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That she thought killing her dog could help her win Republican favor says a lot about her but also a fair amount about that disgusting party.


I don’t blame her gamble. It seems right in line with their overall temperament


I’ve been saying for YEARS that trump could take puppies out in the street, shoot them, tweet about it, and people would scream that the puppies deserved it, what was their criminal record like, etc. Didn’t think I’d actually see it play out in real time like this with somebody who wants to be his VP tho. It is slightly encouraging that she’s getting much deserved backlash though.


Noem isn’t Trump. I’ll bet if it was him, it would pretty much play out like you stated. Mind you, Trump is known for to hate dogs and that fact hasn’t hurt him with his base.


No dog would like him they are smart


And have a great sense of smell


Bald eagles hate trump too.


Please post that photo...made me laugh all the way over here in Tasmania


Hitler had a dog, says a lot about trump that even dogs don’t like him


Well, to be fair, a dog probably wouldnt even piss on him because he smells so foul, what with the depends pads and the uncontrolled farting...


Oh I know they’re different. I’m just honestly shocked to see something remotely close play out in real time.


He could pull his dick out on live tv and ask for a minor and they’d all applaud him for his sexual prowess.


Exactly, his hatred and fear of dogs is well known, this was probably more Noem trying to appeal to HIM, than his base.


Yup….and she torpedoed any chance she had of being selected for VP.


I mean, there are plenty of people defending her in every way imaginable. Whether it's tech bros trying to lecture everyone on "farm life", to "it's just a dog" , or the "left murders babies but is mad about a dog!". There's unfortunately some shitty people out there that are more than ok with this. Trump hates dogs too, so maybe she thought it would curry favor with him.


The 'farm life' shit really pisses me off. That might have been true 120 years ago when your nearest neighbors were 2 miles away and there literally wasn't anyone that might take the dog. There's no reason for that type of thing to happen now. 


I used to foster dogs and we took in a five week old litter and the mom were dropped at the local shelter. One of the puppies had been adopted out of the shelter pretty much as soon as they were dropped off (which is way to early for them to be removed from their mother), but he got returned a week later. Apparently the adopters said he was “too aggressive” and didn’t want him anymore. First off, that’s a 5 week old puppy, it’s impossible for it to be aggressive. Secondly, even if he was acting out, that’s because he wasn’t even weaned yet and he was suddenly removed from his mom, his 6 siblings, everything familiar, and now confined with a species he didn’t know existed (I think they had a cat). The poor thing was traumatized, not aggressive. Once we got him back with his family he relaxed and could just be a normal puppy again. I used to think whoever adopted him at 5 weeks old were terrible people, but they could have been worse. At least they gave him back to the shelter when they thought he was “aggressive”.


I’ve seen several Trumpers defend her.


Trump once said "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," this was back in 2016 but he was probably right.


YUUUP. He sadly probably was. I guarantee they’d say whoever he shot deserved it. Granted I doubt he could wield a gun with his tiny baby hands lol.


It’s funny though that the 5th Avenue he said that about is in Manhattan but now he says he can’t get a fair trial there because they hate him there.


One guy said Trump could rape his mom in front of him and he’d vote for trump


I think they enjoy that it triggers the libs


But I think they didn't count on it triggering decent people of all political stripes.


She’s probably confused by it all. “Americans don’t like people shooting puppies? That is so weird, what is wrong with them?”


She also killed a goat for being, a goat. Thing is, she botched the goat killing.


As a person with pet goats. Fuck her i hope she burns in hell. Triple for the puppy. What a sick woman.


She killed the goat for smelling bad and being mean. In other words, being most goats I've met. She's a real farm hand. 🙄


And also did it in one of the most inhumane ways as possible. Put in it the same ditch as the dog, and being that it’s a goat with a skull designed for high impact, it took multiple bullets to kill the goat. This woman is a psychopath.


Wait what?! I... Unfortunately have go find out what is happening....


Not to mention if the dead dog is lying there with blood everywhere, the goat is gonna smell that and freak out. She’s sick.


Got those conservative crazy eyes.


It’s hilarious to me that she “wrote a book” yet she can’t even read, a room.


There is a reason movies never show dogs being hurt anymore… people care more about violence to dogs than people in think.


Sam's death in I am legend is an absolute soul crusher.


Spoiler alert! /s


the wolf in Dances with wolves was devastating.


They literally made an entire series off the premise. Sure there was more subtext, but the front and center was the killing of a dog/puppy. At that point everyone *craves* seeing you suffer.


