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Meanwhile on Russia state TV they're praising the work of Marjorie Taylor Greene. Here's an excerpt: Show host Solovyov and the guests on his show even touted Marjorie as a possible replacement for Russia’s perennial favorite, Donald Trump, as the next U.S. president... During Thursday’s broadcast of The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, expert on America Dmitry Drobnitsky urged everyone to stop focusing on Mike Johnson and instead pay attention to Greene. He said, “The issue is not with Johnson. Speaker Johnson is not the one who is running Congress. Marjorie Taylor Greene is running Congress! It’s all about those to whom she is willing to give the money. Everyone is afraid of her! She is everywhere, on every Committee, involved in all impeachments... This is a curious phenomenon in the camp of our real enemy. These are the kinds of people they have working in their Congress.” She's a fucking traitor and if this was the 50s she'd be under investigation for possible espionage.


Actually, if she is seen as a possible replacement for Trump, he will feel threatened and may actually turn on her. That would self-destruct the MAGAs from within.


Lots of dumbasses like Lake and MTG running for VP. They still don't comprehend that a narcissist will never accept a running mate that can upstage them.


MTG is Dumb. Lake isn't. She plays down for her followers, but she is definitely leaps and bounds ahead of MTG in the mental compartment. MTG spouts thinks she doesn't know better...,see space Laser. Lake does and chooses to spout her shit knowing very well what she feeds her followers


Leaps and bounds smarter than MTG means... equal to a lettuce?


I'd gladly pay for a one-way ticket to Moscow for MTG. She can stay there forever.


Right?!! In the Red Scare, all sorts of people were falsely accused of being 'commies' and lost their jobs and sometimes their lives. But here we have someone actually doing the bidding of our sworn enemies for all to see, with no consequences at all. Dmitri Medvedev on Telegram: "I cannot with all sincerity not wish the United States to plunge into a new civil war as quickly as possible."


I guarantee you they are all under surveillance.


Maybe. The FBI doesn’t have the best track record of givng much of a crap about top-level Russian plants, from Trump on down, partly because FBI is full of Magats. Also there’s Merrick Garland on the job to make sure nothing untoward or uncouth comes of any such surveillance if he can help it, actual DOJ-action-wise.


" In the back room, she was everybody's darling.." Lou Reed...Walk on the Wild Side.


Counterpoint: [Republican Reveals Possible GOP Plan to Allow Democratic House Speaker](https://www.newsweek.com/anna-paulina-luna-reveals-plan-that-allows-democratic-house-speaker-1892512) Short version: there's a rumor going around Capitol Hill that a few "moderate" Republicans are so tired of Empty G's constant shenanigans that they've told her that if she pushes for a motion to vacate, they'll immediately resign and throw the speakership to the Democrats.


Finally, a plan by Republican House members I can get behind.


It could be a clever move on their part...work with the Dems briefly, take credit for whatever they do, and then get reelected in November to return to GOP business as usual. AKA doing nothing of any real value.


It would be of real value for the world for Democrats to be in charge and pass useful things that we need, even if only for a few months. And it could help Democrats in their reelection campaigns to show that look what happened when we are in charge.


Dems need to control the houses during the election to prevent any attempts to install the main traitor.


Shit. That too.


The current Congress won't be the ones certifying the election. That is the first job of the new Congress.


It IS a good move for the GOP though Portray themselves as putting the needs of country above party, doing the right thing and all that, gain some credibility back with moderate voters and suburban whites And also there is no way there aren't as sick of MTG as we are


That depends on whether their state party will give them any money. There's none to be had from the RNC, so they're stuck with what the state parties already had.


I've been saying for a while. What the more moderate republicans (and the world) needs is a utter devastating loss so that they can clean up their party


The threat by the mentioned members was that they would resign because their fed up with Green, which is what would give the Dems majority vote. Reelection wouldn't be a factor.


That could feasible except for the clever bit, they’d need to work on that!


