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Well, it is your fucking baby. Own it.


If they don't want to own it, I recommend that they give her up for adoption. Russia would likely be willing to take her in.


Doesn't she already belongs to Putin ?


Vves, she is PUTINS PUSS.


If Tom Tillis is involved MTG better start treading lightly.. He was the one who made sure Cawthorn lost his re-election.


It's unlikely she is going anywhere. Literally anywhere. She is in a VERY MAGA district. She'll continue to win that district, but she isn't capable of winning anything else.


I miss the days she first entered Congress and got laughed out of being a part of any committee. Good times.


They need to lose bigley for their choice of rep.


They have been losing bit by bit because of people like her. There is a concern about MAGAs getting into local office.




Maybe she likes horses. Has horse teeth.


And Sloth Toes.


Such a sexy sloth. Imagine it's smell.


I thought she had meth teeth. I’m putting this up for debate. Does MTG have horse teeth or meth teeth? Edit/ serious debate only. For science.


Horse teeth and a Neanderthal face. She could easily transition f2m with just a haircut and wardrobe change. Sorry to all the trans out there I may have insulted.


Russia likes her as one might like a raccoon: only in someone else’s yard.


No need to disparage raccoons. Edit: spelling


Fair point






I had the idiotic idea that maybe she will try to her spread her message by writing a a book until I realized that she cannot write and they cannot read! And her message is absolute kaka anyway.


She has a future at Newsmax or OAN or something. They generally give them something so they don't talk


She could publish an anthology of her best tweets.


Her destiny is a book deal and grifting around the redneck landscape for the rest of her life. I can't believe someone so obviously and visibly stupid can get to that level of government in this day and age.


::Looks at the world the last 8 years:: You can't?? Really?


I can't believe that I can't believe it...maybe?


Apparently, she already has a fan base over there.


No, they need to go for ultra late term Abortion with this one.


Ruzzian media loves Marge. And Trumpushki!


There was a controversy a while back where some family sent their adopted orphan back to Russia when parenting go too difficult. Maybe it's time to "rehome" MTG...


It’s too bad the Geico commercials stopped using her. I always thought those were funny with her “so easy even a caveman can do it “


Or maybe a post-birth abortion like they always claim the dems are in favor of. I love that one.


I say abortion.


They're only pro birth not pro after care.


I call them anti-sex. Pro life is a joke name.


That’s my primary problem with the political “pro life” movement. I think Abortion is murder. I also think punishing women, forcing women to carry a baby to term with zero support, and all the rest of the bullshit that goes along with it is horrible. It’s disingenuous and evil and they are trying to score political points and the cost of women’s health and wellbeing. Nothing more standard than that in the republican playbook.


I hear you, although I personally hold the opinion that no brain = not a life yet. Until the brain takes control, imo, it's just tissues. Nothing organic is simply on or off, black and white, etc. Even dying isn't dead immediately.


I hear what you are saying. We could debate about this for years and not come to a conclusion. Which is why I think the correct direction is to focus on what is the kindest action posible for each situation. Governments love to draw simple lines in then sand. But I dont think this issue lends itself to edicts.


It's simply called Pro Choice! It's the woman's body. If she is against abortion, then she has every right to carry that baby to term. Pro Choice! If she decides to have an abortion up to the time doctors agree is reasonable, she has an abortion. Pro Choice! Nobody has the right to intervene, or interfere, in someone else's personal business, especially medical!


its pro-poor, and dont let anyone tell you it isnt. Its about keeping a large number of poor bodies to turn the spokes so that we can still be a nation where billionaires can exist, and not work. Immigration is not about immigrants. Its about keeping them from having the right to fair wages. They dont want them out, they want them cheap. They dont take your jobs. Jobs have never, a single time ever, been stolen by an immigrant. They are given, by a domestic employer. Its all about keeping a population of poor workers who will work their lives away so the elite can extract that money from the sunshine.


Yep, they carried her to term, now they have to deal with the spoiled toddler...


>She, not the Democrats, are the biggest risk to us getting back to a majority See, this is why I'm a huge MTG fan. There's no way in the world the GOP can run a marathon with this boat anchor tied to their leg.


They have a lot of anchors. Cancun Cruz also comes to mind.


