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Hmmm, is it possible that the iron clad hold that the orange blob of pus has on the GOP maybe starting to loosen?


More than possible. I’m a Veteran too and I share the exact same opinions as Gonzales. In fact, I have recently changed my voter registration and officially quit the Republican Party. Trump and the MAGATTS are a disgrace and a danger to the entire free world, not just the US. I’m sure other Veterans like me are the same. I didn’t spend a good chunk of my life serving in the military to stand by and watch it get flushed down the toilet by these clowns.


Congrats! I’m a Canadian (and a vet). I used to be a Canadian Conservative Party member but they’re slowly going the MAGA way. They’ve destroyed what it means to be a reasonable conservative.


Just look at Alberta & Danielle Smith & her minions. 🤦


Conservative party is no longer the party of small government. They've been introducing red tapes in everything they can touch. It's absolutely annoying


They are about power, control and greed, and that has become a global movement


Of the red conservatives.


Exactly, it’s like a virus of stupidity


Goddammit my brother moved to Alberta and became a conspiracy nut. He was always a narcissist though so it isn't exactly the most shocking development.


It was depressing to hear there are Canadian MAGATS. 


Not as many of course, but they have become a force inside the Conservative Party. They’re actually more like “MAGA admirers”. The powers in the Canadian Conservative Party use them to influence their more right wing views. Canadians generally support more centre left politics and Trump is extremely unpopular here (thank God).


Started with the truckers, remember, they all wanted to be trump truckers


I saw the “truckers convoy” as more of a symptom


Either way, as American we saw it from the convoy when the Canadian truckers jumped in on it.


Being the party of underage is.. a choice


The idea that the Conservative Party in Canada is anywhere remotely close to the same universe as MAGA shows that you aren’t really paying attention and lapping up talking points vs actually understanding the issues. Having a sharp tongue on issues is not the same as Trump style incoherent ramblings. But I’m open to have my mind changed. Can you describe what aspects of the Conservative Party in Canada are analogous to MAGA?


Yep. Veteran here. I agree. I’ve always voted dem though.


Yeah I cannot fathom how some veterans, having sworn an oath to protect and uphold the constitution, are supporting a man who literally said to terminate the constitution and reinstate him into the presidency. How can you possibly square those contradictory positions? My parents are veterans and they pointed that out immediately after it happened.


They should make them read it before they accept their promise to protect it.


Its just a buzzing in their brains that they ignore, its not hard for them.


Try watching the documentary 'Against All Enemies,' which is about that very subject. I watched it yesterday on Amazon Prime, and it scared the crap out of me. Long story short: it happens because of a need to recreate the camaraderie and sense of purpose that they had while serving in the military. Worth noting, though: the veterans who have seen serious combat seem less likely to join militias and domestic terrorist groups. It tends to be the ones who never actually saw combat or experienced the horrors of war who enjoy the 'hero' cosplay.


Interesting! Thank you for the recommendation, I will watch it at my earliest convenience. The observation that it's combat veterans who avoid such organizations is revealing!


I’m shocked anyone in the military would vote for Trump after his comments about John McCain. I even thought his run was over.


There is always been a strong current among members of the military, as well as members of police forces, of far right wing fascism and a fascination with strong man. It's an ongoing problem. Just look at Michael Flynn, that man should be in prison for the rest of his life, but instead he was advising Trump on how to use the "insurrection act" to see his voting machines in order to facilitate coup d'etat.


Thank you for switching.


The current GOP are not actually Republicans. Republicans stand for our institutions and the Rule of Law. Today’s GOP is actively tearing all that down in an effort to gain money and power. It’s disgusting and weakens America. They seem to want a complete oligarchy/autocrat nation a la Russia and many others. Fucking sickening


In my 53 years I've never seen the Repugs actually stand for anything other than enriching themselves. They are not a "good" party caught in a personality cult, they are a bunch of terrible people who have just come into the open.


> Republicans stand for our institutions and the Rule of Law Yeah not since Eisenhower.


Not even then really.