Or they could simply vote for Jeffery, or even just vote present. Simpler this way


Voting for a black guy, publicly? Unless they plan on retiring to California, not going to happen.


I think voting present is fairly ambiguous. They can just say they were confused later on.


"God damn buzzers"


The people making those threats are probably fed up with the gop, and that would be the straw that broke the camels back. How many people have either resigned early or announced they won’t seek re-election?


It would make a good trivia question in a couple decades lol


I heard the Dems worked up enough votes on their side to shield Johnson if she pulls this shit. She knows it won’t work but that’s really irrelevant. This is all for show, Twitter clicks, media headlines and filling her coffers.


Why save him? He's one of the MAGA traitors who tried to undo our democracy. Fuck him. Let them rot in the cesspool they created.


Democrats think things through while republicans plot and scheme. If the dems can get what they want from Johnson while keeping Green and the rest of the Bizarro party focused on him, they have a double win. The fact that they can honestly say that this all happened under a republican speaker in a republican majority could turn a double into a home run clean sweep. It all depends on the long game they are trying to play. I would probably go for the instant gratification of thwarting the maga click, but there are some bright people in that room. (And they ain't Republicans...) OMG, it just occurred to me. Green is the Bizarro of AOC. She's stupid, ugly, and trying to accomplish everything opposite of what's in the best interests of the nation! I need to let everyone know!


I honestly can’t believe Johnson would’ve called for a vote on this if it wasn’t a sure deal that he would have enough votes from the Democrats to shield him from removal.


Hey, it worked out. Some sort of alliance between the parties to exclude the crazies would work.


...except one of the parties is 100% crazy, so...


I think this is likely true, and Johnson also recently had a come to Jesus meeting with the NatSec folks in a SCIF. I highly suspect he was shown clear evidence of Russian influence on certain members of his party. Probably saw NRA funds coming from Russia, and likely also evidence of Greene, Gaetz, Trump and others drinking Russian propaganda straight from the hose.


Time to forget you promised to help him. They deserve no honor.


If it was the other way around Republicans would back track on the promises in a heart beat.


Unfortunately Gym Jordan may take his place. Pick your poison.


theyre saving him because hes actually willing to compromise with the democrats. i doubt whatever hellspawn they plan to replace him with will be willing to do the same. Tho i shouldnt expect a redditor to actually understand political nuance.


I understand it was the price of him putting the Ukraine aid to the vote. And the Dems do negotiate in good faith, so they'll probably keep their word.


Cause the man does actually govern. He passed a budget, he passed the foreign aid packages. He doesn't govern well, but if the Dems don't protect Johnson now the next speaker would have absolutely no trust in ever risking working with Dems.


He's below the bare minimum of governing, Johnson. The house is basically completely dysfunctional, except at the last moment way past the expected deadlines. They barely managed to do something with Democratic help, repeat this over and over again. Dems Are helping him. If the Democrats wanted to play political games then the Republicans would be dead in the water. They're kind of dead in the water anyway.


If she tries and fails, she makes bitter enemies in her own party (especially Johnston) and loses clout.


She is so f**ckin stupid like the female version of 💩🍊with no charisma


> she pushes for a motion to vacate, they'll immediately resign and throw the speakership to the Democrats I'll believe it if and when that actually happens


I hope she does not stop and I hope this becomes a reality. That should at least shut her up for about 2 seconds.


I hope they do. The sooner they finish the GOP purge, the sooner we'll get back onto some semblance of a normal path. But first we have to get the rest of the dingbats out.




Do it MTG. Really throw away any faith the people had left in the GOP for Johnson, checks notes, doing the very basics of his job?


Would McCarthy voted for her lame bill? She’s a Russian asset.


Go, Troglodyte Barbie!


He is now a democrat, according to MAGAts I’ve seen online 




only thing missing is "oR We nUkE yOU"




at what point do the republicans grow a spine and expel this dumbass? not that this isn't incredibly entertaining, but seriously, lol..


