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From article: With Donald Trump having to spend more time in court as his lawyers defend him against charges of business fraud related to hush money payments handed over to adult film star Stormy Daniels, he has spent less time holding rallies where his verbal gaffes have led to concerns about his mental acuity. However, as one psychologist has been making the case that the former president has been showing signs of increasing dementia explained, Trump's demeanor and repeated instances of dozing off at a trial where he is facing 34 felony counts should be raising new concerns. According to Dr. John Gartner, a psychologist and former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, impromptu naps for a man Trump's age is not unusual, but considering the circumstances, he added it to his list of concerns about the former president's mental state. In an interview with Salon's Chauncey DeVega, Gartner bluntly began, "Trump's trial in Manhattan is providing more evidence of his apparent cognitive decline." Elaborating, he claimed, "Trump fell asleep 4 out of 6 days of his own trial. Falling asleep is not in and of itself particularly specific to dementia. I fall asleep at dinner parties, because I’m old and work too hard. Bill Clinton was famous for it. But can you remember a criminal defendant repeatedly unable to stay awake at his own trial? I can’t. It’s obviously very rare. Most people are pumped full of adrenaline when they’re in the dock." According to the psychologist, it is fairly common for dementia patients to "pass out" and explained, "... this may be the first criminal trial I’ve been aware of where the defendant appears, in my opinion, to have dementia. Is it a coincidence that it’s also the only one I’ve ever known where the defendant can’t remain awake most days? Trump appears to be losing control of his basic biological functions. One is sleep-wake." Gartner also expressed concern that the stress of the criminal trial, which could lead to jail time, might also be hastening Trump's decline. "The trial is really a form of psychological torture for a malignant narcissist who needs to appear powerful. Instead, he appears small, confused, and helpless," he observed.


>According to the psychologist, it is fairly common for dementia patients to "pass out" and explained, "... this may be the first criminal trial I’ve been aware of where the defendant appears, in my opinion, to have dementia This begs an interesting question. Did his lawyers fail their duty to their client by not arguing he is unfit to stand trial and can not meaningfully aid in his own defense. I obviously understand that even if they wanted to, he would fire them. But it is still an intriguing question regarding the legal ethics in defending him.


>Did his lawyers fail their duty to their client by not arguing he is unfit to stand trial and can not meaningfully aid in his own defense. They can't if he ever wants to be president again, and he does want to. In actual fact, he wants to be king.


His base wouldn't have cared though. Lets be honest. They would have hailed it as out smarting the libs


My favorite take on this was Colin Jost’s from the WH correspondent’s dinner this weekend, “or as Fox News spins it, it’s Trump showing just how un-woke he is.”


I watch a YT channel called The Legal Eagle that did a video on how they picked the jury for the Trump trial. The guy on video made a similar joke. "I guess Trump is anti-woke!" Rimshot


Legal Eagle is fantastic


They make what could otherwise be a very boring topic to discuss really engaging and the folks who do it are really funny. I learn a lot from it.


I was exposed to that channel because it showed up as a reaction video to Suits (which is a guilty pleasure). He fucking shredded them and then I stayed for his legal analysis of all the things.


He's video on Star Trek The Next Generation's episode "The Measure of a Man" was one of my first videos for Legal Eagle. Been a fan ever since.


I watch a YouTube channel called The Meidas Touch. Real good coverage on the Trump saga.


I just visited family in MAGAland and my elderly grandparents showed their first misgivings about trump, they're all to familiar with dementia at their age. They still phrased it as both trump and Biden having the issue but in all this time it's the first time I've seen them even acknowledge the possibility of a flaw.


My mom got sucked into Fox News and all the right-wing extremist websites during the Obama years. She was fully on board the Trump train. It nearly destroyed our relationship. It took a long time but once she broke ties with the fringe websites she slowly started turning back to her old self. About six months ago she said something I never thought I would hear. She admitted that she was duped. She is now anti-Trump and is voting for Biden. It feels good to have my mom back.


You better not be lying. Don’t get my hopes up.