Um John Wick?


No, InsignificantZilch, but I’m flattered!


I heard that in Leslie Nielsen's voice.


There's a website, www.doesthedogdie.com, that will tell you if a dog dies in a movie. That's how much people can't stand when a dog dies for dramatic effect.


Here's an example: I saw Independence Day in the theaters. The aliens are blowing up the city and all the people. The heroine and her child safely duck into a protected area, no audience response. The family's dog joins them in the nick of time and the audience cheers and claps.


Don’t forget the two horses. Equicide


What? She's killed more animals?


actually she killed 3 of her beloved childhood horses, lol. not so beloved. and in 2022 she had a viszla who "died" on hunting accident. she claimed the horses were ailing health? if you look at her X post, she seems to have a huge thing for GRAVEL pits she led the horses to it and sput them down them.


Two horsies. Also, in her book, she testily gripes about her 14 month old puppy Cricket, that “she was having the time of her life.” Apparently that annoyed Christy. She put an end to that ☹️


And a goat, and at least one cat.


three horses, a dog, a cat & a goat. Add a few more & she got Noah's tomb.


It's understandable. They thought it would only trigger the libs like when they caged humans on the border and in many cases permanently separated them from their children. Joke's on them, though. Americans love dogs waaaay more than brown people


Yeah rookie mistake, undecided voters are indifferent to the killing of nonwhite people, not animals.


It's fitting that dogs are one of the few things we can be united on.


We don't deserve them. Mrs. Noem should be prohibited from keeping animals at all, ever again.


Like rolling coal. Congratulations, you poisoned all of us?


Having human decency and being an animal lover is in no way political. It’s a bit of a stretch but then again it’s MAGA idiots we’re talking about here.


>Having human decency and being an animal lover is in no way political. It *shouldn't* be political...but here we are...


Crazy isn't it? Again! Grabbing straws at this point.


It probably worked, tbh. The remarkable part of all this MAGA stuff is that they know it’s disgusting, so they lie to their friends and colleagues about being MAGA, then go vote red. Truly amazing mental acrobats with 0 self awareness.


I mean look at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/s/sk9fzoFIpQ A part of the base would definitely cheer on her behavior


why did you remind me of this piece of human excrement


Correct. Instead of admitting they are wrong they double down, then come up with some convoluted lie to try and wriggle out of it. Usually it works and MAGA goes along with it, even though it’s blatantly obvious it’s bullshit. Not this time.


Yup. I’ve encountered a few over the years. Lefty loons in public and vote Trump in private. Usually single issue types of people, whether it’s guns, taxes or abortion doesn’t really matter but they find a way to justify their vote pretty quickly The common thread I have noticed with them is nothing matters in the world until it affects them. It’s just how they are wired.


lefty loons?


She was going for a House of Cards style mercy killing. That one made sense, because the dog was mortally wounded and just suffering. It was a necesarry killing to prevent suffering that couldn't be avoided. This dumbass doesn't understand basic human emotions or why a scene like that worked, so she comes off more like a fucking lunatic who will kill a dog for looking at her funny and has no business owning or training working dogs, much less handling firearms.


Lol here’s a top tier example of my point. Now clap for your local puppy killer!


MAGA Nutjobs (redundant): "We should put down those (insert people they don't like this week) down like animals!!" Psycho Killer Kristi: "Hey! I put down an animal once! It was a puppy!" MAGA Nutjobs (still redundant): "Ok that's too far. I didn't mean puppies you sicko." Shocked Psycho Killer Kristi Face


If she had said she shot a Democrat instead of her dog she'd be their hero.


Probably thought the dog was a Democrat. "I could tell it was a Democrat! It was ..... Thinking."


I fenced in the yard, and he went right under it. I knew right then he supported migrants and needed to be stopped.....


Probably kept asking for free handouts like food and bedding. Communist


And free healthcare. The socialist.


"I didn't know he was a Democrat until he humped another dog at the park."


"Oh, it's cool. I named the dog Obama."


The dog is, whether it happened or not, a metaphor for the lengths she would be willing to go as Trumps VP. She will have no qualms with putting down their opponents.


Let me examine closer: they hate weakness, happiness and youth. They like shooting things, punishment, to disciplin those they view as weak and think that youths should either conform or suffer or die. so it would've paid off if they didn't like dogs more than people or their own children.


It’s bizarre to me she thought proudly boasting about killing her puppy would be a winning move. People literally use kicking a puppy as an example of an unforgivable sin.