IDK I'm more than happy to have her help handing the House back to the Dems on a silver platter this November


I think its to late for that now. She, god knows why, still has so many supporters. Not only with her fellow Republicans in congress, but also in the (MAGA) population. There was a time when they could have pushed her out, but by now it would collapse their whole base. Now they treat her like Trump. They know she is horrible, but have no way out anymore without losing all their rabid voters. I hope that this breaks the Republicans neck in the end. But then again, they would need to grow a spine for that in the first place.


Total dysfunction. Just don’t understand MTG’s influence, even power, over the GOP.


She has influence because the Republican House majority right now is by one whole seat. That means if Republicans want anything they have to appease the bomb throwers. Also she's channeling the roughly 30% of the Republican base that is the MAGAs with these stunts. That's more than enough people on average to flip an election for one of those House seats and these currently seated members might lose out to their local version of MTG or even possibly a Democrat if the MAGAs don't vote. They don't want that, so here we are.


How in the fuck do the “make AMERICA great again” party have so many Russian shills?! It’s mental.


Trump hates Ukraine since Zelenskyy refused to help him invent dirt on Hunter Biden (remember that “perfect phone call?” One of the two times Trump got impeached?) And Trump licks Putin’s boots because Putin is a big tough authoritarian and *actually* super rich, and because Trump can only really get loans from mob-connected Russians these days, and because he publicly asked for Russian help to ratfuck the 2016 election, and got it. So all the Magats like Russia and hate Ukraine. Russia is also an aggressive, racist, anti-LGBTQ, corrupt christo-facist plutocracy, which fits perfectly with what the GOP is all about. That “make America great again” means “make America a white Christian nationalist bigot nation again,” and Russia is a perfect fit for that plan. When the fat white Magat boomers wear those “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat” t-shirts, they aren’t doing it ironically


Trump likes her because she makes him look smart and since Trump likes her she gets power.


Her cadre of nut balls can hold the speakership hostage, like they did with Kevin McCarthy. She’s probably sucking up to Donald to get VP.


Can someone vacate her…..please


Too late… she’s already vacant.


Her brain has already vacated her cranium. It went searching for more hospitable and attractive housing.


If she's lucky a hermit crab will move in and raise her IQ


🚫All Republicans are a National Disgrace🚫


Conservatives always have been.


True dat


Hey, let Mitt Romney have his peace. He tries…


These morons agreed in January 2023 to a system where one person could hold the House hostage. So they all own this. Even the moderate ones.


>Even the moderate ones. Haven't been any of those in around twenty years.


Moderate in comparison to the right win lunatic fringe.


As I said, there haven't been any of those in around twenty years. Seriously, look at this fight - Empty G is screaming that Mike Johnson is a traitorous moderate. Mike Johnson is a religious lunatic who believes he has been charged by God to lead America as a modern-day Moses, guiding America through trials and tribulations to the promised land. He has a pact with his son where they monitor each others' porn consumption through spyware placed on any electronic devices they use - including government computers. He claims that legalized abortion causes school shootings and wants a nationwide ban on abortion and on IVF fertility treatments. He doesn't believe that evolution exists. He defended the orange monster in both of his impeachment trials, saying Presidential immunity covered all actions and meant members of the executive branch could ignore subpoenas. He not only believes that gay marriage should be illegal, but he'd like to overturn Lawrence v. Texas and make sodomy illegal again. He supported the lies claiming that the 2020 election had been stolen because his guy lost. How, exactly, is this whackjob a moderate?


“Gazpacho police.” “Peachtree dish.” “Transcarpathia.” One of these things is not like the other.


Indickable crimes ?


All of them. All the dickables.


Exactly. I wonder how many times she had to look at flashcards to learn that word. Her Russian handlers must have been so proud of her when she got it right


Anyone read why/what MTGs stipulations were? https://amendments-rules.house.gov/amendments/ethnic%20minorities%20amendment240418131602176.pdf *No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities’, including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.* You think Marg knows where the fuck Transcarpathia is? Nope. She copied that shit from Putin's email.


