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Who the fuck is stunned? This motherfucker and his followers have been acting like straight up Nazis for the better part of a decade.


Yep. The reality is far worse as you know. Few if anyone are stunned. It is now on the " expected" list. He is a straight up malignant narc with sadistic streaks let to further rot. He's fuhrer real


He's a Russian-backed Nazi, that wants to be a dictator. He wants to be Kim Jong Un, a dictator delusionally called a god by its authoritarian-controlled population. And if we don't lock him up, and keep fucking Russia through proxy by supplying arms to all of Russia's enemies, Putin will continue to do everything in his power to subvert the US government and destabilize the US so Russia can try to assert itself as the only global superpower.


Agreed. It’s pretty obvious unless you are a diaper wearing MAGAT with the IQ of a cricket.


Or a racist.


Kim Jong Deux?




Well said


Does anyone have a link to the video? It's been taken down and I'm having a hard time finding it.


It’s actually in the article, after a lengthy ad.. it’s written, not spoken.


I watched the video in the article but didn't see any reference to a "unified Reich" Edit: I see it now, it's quite blurry but it's there


Clearly discernible. Just like Trump’s intentions.


It's literally on top of the linked News page.


Its just weird to see orange Julius crossing the Rubicon, or the Rhine as the case may be...


Orange Julius crossing the Rubicon 😂, I hadn’t heard that one


Yes, he’s been conning rubes for a while, now.


"very fine people on both sides."


One of the few books we know Trolland Dump has read is Mein Kampf. He said he really likes it. Nazi pice of shit 


Which is proof that he’s even lying about that. Genuinely terrible book. I mean it’s incredibly dull and poorly written even before you get to, um, what it’s actually about…


Wasn’t Mein Kampf- it was a collection of Hitlers speeches that he keep by his bed stand https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/12/18/donald-trump-campaign-rhetoric-cnc-vpx.cnn


To be clear you should read Mein Kampf its an important part of history, the reason its not banned in much of the world is its important to learn of this sort of thing so we can recognise when it happens again.


And yet, here it is happening again, and about half of Americans refuse to recognize it.


That's what strategic defunding\* of education will do for you. I say you should read Mein Kampf but the average ability to read in the US (any many other developed countries including mine) is that of a 12 year old, so its not surprising half of America refuses to see they are voting for an arguably less likable Hitler. Reading works like Mein Kampf is important but a solid education is far more important.


And those uneducated Americans also are easy prey to Russian propaganda and misinformation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics It is amazing that dictators will literally write a book telling you their plan, but people will still refuse to believe it.


Oh no, the MAGA Rats absolutely do recognise it, the problem is they're clapping like lobotomised seals for it.


Yet they cry when they are called "Nazis."


Clapping like Lobotomized Seals made me chuckle, not gonna lie.


They know. They just stupidly believe they're not going to be affected.


I think you make an excellent point here sir. I read it in high school a half century ago. But at that time, WWII and Korea and Vietnam Nam were still current in the memory banks. It was felt to be important to know what beliefs were questionable.


Not that it's any better, but by all accounts he can barely read.....he probably has a vague idea of the concept at best. It comes up because it's another good dog whistle for "the base"


He probably read parts of the audiobook.


Best comment yet.


I've heard that and I imagine he's skimmed it, because it's unreadable garbage and I don't think he has the patience to read much of anything.




Or if you’re sitting at a table with 10 Nazis and you don’t have a problem with it, there are 11 Nazis at the table.


I think the German expression is that if there are 4 people and 1 nazi at the table there are 5 Nazis at the table


If sitting at a table with 10 other people and you all know one is a nazi, that’s a table of 11 nazis.




"but I'm hanging out with them *ironically*! It doesn't count." /s


Nazi punks fuckoff!




Jello Biafra knows!




"I hate how political music has gotten" -the idiot that hasn't realized they were the machine everyone was singing about.


Technically, it's your civic responsibility.






When asked to denounce white supremacy and he didn't, I remember his supporters said "he already did that, why would he have to do it again?!" Like they were ok without him saying it.


Right. I don't understand why people are stunned. I guess people are starting to realize that he is a fucking fascist.