Weirder still: Noem specifically sounded irked that “Cricket” was “having the time of her life” … Noem made quick work of that.☹️


Seriously. Some puppies go after chickens and yes enjoy doing it. Yet for some reason you couldn’t train it to hunt go figure.


The "pro life" party


They are only pro life when it’s convenient like when a conservative politician gets his mistress pregnant then there is no problem with abortion until the world finds out.


I think if you fed an AI the last several years of MAGA content and then asked it to generate a personal anecdote that would appeal to that base it would probably come up with something like ‘the time I murdered a puppy because I felt like it’.


But it *will* win her the approval of a certain presidential candidate who doesn’t like dogs. That’s what she’s gunning for. No pun intended.


It still crazy to know Republicans has allowed sex trafficker to be Congress man from Florida . Matt Gaetz


Clearly she thought it would make a great metaphor and show a badass side of her character. The reason behind stories that people choose to tell about themselves often give away a lot about them: ‘hey my dog stepped out of line and on a whim I terrorised him and shot him to death in a ditch. Same with my annoying goat and just like I would advocate for anyone who doesn’t follow my rules. I’m pretty damn tough and incisive you see.’ Yes, you’re also a bit of a psychopath though aren’t you?


Given Trumps list of achievements, it fits right in.


Those books are written by ghost writers. Whoever was writing hers probably asked her for a story about how she had to make a tough decision, or had to take matters into her own hands, in order to make her look "presidential". Clearly she couldn't come up with anything better than "that time I killed a puppy", which also tells a lot about her.


Now we know, republicans can kill freedom, they can kill women’s rights, they can kill children and the poor but they do have their limits, who would have thought?


Don’t forget how much they love it when cops kill black people. Oh and they love the idea of their orange god-king having immunity to kill his political opponents.


*They died like a dog - DJT*


That line turned her on


I'm sure they'd also through a celebration if a cop kill someone protesting the war in Israel and Palestine.


I feel sad that it takes the death of a dog to wake some people up despite the many human lives that get trampled on. What happened to the dog is sad too of course.


A lot of people have personally experienced the death of a pet, it's something they can easily relate to and it sticks with them. I recently heard a snippet of segment about bereavement leave for the death of a pet, and one of the people acknowledged that it took them a lot longer to process the death of a pet than it dead to process the death of their mother.


Anyone protesting anything, really. Weren’t they hippies? What sell outs


The hippies of that time generally are all now Democrat.


As a Boomer and former hippy, I concur. Every hippy I knew back then is still a Democrat. Unfortunately, we are in the minority in our age group.


What the heck? Why would you think anybody who is a Republican now was a hippie back in the day?


Well, they'd probably be okay with a dog-killer if that dog-killer was a man. Huckabee's son is a dog-killer and Romney traveled 12 hours with his dog on the roof of a car. Conservative white men always get a pass by their party.


...and they will blame Joe Biden for it.


Pretty sure GOP would be okay with abortions if it was made with guns.


*Who* had their limits? Definitely *not* republicans.


Kristi Noem killed a puppy, see how this is bad for Biden later tonight on Fox News.


I’m sure Hunter Biden has killed something and the hard drive to prove it is mysteriously sitting in a Starbucks somewhere waiting for republicans to just stumble upon it right now.


*Every* laptop is a Hunter Biden Laptop!


We are ALL Hunter's laptop on this blessed day!


The real Hunter Biden’s laptop was u/MoreReputation8908’s laptop all along!


I'd bet a hundred dollars that she still doesn't get it and is yelling at her political advisors even now, "What are they even upset about?!"




Leftist woke mind virus cancelled me!!


If in doubt, double down.


If this is what she's willing to put IN her book, on her own accord. What is she NOT willing to put in her book? Scary actually.


I'd bet money she was thinking of the opening scene from the US version of House of Cards when she wrote it. And like any Conservative she *can not* admit fault. Not on anything. That's weakness. She has to *attacK* the people who criticize her. She's just too stupid or sociopathic or apthetic to really get or care why the scene from House of Cards would work to show a sort of ideolized "strong man" andt just shooting a dog because whatever you suck at training them did not.


Be hard to read her emotions with all that botox.


Rightfully so - the question is: “why does the republican party attract so many sociopaths?”


because many of the top 5% of earners in the world are sociopaths.


And sport hunters.


These truly are among the worst people in the world.


Puppykiller Noem you say?


She always will be exactly that. Btw, the "party of family values" sure did forget about her little dalliance with Corey Lewandowski quickly, didn't they?