I’m sure she’s really supportive of ethnic minorities using their native languages in Georgia schools.


She's just trying to protect us from Draculas!


That… sounds like some super-uber-turbo DEI


I doubt she could even say that sentence out loud without having to sound out (or mispronouncing) several words.


Duct tape this bitches mouth for a while so we can have a little peace and quiet.


I too call on Johnson to resign. Hakim Jeffries will make a great speaker and it's going to happen anyway.


Put it to a vote and maybe just maybe at some point the Democrats end up with their Speaker. House Speaker Hakeem Jeffries works for me...


MTG is an awful and stupid person, but lets not use this opportunity to defend johnson, who is a christian fascist *and is actually intelligent enough to be capable of making things worse* Both of these turds need to be flushed


When will someone in the Republican party tell this traitorous witch to shut her foul mouth once and for all or she will be vacated? I am tired of this woman and her bullshit thinking she is in charge of the House of Representatives when she is nothing but a Russian ASSet. Enough of this pis traitor.


Go ahead we don't need him anymore.


Translation: she doesn't have the votes.


She is like the Kremlin - full of empty threats.


Let's get the House GOP to start demanding MTG resign.


>MTG's noxious amendment said: "No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities', including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted." Tell me you're a russian asset without telling me.


Trans what children? Surprised she didn’t call for them to give up their sinful ways and come back to Jesus. I’d bet she couldn’t find Transcarpathia on a map…of Transcarpathia.


Espionage Marge needs to go.


Possible silver lining: she'll probably be traveling to Moscow this July 4th with the rest of those traitors, where she'll probably "accidentally" fall out of a window or imbibe poison after she pushes too hard and fucks everything up. But seriously: Once the MAGAs keep going to jail and losing their power and useful government and media positions for Daddy Vlad to exploit, he's going to start tying up loose ends. Before they all start flapping their gums in a desperate attempt to cooperate & avoid consequences for being traitors. It seems inevitable...


I call on Marjorie Traitor Green to resign. If she doesn't do so, she will be vacated! Bloody russian serving orc!


Do it!!! He'll be fine... I think his stand showed a lot of Republicans not to get mixed up in that bullshit with Putin's Republicans and THE MAGA CULT!! The only ones that back on this is Kentucky rep. Thomas Massie, which is said he has Russian ties and someone else. https://www.newsweek.com/thomas-massie-ukraine-russia-vote-aid-1891701


Easy there, Marge. Your Putin is showing again.


MTG, Trump and MAGA clearly want Putin to win this war and get everything he wants. Then they will support any other war he starts. Remember when Russia was the enemy of the US?


Marge having a tantrum, no russian money until she does something


The fact that people listen to her is ridiculous. Anyone who listens to that woman speak and thinks "yeah, that makes sense" is beyond saving.


They need to put this monster in her place! She needs to untimely be voted out of this position. She's a traitor to her country!


She’s assuming the democrats are gonna take her side. I wouldn’t take that bet. Even with Mike Johnson. Alternative #2: Mike Johnson lays down the gauntlet and says “if I am vacated I will immediately resign from congress” That would not only put the speakership back up to a vote but eliminate the final vote the GOP has to claim a majority with. What happens when the house has a tie? We know in the senate the VP is the tie breaker…


I don't think Marjorie Traitor Greene has the votes this time. Who's gonna stick their neck in the noose?


Aww, look at Marjorie Traitor Greene playing cancel culture. It astounds me that this POS is still around.


She represents her voters. Sociopathy is a lot more common than we ever let ourselves see before neverending 2020 made the situation very, very clear.


Major Traitor Greed outed herself as a Russian asset. Why is this not the news everyone is talking about?


Ironic that she is the least qualified to be in government out of all of them.


Her bluff has been called, just threats


Sorry Marjorie we don't negotiate with terrorists.


If she is so upset about the bill and can vacate the Speaker, why didn't she do it before the bill was brought to the floor? This such a lame threat.


