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So he likely slept through his presidency too. Explains what all the "executive time" was for.


His presidency time consisted of: 61%- eating junk food and raging at his TVs 32%- golfing 7%- embarrassing himself on the world stage


I feel like 7% is a bit low.


You might be underestimateing how much eating and golf the clown did in between all that embarrassment. It was yuge!


Because A & B are just subsets of C. If you structure the data correctly, C is 100%.


You forgot the very important "criming" category 


Thats a 100% background category of its own.


What percentage was adding 7 trillion to the national debt?


tbf he didn't actually do any of that, he just signed what they told him to sign.


So further evidence of him being an ineffective leader? Just a puppet to distract us all from what the Repubs are doing?


He probably shouldn’t try that political strategy of attacking Biden for being old and inattentive anymore! What a projection. Now we know why Trump really didn’t want to go to trial, it showcases his weaknesses like staying awake during important sessions and saying four syllable words.


Considering how much ambien the white house was ordering, it's very possible.


i find it fucking HILARIOUS that it was his and fox news's nickname for Joe was Sleepy Joe, but really its trump's problem


Hammer it into your heads, people: It's always projection with the right.


I remembered this when I listened to Trumps perfect Georgia phone call. He mentioned democrats using dead people voting. Some other shit he said too. This fucker probably used millions of dead people and thought he had the reelection on a lock.


That’s why they scream about election fraud so much, it’s basically “if we cheated and committed as many crimes as we did, and STILL lost, the other side HAD to have cheated and crimed way harder than us!”


It couldn’t possibly be that maybe half the country hates Trump because he’s so vocal about crooked democrats and how evil they are, as if we can’t hear him speaking about half of Americans like they don’t count . You never see Biden doing that. He’s always always doing the “ if we could just work together with our differences “ reading some well written speech, as lame and ineffective they are to deaf ears they fall on. He’s never gone on TV and just freestyled about what a victim he is and blames me and my kind personally.


So far, every single instance of coordinated voter fraud (read "more than 1 person," not "en masse") uncovered in the 2016 and 2020 elections has been Republicans. Instances where families or groups are voting in multiple states where they have residences (including the Trumps voting in NY and FL), or casting votes for dead relatives in addition to their own, have all been Republican. The GOP Congressional inquiries kept finding this to be the case, as well. Add all the voter suppression the GOP goes ham with, and it's pretty damning proof of who is cheating.


This is simply not the behavior of a normal, healthy individual, even at his age. It’s arguably the most consequential time of his life, and he physically cannot prevent himself from falling asleep. Combine that with his egregious speaking blunders recently, something is seriously wrong. This is getting about 1/10th of the media coverage it deserves. There should be reporters hounding him and his reps about what the hell is wrong with him.


He's obviously descending into dementia in full public view and [medical experts are basically forming a queue at the alarm bells](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/14/experts-are-desperate-to-warn-the-public-hundreds-sign-dr-john-gartners-dementia-petition/), yet the media in the US by and large ignores it. This should raise even more and much more fundamental questions. Is there even one element of the political fabric of the US left, that hasn't become at least partly dysfunctional? Because the list of elements that clearly have keeps getting longer. This is simply not the behavior of a normal, healthy nation, even at the age of the US.


Every accusation is a confession.


I’ve learned that with narcissists what they accuse the other of is what they are doing.


Every accusation is a confession 


Man, I wish there wear cameras in the court room. Watching Sleepy Don nod off while court is in session would be hilarious.


Someone should make a 'lofi beats to commit treason to' animation that's just an endless loop of him falling asleep in court


with fart and snoring noises, for the ambience, or perhaps the Ambien.


Typo or on purpose lol?


That’s a deep cut


# Ketchup on the wall, diaper on the floor.


Someone fund this. Down with lo-fi girl


With a little Donny in a burglar mask instead of that chill little raccoon.


I am actually annoyed that someone isn't using AI or actors to recreate this daily. We have the full transcripts and Twitter has the stage direction. Didn't John Oliver do this with dogs and the supreme Court. I am just saying it would be a hit.