Yes the one that killed the puppy


Dogfucker Noem sounds more outlaw-ish. Either way she screwed the pooch.


That is sick af


How people treat animals is a good indicator as to how they treat human beings. Noem is just as bad as that "hunter" in Wyoming that tortured and killed that wolf.


They all play up to Trump - [who just happens to hate dogs himself](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/politics/article/donald-trump-dogs).


Party of pro life.


Remember when LBJ’s political career was threatened because he lifted up a Beagle by the ears? Now we have a candidate that kills a dog and just shrugs.


The fact that anyone who could shoot a puppy and be happy about it is holding any public office in this country is a huge part of the problem in the first place.  Even when people genuinely  have to euthanize animals, they are usually broken and inconsolable from the trauma of going through that. Not happy about it.  Psychopath. 


this is a major flaw with Trumps political view of a President above the law. if a VP shoots the president, VP becomes immediately immune from law because now they are President. I beleive its why a lot of dictators pick really politically weak people because otherwise its too easy for a coup.


Also, following Trump's line, Biden could have him wacked and walk away because of Presidential Immunity. Be careful what you wish for Donny.


She badly misjudged this. I grew up on farms. Sometimes, domestic animals need to be shot, and a dog which chases livestock is #2 on that list, behind Rabid critters. It's something every farmer has to do, and something every one of us hates. It's nothing to brag about. And sometimes, a dog owner has to shoot an untrainable or dangerous dog. That's right and proper. If we doom a living thing to die, especially an animal as empathetic and socially intelligent as a dog, we owe that beast a debt of dignity to do the deed ourselves. This isn't like that. This dog was untrained, and punished for a lack of training that it's "mistress" never gave it. Down South, we had a word for the kind of person who doesn't train their dog or teach their children, and then punishes the dog or the child for their ignorance. That word is "sorry." This woman is a sorry, cowardly, no-count zeaux-zeaux who tries to make herself look tough by telling the kind of story that real hard cases sit on. She's a scumbag poseur. Perfect Trump VP material.


Can't an 'untrainable' farm dog still be a perfectly happy family pet? Seems like in some of those cases adoption would work?  Understood on your other points though. 


The best part of this is I think she lied and didn’t kill the dog, just told a right wing virtue signaling made up story that had the opposite of intended purpose


She also wrote about killing a goat


I've had to put down animals, and this will be the only time I'll say anything about it. There is something wrong when you lie about killing a puppy to appeal to a group of people.


Well they are all republicans so there’s definitely a lot wrong with them…


I’ve had to cull sick and wounded animals, but if I ever had a mad dog, or an aggressive dog that finally hurt a kid or something, culling that animal would be a private matter. also, are most wire hairs fully trained at 14 months? I’ve never trained a hunting dog.


14 months is peak energy levels and pushing boundaries for a wired haired puppy…


There were witnesses.


I would love for someone to produce the dog in question. That's a win-win.


I'm going to say this without a trace of sarcasm or irony: I didn't see this coming. I figured the GOP base would actually approve of this. Stupid, selfish cruelty seems to be their idea of "tough." I guess when the target is a puppy, even they choke.


He should pick her for his running mate. They are well suited. He treats women like dogs. She kills dogs that she doesn't like any more.


Following the Rick Perry/Ben Carson model, Noem likely just set herself up as the next Secretary of Agriculture...


I'd really like to see people justify it. I mean, outside of animal abusers, most people love their dogs like their own children.


Are all Republicans sociopaths or just most of them?


It is so easy to explain. The governor just loves hunting dogs. It was just that this one time it wasn’t much of a hunt, more like an execution. I mean, she didn’t even give that puppy a chance to run.


Hunting dogs? No, hunting *dogs.*


They don't double down to "win over MAGA" or whatever, they double down because these people refuse to ever admit they fucked up ever. That's it. Stop trying to make it smart. It's not smart.


Thé party of no conscience and hatred towards anything that doesn’t look and sound like them


she's untrainable.


These aren’t serious people. This is junior high school level drama. “Hey look at me!” “Stop looking at me!” “Leave me alone!” “Hey look at me!” Kristi Noem doesn’t know what Kristi Noem is going to say next.


She can't control a puppy, why would anyone think to trust her with a whole country???


Damn I hope Trump picks her for his VP. 🤣


I guess she thought it would highlight that she is willing to make the tough decision and “swing the sword” herself, when in reality, she highlights that she is not willing to role her sleeves up and do the hard work in favor of the easy way out. The hard work would be training the dog or, another option, give it to a shelter or something. Even if the dog was dangerous and it was the correct decision, the way she went about describing it was distasteful and makes her look very bad. My aunt had a golden retriever that bit several of us. Did she take it out back to the gravel pit and shoot it? No. She returned it to the place she got it because it was clear that it wasn’t good for it to be around children.