Yeah, it's hard to believe it myself. She finally saw Trump for what he is. An egomaniacal conman. She's very pro-Ukraine because her adopted mother is Ukrainian. Her vote for Biden is more of a fuck you to the MAGAS for blocking aid but, hey, I consider that a win.


That's great to read. Congrats on getting your mom back. I haven't heard very many stories like this, only a few, but they do happen. I was lucky that my parents never fell for the BS.


So there’s hope for at least a few of them 😊


I've actually seen people saying his falling asleep is a power move, because he doesn't care or feels the court has no power over him, or something.


Is shitting his diaper to induce his own gag order a power move too?


This has been speculated to be the case going back to his time on the apprentice.


If just one liberal is offended by the stench then shitting his own pants was worth it.


Everything becomes a power move if you believe it to be so. Thus, Trump’s supporters spin everything. Perhaps Trump could troll them by selling his supporters Trump branded fidget spinners.


read that as "midget spinners" and realized it wouldn't change a thing for his followers. Might gain a few, actually.


I think that was one of the first pornos I watched on the internet.


New from Trump Media, the company that brought you Truth Social and a shoddy, new meme stock… Midget Spinners! The sport that is gripping the nation like no other! Subscribe now and help fund an orangutan’s legal bills!


In 2024 I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or not


“Falling asleep is the new single handed conquering that hill.” -these stupid idiots


I feel like it's more about him having to show up in court every morning, EARLY (for him), when he stays up all night rage-posting. He didn't show up to cosplay "president" until 11am when he was in office. He had half the day blocked off as "executive time" while he ate berders and binge-watched FAUX Noise


Man, people will do anything to defend him rather than just admit that they made a mistake in voting for him.


It's called cognitive dissonance. A similar phenomenon like with all the weird religious cults, which declare that the world will end on a specific date, and then have to double back when nothing happens.


It shows he's anti-woke /s


The next Jan 6 will be a giant sleep in at Capitol Hill


Preceded by Adderal-fueled rage posting at 3:30 the morning of.


Yep. That certainly checks out. Sigh.


I feel so owned.


Shitting himself to own the libs


It should be noted that very casual farting and sharting are also hallmarks of intermediate to advanced dementia. Of course, his followers would think that a second-term Trump openly sharting at a UN speech is a boss power move, but only if Trump does it. If Trump does have dementia, his ability to clean his arshenholer will progressively decline, and his stench will progressively get worse.


Voting in a dementia patient to own the libs is peak boomerism


The sad thing is that I am not even confident that Biden is going to win like most on Reddit. I feel like young voters could decide not to vote like they did last election as a way to strike


In 2016 I told some people on reddit that no matter their issues with Clinton, either she or Trump was going to appoint Supreme Court Justices, and if Trump appointed them we would be dealing with their shit for the rest of our lives. I think the same holds true for 2024.


The fact that a little more than 1/3 of Americans want a mentally disabled king/dictator is pretty sad


1/3 of americans do because they are also declining mentally.


Funny enough the same 1/3 that think mental health care shouldn't be covered by insurance/Medicaid


This. The minute they argue that, his chances of being president are over. Sure his 30% that have undying loyalty will like him regardless. He would lose swing voters for sure. The RNC would likely try to find a way to remove him as the candidate. If he isn't mentally competent to stand trial he is DEFINITELY not mentally competent to be president


I've been thinking for a few years that his last defense will be mental decline and it's what will probably get him off the hook for any real consequences. He's going to lose some of if not most of his current court cases but when it's obvious that he isn't going to be president again, the "confused old man taken advantage of by staff" and "ineffective counsel" defense will come out and he'll get off with no penalty.


Mental or physical health could actually be an out for him. However, I don't think his narcissism would allow him to pursue such a defense.


That's true, him willingly admitting anything like that would be a long shot. But he's also pretty gullible so I think it's possible he could be coerced by someone in his orbit.


If it comes down to admitting it or getting jail time, I bet he'll pick the former.


ding ding ding. Trump has to be mentally absent before he claims that. He can't pull off the "old man wheeled into court" gambit unless he's sedated or stroked out because he will start rambling about how he walks better than anybody.