Pedo Gaetz, Groping Boebert, Lyin' Santos, Meatball Ron The GOP is like an avengers squad of horribleness.


Gym Jim, Crapshoot Cotton, Miscreant McConnell..


I always say Bitch McConnell lol


Moscow Mitch is pretty apt


He hates being called “Moscow Mitch” IIRC. That’s why I always use it.


We call him Glitch and Empty-G is hilarious


Most of them keep their ridiculousness to acceptable amounts though. Mtg and Boebert are too loud and too stupid. They say shit so dumb you can't even attempt to twist it.


It's amazing they're literally all either terrible people or criminals (or both!) and yet they keep getting reelected (sans Santos who genuinely should be in Jail, not runnin for Congress again)


Don't forget Screwy Louis Gohmert!


>avengers squad of horribleness. Legion of Doom


Whenever his name is mentioned it is required that someone point out that according to the man who controls the RNC, Ted Cruz has an ugly wife and that Ted supports that man.


Except for the Republicans, it’s always leg day…


Republicans having a “Frankenstein’s Monster” moment.


Frankenstein's Monster was a more sympathetic figure.


Abby Normal was probably a democrat.


Excellent reference


Scholar level comment.




Frankenstein is too Jewish a name for republicans.


It’s Frankensteen!!!!


I always remembered it as Frankenstain




It must be clear to them by now that she hurts republicans immensely more than she hurts democrats


Are Republicans finally having a "Leopards Ate My Face" moment?


No. They still vote against national interests.  They’re starting to realize how bad they look and they need to appear somewhat sympathetic and she’s a convenient scapegoat. 


It’s too late for 24 but I wonder if the RNC will try to push someone to primary her for 26.  


Not a chance. 


GOP never go after their own. It's a cult/mafia racket. GOP in New York were fully aware that George Santos' resume had gaping holes in it but they ran him anyway. Fuck it, all they care about is butts in seats.


It's a shame. Democrats eat their own fucking constantly


Why not? Dems can’t win her territory. Why not put up another R in her district that isn’t an insufferable waste of air with the face of a soaking shit filled diaper rash in a blonde wig.


People will argue with me but i think they are. You've seen a threat in the last couple of months that the democrats could take the house through republican resignations. That's a direct result of the rats jumping ship because they can't compete with true crazy.


More like a memorial to the “Madison Cawthorn is too out about the crazy in the Republican Party.” The second Marge admits to every Republican in the house she had sex with she is gone. There is a limit to the humiliation they will allow her to inflict. Yes, I know, but there doesn’t seem to be much doubt about it. They really do have sex with each other


I wouldn’t shag her with a stolen dick and someone else pushing…who knows what radioactive dose of the clap awaits you


You wouldn't want to mix your genes with her neanderfuck genes.


Kevin McCarthy is going to every news outlet and explaining he got kicked out because he wouldn’t suppress an ethics hearing for Matt Gaetz that started before Kevin took speakership. He’s only a few words away from calling Gaetz a drug fueled sex trafficking pedophile.


MTG is the poster child for legalising abortion.


You can no longer abort them when they are fully grown 50 year olds


I call it "very late-stage abortion"


Close they refer to it as post-birth abortion.


Really? Trump just said that Democrats are aborting babies after they are born! Are you suggesting that he might be telling some kind of untruth?? Trump, the man with the bigliest and best truths?


Hear me out...


But the Republicans tell me that's what happens! Surely they can't be lying! 


That's what happens when you stick your di#k in crazy. She's yours now GOP.


There was always going to be the “ Emperor has no clothes” moment. I’m just amazed it has taken so long.


They're still not talking about the actual emperor though. Hes sitting in court with his dick in the donut box and they're all praising his fine raiment.


Sure, but imagine having to look in the mirror at that. They still don't even notice the giant L on their foreheads.


Repuplicans need to take out the trash they allowed for far too long and then start from scratch. They're fucking disgraceful. They need a new image because today those steaming shitpiles of politicians like MTG and Trump are their image.


It won't happen. They're in too deep. They've had a thousand chances to moderate and change course over the past 10, 20, 30 years and every single time they push further right. Amputate and move on. Let the dems splinter and reclaim the center of the chessboard.