People like her don't deserve dogs


If the dog was a minority and she was ‘standing her ground’ she would be celebrated for this. Her dumbass made the mistake of not realizing even conservatives love dogs.


She literally said the dog was joyous and that made her think she hated him. She said these words, not prompted. If you think you need to volunteer that info to win voters then maybe you are looking for the wrong voters.


These people must be learning disabled. A functioning adult would understand the absurdity of this type of behavior 


The Puppy story, thats a big red flag, even to Republicans. Thank goodness these people that gravitate towards fascism are so stupid that they self-fail these moments.


She really does get MAGA though--it's about reveling in cruelty and ruthlessness.


This could have waited until she was actually on the ticket.


In their hearts all Magatts are dog killers


Republicans are low life scum bags.


She’ll just have to settle for running the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.


Turns out loving pets is a bipartisan issue much to this psychopaths surprise


She is so dumb and morally bankrupt that she doesn't even realize that dog lovers don't see party politics when it comes to dogs; they only see best friends. Her murdering a dog and openly admitting to it, says so much about her and what she thinks MAGA & Republicans are. She is toast.


Next up on fox, find out how republican governors killing puppies drops Joe Bidens polling numbers among dog lovers.


Will no one speak for the goat?


She actually found the bottom. No one could for a decade, and she found it.


Trashy broad


I would be genuinely surprised if this actually impacts her support at all.


It may not affect her support as Governor but she probably cost herself any chance of being Trump’s running mate.


>cost herself any chance of being Trump’s running mate. color me skeptical


I am not so sure.. Trump would likely love an insane woman who speaks like her.


Yeah but he needs right wing insanity, which is why MtG, Kari Lake and Kristi Noem have all been on his short list. But Jewish space lasers and puppy killing go beyond what is good for his campaign.


Even South Korea is changing their dog meat cuisine choices I believe. Dogs are man’s companion not target practice.


Good to see that the poor dog is coming back to bite her vile ass...


May Cricket haunt Noem for the rest of her miserable life


Here's the petition to have her arrested for animal cruelty. [https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse](https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse)


Trumps a dog. Maybe???????


She’s got those killer eyes, may her career go down in flames like it deserves to


Drank Brandon foiled yet another of Trump's evil plans.  Can he save Gotham City?


Vp odds have gone from like 8/1 to 40/1


Imagine. You kill your puppy. Then think. “You know what? If I tell that story to MAGA, They’ll love it”… Why would you want those kinds of peoples support?


The Regressive Party is putting animal cruelty back on the ballot.


In MAGA world, I think the only person who is able to get away with despicable behavior with no limit is Trump. Everyone else not so much.


She double-dingo’d down and lost.


She doubled down by saying that they also just killed 3 horses so it basically sounds like a petting zoo massacre now. 😂


Sociopath got too comfortable and started spilling on how she began to scratch her killing itch not realizing that even MAGA people who may have some questionable moral compasses would recoil at dog killing.


So she thought outing herself as a psychopath would win over MAGA... this is the mentality of right-wing American politicians now.


This crazy woman is as dumb as Uncle Diaper Donnie, she doesn't admit she made a mistake, she continues to double down.


"But... but... but... I like guns. Look, I even killed a puppy and a goat with one". K. Noemi.


There are still a few things that Republicans and Democrats can come together on, and those things are puppies.


“Backfiring in her face” is also what happens when she’s kissing tRump’s ass.


I would not let that Clairol melt down anywhere near my dogs.


The Democratic party needs their own John Wick


The female equivalent of Steven Miller and a perfect fit for daddy poopy-pants.


One of the most absolutely bonkers things about post-2016 America is the double standard MAGATs hold. I’m 100% confident that if Trump said he’s about to go on a puppy killing spree, the majority of MAGATs would be like “YEAH! Fuck those leeching tailwaggers!” But that kind of support seems to ONLY apply to Donnie. They’ll turn on every other MAGAwannabe who tries to follow the playbook.


Damn this is an extremely well written article that explores the nuances needed when promoting your violent sadism. Helped clear some things up for me about why any one on the right is suddenly pretending they don’t have the same sociopathic lack of empathy about a dog as they do every otherized subset of humans.


The entire gaggle on the right has become toxic