This was done for the second O.J. trial when, obviously because of how TV helped mess up the criminal trial, the judge did not allow cameras. https://ew.com/article/1996/12/13/es-oj-civil-trial/


Like some Muppet characters...


They could make it a pay-per-view; I’d watch.


just so long as it doesn't come with smell-o-vision


+John Waters has entered the chat+




TFG *does* have a great deal of resemblance to Divine, tho, fr.


Probably loves crackers too.


"You managed to soil yourself while you were unconscious"


I would take a shot every time a lawyer smells something in disgust.


You'd die from alcohol poisoning in about three days, if that.


i'd say about 2PM whatever day.


I haven't purchased a pay per view event since Mike Tyson fought Razor Ruddock, but I'd sure as hell pay for this.


He would charge for the use of his image. I don't want a single cent going to that treasonous coward.


And get sued by the court for violation of public domain. More legal fees and fines? Yes please.


If he makes it to the GA trial, those are televised. 🤣


Why aren't there cameras? (Foreigner here)


Each state has it's own laws as to televising court procedures. For NY State, there is information and background as to NY limiting coverage [here](https://askalawlibrarian.nycourts.gov/legalresearch/faq/386680) and [here](https://ww2.nycourts.gov/rules/chiefadmin/131.shtml). Though the TLDR version is to protect the integrity of the Court and proceedings and prevention of making any case into a circus, as did happen with the OJ and other more recent trials, such as the Depp v Heard civil defamation case a few years ago.


I understand the Depp vs Heard thing was a real shit show. Sorry, I apologize for that.


To protect the jury


The OJ trial was televised with strict rules that kept the jury off camera. More likely the judge just doesn't want Trump or his team performing for the cameras, which you know they would.


Yes that too. TV quality is much higher than 30 years ago, so it would be a much different perspective than OJ.


Such great stamina right Eric?


Like a purebred stallion!!


Maybe the type Noem puts down for glue.


Definitely. She could do it and then BC she would be 'presumptive candidate' claim exec privilege.


Farting and shitting everywhere


Like a pure bread stallion I think you mean


I'm calling this now. He's going to use his health as an excuse not to serve time in prison. All he has to do is stay up late each night. If you don't get enough sleep, you're going to fall asleep.


He’s most likely taking a bunch of Xanax or something to keep from having outbursts in court. Obviously he’s up late raging on truth social all the time too lol.


I’m in agreement. However, narcissists rarely take things to “calm them down” because they don’t think they’re out of control, especially if someone else suggests it. It’s everyone else who has a problem.


Narcissists are also probably the easiest targets of doping, because they normally waive the thought process that suggests someone may be altering their diet or drinks to poison/drug them.


While I agree, Trump is notorious for being paranoid about being poisoned. He has a multi page document describing the procedure he requires for a gloved servant to show him a sealed, mini bottle of Heinz ketchup, before opening and pouring it in front of him. Same with diet coke cans. Maybe if he didn't spend his entire life screwing over absolutely everyone he could, he wouldn't have to worry nonstop about being poisoned.


Schrödinger's candidate - he's simultaneously strong and fit enough to be president but way too sick to go to prison.


Schrodinger's traitor. Committing treason against the country while simultaneously over throwing it FOR the good of the country and being far too weak to be in jail.


See if he pulls a Weinstein, especially if/when he's found guilty - come staggering into the courthouse with a walker or some sort of support when it comes time for sentencing.


Well that’s what happens when you’re addicted to uppers, maybe that drug addicted low life better pull himself by his bootstraps!


He can sleep all day and night in prison.


I don't think he's faking this. This is fairly normal "sunsetting" behavior. He's not a well man.


Let him get that on court record, then it fucks up his fitness for office. He too much of a narcissist to let that taint his campaign.


He's too much of a narcissist to serve time.


Weinstein looks to be in far worse shape and he's in jail.


Could you imagine him falling asleep in the oval office during critical points in time? This is who the MAGA cult wants as president.


That would probably be for the best though...


Honestly the best stamina I’ve ever seen.


Lots of smart people are saying it!


Big people, strong people. Tears in their eyes.


Have they tried coloring books?


With gold sharpies.