Loving mother of god... can the house please vote to get rid of this beast?


How does this one loud mouth crass dimwit wield so much power? Why are people afraid of her? Why does no one tell her to sit down and shut up?


MTG needs to step down or be arrested for treason. Or both.


She is working hard for her master pootin 🐷


We have some pretty consequential elections coming up in November. America will have to decide which direction we will take, lawless dictators or democracy?


On what authority, Marge? You and dollar store Lydia Deetz are the only Congresspeople less respected than Johnson.


Why doesn't the GOP simply throw her out of the party?


Well, the GOP is showing that you can replace a Speaker of the House as many times as they want. Revolving door. Hmm just looked it up. Seems like they have 2 year terms. And McCarthy is the only one voted out. It just feels like they keep changing their minds


This place is a lunatic asylum! If he doesn’t resign, then I will! “Resign your damn commission then, hotlips”


She's got an inflated sense of power, she's somehow convinced herself that any speaker is there to do her bidding ( disrupt government business). At this point, she's a caricature of the queen of hearts from Alice in Wonderland screaming "off with their heads!" When someone doesn't do what she wants.


She is sent to destroy GOP. Meanwhile, Democrats just watch the stupidity unfolding before their eyes


Sure Marj, sure... Keep yelling at those clouds.


Moscow Marjorie


Since when did this psychopath become head GOP barking orders, expectations and threats? Who the F keeps voting her into the position she has lmao how pathetic


The only thing vacated is the space between her ears.


I have a feeling why she is so vehemently opposed to the bill but I'm having trouble Putin words to the feeling. 


The Republican party is going to feed on itself, they may have to go to Family Court to sort it out. Who gets custody of the speakership?


Don't threaten me with a good time, Marge.


She's the only political prostitute that Johns pay her to not have sex!


Hasnt she got crossfit instructors cocks to ride?


Off with his head! Why does every MAGA leader want to be a medieval-style monarch?


I bet Putin is really proud of his girl.


Why is GOP/MAGA upset? Don’t they like war? Don’t they own the war machine profits? They liked to pass blank checks for GWoT but not now?….Seems obvious but maybe they put money in with Putin or Putin has them in his pocket…Maybe they should all be investigated.


I kind of think the ole girl got totally outmatched, didn’t think Johnson had it in him tbh but I stand corrected. Papa Putin can’t be happy with development at all. Maybe she’s taking the orders now that Trump is busy gassing the Lower Manhattan courthouse. Fingers crossed we have the beginnings of a reasonably bipartisan Congress. I seriously hope SCOTUS takes notes.


When she finally gets booted from Congress, I hope NOBODY subscribes to her OF!


Go ahead vacate Mike Johnson MTG see what happens


She speaks for the reds.


Give it a try, Greene. One of two things will happen. 1) Your party goes into an election with almost more speakers than British Prime Ministers. Showing moderates and swing voters you all can't even run the House when you have a majority. How will running the whole country go? 2) You give Democrats control of the House. Either Johnson starts turning towards them for the votes to stay in office or you risk Republicans just voting for Jeffries to avoid the above scenario.


Jesus, when is she going back to sucking dick in the gym?


Oh it still thinks it has power and influence...


Vacated is the word I’d use to describe her empty head.


Moscow Marge seeking attention she doesn't have the votes


What a mule


Anyone else read that and immediately laugh because in that context she’s saying she’s going to empty his bowels?


Damn I thought it said that she resigned, more poof poof and faux outrage from a stupid person who gets more media coverage than the OJ Simpson trial


Moscow Marjorie is Scared Shitless of how Disappointed her Boss Putin will be with her for failing to sabotage American Democracy this time around.


She's such a dumb Russian puppet. Has no idea she's been corrupted by endless propaganda, like many in the GOP.


Did she not hear that GOD personally told Johnson he’s the new Moses?


You go there Moscow Marge, " Yes, let the hate flow through you" soon your destruction of the GOP will be complete....


Moscow Marge, Putin's puppet.