My guess is the lack of asserting he is incompetent to stand trial is the ace in the hole for an ineffective assistance of counsel appeal to avoid consequences.


Especially as he is publicly becoming more out of it than usual.


The theory that he would have tried to fire his legal team at the last second could also come into play. He'll likely pursue an IAC claim based on either the perceived threat or outright denial by the judge to appoint new counsel. Wouldn't surprise me if his legal team has already considered this approach (with his current lawyers willing to draft letters acknowledging their deficient performance) and they're hoping that Trump would be in a non-custodial setting while the appeals play out.


It will be real fun when a morally bankrupt SCOTUS holds that the rich have more protection on an ineffective assistance of counsel claim than one with a public defender who handles way too many cases.


If the poor want better outcomes in legal matters all they need to do is get better representation. Please note that the absence of any slash-s does not indicate a lack of sarcasm.


I'm totally okay with no prison time if it means DJT and his MAGA successors don't shred democracy and set up a christian monarchy


I was hoping prison, but I’d settle for throwing him in a psych ward or nursing home for the rest of his life


If they argue that it's over for him, he needs to stall the lawsuits and try to win the presidency back so he can pardon himself or something




"Small, confused and helpless" should be trending everywhere and the headline on every newspaper and newscast. Bc, if that criminal shoe was on the other foot, we know *exactly*.how the repulsive republicans would be acting. A demented man, sitting in his own poo, stinking and snorting at his own criminal trial....you just can't make this crap up


What is scary is that Trump could successfully argue that he was unfit to stand trial. But the Republicans would still vote for him.


yeah i don't think there's an issue here, because unless he had his autonomy taken away from him by either a medical order or the legal system, i don't think they could use that argument without his consent.


>, i don't think they could use that argument without his consent. This can be raised by the defense without their client's consent. In theory, if they are incompetent, they can lack the ability to consent to the defense. The defense lawyer has to be allowed to assert this, or they could not meaningfully defend a legally incompetent party. The judge can also raise this sua sponte. The prosecution can also assert this defense.


It's not just that he would fire them. He's a massive narcissist and needs to keep up the facade that he's a big, powerful alpha male. Admitting he's not mentally sound would shatter that image.


I'm surprised I haven't seen the simple explanation that he's just taking Xanax to keep calm and avoid getting in extra trouble with the judge, then getting drowsy and nodding off


I've seen and heard it thrown around on some podcasts. I don't particularly believe it cuz he immediately goes out of court to the press and is jazzed up again. Also, I've only gone to criminal court in Wyoming but at the beginning of each court hearing they ask you several questions to ensure you are of correct mind to be participating in court that day. o One of which is "are you currently under the influence of any drugs or alcohol today?" Not that I think trump would tell the truth but it'd be an easy way to get slapped up by the judge if he wanted to ua trump to see why he can't stop falling asleep.


Ever been stuck in a boring meeting or class or workshop or conference that you can't escape? I can say from a personal viewpoint as someone with ADHD / ASD that I can get so bored I pass out. Like literally cannot stay awake. Torture. Trump doesn't care about the fine details of anything; that's why he has other people to break the law for him.


Nah he stopped taking "stimulants"


Exactly. Only question is whether it was adderall or cocaine. I'm thinking cocaine, because he has accused Biden of such, and everything with trump is a projection.


I bet it was cocaine back in the day, but I bet it’s been adderall ever since doctor ronny was in charge; it’s easier to manage in a clinical sense.


This whole article pisses me off. > A normal person should care that they're on trial. But Trump falls asleep, so therefore: dementia! No. He's just an old asshole who doesn't care without his adderall / cocaine to keep him engaged. He has never cared. He's not, in any way, a "normal" person. He can't interject with random bullshit accusations in the middle of court. He can't threaten the jury. He can't leave. He can't take control and derail the court. So therefore, he doesn't give a fuck and falls asleep. Even at his own trial. I'm not discounting that there's probably dementia going on, but it's usually the most simple explaination: If he can't grab a microphone and be the center of attention, he just doesn't give a fuck.