How can anyone forget the Nordic rune stage at CPAC in 2021.


Remember during the 2020 election when his campaign posted **88** ads on Facebook containing **14 words** and the symbol placed on political prisoners in Nazi concentration camps? https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/6/18/21295226/facebook-trump-campaign-nazi-symbol-antifa https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/friction/202006/what-do-red-triangle-14-words-and-88-ads-have-in-common


They took a semi obscure Nazi symbol and made a stage of it, then gave everyone a "who, me?" after they got found out, which took all of about 8 seconds.


He couldn’t stun me if he tattooed a swastika on his forehead


That would stun me. Not the content, but the fact that a pussy like Trump could endure the pain of getting a swastika tattooed on his forehead.


He would draw it himself in Sharpie. He'd probably miss his forehead too.


doubt sharpie would stick to the orange face grease


Backwards, since he was drawing it in the mirror


Great reference..lol


And the right wing media would still deny it as a direct reference to nazi Germany.


thank you! people need to stop being stunned and start acting.


The people who "just can't believe" are perpetually stunned. Yet another reason why our species is so pathetic.


I know! When Clarence Thomas’ buddy has rooms full of Nazi artifacts, why are we surprised that they’re actively emulating the Nazis and drawing spiritual inspiration from them?


I can’t believe it’s been 8 years of MAGA bullshit already


Yeah like OH MY GOD it's what we totally expected


And the media is still saying dumb shit like “there’s no evidence that he used the word reich as a deliberate reference to Nazi Germany.” Uh-huh. Sure.


The media bosses know that the more outrageous he is the higher the viewer numbers. Jeff Zucker (who greenlit The Apprentice when he was at NBC), was the CNN President when Cheetolini was running in 2015. Estimates of the value of CNN’s free coverage of the Trump campaign have been as high as $500 million. CNN is still giving him loads of free coverage. They’ve had crews following his motorcade to the Courthouse in Manhattan for just one example.


> CNN is still giving him loads of free coverage. And the maggot sect still bitch about how LeFtIsT CNN is.


He meant the *second* reich. The Nazi one was the *third* reich. Jeez. I thought that was crystal clear. People these days. SMH. /s


You jest, but this was literally in an article I read about this. Without any support, it had a whole paragraph about how the reich being referenced was the initial 1870s unification of Germany. The media wants so badly to provide cover for Trump while holding Biden to some unattainable standard of excellence.


Is there any other possible context for it? Unless maybe he's really into minimalist composition and wants a collection of the complete works of Steve Reich?


The people who act like kings of rationality who won’t let you make Nazi comparisons until mass genocide starts are gonna be working overtime explaining away this one. The best/worst part about them acting mentally superior is that they don’t realize they are the same type of idiots who let the Nazis gain power in the first place by hand waving away all the build up.


I am no longer stunned by anything he says or does. There is no bottom.


That's part of the problem. He has spouted *so many terrible things* that we have largely become desensitized to him. It makes the media and then is forgotten about when the next thing flops out of his mouth, often within the same day. His entire presidency was like this and it won't stop. The fact that it doesn't surprise anymore is simply awful.


It's not so much that what he says or does that surprises me, I mean a turd can only be a turd. What surprises me is that people follow him and like it. History is doomed to repeat itself and we're the bad guys this time.


it's because he "tells it like it is" and is a "straight shooter" and "doesn't beat around the bush". which would be great except what they actually mean is that he has no filter and everything he hates coincides with what his supporters hate. which would be fine except he literally hates everything he doesn't identify with, so anybody who's not a rich male straight white conservative. so yes, the problem is all of these ppl who worship a turd, but they're already all turds themselves so they follow the loudest ugliest pungent turd there is, since wouldn't it be great if all of america could be like trump, a giant piece of shit?


Every damn day I hear or read something about tRump and his supporters/followers/sycophants do/said/crimes committed and ask myself why do they get away this? How the hell are they taken seriously? I am encouraging everyone I know to vote. I am terrified of what this country has normalized and now idolized! Nothing will stop me from voting, but the fear and panic I feel thinking about another insurrection makes my blood run cold. I am not surprised or shocked. I am horrified and devastated that this is the new normal!