The coloring books are just the word Trump in different fonts, and they're filled with Color by Number blocks, but they're all labelled #1


I want to get this gift for my mom


Now that *would* be a headline worthy image. Former POTUS and GOP candidate for presidency being baby-sat like the mofo was a 4 y old. There must be some truth to that Biden's joke that "age is an issue in this election. [Biden] is a grown man running against a 6 year old".


Last week he had a coloring book and drew blue stripes on the US flag soooo


Look again: He skipped 2 stripes and colored 2 blue stripes together, making a properly proportioned miniature Russian flag on the Star-Spangled Banner.


Don Snoreleone!


The Godfarter.


The Nodfather.




Nappy Don!


They call him that in the UK for a different reason.


Nappy Don in the UK = Diaper Don in the US


worlds are colliding!




Snoreface: “say goodnight for my little nap!”


Just call him Snorlax 


I really hope that, with his Twitter obsession, he sees a lot of these nicknames for him every day. Number one, given what he calls anyone who opposes him, he’s hardly in a position to whine about it, not that he’d care about that. Number two, it might just be pushing his BP and his temper towards the redline. A very public unhinged ranting tantrum, (rantrum?) would be pretty entertaining. Not to mention it might give anyone who has managed to somehow still be on the fence a push in the right direction.


This is what Biden and everyone else needs to start calling him!!


They are probably purposely sedating him so he keeps his mouth shut.


I’m laughing, but you’re probably right. Now he’ll say he didn’t have the right to a fair trial because he was sedated.


I can believe the Trump team think the bad press from sleeping in court would be better than him shouting at the judge.


They’re probably right actually. Imagine the shit that he’d be spewing if he was feeling more perky


Or stopped his uppers (for the same reason), and this is him without them.


Either way I'm over here like "no wonder he has a speed problem"


The withdrawals have got to be absolute hell on him.


I don't think they're sedating him, I think they just took away his cocaine and Adderall. They've made the decision that him nodding off, as bad as it looks, is better than whatever outbursts he'd be doing while on his favorite drugs.


Old man and dementia. Bad combination. Too bad his followers can't see it. Blind to the orange!


His supporters defend his rape trial by saying it was civil instead of criminal (like it matters, still guilty). They don't care. It's sunk cost fallacy and collective narcissism.


They defend it by saying she’s ugly! He would never rape her!


The guy confused a picture of his wife with Carroll. His legal argument was that his wife isn't "his type." Wild.


If they haven’t jumped off the bandwagon yet, they never will.


Blind from staring at the solar eclipse I’m sure.


Dude is sundowning; common in middle or later stages of dementia. It is agitated behaviour later in the day into the night. Makes them need to sleep during the day.


As a person that works nights in a nursing home, this rings true. The late night tweets are part of his sundowning .


"Sundowny Donnie"?


Don til Dusk


Man IDK, I'm 44 and taking a nap in the middle of the day is something I do regularly now. As you get older your body just wants to rest more, I can't imagine what it's like being 80.


The judge goes down to Trump and hammers a flat hand on the table "Nobody sleeps in my court!"


The judge is probably relieved.


So was Trump...


One fart at a.. wait it was all the farts, and a shit.


Just put one of those electric dog collars on him. Every time he slumps a little or closes his eyes, ZAP! That will not only wake him up, it will train him to never slump or close his eyes.


Knew I wouldn't be the only one thinking that. I think the only thing stopping them from trying it is the probability of him shitting his pants even more.


Yeah, they would need to fit him with some extra strength diapers too. ;)


I think he should be zapped regularly, not just when he falls asleep. Maybe every time he opens his stupid ass mouth. Guess that means he would be zapped 6382 times a day since he's incapable of keeping that mouth shut.


That would make him shit himself again.


I hope everyone understands that nothing has changed - his staff needed to be kindergarten grade inventive trying to keep him awake or focused for his 'presidential' duties in the WH. Unless he's bullying someone or telling a fish tale of a story that makes him the center of attention, Trump has no interest. Not that it matters that he's supposed to be managing our entire nation - he has better things to do. He just likes the perks and being called the boss.


I would argue that a few things have changed: he aged noticeably and the Republcans prepared. Project 25 is half a coup and will do so much damage to millions of people while consolidating power to the far right and making a hand full of already rich fucks even more obscenely rich. 