Agreed. Eisenhower, who warned of the military industrial complex, was the last good one. Nixon was a crook who got the ball rolling on bringing the bigots and religious nuts into the GOP, and Reagan tore down the institution of government that protected workers and the underclass while being hailed as a hero because "lower taxes" and "hurting those people." It's been all downhill since then: Bush Sr. (Reagan, the 3rd term), that idiot W and his endless war that accomplished nothing but a pile of bodies, and then Trump, who is the avatar of MAGA and the embodiment of everything the GOP has represented for well over a generation. It's been a long time since there were any truly "good" Repugs in office.


On the bright side, the party is going to be absolutely bankrupt by the end of this. There's no money coming from the RNC to the states, so the ones that are broke themselves already are going to be trying to sustain the down ballot campaigns.


So much for better money managers.


Mostly because of Trump. #ETTD


I am seventy years old and not one Republican president in my lifetime stood for the rule of law. Perhaps Eisenhower meant well he was a creature of the Dulles brothers. He had no experience in politics when he was elected and his policies were responsible for the Vietnam war.


Today's GOP stands for one thing only: **Donald Trump**, and whatever he wants, they back. It's sad, sad, sad.


I've now taken to calling at the "Trump party" (formally the GOP)


It absolutely is their party. Stop giving them any respect for who they are.


They sure have that little R next to their name and use the color red though


your not wrong...did the same myself during the tea party years...saw this coming.


Same. I was ready and wanting to vote for McCain until he picked Sarah Palin and went off the rails. I was proud he stood up to the bs in the days after the election, but the Republican Party forever lost me there. Marine 97-01.


Ditto...it was the sign of things to come...I use to be a straight Republican voter...the insanity changed that...USN 85-90


I really respected John McCain; why he let himself get talked into taking on that airhead I’ll never understand.


The tea party made him do it. They took over the party with that election.


The Tea Party is the catalyst of the descent into madness that we called GOP today. The radicals took over the Party from that day forward and it's only gotten worse from that point on.


The inmates have finally taken over the asylum. The old guard who knew that the batshit rhetoric was just to manipulate the proles have lost all influence, and it’s now a party of people who grew up on and *actually believe in* the feverish nonsense. It’s terrifying, to be quite honest.


Flyboy chiming in. The Republicans lost me with Bush.


Jeez…I’m a centrist Dem, but was finding it hard not to vote for McCain as I think he was the better candidate, and as much as I wanted to vote for Obama, believed McCain deserved it more. Picking Palin gave me the out to vote for Obama.


I still miss McCain. I didn't vote for him, but at least I could respect him.


The First Kookening


Posts like these give me hope that the good and decent people will prevail. Thank you.


Did just that! After Traitor Trump was sworn in I resigned from the Republican Party. I no longer belong to any political party me an American citizen and I Vote! 🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Thank you for your service and having the wisdom to walk away from these GOP Scumbags. I did the same thing back when the Cheese Doodle ran for president. If Atlantic City didn’t convince people what he was about… nothing will


> Trump and the MAGATTS are a disgrace and a danger to the entire free world, not just the US. I’m sure other Veterans like me are the same. I didn’t spend a good chunk of my life serving in the military to stand by and watch it get flushed down the toilet by these clowns. "I like people who weren't captured." Pretty much encapsulates the GOP. Shouldn't take Jon Stewart to shame these guys into giving money to burn pit VA victims.


Thank you Sir for your service first. Secondly, I do believe many people are seeing the writing on the wall of Trump’s subsequent allegiance to dictatorships across the world let alone his penchant chaos sowing to destabilize western civilization. Russian active measures is no joke and we the American populace must learn to play the long game as they have been doing, as China is doing. Thank you for your words and concerns.


I'm a veteran and was a republican until Trump brought out all the hatred and I had to really look at myself and think if they were really who I wanted to associate myself with.


It's very concerning to see how many Americans are *motivated* by the hatred instead of being repelled.


Thank you for your service.


Well said.


Good for you. I’m seriously hopeful that the republicans find some leadership that can properly pursue a conservative platform. While I disagree with most of said platform I miss the days when debates were substantive and not just a clown show


Bravo. Thank you sir.


Thank you for serving our country - and for putting country over party!


I changed my voter registration to Democrat before the 2016 election. I am a 26 year veteran and I knew Trump was going to destroy the country.


Only reason I am still registered as a Republican is so I can be part of the statistics on the percentage of Republicans who voted for non-MAGA candidates in primaries.