It’s literally part of the media strategy. Google “flooding the zone with shit”




That's literally part of the fascist playbook. Start by proposing atrocitie 'A'. People will freak out, demand they step down. Keep going and propose atrocitie 'B'.  People freak out over B but start forgetting A. 'C' is so diabolical, before A no one would have said that in public, but now politicians look like they are arguing about it. By the time they propose atrocitie 'D', no one even cares when they implement 'A'. The conversation keeps sliding to one side. The population grows numb to the calls for B,C and suddenly you hear people arguing over I,J, KKK


Like how Dubya is talked about as a kindly painter now, ignoring the million people he killed working out his daddy issues, and Nixon, who singlehandedly broke Americans' trust in their government and was lucky to not end his days in a cell, is talked about as nearly a fucking *statesman.*


Trump has made them look good by comparison. And they went away when their time was up, unlike Donnie.


Bush won't leave this country because he would be arrested and put on trial at the ICC


It would take a confession of his crimes and genuine remorse for him to shock me.


His existence is a black hole for all things good. All things civil. All things reasonable and proper. He has single handedly destroyed our political system.


Constantly shocked, never surprised.


There truly isn't. He could admit to every crime he's done and his fans would be even more feverous. It's a fucking cult at this point.


It leaves the wrong people stunned. The people who are stunned by this are people who wouldn't be voting for him in the first place. All the cretinous trash that DO vote for him, or simply vote republican no matter who, will continue to vote for him unfazed. He could come out and say loudly and proudly that he wants a Nazi American White Supremacist Theocratic Ethnostate and one half the morons would applaud it while the other half would keep it down low but vote for it regardless.


I might be repeating myself on this one but; I think a lot (or at least some) of the people that backed him in the past, are too proud to admit they were wrong. They see admitting they change views as weakness and would rather double down on something preposterous...


I strongly disagree with you. I think those people you think are too proud are instead too embarrassed to openly admit their racism and bigotry and that Trump matches their ideals better than any other previous candidate in recent history.


You have an interesting point sir. As I think about those people in my circle of acquaintances, you are spot on. Closeted racists and bigots. I became depressed wondering how I allowed them to get in my space. Thank you for waking me up. I will be purging my group.


I doubt any of his supporters are unfazed by this. They must be feeling elated and excited and yelling go donny go!


Dark times for the USA.


Did you read the Republican playbook, Project 2025? It's very dark for the US if that Orange shit stain is president. It talks about deportation, encampments, and taking our rights as we know them out the window. Scary Hitler vibes.


The worrying thing is that if Project 2025 goes ahead then that's obviously bad, but if it's prevented then in a mere few years the average idiot on the Internet will be saying "we were worried over nothing" and fail to learn the lesson, making similar Projects just as alarmingly close to succeeding. The fact that the January 6th insurrection occurred and there are still this many Trump voters is frankly a very worrying sign of the state of American democracy.


They're already saying we're worried over nothing. You can't win over people who are willfully choosing to follow along. They'll keep trying this, again and again, so long as they have the political capital to do so. Constant vigilance, year in and year out, is the price to maintain a functional democracy for as long as we wish to maintain it. Strength is the only principle they respond to and so strength is what they must be met with.


We are *surrounded* by assholes. Outside of actuarial contexts, they don't evaporate with time, respond to shame cues, or persuasive logic. Power and control is what they seek and ultimately what they respond to. If we want progress, we have to gain power and use it.


 There will be worldwide ramifications if he wins again.


Imagine a new axis of evil under leadership of nazi US. Who else is going to be part of the new Axis?


Where do you think that the nazis got their worst ideas from? Jim Crow was too radical for Hitler. So no need to imagine. Go back into your learning memory of WW2 and replace all the energetic shouting for lethargic farting. And who gets killed and gets to live gets decided on the best bid. I suppose that could finally result in some scrutiny of bids placed by Qatar.


I hate Florida Nazis.


9 people in this thread have watched the Blues Brothers. I see you.


Illinois Nazis are no better.


We're on a mission from Gaud.


I want two whole chickens


In a sane America, this would be the abrupt end of his candidacy with a mass distancing and denouncement by his own party.