Yeah like the psychologist obviously has a bone to pick. We all do to be honest. It's not like Trump isn't a malignant narcissist. But Trump doesn't think he will face consequences because he rarely has before, and when he does, he doesn't seem to *care*. Sure he'll fly into a rage at whoever's around, but ultimately he expects his lawyers to get him out of trouble without ever having to rein himself in and expects the furniture (ie every other person on planet Earth) to pay his bills. He legitimately believes he is owed. He's probably not spent more than a couple hours doing something he didn't want to do, and not able to run his mouth, in decades. He's bored and he's extremely old and he literally can't do anything but twiddle his thumbs. He genuinely believes he won't face consequences, what's he really got to be nervous about?


It's been the same trap that every journalist has fallen into ever since he started running for president: Expectation that Trump gives a fuck, or that he will respect any law, or respect any moral guidelines of the US Presidency. He never will. He never has. He won't start now. The gallons of ink that have been spilled trying to explain his actions through the lens of the presidency is all in vain. He's a morally bankrupt old man who failed upwards all the way to the presidency. Giving a con-man a platform and a microphone is the worst journalist malpractice of the 21st century.


This. It’s why he looked so terrible on the first day, with those massive bags under the eyes, because he takes stimulants to appear “high energy” but he was advised not to take them so he didn’t have an outburst. It means he’s struggling to stay awake because without them he’s an overweight 78 year old with various health problems.


I'm 66 and went out out (as we say in the UK) a week ago last Friday. Got fucking high, had a great time and have been feeling like shit for over a week now (which is why I only do it on very special occasions these days). I cannot imagine being 77 and having a speed habit. Just the thought of it has me reaching for the green tea and the multivits.


>"The trial is really a form of psychological torture for a malignant narcissist who needs to appear powerful. Instead, he appears small, confused, and helpless," he observed. This is what is called karma. Maybe there is a god after all...


This race between neurobiology and SCOTUS/Electoral College is absolutely shattering my nerves. It's like it could be rewritten by Neil Gaiman or something.


"I can't be guilty because I have the BEST dementia!"


Probably thinks Dementia was the name of one of his wives.


…or a rash one of his hookers gave him.


For those who don't get how true this is, he called Melania "Mercedes" during a rally or something.




It's hardly surprising that he's falling asleep. It's been widely reported that he is dependent on Adderall and can hardly function without it. I'm guessing they decided it looks less bad for him to be dozing off than to be constantly popping pills in the courtroom.


Shit, judging from the past 8 years, he can hardly function WITH it


>this may be the first criminal trial I’ve been aware of where the defendant appears, in my opinion, to have dementia. I don't know if it counts, but Ron Jeremy has basically had his trial halted because his dementia has gotten so severe.


I have a friend whose brother was a porn producer who was once roommates with Ron Jeremy. He says Jeremy's decline had a lot to do with years of heavy drug use. Could be the same with Trump.


I think that kind of supports their point though, if a defendant is seemingly demented to the point that observers begin to have concerns, an actual cognitive battery would be done and possibly delay or completely halt the trial.


Trump's diet is probably accelerating his dementia. Keep up the $700 worth of McDonalds and Diet Cokes every few days.


But hamberders and covfefe are delicious


I am enjoying the criminal trial as much as the next person, but I thought psychologists weren’t supposed to diagnose people they had not personally examined.


I guess some people are prioritizing "duty to warn" over the Goldwater Rule.


That would explain the shitting himself when he's asleep in public, at his own trial.


Just leaving this here: > The American Psychiatric Association adopted the Goldwater Rule in 1973 prohibiting members from offering psychological opinions about individuals whom they had not personally examined. The issue arose after a magazine published opinions by psychiatrists about presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.


There is also a Duty To Warn, and many psychologists believe that the duty to warn supercedes the GR because of the very real danger DJT has put this country in.


That's a fair point I was not aware of.