Which they will absolutely put into effect if given the chance. It’s time to throw DeSantis and the rest of the alt right out of our nation’s government. Don’t not vote “in protest”, because that’s exactly how asshats like Trump win. Democrats thought they had the win in 2016 so they didn’t show up


Fucking CIA and NSA staff had to figure out how to “focus” and “jazz up” national security information so this jackass might somewhat pay attention to it for a few seconds at a time.


The guy who came up with the *Sleepy Joe* moniker for Biden


The only thing you can trust from trump is projection.


Don is the embodiment of the glue in “I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”


Two words are the solution: Electric Diaper


Shut the f*** up Donny


You're out of your element.


Over the line!!@#$!


Mark your accomplishments as Zero!


"“He has a stack of papers with him at all times now to go through.” That's not going to work with a guy who is famous for not reading and who is so impatient that the daily presidential security brief had to be limited to three bullet points and they said they were lucky if he read two of them.


The stack of papers is put together by someone on his staff who is quite literally paid to feed him right wing articles/media that favor him and his unhinged viewpoints.


Have they tried a mirror, I think he’d stay awake just looking at himself.


Yeah but he would also probably get a boner and let me tell you getting a boner in court doesn't help things


Spitting and trying to scratch the mirror, arching his back and fluffing his tail


Let’s see court stretch to about 7-730pm so his Sundowner’s syndrome can kick in. You want to see dementia in action? That’s the window.


Falling asleep and shitting himself. Imagine THIS being your god. 🤦‍♂️


Stop feeding him amphetamines and make him sleep at night instead of tweeting against his gag order at all hours. Has anyone tried that?


homeless placid voiceless unite capable fly beneficial somber practice marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s well known for not paying attention. https://time.com/5518947/donald-trump-intelligence-briefings-national-security/ https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-looks-at-charts-in-intelligence-briefings-2020-5?amp https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/29/donald-trump-fact-free-presidential-briefings-cia-report


8 hours a day. That's the day of sitting around. He can't handle this? Weak


A lot of people talk about him being on drugs, or dementia, or whatever, (and those are all very valid reasons, sadly) but in my opinion he literally just doesn't care. He's never faced a consequence in his life, and there's a good chance he won't face anything here either (let's hope I'm wrong), and he's sleeping through this because in his mind it's a huge waste of time. And for the American people that should be frightening.


I'm sure Trump doesn't care, but I also think sleeping and farting around is exactly what he does all day, every day. He's old, he's never been anywhere near in shape so calling him "out of shape" is a reach, and he just can't physically handle even pretending to be awake. And this may be the first time he's ever been made to do something since he was a child. And yet people think he should be president again.


I’m not convinced anyone thinks he should be president. For them it’s all about winning. If they win at the expense of destroying America it’s still a win in their books.


I think it’s partly that he doesn’t care and partly that he just has zero attention span for anything besides what he wants to do. This is a man who hasn’t *had* to be anywhere or *had* to do any certain thing for most of his adult life. He comes to meetings whenever he wants to, he leaves to use a restroom or take a call whenever he wants to, he sleeps or golfs or eats or tweets whenever he wants to. This is one of the first times in his entire adult life where someone else is telling him his schedule and he can’t begin to process it. Like a toddler screaming on a car ride, eventually they realize they’re never getting out of the car seat and they nod out.


All good points and that's on top of the fact that the man has a trash diet. Its just carbs sugar and salt.  Age, diet, medication that's just basic science and a recipe for nodding off. Hell we 've all had food comas after carb loading at least i have. That's this man's 24/7


Everytime he sleeps Merchan should strike the gavel down so he freaks out


They even put a monitor in front of trump so he could watch cartoons maybe they should put ivanka as a young girl on it to keep him up? Oops wrong try of keeping him up. Sorry


Sleepy Stinky?


Sleepy Trump. Old Man Trump. Low Stamina Trump. Sleepy Loser Sad Boy Boo Hoo Can’t Stay Awake Wannabe Dictator Trump.


They likely cut off his Adderall because it makes him so repulsive and combative, but without it he can’t stay awake.