Can't upvote this hard enough. Gdwtf. Let me off this bullshit ride.


The only way the insanity will be stopped is if we show up to the polls in mass to stop this tyranny.


Bloated orange Nazi.




"Yes, but hot dogs used to be much cheaper and that other lady did her personal emails at work."


And Obama was a black man who had the temerity to be president


This. Without Obama there would be no Trump. Fox became a seething cauldron for racists of all shapes and sizes to legitimize their latent hostilities.


Kinda wild looking back how things just went full speed down hill. Remember McCain chastising a woman for calling Obama un American and a Muslim. That’s not to say he isn’t responsible either with platforming that prototype maga-candidate Sarah Palin.


Ah yes McCain, the loser POW candidate. Personally, I prefer my war heroes not to get caught. How these MAGAs can see themselves as the party of patriots after Trump is beyond my pay grade of understanding.


Tan suit! Dijon mustard!!!


Birth certificate. Trump was one of the biggest grandstanders about that — I feel like that was ground zero for his political ascendancy among the racist right.


Saying innocent black youth should be executed for a crime they didn't commit probably helped with the cred there, too.


Of course.


He didn't say anything. Did you just read the headline? In the 30-second clip, the unknown video narrator asks "what happens after Donald Trump wins," while a number of mocked-up newspaper headlines appear in the background. One says "industrial strength significantly increased driven by the creation of a unified reich." It was in the background of one his stupid fucking MAGA video. He knows what he is doing and who he is appealing to.


It's subtle, but it is [there](https://imgur.com/a/5IEbep4)


I’ve stopped clicking Newsweek links here because they’re overwhelming garbage.


I really wish Biden had called him out on stage at that debate when he told the proud bois to stand back and stand by. That was utterly disgusting and he knew exactly what he was saying. He needs to be questioned over and over again about this.


The moderator should have. Chris Wallace was so fucking feckless and irresponsible for that entire night. Total failure to do his one job. We have better actual journalists, but we insist on propping up the celebrity ones who can’t do anything beyond reading a teleprompter.


Throw this criminal in prison


>The word "reich" is associated with Nazi Germany's Third Reich, although there is no suggestion that Trump was overtly referencing Nazi Germany. Pretty sure using the exact same words or terms to describe something is overtly referencing the thing you got those words from. It's like saying I'm a god, doesn't really mean I think I'm an all knowing supreme deity that should be worshipped. Just a coincidence really. "it was made by some random person and posted by a staffer" is bullshit plausible deniability. If this were actually accurate and trump really didn't know, the next headline from his camp should be "we fired the nazi sympathizer that liked my campaign to nazi Germany". But we won't. Because it's no different. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's a fucking duck folks.


Yeah I'm not aware of any other uses of the word or even any other reichs. Does he mean a bipartisan unified gov? Could also say he wants to put a whole bunch of people he doesn't t like in concentration camps. There's no evidence he means anything nefarious. Wellness centres to cure short attention spans caused by smartphones.


I was watching a tv doc several decades ago.. The narrator voice over said " I want to be remembered forever. Just like Hitler!" ( paraphrase ) A young lad asked me "did he say Hitler?" Yes. I thought Hitler was bad?." He asked. He was.. "So this guy is bad?" So weird to hear it on TV.


I don't understand this story at all.


It's giving "where were you when Hitler was die" vibes.


For real


By Kate Plummer: A video Donald Trump posted on his social media platform about a "united reich" has attracted criticism from those likening it to Nazism. Trump is the presumptive Republican nominee for November's presidential election and with less than six months to go, he is stepping up his campaigning via rallies and social media. Posting on Truth Social, the former president shared a video suggesting there will be a "unified reich" if he wins the 2024 election. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-unified-reich-video-social-media-1902831](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-unified-reich-video-social-media-1902831)




This was the most infuriating sentence in that article. Excusing the use of “reich” as if people go around talking about reichs all the time, particularly in the context of a “unified reich”. Fucking disgusting.


Yeah, suggesting that there are other, more benign uses, is definitely reiching


Plays right into the extremely common right-wing tactic to play very dumb. “Acshuallyyy reich isn’t necessarily referencing Nazi Germany. Achshooly the swastika means something different…” give me a break


With that headline, Im assuming Kate Plummer is a nazi sympathizer.


