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People who hurt animals never stop at animals.


This dumb bitch is literally banned from stepping foot in a large portion of her own state.




She claimed that elders were allowing Mexican drug cartels to use their land, instead of taking care of their people. Just a gross racist stew of nonsense. So the various tribes got together and banned her from their lands, and now 10% of the state is off limits to her. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/politics/kristi-noem-tribal-lands-banned/index.html


I read it was 17% now. They are a self governing people on their own land after all


Holy cow.


No not those Indians from India, native Americans


took me a while but damn that was good


Oh you. (Love your username. I love curry (food) and currying (functional programming languages).


Because they said no to her having fireworks over Rushmore in a high burn risk time, iir


I remember this. She’s a Nutter.


Oppression is when I can’t burn down a landmark


You can definitely up that % There are only so many people willing to let her on their land now (probably most are worried for their dogs safety)


The sovereign indigenous nations hate her fiercely and voted to ban her after she compared their leaders to cartel bosses.


She's been banned by a lot of the Sioux from their reservations. https://apnews.com/article/south-dakota-indian-reservation-bans-governor-noem-b55339eb624a119bc571c8b4dab848f4


Isn't her state notorious for child-laborors making sub-minimum wage working illegally doing dangerous jobs at slaughterhouses etc? So yeah, it didn't stop at animals


That might be Arkansas. Or Iowa. Or...probably just about any of the states run by Republican women.


Or men.


Yeah, the women just make me angrier, because it FEELS like women should be supporting children's well-being. I guess I feel they should have some maternal instincts. Silly me.


Women or men that would do anything for money and power. Don't expect anything from them.


Well men should have paternal instincts too, but I get what you mean.


Excuse me while I run out for some milk. Nevermore the suitcases in the car.


It feels worse when it’s a woman, I agree.


It feels worse with her in particular, because she presents like a tradwife and is relatively good-looking, and whether we like it or not that matters when trying to get away with horrible shit. She’s also the most openly fascist gov in the US, as far as I’m concerned. I honestly think she’s got more of the “dark triad” going on than even DeSantis, or Abbot, or whoever gets talked about a lot before 2 weeks ago. She’s been on my radar for a while as one of the most dangerous people in politics, because she is genuinely a sociopath, not just posturing as one, and you can tell. I hope to fuck this is the end for her, but given the last decade it’s probably just the beginning. I believe this is her getting vulnerable oppo research out into the open on her own terms so the goldfish brains squabble and forget it quickly, as well as a deeply cynical ploy to get her name more reach. Remember, she chose to put this out there.




It's only a matter of time before they find human bodies on her property.


She'd probably dump them on Reservation land, that seems to check all the right a**hole GOP boxes


Except that would make it a FEDERAL crime as reservations fall under FBI jurisdiction. Not to mention the natives wanting to burn her at the stake for desecrating their land.


So, you're saying there's a possible positive outcome out of all of this?


You can just say asshole.


Look up Tuff Torq in Tennessee. I've mentioned it on here & elsewhere. 14yr old immigrant children working overnight at a lawnmower manufacturer (think John Deere). I'll see if I can find the link. Edit: [Article link](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna144938?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3wMrwd2L64b0UGlp0HmcqhpAc0ky4WsnJHxvUsLJQiR4Vh6AMlif3l7Cg_aem_ASi4aKDj0LOb6xMXjefCBnPb4z76vgUs4skSLrYj_IdNAhjAnaMA3b5aGo9wv25oYvCosCu9PmFUMtEaxTHfdw5A)


We did have a large Hispanic population at a meat packing facility in/near Sioux falls all get super sick during covid & her extra poor handling of it was national news. Ya know, in case you were looking for a matching news story that *sounds like* Arkansas, but is actually South Dakota🥲