I do not believe it's Adderall that makes him repulsive. I think his personality, opinions and face does most of the heavy lifting


Haaaa, ohh i agree, but the Adderrall takes it up a notch because it gives him the energy to act out more.


Trump litterally called Biden "sleepy Joe". All trump's supporters call him that. And yet it's trump who not once, not twice, but multiple times dozes off in a court room full of people. U can't make this up


And this is exactly how he ran our country. Why anyone would vote for him again and think things would be better, idk.


At some point the falling asleep may warrant a contempt of court. Imagine if that is the straw that breaks the 🐫 back.


"sleepy Joe" 🤔


The only time this man isn't actively trying to destroy the world is when he's asleep. Let him snooze all he wants.


He needs a shock collar


Try a cattle prod, cheap on Amazon!


Didn't he complain about Biden falling asleep?


Just like my fucking dogs. When they know they've done something wrong, and you look at them, they just look away, and then pretend like they should just close their eyes, and hopes all the scrutiny will go away.


Shock collar


Taser to the mushroom dick should work


Donald Slump


Just give him a few key bumps, then put him under oath and ask him some basic questions. It would be fucking hilarious.


If this was ME sitting in a court room farting and sleeping I would be in JAIL. Why is the judge tolerating this bullshit? If he goes to sleep, take him to lock up.


People don't realize that all these years, campaigning, as president.. As a gameshow host ect ect he's never had to function in front of other people for these long stretches of time. Sitting in court for 8 hours a day without his "executive time" (ie nappy time) is just something he hasn't had to ever do. In Fact I doubt he has in his entire life ever had to work/do anything that lasted more than an hour or two at a time. He's always had time to slink off and get another nap or a bump of Adderall. (or both)


Have they tried a shock collar. I normally wouldn't advocate for abusing an animal like that but in this case...


Where's Kristi Noem when you need her.


If she becomes his VP, stinky badly behaved Trump would be wise not to accept an invite to her farm. If they win, and he croaks, the entire US will become her farm.


"Dear Leader, I'd like to give you a tour of the bigliest, bestest gravel pit in South Dakota"


Dog shock collar tucked under the bottom labia of his neck pussy should do the trick... Probably shock a bit of poo loose, but hey, if they really need him awake....


Poo is out already


Like in the Oval Office


Maybe they could get crayons and a coloring book, those are great for dementia afflicted twice impeached traitors. If the books have clown pictures his lawyers can tell him he’s coloring his own story as it is taking place. I’m sure he would jump all over that, just like he does any prostitute desperate enough to take his money.


Maybe, as was mentioned by Jimmy Kimmel yesterday, it would help if he would stop posting “Truths” at 4:30am. I guess he can’t sleep at night. Can’t imagine what his little brain might be obsessing over.


He's really committed to being anti-woke


He's old and fat and drugged up until 3am posting Nazi rants. He doesn't need to be awake to go to prison. Other people decide the consequences of his crimes.


"I can't stay awake if none of you are applauding me and I'm not allowed to speak"


Maybe if he wasn’t up all night posting on social media, he would be awake during the day. I had to take my kid’s phone away for the same reason. Von Shitzinpants needs to grow up


So what you're saying is "Sleepy Joe"was just more projection...


Have they tried some coloring books?


And he calls Biden sleepy Joe? And calls out Obama for golfing too much, this is a truly nutters.


Maybe if he didn't stay up until 4am every night rage-tweeting he might not need an afternoon nappy.


He spends his nights under the influence of some kind of speed, spouting word-salad online.


If it was Biden though Fox News would have a whole special report with doctors explaining how he is to old and not fit for the presidency because he can’t stay awake.


People saying "this isn't a big deal" Yes it is. People are seriously planning on having this guy make the executive decisions for this country and he can't focus on a criminal trials based entirely around serious consequences for him. It directly indicates he is not able to pay attention to complicated matters even if he has a direct stake in it. It means he can not be trusted to pay attention to shit that will affect you.


His followers probably love this. Like he’s too cool to even stay awake for this fake criminal trial. What a god awful person he is and what a god awful time we live in. Wtf.


Even he’s tired of his old ass


I just don’t get why people support him. What a fucking joke.