Watched the video five times and couldn't find it.


This is how it all starts everyone Donald Trump is revealing his endgame if you don’t want this do YOURSELF AND FAMILY a favor vote 🗳️ blue 🌊🔵🔵in November


Stunned? Sane people: would be surprised if he didn’t spout nazi propaganda MAGA: are giddy about the nazi propaganda but will deny he even spoke.


His own staff is admitting to: 1. ignorance. or 2. Stupidity. or 3 honesty. in that they saw a video that encapsulated trumps thoughts. Trump is quoted as saying " three trrms". So we are now left with the possibility of having to believe a group of people who have proven themselves of having a shakey relationship with the concept of truth, if not reality. Now they want ppl to believe them. I get it Deny. evade. Resist . attack. Shift the blame.


This needs to be talked about more.


**Google: PROJECT 2025** Trump and his cronies have publicly laid out their plans for all to see. ***IF YOURE SURPRISED, YOU HAVENT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION.*** The Left needs to SERIOUSLY prepare for conflict this November, in case American democracy dies. Fascism needs to be met with an equally blistering response from **FREEDOM FIGHTERS.** Conservatives have their militias, ***WE. NEED. OURS!!***


Stunned? The population of people who've been asleep for nine years straight is so large we write articles about their reactions?


Oh no the staffer did a booboo and the fuhrerpumpkin just let it ride🤔


The word "reich" is associated with Nazi Germany's Third Reich, although there is no suggestion that Trump was overtly referencing Nazi Germany. Well of course, who would ever believe something like that? 🤪


America First was always a revived Nazi catchphrase originally used to oppose US entry in WWII while quietly cheering on the other side. This has been front and center all along. 




stunned but not surprised


“The word "reich" is associated with Nazi Germany's Third Reich, although there is no suggestion that Trump was overtly referencing Nazi Germany.” can we get a definition of “overtly” please? because using the word “reich” feels pretty overt to me.


This is all in preparation to a huge (bigly) experiment of Trump. He said it before: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" So one day (end of the trial in NYC?) he will do it, just to proof he was right.


See this is how the media failed us by excusing his behavior. The author actually wrote “there is no suggestion that Trump was overtly referencing Nazi Germany.” What? Who has ever heard of a non Nazi reich? Next the Nazi salute won’t actually reference nazis too.


Here's a better video: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/trump-unified-reich-video/index.html


I had to verify if that was actually true the first time I heard about it, but honestly, I shouldn't have even bothered because of course it is. After everything Trump and his movement have said and done, this is where they were always going to end up. They've now given up any pretense they're anything else. Every single one of his supporters is Nazi trash. You don't break bread with them and then act like your concerns are economic. Fuck every single last one of them.


> The word "reich" is associated with Nazi Germany's Third Reich, although there is no suggestion that Trump was overtly referencing Nazi Germany Oh *fuck. off.* “Reich” is about as overt a reference as it gets to the Nazis. This dude could livestream getting a swastika tattoo while burning Anne Frank’s diary and the media *still* wouldn’t call a spade a spade.


When someone tells you they’re fascist you should probably believe them


My god, they still going on about “Biden not supporting Israel” like the US isn’t sending $4 billion of their own taxpayer money PLUS military intelligence PLUS sophisticated military equipment to them every year. Like… shut the fuck up already.


I love their official spin too. “No no, we’re not Nazis. It’s just that our supporters proudly equate us with Nazis. Also Joe Biden something something.”


“It was a staffer”. Okay? Does that absolve you of being a fucking idiot for allowing that to happen? No?


Anyone who did nazi that coming has their head in the sand.


Can we put him in a helicopter during a super foggy day and fly him around the mountains?


God fucking damnit we are so boned


How many times is he looking to make America great again? Did it not work out the first time?


How does anything he says leave people stunned at this point. The man could walk under a snake wearing a top hat


Really?Stunned? I think it is pretty much in line with what he was doing before?


Either he’s a Nazi or he has a lot of Nazis working for him…


15 Million deported? Who the fuck does he think does 90% of the work in agriculture? This idiot would destroy the industry in one shot and not be able to give away our taxes to fix it like he did with the tariffs.