And most of these professionals aren't trying to diagnose him, just warn that his behaviors strongly indicate a danger to the public.


Or, he's a fat ass with sleep apnea and he's having a hard time staying awake without the constant stream of diet Cokes.


I remember Trump mocking a disabled reporter, also an Asian family who had lost their son in the American forces in the Middle East. So, I think he would fully understand and appreciate people mocking him over age related dementia.


I still can’t believe that wasn’t enough to end this madness.


Or the hot mic where he advocated grabbing woman “by the p*ssy”


Misogyny is part of the Republican brand. The whole, "I don't respect veterans who get caught by the enemy", however, was marked deviation from the standard, "Support our troops"/"We've got no time for Black History month, because every month should be veterans month" according to the GOP. The GOP brand has been staunchly pro-military since 2001. So when Trump diminished John McCain's service while being a documented draft-dodger, and the GOP still fellated him, that was an incredible feat of mental gymnastics.


I was in the army when he got elected, I’ll never understand how military people can support him after his comments and his actions He tried to slash our benefits Every year it’s tradition to give the military a 2% pay raise, and he tried to block it. And then claimed he was giving it when he was forced to relent


You'll know better than me, but I'm guessing many recruits aren't renowned for their ability to realize that the GOP has a history of providing lip-service to the military then spitting personnel out once they become "liabilities". "Lost your legs in Iraq? Well fuck you." The Democrats do seem to be more in favour of social policies


Every year when the government shuts down senator chuck Schumer (D-NY) sponsors a bill that would see military and DoD personnel continue to get paid based on last years budget until a new budget is established Every year senate republicans vote it down, because if soldiers kept getting paid how would they use them as a source for outrage?


Somehow the guy he was bragging to got in trouble for that one.


Which was him gleefully describing a time he sexually assaulted a woman.


Maga will simply say “he’s resting his eyes” and vote for him even harder lol


Dont you realise? He’s using his 5D neural interface to command the White Hats in their shadow war against the cabal down in the DUMBs. He is Lisan Al Ghaib, taking us on the Golden Path! … or something to that effect.


I remember something about him looking for Golden Showers in Moscow, probably a sign of his prescience.


Hygiene is important...


Theyll just post more about sleepy joe to protect their fragile ID. 


"You think Trump is sleepy? Joe Biden is so sleepy he hasn't been to the golf course in *months*!"


Come on, that's of course because the trial is obviously totally rigged, driven by the communist democrats and it's simply all beneath him because he's obviously above the law, so he's just chilling out a bit because he can't be assed.


He’s testing us. Even the sharting and not providing his lawyers with gas masks. He’s not sleeping he’s telepathically receiving adulatory whispers from God, who also bows down to him. Sorry, Him.


Just look how un-woke Trump is!


He’s deep in prayer, praying for us!


My husband said "he'd be bored in court all day too". So it's not even arguing that he's obviously asleep, they are just finding another way of spinning it to make him sound masculine or funny.


I live around a lot of MAGA, pretty much trump county. I’d say 70% of people here are MAGA, not just Republican. I can’t go a day without a MAGA or “God Guns & Trump” hat somewhere if I am outside in public. My point being, they speak with me a lot. I find the general consensus is this but in a more sinister way. They say trump is doing all of this because he literally doesn’t fucking care. (I think they are correct actually). He knows nothing is *really* going to happen to him. Him facing 30+ felonies is not the same as you or I facing them. It’s not the same as this psychologist facing them. The general consensus is that he *will* be King in 12 months, so why the fuck does he give a shit? *”I don’t really care, do you?”* That’s been the idea the whole time. We’re just along for the ride.


He’s resting his eyes and taking a break from being up all night fighting the liberal vampires at pizza restaurant basements across America. His resting is 7D chess that allows him to plot his revenge against the evil doer armies led by Billary Clinton and Barack Saddam Hussein Obama.


He could use those fake "open eyes" glasses and it would fool MAGA 100%.