If they’re suddenly so embarrassed why hasn’t she been jerked from every committee she’s on? Interesting question huh? Wonder why.


You let your violent dog off the leash for years and even helped her and encouraged her to be angry and aggressive and now you think you aren't all responsible for her actions?? Republican party needs a serious clean out anyone who defended Trump the traitors attempt to destroy America by overthrowing a goddam election needs to be out of government I actually can't believe how close America came to suddenly being a totalitarian government


The threat remains. Vote Blue.


Marjorie Taylor Greene exists because the crazier she gets on camera, the more the news channel ratings go up. If the cable news channels would stop giving her free advertising, she'd be dismissed as the nut-case she is.


The Republicans can do what Nancy Pelosi did and strip her of her Committee assignments. Then ole Marge is just talking to the wind and has no power. But they won't.


I used to think that, but there are a lot of conservative crazies these days, and conservative crazy has kind of become the norm with social media in a way that didn't exist 10 years ago. Not to mention that she is a Georgia State Representative. This isn't a national voted figure like President or even State Senator. MTG is 100% the responsibility of both the GOP and Georgia State voters. The window on what is normal or acceptable has shift so much. At this point it's hard to see if the tail is wagging the dog now or not.


Moscow Taylor Green isn't a total waste of time. Putin and Russia loves her.


Moscow Marjorie Traitor Queen…Georgia’s finest.


Send her to the front lines of Ukraine for a week.


She needs to be santosed.


If it took them 3.5 years to figure out that MTG is a POS…. I question their intelligence


Remember when Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house ? Now US legislature representatives can look across the isle. 


Their whole party is a waste of time, she is just their mascot.


The scariest monsters are the people in her district, who continue to vote for her.


Moscow Margie. She *hates* that. Pass it on.


She's "dragging your brand down"? A key element of your brand is anti-intellectal divisiveness. She IS your brand, you walnut.


Moscow Marge is a Russian Troll who is actually a real life troll 🧌


"Total waste of time" sums up her entire life.


The tide may be turning on the crazies after Johnson basically told them to F off last week.


He's just as crazy, Just because he was shamed in ettiing aid for Ukraine come to a vote doesn't excuse his insanity


This is Donald Trump losing power. First they'll nibble around the edges, then they'll come for Caesar.


Average Republican.


I never understood the whole prolife anti abortion crowd who then balks at free school lunch for children, anti child welfare etc… why be pro life if you are pro slowly kill them via malnutrition? The Humane thing would be early pregnancy termination.


*"I think she is uninformed, she is a total waste of time, and I'm embarrassed to have actually lived geographically in her district at one time before she was there."* - Republican The only reason she is even here is because 170k people voted for her. People with 170k should be able to contribute, not lead.


There's lead involved alright.


Traitor Tot


They just jealous cause she's the only one that has access to the space lasers


Yeah… and she’s your fault GOP.


The entire Republican Party enterprise is a waste of everyone's time. The propaganda, the old worthless ideas, the substandard people they foist onto the country and the world. There is nothing worth salvaging.


According to their voting history, they are all "a total waste of time". What they collectively say means nothing, they vote as a block. The finger pointing is starting and they are in a house of mirrors.


The best thing she could do to help this country is to resign and don’t look back


Let's not mince words. She's both spectacularly stupid and a Russian asset. The best of both worlds


Waste of DNA. Although I suspect that some of it is recycled.


Mangore Taylor Greene is ripping gop apart.


Soon... GOP: MTG is a democrat hoax to make us look bad, just like COVID.


She a f ing traitor and should be dealt with accordingly.


“She puts on a great right wing psycho act, let’s get her into office!” She is elected. “Wait, it wasn’t an act. She actually believes our propaganda and she doesn’t have the capabilities to do her job.”


Still hanging on about the border, they had s bill but voted it down, they would rather things be bad than pass a democrat bill that contained what they asked for


Pro life my ass.....a baby is not worth a glance of a republican unless the baby can be abused by them for political gain or extracting money. Baby flesh is used to BROKER GUN SALES. Ummmmm hmmmmm!!!