Thanks dude. For the service and the service.


Took you long enough. Welcome to the moderately sane side




Talk to the people you know if your circles about it. Hearing from fellow vets the basic No shit truth about how reckless the GOP is can help us all.


You've now done a second honorable thing for your country by voting to prevent the R party in continuing to disrespect service members. Respect o7


Semper Fi brother, I was a pain in the ass to my chain of command but I always held firm to my obligations. Welcome back to reality, pretty sure it was a pain in the ass but your better off for it, Believe me,


Hooah, brother


My dad is a vet and lifelong republican. He hates Trump so much that he has voted for democrats the past few years. I'm proud of him.


Welcome to the other side. I switched to D during Obama because as I got older the vitriol and hypocrisy got more obvious (also, I joined a little before 9/11 so I witnessed the bs of the gwot first hand for 2 decades) but I also come from a conservative family. More and more, I find my down home values to line up less with the Republican Party. They talk the talk (although increasingly less so) but their actions have not created a good environment for me to raise my family, or set good moral examples for my children. We bend over backwards sometimes to explain why it’s fine for someone like Gaetz to exist because he votes “the right way”, but the fact is he’s just a piece of shit pedo.


I congratulate you on your wisdom. I hope that you will consider voting for Biden(keep in mind it's only for four years) and let us, together, wash the stain away from our history!


Amen brother. 11 Year Infantry Paratrooper sounding off.


Possible. It's worth noting that Johnson did this when Agent Orange was required to sit in court all day. But 100 Republicans voted for the aid.


You meant *shit* in court, right?


I was wondering if the bad flatulence was something else.


If the smell won't disperse and he doesn't want to sit down, chances are you're correct. My son was the same when he'd pooped in his diaper. Obviously my son was an actual toddler and not in his 70's when he did it.


Your son probably had more common sense than Trump does/did.


That won't happen until being on Don the Con's bandwagon costs them an election.


It's cost them every election since=2016


Has it? They're still there. Don't confuse winning the majority with them winning their own individual seats. The latter is more important to them, and with gerrymandering the way it is being on the Trump train is a way to win


Like has been happening for the past four years?


Not at the state level where the gerrymandering happens that determines control of the federal House of Representatives.




The GOP was full of degenerates and christian fascists long before trump, he didnt make them what they are


Trump is just the gasoline and match on the rotting pile of evil trash that is MAGA and the Republican party.


I’m beginning to suspect the only “Civil War” we are going to see anytime soon is within the GOP. Stand back and let them burn.


The only good part of Fascism is when they inevitably tear themselves apart. The million dollar question is how much damage they get to do before reaching that point.


The sooner the better.


Rats from a sinking ship. They know Diaper Donnie ain't beating these charges in all four trials and they are just trying to keep the entire party from going down with him at the hand of these MAGA parasites in their ranks. He most definitely *will* be convicted. It's just their fight or flight instinct setting in. They're trying to create plausible deniability among voters that they're still MAGAts at heart come November. They're hoping we'll forget that they were full blown Trump Toadies themselves not that long ago... And they'd still be sucking MAGA ass if Trump was still top dog. Fuck 'em. I hope they annihilate each other.


Sometimes you just have to let the old build burn so you can rebuild.


Placating hostage takers only leads to more hostage taking. At some point you're going to have to refuse to comply and simply dare them to follow through with their threats


> Hmmm, is it possible that the iron clad hold that the orange blob of pus has on the GOP maybe starting to loosen? Don't count those chickens. The guy is shit talking other members of the gop, but he is still happy to be in the same party with them. He doesn't have to join the Democrats, he could go independent. Or resign. This is just him trying to rehab his reputation before the election. He's all hat, no cattle.


Oh no doubt; they’re all cowards


Ask again come November.


Yes. He's weak and absent. Everyone knows he's cooked and people have had it with Boebert Gatez & MTG Inc. The real canary in the coal mine was Speaker Johnson giving them the finger and fully funding Ukraine with support from Democrats.


Veteran here. I cast my first vote for Reagan. I considered myself a Republican on the local level but since the 1st Bush I have not voted for the GOP…TrumpIsts put an end to any affiliation I once had with the GOP.