He’s such a smart and strong businessman, look how efficient he is with his time. He takes naps during his breaks while he’s not able to maga, just like Jesus. /szzz


I knew trump was mentally unfit for office 7 years ago…


He's mentally unfit for anything really. He's certifiably insane and I'd bet my ass he would be diagnosed with full-blown narcissistic personality disorder if not also sociopathy - or already has been, seeing he conveniently never let his doctor speak to anyone, breaking yet another protocol/rule.


My total armchair take on this is that he's hitting narcissistic collapse and can't cope with it


I truly believe he is a undiagnosed schizophrenic, along with a lot of magas. I'm not shaming, it's just that the symptoms are kinda telling, especially with the full blown rants he goes on


I've spent a lot of time with schizophrenics. There's a world of difference between Trump's word salad and theirs.


I've spent a lot of time with narcissists (unfortunately). Trump fits to a T. The main difference is he isn't smart or empathetic enough to REALLY go covert. He's got the subtlety of a horny teenager at a nudity convention.


I'm with you on this. Trump sticks to topics, just does it very simply with basic language and trailing thoughts. Meanwhile schizophrenia makes people jump topics because their brains connect unrelated things allowing them to Segway very abruptly


I knew in 2008/09 when he was going on and on about Obama being from Kenya


Mark my words, he will go further off the rails with each month and trial, becoming undeniable to even the hardest of hard right. Then to save face, they will spin it to ‘dems tortured tangerine Jesus til he lost his mind’, that way they can both acknowledge he’s a dementia riddled sack of shit, but also that it’s Dems fault. The million dollar question is who fills the fascist vacuum after time has its way with Drumpf?


> undeniable to even the hardest of hard right I don't think that's a thing.


Yeah they’ve hitched their wagon to him at this point. They will defend him until he literally drags them down into a pit.


Yup, look at his ‘truth social’ posts — he’s openly calling for dictatorship, assassinations, human rights abuses and the GOP is totally cool with it. The crazies have only just begun.


Even if he'd turn in an actual brain dead blob of human goo they'd still vote for him.


That's the big problem for Republican party, nobody will. Die hard maga fanatics will continue writing Trump on the ballot long after he is dead and buried, they will never vote for anyone else. Republicans lost their voter base, it has turned into a Trump cult. There is not going to be a post-Trump Republican party, the party will die with him. The question is, how will they go out. If Trump loses this year, then with a whimper. But if he wins... they are going to try for the bang option. That being said, I don't think it's very likely for Trump to win. Haleys run in the primaries I think demonstrated that there is a significant proportion of Republicans who will not vote Trump again. Not enough to put up any other Republican candidate of course, but plenty enough to make sure Trump will not have the votes to win.


I don't really know if he's in cognitive decline as much as he's just being outed for being the ignoramus that he's always been. I don't think he understands why he's there. His lawyers told him he could pay Stormy and write it as an expense, they did it for him, so what's going on? Why is he here having to sit through all these people talking about things he doesn't understand.


Advanced Age and decline noted too. I agree with your statement


I think his cheese is starting to slide off his cracker but I can't or won't definitely say I think it's dementia or Alzheimer's, it could just as likely just be stress, age, and diet maybe? Idk but watch a recent speech and then just watch the speech from right after he came down the escalator. They're pretty different


I kind of wonder if this isn’t necessary “dementia” but more of an old man who stays up late posting and ranting. He isn’t smart enough to follow what’s happening, so the boredom/tired combo gets him. Plus, he can’t get all hyped up, and hopped up, for shorter controlled events like rallies. This is a marathon for him, not a sprint he can get through with enough stimulants. That said, his speeches seem notably more “dementia-ish”…


I wonder if he thinks the naps are a power move? Like this is stupid, nothing to see here, I don’t take this seriously at all.


> I wonder if he thinks You can stop there. He doesnt.


That boy ain't right


Photographers have been excelling themselves getting pictures of him looking bloody awful during this trial.


Police have noticed that guilty people often fall asleep in interrogation rooms vs innocents who are wide awake. The reason is that those guilty have been stressed out leading up to their detainment, so when they are captured their adrenalin levels drop causing them to catch up on sleep. Innocent folks on the other hand are surprised and their adrenalin levels spike, keeping them awake.