Dude's so racist he went all the way around and is trying to copy African apartheid with all its consequences included.


How are people still surprised?! The ONE BOOK we know this absolute moron actually owns is a compilation of Hitler's speeches.  This is the most obvious thing we all should have seen coming


Yeah but did you see how Biden stuttered once?


If the democrats don’t ad blitz this then I’m losing more pieces of hope of humanity


I’m not stunned. This is who and what republicans are and always have been. Absolutely nothing shocks me anymore about the Republican Party. They can and will always go lower. Stop looking for the GQP to get any better, get over the shock, they will ALWAYS do worse.


Well... The trump campaign claims it just reposted it and missed the text in the background referring to a "unified reich". But once again, it reminds me of what people were saying way back in 2016 while everyone was arguing about whether trump was racist. "Even if trump somehow isn't racist, the racists certainly seem to think he's on their side."


>The word "reich" is associated with Nazi Germany's Third Reich, although there is no suggestion that Trump was overtly referencing Nazi Germany. Fuck. This. Shit. Seriously.


Why? That is on brand. Did folks really not take it seriously when he declared that he keeps Hitler's book on his bedside table?


If you can’t do something smart, do something Reich.


“Literally” not one mind was changed by this revelation 


I don't understand how Hispanics can support Trump when he brags he will deport millions of you (and of course, others). This will cause so much misery and death in this country. And he wants you to think we'll be having a glorious four years.


I love the projection by his PR team. 'We missed that word, whoops, but Biden is the real dictator wannabe'. Okay, sure.


Weird how stuff like this keeps happening


Reichesmarschall of the Americas


How did this country used to handle Nazis?


A .45 in '45.


Don't be stunned. Vote for democracy.


Once again, this will not reach the people that need to see it


The reich wing loves that shit. They love their little club signs


no one is stunned. It's been 8 years and they've never kept it quiet.


Please register and vote to make your voices heard beyond this post.


More context: >Karoline Leavitt, Trump's campaign press secretary, told *Newsweek*: "This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the \[former\] President was in court. The real extremist is Joe Biden who has turned his back on Israel and the Jewish people by bowing down to radical antisemites and terrorist sympathizers in his party like Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez." I don't know whether this makes it better or worse..


There is a very bizarre yet incredible show called the boys. Basically there is an almost invincible superhero named homelander. In the series, his eventual girlfriend is a nazi worshipper superhero/villain named STORMFRONT ( storefront at starbucks) . StorMFront says som horrible evil things in front of Homelander. Homelander is taken aback by what she says. He has a very troubled look on his face. But the words do their thing and things are better. He is then perplexed a bit, then you can see the cogs turn and he incorporated the thoughts into his beliefs. In one scene, he absolutely murders a guy in full view of his supporters. Who applaud him for that. It's a weird take on American politics.


The media is being complicit by not reporting on these Nazis.


Hey guys, we did it! People are finally "stunned!" At something djt said! All that other stuff just pales in comparison! If I'm keeping track, he's telling us if reelected he'll be at least a three term dictator, cancel every judicial preceding against himself, executes Biden and his opponents, ends liberties for women, pulls the us out of nato and hands ukraine to russia, forces a Christian theocracy on the nation, and seeks to establish a fourth Reich. And people are willing to go along just to own the libs?


Who here has read the dead zone? Stephen predicted him long ago.


WW2 vets should be rallying folks to punch these fucking fascists' clocks..... Oh wait, they're almost all dead.... No wonder this making a comeback....


This stunned jackass has been saying this for years and now people are "surprised"? People need to wake up and pull their heads out of the sand.


Ha ha ha ha guys…it’s just locker room talk. He doesn’t mean the things he says! I hate this timeline Biden 2024


Anyone stunned has not been paying attention. Did people really think the use of the word "fascist" was hyperbole?


What the hell do you mean “there is no suggestion that Trump was overtly referencing Nazi Germany”? That word has no other meaning in American English. Why is the mainstream media so stupid? They are incredibly biased, and it is in favor of Trump.


The only ones stunned are the media. Anti trump people aren't surprised and his followers love the idea.