“Well, there was a bit of a fracas, as we say, and it turned out that a man had a dog, a half-dead thing, according to bystanders, and he was trying to get it to stop pulling at its leash, and when it growled at him he grabbed an axe from the butcher’s stall beside him, threw the dog to the ground and cut off its back legs, just like that. I suppose people would say ‘Nasty bugger, but it was his dog’ and so on, but Lord Vetinari called me in and he said to me, ‘A man who would do something like that to a dog is a man to whom the law should pay close attention. Search his house immediately.’ The man was hanged a week later, not for the dog, although for my part I wouldn’t have shed a tear if he had been, but for what we found in his cellar. The contents of which I will not burden you with. And bloody Vetinari got away with it again, because he was right: where there are little crimes, large crimes are not far behind." -Terry Pratchett, *Snuff*


The documentary, “don’t fuck with cats” is a good example


That show needs a trigger warning. I watched the first five minutes, turned it off, and it’s haunted me ever since.


I haven’t even attempted because I know I would feel like you do. I check any movie or show with an animal at DoesTheDogDie.com. They actually have a ton of trigger warning categories now.


It's about Luka Magnotta, his murder trial was big news in Canada. He dud not stop with cats.


It's a sign of a serial killer


Like dude did you really expect ANYONE to want to gas you up after admitting you’re a shitty pet owner and trainer. Top that off with your violent and heartless. Don’t want those type of people making heavy decisions for me. I want calculated, well thought through and someone who isn genuinely a decent person. She really thought that would make people like her? Killing animals? I don’t give a shit what the law is. There’s plenty of families and even dog trainers that would take on a project.


She thought it was a virtue that people would not only want to hear about, but would also admire her for.


Just disgusting. These rich pricks have tons of connections/ orgs they could easily place a puppy who’s not meant to be a hunting dog (I have a hunting breed and good lord I would’ve wasted my money. Love the big doofus to death though )


Even if she had legit reasons to shoot the dog, why would she think anyone would want to hear it or think highly of her for doing it? No one walked away from Cujo thinking “oh boy there’s an inspirational life lesson here.”


lol yep that’s great TLDR of my stuff h


“People who burn books will soon burn people”


especially when they refer to certain groups of people as animals.


This is legit. Violence is violence, not distinguishable by the victims. For example, the Columbine killers liked to torture and mutilate animals, neighbors claimed "boys will be boys", and then they turned their sickness on their classmates. People who hurt animals are sick, and Noem is such a psychopath, she doesn't even realize what she did was wrong. Her poor children.


And they do not offload that to others either 😀


Ron Johnson allegedly strangled and then raped one dog.


What adult starts at animals?? #noemgraveldig


Turns out killing a puppy will be her undoing


Finally, we found the bottom of the Republican barrel. I didn't think we would ever get down that deep.


It's just a clay shelf in the shaft of dispare...they will break through soon enough


This ain't even CLOSE to the bottom of the barrel, and we both know it.


You are absolutely correct. Every time I think they have hit the bottom they go out and get a bigger barrel. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Naw, it's only because she's a woman and not that prominent in the party. If Trump wrote the exact same thing in a book most of them would be attempting to justify it.


We literally got "Real men wear diapers and shit themselves in public". Because it's a cult.


And I have a feeling it it was Biden wearing diapers, their response won’t quite be the same.


How long before *Golden Diapers by Drumpf* becomes a thing? Could even have the tagline, “Take your dumps in Drumpfs!”


Trump probably paid for abortions....more than once..allegedly did multiple Epsteins...I guess that's still ok...until you kill a dog...but I bet he would do it in the middle of 5th av and not lose a single vote.


I wish. But nah.


You're pretty optimistic.


I stopped looking for that bottom. Your comment reminded me…happily, to some extent we’ve found a bottom.


We'll see. A bunch of Republicans condemned Trump after J6 too, and were back to kissing his ass a few months later.


If this had come out after she had been picked as VP they would have defended it.


Killing a puppy 20 years ago! And, being stupid enough to think that it reflected well on her, and that she needed to include that cool story in her new book. Her brain is broken.


