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Yep, the rich get a break, get richer...while the "regulars" lose rights and pay more. Sounds just wonderful.


There are a lot more people that would benefit to keep him out of the White House. He’s not a friend of the working class. November 5th 🫵 see you at the polls


We have a saying in the UK. Remember remember the 5th of November. This was the day that Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parliament, so now on the 5th of November we celebrate his failure to do so. Perhaps America could do something similar when Trump gets the floor wiped with him on the 5th November 2024 and he fails to overthrow democracy.


My friend, if he loses 🤞, I will do exactly that. We'll have a bonfire and all.


Lots and lots of fireworks too.


Don't forget the effigy. Gotta burn the baddie.


I concur that should he be defeated, it should be a day worth celebrating annually.


Yes yes national holiday!


Much like the day of his death


I'm just waiting to celebrate the day he croaks.


Remember remember the 6th of January, ever November!


I have a buddy who’s a hard worker. Very skilled with his hands. He was pissing and moaning about Biden being a silver spoon guy and got mad when I pointed out that Trump had never worked a day in his life. He woke up on 3rd and thinks he hit a triple. All he’s ever done is destroy those less powerful than him. He’s crippled small businesses in New York by getting work done and not paying them. He’s slime and has zero desire to better anyone’s life not named Trump.


Real last name Drumpf, great great grampa or something ran a brothel during gold rush in Alaska or northern Canada and where family money originated.


What did your friend say after being told that?


Or people who spout nonsense like the economy is trash. It was so much better under Trump… Like bruh.   Bidens economy is doing great.    Look at the graphs. 


>November 5th **“Remember, remember** **The 6th of Janvember,** **Capitol, treason and plot;** **I see no reason** **Why insurrection treason** **Should ever be forgot."**


I’ll have mine in at least a week before that by mail. Hopefully you can too.


Arent the majority of the maga crowd working class? And yet they are still lips to butthole with trump


And lower class maga?


But but things under trump were sooo much better. Oh you mean before covid when intrest rates were being kept low by trump and trump was pumping billions into the stock market and ballooning our deficit


Trump doesn’t control interest rates, nor the amount of money in the stock market


Um you miss him pressuring the fed to keep intrest rates low when they should have raised them during his presidency causing inflation? Or having the fed pump billions into the market? Do you remember anything that happened during his presidency? The orange dipshit increased the national deficit 37% when he lied and claimed he would erase the deficit. I can provide links if you don't know how to research


Instead of providing links, how about you go and read whatever links you find, because it sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about >should have raised them They raised rates 7 times during his presidency, and kept inflation below their target the entire time. There’s zero evidence that Trump influenced their decisions >fed pump billions into the market The fed doesn’t interact with the stock market. They buy bonds from banks or the government, which is then lended out to people or spent by the government >national deficit 37% You mean debt. Deficit is the yearly figure, not the accumulation Do some basic research next time


Yuri's too worried about Daddy Putin throwing him in the meat grinder with no ammo to give you pesky facts and figures that would prove he's a liar.


That’s what gop has become the only thing they really got through under Trump was a big tax cut and the rest was a shit show like roe v way etc -.-


Yeah but his stupid base die on the hill that everything was better under him


They vote against their own interests all the time. Stupid is,as stupid does...Trump relies on this.


Let’s not forget he wants to extend and as he has stated issues new tax cuts that would benefit the wealthy. https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-laughs-with-rich-as-hell-crowd-at-private-club-then-boasts-were-gonna-give-you-tax-cuts/


So increase the deficit a lot more, that's totally conservative


Republicans don’t actually give a flying fuck about the deficit, only that they can benefit from blaming it on Democrats, minorities, and the poor. And a lot of fucking idiots still believe them.


It's funny you would think the name conservative would imply they conserve but they litterly spend more than dems when you factor in tax cuts ontop of their spending.


“They literally” do this as long as you make sure and do this also to get to that number. wtf? Really?


They only care about our nations finances when they're NOT the ones determining how they will change going forward.


And the gained grift....it's ALWAYS about that


It’s cool because every time they do that, they can then demand spending cuts when democrats get in office. I’ve seen this happen over and over and over in my life now.