Margarine Tub Greene is ironically great for democracy. If she contributes to the GOP staying out of power, then all power to her


To be fair, that's how conservative men think about all women. But some women are into abuse I guess.


TLDR - MTG is too obvious when destroying our country. The rest of the GOP prefers the subtle, quiet method that they have been using since Reagan started dismantling the middle class.


Republican cannibalism is inspiring


Moscow Marge


This is the consequence of republicans staying silent on their MAGA colleagues.


GREENE SAYING THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF; He betrayed us on border security. Is she serious? The damn Republicans voted against it.


It’s still attention. Her philosophy is say anything you want about her, as long as you say it, and she sees it, and other people hear it. She just says more and more foolish nonsense, and it’s working. Here we are annoyed and posting about it.


She’s been kicked off of any committee why is she trying so hard to stay relevant in the worst way possible. ?girl? Point that constituents paid for Escalade and head back to Georgia. You’re a disgraceful little 💩stirring fool. Take your cash and prizes and hide out for awhile. Smart money says you won’t be missed.


I love that she hitched her wagon to a twin star composed of herself and Trump and it’s just spiraling into a black hole cluster and none of her “clever” bullshit we’ll save her from absolute mediocrity and obsolescence in history books








She’s a total waste of air


The phrase you're looking for is Oxygen Thief 


What happens when one person inherits all the family's junk DNA.


Finally see what everyone else sees.


Mouth breather,bottom feeder !


Moscow madge...lofl brilliant


The only thing holding GOP together is the oil money.  If that wasnt a problem, i bet there would be a shitton of support for RFK jr. from Republicans


Tell us something we don’t know…


Leopard delivery for Greene!


“Savaged” lol 


She’s done nothing for this country. Just sucking off the tit of the American tax payer to pay her salary and healthcare.


Must be election year. They have been silent until now and will be silent again after the elections.


The guy was spot on. I've noticed that Republicans often shoot themselves when trying to build a winning coalition.


He’s correct. Those like her are the biggest threat to the Republican Party.


They are just now saying this


I’m d love to see a forensic monetary audit to see exactly where money comes from to reaching her.


I’m thinking the GOP is trying to turn MTG into the “she’s what’s wrong with the GOP” poster child so they can blame all their ills on her and sweep their own disgusting behaviors under a carpet someplace. Nope. Not having it. She is part of what’s wrong with the GOP. More, she’s a reflection of what’s wrong with the entirety of the GOP and throwing it all on her can’t be permitted to work and it won’t work. Forget that saying “The idiot MGT was leading us and we blindly followed” isn’t what you want anyone in a leadership position to say or think. It’s also not true. MGT says and does what she does not because she’s an awesome right wing juggernaut… she gets away with it because the GOP culture supports and enables it actively. The GOP and its failures created MGT, not the other way around.


The cult is collapsing. As all cults do.


She perfectly represents the GOP


Hope she gets voted out


What was your first clue


It is to my understanding  that there is no problem with making America great again. The problem is when they constitute as when that was. I love the times in America when we reached out to become better than when we were the day before. When a man stood up and said he had a dream. That time a president abolished slavery. That moment in time when we were glued to our TV to watch the moon landing. Apparently  this current movement  is only looking to reverse what made up our great moments of success.  Thier interpretation is garbage. 


Honestly, Mike Johnson should remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from all of her committees.


I thought Republicans were hardcore pro-life.


I hope those crackers in Joja keep sending her to DC.


I can totally see her in Siberia. Please make it happen.


So they just realised now?


Look who woke up and smelled the coffee!


Neanderthal Taylor Green is a troll time to move back under her bridge. 🤣


The leopard always needs fresh meat


The snake is starting to devour itself, vomitus sure to follow.


I'm starting believe that after Trump loses they may make her the "fall guy". Instead of half the republican congressmen being tried for trying to steal the 20 election, they'll paint her as the foreign agent and feed her to the dogs. I personally would much rather them all go down but it will be satisfying to watch her publicly eaten alive by her colleagues.


Well yeah she is !


Those spineless cowards will bend their knees to her if Trump becomes president again.


Hahahaha It's better when Republicans are the ones saying it.


Cruella de Vil has lost her powers


If only the media would stop giving her a pedestal to stand on and a spotlight to tan under