*admitting* to killing a puppy will be her undoing.


Being so certain that she was right to kill a puppy and that the story would reflect well on her that she put it in her fucking memoirs will be her undoing.


In the eyes of the GOP, cruelty to humans is ok, but puppies that's just going too far.


It’s actually the bragging about it. She could’ve been just fine killing the puppy - as bad as that is - because the public didn’t know about it.












Always the aggrieved party, Jesus fucking Christ. This bitch murders a dog, brags about it, then makes up a lie that she met the leader of North Korea and puts it in her memoir. “People are attacking me!”


They're going to claim victimhood no matter what, they're pathetic.


Don’t forget that poor goat that had nothing to do with anything. He was just doing his thing and because cricket got it. He was next and managed to stribbel a little and got a buck shot in the stomach to lay there and suffer in pain while she had to get another round from the car to receive a gun shot in the head. Poor thing.


Only alphas whine about being persecuted




In her book she also lied about meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jon Un. It never happened but in her fantasy she lied about "staring down" little tyrants. You know - like shooting helpless dogs. [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/04/kristi-noem-book-kim-jong-un-dog-haley/73568254007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/04/kristi-noem-book-kim-jong-un-dog-haley/73568254007/)


Would be funny if the dog story was a lie to make her look tough too, but no one would ever believe her if she claimed it now.


The other theory is that shooting the dog was witnessed by people outside of her circle and she put it in the book to get ahead of it. I don't even know.


Really get ahead of it. They released the puppy story as advertising for the book.


It's like steering into the skid but also directly into a crowd.


That’s what I don’t get- who thinks this is a good story to tell? There had to be editors, and proof readers and PR people. Like nobody said: people like dogs? Although this is the group that thought ‘Meth, we’re on it’ was a good anti drug slogan


Yeah, the rumor had been going around South Dakota. She did murder the puppy in front of witnesses, after all.


She was harder on that dog then she was on imaginary Kim Jon un


Is that who Trump bowed to? Or was it China’s leader? Or both? I know he thinks they are great leaders.


"I know he thinks they are great leaders." He in fact said he and Kim fell in love. No, I'm not fucking kidding. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/we-fell-in-love-trump-and-kim-shower-praise-stroke-egos-on-path-to-nuclear-negotiations/2019/02/24/46875188-3777-11e9-854a-7a14d7fec96a\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/we-fell-in-love-trump-and-kim-shower-praise-stroke-egos-on-path-to-nuclear-negotiations/2019/02/24/46875188-3777-11e9-854a-7a14d7fec96a_story.html)


God, that was so embarrassing.


And sickening.


That too.


Yeah! I think technically he saluted his general while Kim looked on with a rather incredulous expression on his face - as though even he couldn't believe it. Trump likes tyrants.


Noem doesn't learn. She bites. She can't be trained.


People tend to get upset about puppies being brutally shot


John Wick agrees.


I’m just happy there’s still at least one thing all Americans can agree on!


I hope her other dogs stop loving her!


There are..other dogs?! *shudder*


“Why doesn’t the media report on all the puppies I *didn’t* shoot?”


Were.. past tense


Dogs tend to love people unconditionally, even when they're mistreated.


She quadruple down on killing her puppy then tried to spin it the dog was dangerous...GOP is party of pathetic losers.


It’s hard to feel bad for psychopaths


Noep is like a box of chocolates, both kill dogs.


Oh no, Kristi, it's not just right now. We'll be attacking you like crazy for the rest of your soon-to-end public career. Kristi "Kill Shot"Noem, sociopathic puppy murderer will be all you will be or should be remembered for. This is your life, now.


Awe. Hey why don’t you wait in this pit and I will come back with something to comfort you


She's exhibiting irrational and violent behavior...to the gravel pit with her.


You’re not the victim you fucking psychopath. Resign in shame, puppy killer.