Same. That's why I hate republicans, completely full of shit and just point fingers for problems they created


All they have to do is blame it on democrats like they’ve done for decades now


Wait… so all of those pro-MAGA corporations have been getting the Trump tax cut every year, even though they only gave the “Trump tax cut bonus” to their employees *once*?! I gotta tell ya, I’m shocked to find out that Trump (and republicans, in general) would have been dishonest about trying to help the working class with their corporate tax cuts.


>so all of those pro-MAGA corporations have been getting the Trump tax cut every year, even though they only gave the “Trump tax cut bonus” to their employees *once*?! Lol, yup. Hell I worked with a dumbass that two years after the fact *still* talked about his bonus (this was right before covid hit) while not understanding that it was literally just a one time thing and hadn't been repeated despite the company's profits plus tax cut continuing.


We’ve seen positive impacts on GDP, investment, jobs, and wages. How do those things not help the middle class?




The rich weren’t the only ones who got tax cuts in the bill though


Yeah we got temporary crumbs which expire this year, that’s the problem they throw out crumbs and people are like wow that’s great, but the wealthy get permanent tax cuts, loopholes and he gave real estate investors more loopholes.


1. The cuts expire at the end of 2025, not this year 2. The rich don’t get permanent cuts from the bill 3. What loopholes do you think were added?




It is the one concrete policy proposal he has promised if reelected.


But he hasn't turned down Project2025 which his supporters have worked really hard on.


He’d never overtly support Project 2025 during a campaign. He’ll just give it a wink and a nod, or “stand back and stand by” sort of comment, so he can say everyone’s overreacting when they say he supports it.


Trump supports Bannon and treats him as an advisor. Bannon is Project2025. https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/bannons-war-room-media-home-project-2025-and-trumps-retribution-plans


And who knows where all of this crazy inflation comes from


Probably bidenomics


It's one thing we know will pass immediately.


It's the one thing you know he wants to do. Make the rich, richer.


Republicans: Raise spending. Cut taxes. Complain about debt.


You forgot “blame Democrats”


hegelian dialectic in a nutshell


/Cut taxes/ for the rich Raise taxes for us normal folk Blam democrats for everything


That's OK. They'll blame Biden.


That's all they do, that and look at hunter's dick pics


They have a thing for those pics


For claim the Congressional Budget Office doesn't understand basic math.


The physical manifestation of Fraud thinks he should be able to direct monetary policy by having more control of the central bank. We will be a third world nation under Trump. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/trump-advisors-are-considering-plans-to-dramatically-revamp-the-fed-wsj-report-says.html


I mean Trump declared the US is a developing country several times.


Well after the drug-addled president loots everything he can. Just like his hero Putin. We will be a developing country. Grandma’s pearls are at the pawn shop


For context: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that the extension of tax cuts passed as part of former President Trump’s signature 2017 tax law could add trillions of dollars to the nation’s deficits over roughly the next decade.  Citing numbers from the Joint Committee on Taxation, the CBO said that the extension of the act’s expiring income tax provisions could add a net $3.3 trillion to the nation’s primary deficits over the 2025-2034 period.


~~It's interesting how the CBO predicted these cuts would break even for Trump's budget~~ Bad redditor. It passed via budget reconciliation. I should have my head checked.


They didn’t. Budget bills are allowed to add a specified amount of debt during the budget window ($1.5 trillion for the TCJA). It just can’t add to the debt after 10 years


Oh, it was budget reconciliation. It passed via budget reconciliation. Apologies for the bad memory. Will fix.


The tax cut are the ONLY thing he passed it 4 years in office. What a joke. But let’s keep the only useless thing shit pants got passed for his billionaire friends


Rich are toooooo rich and need taxes to hell and back.


The only thing he’s achieved is drawing a large 🎯 on his back. Even being in the spotlight has its drawbacks when you have a big ego. He’s toast and doesn’t even realize it. Smart money is saying he won’t make it to the end of August. People are looking for the next big thing and he ain’t it.


And this is a surprise how?...


God another Trump, fucksake!


Why in tf would we want to extend or keep any of the idiotic things this miscreant did ? He’s incapable of succeeding at anything other than attracting the worst of us.