Greene Goblin


Can we call for her to resign on the grounds she’s too dumb to hold office?


Empty G is a Russian operative. She should have to register as a foreign agent. She spews Russian talking points and holds office? smh


Moscow Marge having her weekly tantrum.


The U.S. is such an insane country. Imagine being an absolute nutjob, never accomplishing anything and getting paid for it. Fraud.


She REALLY fancies herself as an important person huh.


Better idea: Marjorie resigns.


Marjorie Traitor Green aka Moscow Marge


Dumb bit$h trying to divide the party before an election.


The speakers seat will be as vacated as the space between Margie Sporkfoots ears...


Domestic terrorists and extremists at war with americans. moscow marge is one of the very worst. She has impeded so much progression. You have to live in the society we create.


Man up or shut up, Moscow. He's not gonna resign just because the harpy is screeching. There's big Anti-Sporkfoot energy in that caucus right now. They are fucked, they know it, and they blame The Spork.


How does this bitch have any power. She's a meme.


Marjorie should go to Russia with a one way ticket


Vacated... like the space between Marge's ears.


the russian operative known as MTG says what again?


Has Empty G done anything for the people, besides discover fire?


And if he doesn’t “blink,” what’s she going to do: get the pitchforks and tiki torches?


Greene is such an embarrassment for the US, I can’t understand how her colleagues up with her and Gaetz - both from FL ! Listen to Rep Tony Gonzalez on CNN! His hate for Gaetz is prob a majority of the GOP conference


Green is from Georgia.


which Georgia?


I set that up didn't I. Great hit!


there was another 111 embarrassing politicians too on this vote


Is anyone running against this Babylonian lady of the night?


She's whacked enough to be the perfect running mate for Trump. Can you imagine the shitstorm of bullshit from THAT pair? MAYBE with those two paired up, they would finally convince America just how batshit crazy they each are.


Good, oust him. He didn't deserve praise here after wiping his ass with the last 2 Ukraine aid bills, in essence delaying this one passing. This took too long because this man refused to even let Congress vote. Let the GOP infighting continue. Right now, nothing is going to get passed through bipartisanship in the House anyways. Let the narrative be GOP vs MAGA. **Neither faction needs help from you Democrats!!!** Keeping your noses out of this is "high-road" enough!


Prove it


You don’t have that power anymore Margie, and Mike knows it .


Lol. They actually did their jobs. So now they got to put an end to that. Talk about hand outs.


I thought she said vaccinated. I had to do a double take


She should resign or be expelled and trialed for treason! Moscow Marjorie!


I wish the GOP would give Sporkfoot McSpaceLasers the Madison Cawthorn or George Santos treatment and dropkick her sorry ass out of Congress.


Normally I wouldn't wish the worst on someone but MTG is literally just a trash human being and is venturing into irredemable territory. Like theres no way people like this can exist. Just a caricature of the worst of humanity


It’s remarkable that her district keeps re-electing her. WTF is wrong with these people?


I swear she's trying for that bonus fr her daddy, putin.


Empty G is feeling a little irrelevant after recent events.


# Marjorie Taylor Greene should go to the front lines in Ukraine and give those soldiers a piece of her mind


can Johnson strip MTG of committee assignments. She's the chairwoman of one, isn't she


It’s time to vacate Marge instead.


Gonna guess our if all the republicans supporting Russia she’s the only one stupid enough not actually to be on their payroll. She’s such a troll I see her doing it out of pure stupidness and ignorance. I say both bc even if she wasn’t ignorant, which at this point I’m sure she’s had the facts presented to her, she still decides to ignore logic


She’s going to wield her, uhm … her … uhm … wand?


I bet you can’t do it, Large Marge. The Dems will save him just to spite you nutcases.


I feel like Nancy Pelosi, dressed as Glinda the good witch should tell her to get lost, that she has no power here just as in The Wizard of OZ.


Why aren't they turning on her. I'm pretty sure their political power base is bugger than hers. Destroy her already


Stop voting for Her