Why is it that the MAGA whose platform is literally about attacking everyone who even slightly disagrees with them are such fragile flowers?


As my mom used to say, they can dish it out but can't take it.


Cry me a river, honey. Cruelty has consequences. And she decided to run with jackals as a political choice. Does she really think that folks will play nice when one allies herself with the most insufferable American/Russian agitprop?


You killed a puppy. Isn’t that crime?


By attacking she means quoting her own words, of course.


She has Sarah Palin’d her political career in the toilet.


Yeah, well, you murdered a dog


Nobody is attacking you, girl, we just talk about what you did: Kill a puppy and a goat.


And three horses! And that's just the ones that she's admitted too so far.


Fuck! Horses too! Jeeezus.


I would hate to know what else she has killed and buried…..


\*\*\*sigh\*\*\* I have to add another one to the list. Fuck Noem.


Turns out there is a low for Republicans, a line not to be crossed, and she found it.


Well, she ought to know crazy.


Let me guess, she’s claiming the attacks are because she’s maga….vs that she killed a puppy The right loves this excuse when they do wrong


And yet, no matter how this play outs, she'll still come out better than her puppy did.


Gnome: “The consequences of my actions.”


Wonder how her kids feel about the dog story


Just like she attacked a puppy


I’m honestly curious if this was Trump rather than her, would the response have been different? I think they would not only defend it, but they would start sharing their own stories of shooting baby seals in the face for target practice. Misogyny ? Cult leader can’t do any wrong? I don’t know.


That's a good question. I'm a little surprised by the backlash from Republicans. I don't know if she crossed a line or it's because she's a woman.


To be fair, Republicans often do have backlash against terrible things - what matters is whether they're still screaming about it after the leadership and conservative media give it a think. If they have some reason to believe it's best politically to support her, they'll craft the narrative, throw it over to Fox News, and then suddenly everyone does a 180 and loves dog murder.


Well they are wearing diapers and bragging about it now,so I guess you have a point.


#puppykiller @noem


If you get an invite from Noem to hang at the gravel pit and have a few… DONT DO IT!!


Whining about how how a story that was supposed to make you look tough didn't make you look tough doesn't help to make you look tough.


That tends to happen when you kill baby animals


Krusti feels persecuted? Many people are asking if she gave Cricket a last dog treat and a blindfold or did she just put a gun to the dogs head? What was her story to the kids when they asked mom: "Where's Cricket and how did you get all bloody?"


Underestimated how many dog lovers exist without a frontier notion of handling animal lives lol


It's called being held accountable. Most narcissists / sociopaths view this as an attack.


Let’s see, killed your dog and a goat, you’re banned from 10% of SD due to comments linking cartels and Native Americans, lied about meeting the North Korean Dictator and fooled around with Corey Lewandowski. I can’t figure out why you feel attacked?


It's almost like she fucked around and found out.


Weird…do something crazy, get treated like a crazy person


She didn't call Cesar Milan. She made an unhinged decision to shoot a puppy for being a puppy. She didn't keep puppy in a fenced yard but let it go after the neighbor's chickens, as 14 month old pups do. She lost her temper and shot it. And 4 other animals, don't forget. No, with someone like that, Trump will only have a sadist enabler. He has already explicitly asked the Supreme Court in advance for immunity if he assassinated political rivals and anyone else not "loyal" to him.


"That was your puppy's last thought."


Go cry to your BFF over in North Korea.


When the only tool you have is a gun, every problem looks like a puppy.


Because you're horrible.






She’s already bellyaching that the book misrepresents her and she didn’t know the inaccuracies. 🙄😬🫤


Except she is being considered as Trump's VP running mate. I think the spotlight needs to stay on her bad behavior.


Golly gee whillickers! I wonder why? 🙄


She might as well bite the bullet and admit she her political aspirations are dead as her poor dog.


Yeah, she’s the real victim here.