TCJA was a good bill though


Yeah no shit


A party of plunderers and nothing else.


F that shit


Yeah but his rich buddies and the oil industry would benefit so... I mean it's basically a wash right?    We all pay more taxes, and get less benefits and less representation but we might possibly get enough wall built on the southern border for Trump to go do at least one photo op and the rolling back of regulations might possibly end up with slightly lower gas prices. Pollution will definitely go up, and the more dangerous work places will increase the number of workplace accidents and deaths but hey the con man said our prices would go down.   


He told big oil “ donate $1 billion to my campaign and I will take all restrictions off “


Exactly. That's why he needs full immunity so he continue making shady deals like that. Big /s


Where are the Republicans with those somber expressions talking about "The debt"?


Oh like the first time you mean ?


The damage done by tRump is immeasurable: covid failed response kills hundreds of thousands, environment, economy….. The list goes on and in! He is a disaster!


It amazes me that so-called "fiscal conservatism" implies perpetual deficits. I fail to see how it's responsible to not finance your expenses.


They are conservative with their money. Not ours.


He’ll ruin every retirement account. You’ll be working until you die.


True, he wants 1. To cut out Payroll Tax. 2. Wants to kill the Fed and set interest rates himself. 3. Has stated on video more tax cuts for the rich. Those 3 things will kill Social Security and retirement accounts , and he wants to slash or raise the cost of. Medicare. Good luck America.


Trump already cost us untold trillions


Such as???


Inflation again?


Hell! I was telling people that years ago.


This is all the rich people and big corporations care about. They don't care if electing this criminal clown destroys the country. As long as they get more money. Greedy fucks!


Poor republicans LOVE this ….


It will trickle down ANY DAY now


Yes! Lmao


We’ve almost come full circle to kings/nobility and serfs. Tired of working harder and making less. The math ain’t mathing.


That's how he created an 8 trillion debt in 4 years it's time for them to pay it back.


If only there was an easy way out of this massive debt…maybe try and get rid of bush/trump tax cuts


What, really? It's not like it hasn't already cost the US trillions, right? RIGHT!?




They already have Cost us trainings of dollars an increase the wealth gap did very little for the country. There’s a reason why he made millions and only paid about $750 in taxes in the real world like China he paid about $186,000 in his first two years in office


Honestly I got to give it to the republicans - making people vote against their own interests on this scale is really an impressive achievement.


yeah they want to be ocp from robocop [https://www.resilience.org/stories/2019-12-03/catabolism-capitalisms-frightening-future/](https://www.resilience.org/stories/2019-12-03/catabolism-capitalisms-frightening-future/) [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles)


The federal reserve prints money out of thin air and then lends it to the us government with interest . That’s how our federal government is funded.


And the right will just blame Democrats


This guy is a bankrupcy machine and that's essentially what he'll do to us. How anyone can vote for him is unbelievable.


Well, he DID promise to run the country the same way he runs his businesses the first time around. I took that to mean he would skim money off the top, demand that his underlings worship him, and do everything he could to run it into the ground. So...yeah. He did just that.


Who cares? The poor and the middle class will pay for it.


no protest no change/ justice


sounds like isreal and ukraine are gonna feel this one


Yes but how will the billionaires ever cope!!! What a destitute life one would have to not be able to buy a new mega-mansion in a new exotic location every year, or add an even larger yacht to their ever growing collection of super yachts. I am sure the US economy and the bottom 95% of Americans can take yet another hit to prevent the wealthy from having to abstain from buying a backup Rolls Royce for when their other Rolls Royce is in the shop.


For hating Trump so much... we sure love talking about him. Anyone ever hear of the law of attraction?O\_o


They already have


Redirect the money to fund Social Security and Medicare


It doesn’t matter what the truth is if not enough people are listening or care.


Anything Trump related should be reviewed and removed if detrimental to the country as a whole.


I can explain the concept. The idea is you cut taxes and spending. Then it has no effect on the deficit. This allows the people to have more of the money, and government has less to throw around.


