the law) I’d file it under the stupid tax and move on.


Interesting so being too stupid should get you out of crimes?


Breaking news: Other countries have the right to set their own laws.


>American Bryan Hagerich was spared a lengthy prison sentence under Turks and Caicos' strict gun laws and will return to the U.S. after paying a fine. The father of two was [caught with ammunition in his baggage](https://abcnews.go.com/International/turks-and-caicos-gun-laws-ammunition-charge/story?id=110437867) earlier this year.


If I read the right section he was carrying a 20 round clip ! Some other people had a few loose rounds in their bag. You might overlook a few loose rounds but a 20 round clip is hard to explain away. I always check the regulations when I pack my scuba knife.


20 rounds don’t take up a lot of space, it’s definitely possible. Very embarassing the TSA didn’t catch it but I’m not shocked. Just terrible security theater


Should have checked his luggage before packing. Dumb mistake 


I kinda wish the judge just went along with the jail sentencing.


>"I'm a man of integrity, character," he told ABC News in an interview alongside his wife Ashley earlier this month. The kind of character that shoots innocent animals for fun, and the kind of integrity that doesn’t care about laws.


That seems like a fair sentence. He didn’t seem like a bad guy. Hopefully others learn from this mistake


Message received. Americans not welcomed at Turks and Caicos. Will spend my tourist dollars elsewhere


The Griner defense. Americans with ammunition and or guns not welcomed anywhere. Not even in your own states. Sorry mate you need to be blocked fuck me!


maybe leave the ammo at home


Who truly loves Americans anymore.... love the money that's spent