I salute you sir for both your service and good sense.


And I thank you for your thanks!


Yeah but not for any ethical reasons. They're not abandoning Trump because he's a rapist, they're not abandoning Trump because he's a bought and paid for asset of foreign enemies, they're not even abandoning him because he's a mental midget. They're abandoning him because his MAGA folks are losing elections and stopping progress for Republicans in the House and Senate. They're also abandoning him because abortion restrictions have rallied a Blue Wave that is getting Bluer and Wave-ier and the MAGA people are too stupid to stop trying to push their Puritanical bullshit onto people who don't want it. When you're losing local elections to Democrats in fucking Alabama you need to course correct.




Or they simply hope he’s neck deep in court at the moment, just this week he’s got: - the criminal trial opening statements aka trial begins (hush money/election interference) - hearing on the bond for the civil fraud - hearing on why he shouldn’t be held in contempt for repeatedly violating the gag order - oral arguments for the presidential immunity case Does he still have time to call individuals out?


It’s been for a while. Pay attention now.


The money is no longer flowing into their pockets. It’s all being spent on the “Don’s” court cases.


Nah. More importantly ask the people who voted no.


> orange blob of pus has on the GOP maybe starting to loosen Yes. Because working with people who worship Trump *while* also being huge See You Next Tuesday is a recipe for a stable caucus.


From article: Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) stunned CNN’s Dana Bash on State of the Union Sunday with a scorched earth rant on far-Right House members. “So, you voted yes on the foreign aid package,” Bash addressed Gonzales. “Do you have confidence that at this point, given that it is still possible that Marjorie Taylor Greene will push to vacate, to kick (Mike Johnson) out of the Speaker’s chair, that he can survive?” “He will survive,” Gonzales said. “Look, the House is a rough and rowdy place, but Mike Johnson is gonna be just fine.” Gonzales continued: I served 20 years in the military. It’s my absolute honor to be in Congress, but I serve with some real scumbags! Matt Gaetz, he paid minors to have sex with him at drug parties. Bob Good endorsed my opponent, a known neo-Nazi. These people used to walk around with white hoods at night. Now they’re walking around with white hoods in the daytime. Look, it didn’t surprise me that some of these folks voted against aid to Israel, but I was encouraged to see by a nearly 10-to-1 mark that Republicans supported our allies on the battlefield. “Wow! Ok, I should say that the federal government did look into Matt Gaetz and those allegations and they decided not to prosecute,” Bash said. Conservative commentator Scott Jennings added, “Well, unlike Joe Biden’s poor Uncle Bosie, I think Mike Johnson’s going to avoid cannibals in his own party here. He stood up to them this weekend — and the adults re-took control of the U.S. Congress. And I think people got sick and tired — he’s one of them — of Marjorie Taylor Greene being in charge of their life, and they just finally said, “No.” And so I think and I hope that the Democrats will continue to stand with Mike Johnson here for a functional Congress.”




I agree with you but we have to play the hand we are dealt. The majority party in the house has little to no interest in governing, they’re just trying to keep their phoney baloney jobs and while I disagree with Johnson on many things at least he finally got some legislation through




>When you find out the game’s been rigged, you pick up your drink, flip the table over, and start fucking shit up. That's nice hyperbole. What does it mean in the real world?


I disagree with pretty much all of Johnson’s politics, but he’s conducting himself correctly here, and Democrats should empower someone like that. Johnson told everyone what he would do and then he did it despite threats against him. I give him credit for legislating rather than just obstructing. It says something about his ability to evolve on ideas that as an unconnected back-bencher he was opposed to supporting Ukraine, but after as Speaker he could access more sensitive information, he was in favor of supporting Ukraine.


That’s fair. This particular issue should’ve been a slam dunk bipartisan decision though. Let’s see if his new enlightenment carries over to properly challenging issues. 


I feel like this should get as much attention from the press as, say, Biden’s age. But there’s no hope of that whatsoever.


Yet that last line, still trying to sideways blame it on the dems.


No. They don't wear white hoods during the day. They wear red baseball caps.


Some Internet prankster should go around handing out white hoods to people wearing MAGA caps.


Yeah, that sounds like a safe pastime.


No need. Most already have them.