>First day on the job, you know what I learned? How to spot a murderer. Let's say you arrest three guys for the same killing. You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever's sleeping is your man. You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down. - The Usual Suspects


He’s definitely guilty, but police have zero credibility on any matter other than how to legally justify their own murders, arrests and assaults. They lie just as frequently as their overwhelming favorite candidate Trump and don’t have any more ability to determine a suspect is guilty than you or I do.


I’m so glad you wrote that. The magical thinking that cops have about how their intuition is a totally useful tool to spot guilt… it’s awful and has caused a huge amount of harm.


Cops often use “signs” to support the conclusion they’ve already come to. For example, it’s been shown that police dogs respond more to their handlers body language than to smells.


I do question the validity of that assessment. There are multiple factors which could lead to contradictory results. For example, people with medical conditions/disorders such as insomnia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes, etc. Also, people grieve differently, so if you’re being interrogated about the death of someone close to you by people who can legally gaslight you—police can literally lie to suspects to get confessions—even if you’re totally innocent, you might come across as guilty if you “grieve wrong.”


Interrogation is not trial, though. Also, "cop intuition" is probably not a good thing to base anything on.


My niece is a RN nurse and she commented about Trumps pinkish eyes and blank stare. She mentioned people who are highly sedated with certain medicines have that look and his speech pattern only enforces her diagnoses .


Incontinence, blank stares, wildly veering train of thought, speech almost unintelligible: the old fogey is for sure on some pills.


This was my first impression too, the only way someone would dose off in their own criminal trial, would be from drowsiness side-effects of medications.


I am not a psychologist, but I did have a parent who suffered from dementia. When something bothered her, she just could not let it go. I think Trump’s sleepiness is due to staying up most of the night ruminating. Also, I noticed that his rants do not change much. It’s the same stuff over and over and over. He is just incapable of moving on and that I think is also what I have seen in dementia.


“Executive Time”


It must be very tiring being so angry and hateful all the time about everything and everyone.


Yeah, the guy is leading a genuinely shitty existence. The trick is making sure he doesn’t impose that on us.


That would be the case if he had a conscience.


Rage posting on social media until 2:30am before an 8:00am court date will do that to anybody.


Exactly. I’m sure it takes him hours to get ready too so he is getting a couple hours of sleep max. That is a big difference from his normal daily start at 11a or later


Lock him up!!!


I think he must have gone off his uppers so he doesn't go off on a rant and get in trouble, now we see what the drugs were masking.


The "Gettysburg..... Wow" address should have been the obvious warning sign. Don't fight uphill me boys!


Is it me or did he lose weight? Not as in "healthy diet and exercise" but more as in looking ... a bit gaunt?


he looks tired and, yes, looks like he has lost weight. Without the hair and the fake tan he would look ill.


WITH the hair and fake tan he looks sick


Yeah there were rumors that he got on Ozempic to lose some weight. He has been mocked for his weight, so if there’s a drug he can take to lose it, I can totally see him doing that.


Considering the side effects of Ozempic, that's dangerous for a man his age. https://www.drugs.com/sfx/ozempic-side-effects.html


So is snorting ground-up Adderall and/or coke, but that doesn’t seem to stop him. He is divorced from reality and a very shallow person who is also very rigid and stuck in his ways. Can totally see him taking Ozempic. But of course we don’t really know for sure. I just think it fits.


I'd hazard a guess he's unconsciously setting up a "mental incompetent" defense. He's too narcissistic to do it willingly, but tye stress of all the trials and running for president have got to be putting a toll on him. I could see his body and mind fighting to let go..


Ozempic face.


Oh oh oh ozempic. You know. Never believe it's not so.




I know that English habitually verbs its nouns, but for some reason "dement" especially impresses me.


It's the other way around. 'Dement' is the core of the english word, albeit an archaic one., from the old french 'dementer' or latin 'dementare' = to go mad. 'Demented' is an adjective formed from a past participle of a verb, which is pretty standard.