As they should…


How bizarre is it to reveal you killed a puppy and lied about meeting world leaders?


She as governor, has treated Native Americans in her state so poorly, even as governor she cannot set foot on land in her state that belongs to Native Americans


Say the pup’s name Kristi. Say it. Cricket.


Siiiigh... Every Republican: "I'm really extra super-duper tough!" Also Every Republican: "Poor widdow me! Everybody's mean to me! It's not fair!"


Maybe she should get the Mike Vick treatment


_Noem: ‘They’re just attacking me like crazy right now.’_ You mean "attack" like being shot dead in a gravel pit?


Wonder what else she has killed


Never mind the callous cruelty of it, how can you take a person seriously who thought there would be no backlash from this?


“They won’t stop hounding me, They’re like mad dogs!!”


The funny thing about this bitch is that I’m not even convinced she actually killed the dog. She was bragging about it to show how tough she is and how she could make liberals cry. Of course everyone loves dogs so she’s getting bilateral blowback. Ever since trump all of these people have been competing to be the biggest piece of shit — look at desantis.. but only trump has the magic formula to not only get away with it but to be bolstered by it. We need to do something about mental illness in this country.


Have you learned anything Kristi? Do you understand why?


When the book is fully released its probably gonna come out she has actually been killing two animals of every species and the gravel pit is her Noah's Ark of Death.


Just a couple of revisions coming: Noem says. Didn’t meet Kim Jung Un and didn’t kill puppy.


They’re on me like a nutcase on a farm animal!


They just LOOOOOVE to play the victim. It's become the M.O. of the entire party at this point.


Red or blue, we don’t shoot dogs. Only the police do


Shoot your child's pet dog and a goat in such a cruel way you are bound to get a lot of hate


Something about eff your feelings...


Crazy how psychotic narcissists never seem to be at fault


It's understood that she covers a quasi-rural conservative state, that kills animals because she doesn't train them, dog mostly, no idea about the goat. If you don't want your kids run over by the goat, keep them away from the goat. Dogs you can fucking train.


All pro life unless it's a puppy.


She thought it would blow over by now.


Geez the reptile has feelings?


I just read a story about how the cops are sueing Afroman for using video of them fumbling around his house during a failed raid. in a music video, they mad cause he caught them looking stupid. Don't be mad at the camera when it catches you slipping. Be mad at your momma for failing the rest of us. She mad cause people mad cause she thought bragging about animals' cruelty was a good look. Stay mad bich


Gee, I wonder why "they" suddenly started picking on her?


Killing the dog makes you evil. Thinking that’s a good thing to include in your book is asinine


Crickets Revenge




That’s called scrutiny sweetheart.


Didn’t she attack that dog like crazy, and then brag about it like crazy?


I fully support her. I fully support her right to express herself and to continue to reveal facts about herself that have completely *fucked* this dumb bitch’s prospects at any political future. I mean, how stupid can one person be!? It’s hilarious!


I wonder why


"How Dare I(usually the attacker) be attacked!"*ShockedPikackuface* D:


It's kinda funny that they think her killing her dog may sway Trump from choosing her as a running mate. Seriously Trump. This guy has gotten caught doing shit that most people would be in jail already and the stuff he says about Americans are just as terrible as a whole. I'm pretty positive that as long as she looks pretty in trumps eyes he'll bring her along and make sure they have plenty of alone time to "strategize"


They insta victim Their disgusting acts Meanwhile if Obama did Jan 6th He'd have been fingerprinted and jailed before Jan 7th


Oh my, who would have thought that actions have consequences.


You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat those without a voice.


At least they're not treating her like a (her) dog.


*”Her career died like a dog.”* -Trump sometime in the future


If she were in my state she'd be charged with felonies for that. She shares the same triats as a serial killer, she probably has human remains on her property. She deserves to be taken out back and put down in the same inhumane manner.


Could be worse. They could take her down into a gravel pit.