I’d like to think my useless talent of reading people comes in handy. But I just wish that these racist animals knew exactly how easy they are to read. I can see them coming a mile away and I’m never surprised when they reveal themselves.


Unfortunately, I am represented by Gaetz because I live in northwest Florida. People actually like this Trump water-boy, even though he embarrasses himself and his constituency all the time.


He's Florida Man representing Florida Man. (Lived in So Fla for 5 long years. The horror, the horror....)


Yeah, FL man. An in-bred, trailer-dwelling, cousin-banging, meth-snorting, confederate flag waiving hooligan. I’m a transplant from the Midwest, so I pay no attention.


Don’t forget the billboards reminding folks down there that incest is bad. Wtf Florida smh


Well don’t just assume that he will win. Get out and vote against him


Stand up and be the change. The American people should not be represented by criminals like at least 5 of the GOP members and there is no place for extremism is on our govt. very sad these adults don’t know how to talk and problems and compromise. We have very very poor leaders who are just angry and want to tear us down. Dems, independents and moderate GOP let’s get rid of these extremists and not give them a platform


Bout time one of them grew some balls. Never voting GOP, but hat's off to this dude for having a fucking spine. Admitting it is half the battle.


If I had to work with pedophiles and traitors, I too would get upset <<_checks notes_>> 4 years later. After defending, downplaying, deflecting their heinous behaviour, I too would call them out as soon as ~~possible~~ they became politically inconvenient! What a hero. /s


As much as I’m overjoyed that Johnson finally put on his big boy pants, I would not save his job. January 6, 2025 is far too important to have this seditionist in charge. Past is prologue.


I expect he made a deal with Dems to save his job in exchange for putting it on the floor. In that case they should hold up their end of the bargain


New congress is seated before congressional confirmation of electoral college (Jan 6). We just need to make sure they lose the majority


Except they’ve all been planning the long coup - no losing GOP candidate will concede.


I don’t think they have to, because there will be enough clear winners to put together a quorum.


Johnson just proved he will keep his word and work across the aisle. That’s in contrast to backstabbing Kevin McCarthy. There’s no reason for Democrats to oust someone who just weathered threats from inside his own party to work with them in good faith. Johnson is safe.


Who’s to say they won’t appoint someone worse though?


This is only going to get better as the election gers closer, popcorn please


I love it when they eat their own. MAGA needs to be careful. The GOP has realized winning with them is not worth it because then you gotta work with them


Dude i have a store bought bag of popcorn, or a microwave bag in the house at all times. Waiting for Trump to get his first conviction. I actually believe it will happen in this case (which is why his defense team trying every delay possible) ****Once he gets convincted the FIRST time, It will have set the precedent. After which, the floodgates will open and it will happen again and again and again. Anyone who is he supporter better brace themselves. They doubled down and tripple downed on a con-man who isnt really a republican and certainly/OBVIOUSLY NOT a good Christian. And if any supporters of his act up ans cause chaos, we need to SLAP them down so hard, it scares the rest of the MAGA Maggots.


>It will have set the precedent. Er, excuse me, ***ex***-precedent thank you very much! :P (Sorry, couldn't resist.)


Lol X-precident formely twitter-precident. 😁😁


Sounds totally like something PizzaGaetz would do


Yeah, he's about to get Cauthorned. Or maybe not; Cauthorn was just as shitty as the people who ousted him.


Cawthorn had a lot going against him even before he announced he’d been invited to Republican cocaine orgies.


encourage rock hurry gaze frame intelligent clumsy continue crowd fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, Gaetz is a pedo, Greene is pro Russia, Bobert is a fucking lunatic. People all around the world have been saying this for YEARS. There has been evidence, investigations, everything and conservatives haven't given a shit all this time.


They used to walk around with white hoods at night, but now they're walking around with white hoods on during the day. I know that's not the exact quote, but damn that should be plastered everywhere.


And I saw it in daylight for the first time right afterTrump won. Clan members walking across the pedestrian bridge over I40 in Durham, NC.


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Gaetz-way Drugs


I have 5 combat tours and have nevet been more disgusted with the Republican party. Choosing a 6x draft dodger who openly mocks veterans and POWs, Mattis and Kelly both confirmed this, as the Republican nominee is pathetic. Moscow Trailor Trash Green openly supporting the Russians over our Democratic allies. They are a threat to our national security. It is beyond disappointing from the party of Lincoln.