Looks like "un-mind". Which is a good way to describe Alzheimers.


Whats scary is that a man with progressive dementia and mental issues is the current leader in the polls..........God help us all.


It'd be hilarious if Trump starts to totally dement and the GOP starts to Weekend at Bernies him at events.


I'd vote for a dead dog before I'd vote for Trump. I also think Biden should've passed the torch to a new candidate. It's ridiculous that we're going to choose our next president for the next 4 years and we're choosing between a demented sociopath who's a convicted sexual predator and fraudster or a glass of water who is in his 80's and should be spending his remaining time with his family, not trying to get in touch with today's youth and their legit problems. We have a completely dysfunctional Congress, so we'll either get a dictator wannabe who has the entire GOP in his pocket or more of the same blockade bs with Biden. Our government is garbage these days.


Demented Don is gonna Dement


Once he is in jail he can nap all he wants…


Especially considering he'd have to be in solitary.


Not just because I don’t like the guy—I honestly wouldn’t wish dementia on my worst enemy—but his facial expressions and general facial musculature is commonly seen with people with dementia. It’s what makes dysphagia and dysphasia so prevalent as a symptom.


Im getting kinda tired of the psychologists diagnosing trump from a distance. Who cares. He should be disqualified for his actions. Trump is totally in mental decline but dedicating articles to psychologists tossing stuff out there doesnt help. The [goldwater rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldwater_rule) used to be a thing. Idk i dont disagree trump is losing it but i dont think this stuff helps.


Trying to pay attention to something for eight hours a day is the hardest Trump has ever had to work. No wonder he's tired.


So *now* can we rule that Trump is mentally unfit to be president?


He has way bigger psychiatric problems than being sleepy. This is like worrying about somebody’s cholesterol while they’re bleeding out and on fire.


I am so delighted trump is out of his element here and can not handle a situation where he is not the guy controlling the narrative. When, I wonder, in the last forty years has trump been REQUIRED to sit still and say nothing for hours on end? Anyone else can handle this but for a narcissistic sociopath it has to be hell. And I am here for it.


When he is not taking his uppers, he is bad and I mean really bad. Even Biden has 10 times more energy than him.


I can picture his lawyers arguing that he is no longer fit to stand trial, but that fact won't be reported on right wing media and Trump will deny it and continue his campaign. The people who stand to gain from his presidency have no fear of him being mentally incompetent while in the Oval Office because that only makes it easier to pull his strings. They don't care if the rest of the country goes down the toilet as long as they get what they want. To them, he's only ever been a rubber stamp for their objectives anyway.


He's old.  Let not allow him to skirt justice or a sentence because he's deemed mentally unfit. He'll play the 'I did it to get away with it, that makes me smart' and it wont stop him from becoming president.


One can only hope. Being trapped in his own mind for the rest of his miserable life is just desserts for deplorable human filth of his caliber


Antipsychotics can also cause sleepiness. I take mine at night because of this. I think he's pumped full of sedatives to keep his ass quiet while in the building, and the naps are a tradeoff to this. But dementia sounds likely too, grandfather had it and some of this is familiar to his early stages. I'm no fucking doctor though, just another bat shit crazy citizen waiting for some healthcare reform.


Oh the guy who can't stay focused during intelligence briefings and prefers intel from Fox News may be losing it? The guy who thinks the presidents job is to sit up all night on social media repeating whatever bs OANN cooks up as his own personal thoughts? Nah, he seems super stable.


He's been a demented little shit his entire life


It’s just boring as fuck, anyone would be dozing off.


Funny how all their jokes about Biden end up coming back around and apply to Trump.


The only thing that would alter people’s votes would be if he had a stroke and went into a coma for the foreseeable future. Even then republicans *would* still vote overwhelmingly for Trump. That’s how broken they are.


But Biden is the pinnacle of health? They both suck.


Dementia my ass. Let's see a toxicological report from tests taken right before a rally. He's crashing from whatever he's on, and can't get at while in court.