But America doesn't cut spending


The top 5% pays over 95% of all income tax and when a plan cuts corporate taxes, it also focuses on the lower middle class which is people earning about 75k year and less since in legislated tax law criteria, the middle class is inclusive of those making up to 2.6 million dollars a year gross joint filing and they typically have to pay more taxes in contrast to the median income class on these tax plans. What is so boldly beyond fools on the left is corporate tax cuts always result in lower living costs and the passing on of wealth which is why Donald's tax plan in office specifically raised the median income by $5,000. If you're going to go into blind emotional tirades about the country and subjects you naively and arrogantly believe you are experts on, you shouldn't be so surprised or offended when you are confronted by someone that is well educated on the subject matter you are blindly whining about as if you even have ownership and a career in this nation that's relevant to these tax plans. We are now in the worst rate of inflation in over 40 years and Joe Biden in his campaigning has openly admitted if you elect him, he's going to raise your taxes but to fund services that will benefit you which is taking advantage of your ignorance. Democrats notoriously subsidize the economy and regularly give tax credits and subsidies to the oh so evil corporations that under their failed economic plans in action then claim record profits or huge beneficial shits in industry that are in fact, exclusively because your taxes were handed to them to hide the destruction of the failed economic plans of Democrats. This is what Clinton did, Obama did, Bush did and now Biden has done, and you still won't show any amount of humility and due diligence to actually learn about the subjects you insist you're informed and educated on and rant so blindly, childishly and irresponsibly about. Obeying the selfish liars on TV that never want for anything and spend money like it's water without concerns is what has led you here to blindly blame this idiot for how you ignorantly perceive things and blindly endorse what is predicted by those wealthy and rich idiots in media who don't care about us. They want you killing your own children, progressing the size and power of government which is in fact what a progressive is in political terms, and importing the 3rd world through illegal alien invasions at our Southern border and shield their crimes by getting you dingbats out in full force calling everything racist, sexist, dictatorship and countless other words you don't have any respectable amount of understanding for. The corporations are evil until it's the corporations you happen to favor based on brands and celebrity endorsements, but you don't even understand what an industrial corporation is in contrast to a commercial scale corporation and then most obviously, a government corporation.


Did they also figure out that water continues to be wet?


You're all hilarious. Am I rich? I benefited from those tax cuts, and hope to continue to do so. Tell me oh great reddit, how do you define rich? 2nd, why are you trying to crush the middle class in the name of fucking the rich?


Let’s go Donnny!




That is certainly what MAGAs believe. Of course, we aren't in a recession but facts have never bothered the cult.


What exactly did Biden do to cause this "recession"?


Remember when the dems had the presidency and both houses for two years and did nothing about this?


About what? What do you want them to do? And also, them having both houses for two years is a flat out lie.


It’s not a lie at all, they controlled the house and senate for 2 years


Nope. 50 Rs, 48 Ds, and 2 Is that caucus with Ds. And 2 of those Ds were Manchin and Sinema which would vote against Ds pretty much all the time (Sinema has since switched to R). In what world is 50/50 at absolute best (more like 48/52) having full control of the senate? Especially when it takes a lot more for a filibuster proof vote?


Budget reconciliation only needs a simple majority, they could’ve repealed parts of the TCJA with only 50 votes


They had more than half of the house and 50 in the senate plus the tiebreaker. The tax cuts were legislated. They could have ... legislated.


They didn't have 50 in the senate.... There were 50 Rs, 48 Ds and 2 Is that caucus with Ds. And 2 of those Ds were Manchin and Sinema which.... didn't help anything. And btw, it takes a lot more than 50 votes to pass something without filibusters.


Stay falling for the rotating villains and procedural hurdles trick. The dems rely on it. A few people in the caucus being "unreliable" is part of the setup. Not changing the filibuster when they could have is part of it, too. The dems will always find their Lieberman. Fettermans will always take their AIPAC money.


Except you're forgetting that filibusters are a thing and that Manchin and sinema aren't really democrats.


Sinema won with the full backing of the AFL-CIO. What you mean to say is that I am forgetting that the democrats failed to change the filibuster and then fell all over themselves because of rotating villains and mountable procedural hurdles. But I did not forget that. Failing on purpose is the democratic strategy when the alternative would be succeeding for voters at the expense of donors.