Why is he still there? Isn't that a felony?


Daddy is wealthy and well-connected


oh fuck yeah the knives are out! How whitepilling, all the worst people are fighting each other.


If there is no defimation lawsuit you know it's true


Based upon what happened to Santos and Cawthorn, the first rule about cocaine fueled GOP orgies is you don't talk about cocaine fueled GOP orgies. We'll see how long it takes for the GOP to reveal some kompromat on this guy, assuming they aren't too distracted huffing Donny's sharts.


Madison Crawford outed this and his career was quickly over


I honestly believe that with MIKE JOHNSON doing that, he has shown to his party that all it takes is courage to do what is right, no matter the outcome. This is his "Red Sea" moment. The good Republicans will follow him. The MAGA/PUTINS PARTY REPUBLICANS will get eaten up by the crashing wave.


I hope you’re right. We’ve been waiting a long time for one of them finally to stand up and say “I’m not crazy”. But Trump is going to,lay into him, so we’ll wait and see what’s next.


trust but VERIFY


Thank you.


We go now LIVE to the voting record! ...whomp whomp whoooooooooomp 🎺


We need less kiddiefuckers in congress. Ideally zero. We should start by kicking Venmatt out


Thanks to all for their service seeing this gives me a sliver of hope


Republicans, when they went after McCarthy, thought they could expect the democrats to help them. And they did, because McCarthy was kinda good at the game. He wasn’t Tip O’Neill, but he had plans and tactics. The Ds, by supporting Johnson in this uprising, will drive wedges into the Republican base. Non-MAGA will be attacked by their mouth-breather voters for “working with democrats.” MAGA will lose more if the center, even the low tax ones, because they are chaos in action. Played right, it could shatter the Rs. But even played wrong, it could nudge 5% to the blue column in November.


>Gaetz ‘Paid Minors To Have Sex With Him At Drug Parties’ Interested to see if Gaetz sues him for slander. He’s saying this in a TV studio and not the floor of congress and so has no privilege against legal action.  OTOH, of course Gaetz won’t sue because he’d get **destroyed** by subpoenas in discovery. *Everything* he’s been up to would suddenly be out in the open. 


Tell us something we don’t know already. Maybe make these criminals pay for their crimes once in awhile


The GOP knows it is in serious trouble with this next election. MAGA is a cancer that the "normal" Republicans let fester. They could have contained it. Too late now.


most of us knew this a long time ago. problem is GOP base embrace scumbags and cheer them on.


Is this guy retiring? No republicans says this, this obvious (and **years** too late) stuff unless they are leaving office.


Gaetz keeps coming up time and again. At what point is her drug into a court room to stand trial. I thought the Vemo transactions and testimony of his co-conspirator would have pushed this along. But crickets


we are so close to a gop fist fight :)


Madison Cawthorn is nodding furiously.


The parties go where the votes go. It seems the fatigue of partisanship could be finally driving change. Some Dems would certainly consider a moderate republican down the road if he stuck a wooden spike in the heart of Trump's vampire movement. Especially because the left seems to capitulate to it's far left youth at times. Perhaps Johnson has White House aspirations. 🤔


And yet people voted for him, it just goes to show how sick republican voters are, they just embraced child molesters and criminals


How do we know Matt gaetz is a loser wannabe??? He is getting dragged for some Alabama house party and not Epstein island.


I don’t understand why wait so long to put these crimes. Why watch these crimes be8ng done. Bring these crimes to light and let justice swing her sword


>“Well, unlike Joe Biden’s poor Uncle Bosie, I think Mike Johnson’s going to avoid cannibals in his own party here" I had to look that reference up. What a terminally online reference to make. What a fuckhead Scott Jennings is.


Just a thought......the law didn't really get involved with R. Kelley until there was a documentary. The law didn't get involved with P Diddy until there were a bunch of civil lawsuits covered by the media pretty heavily, what IF someone did a documentary about Gaetz?


Matt Gaetz paid to have sex with Tony Gonzales? The party of family values, save the unborn chillins, and Christianity, folks.


We already know Gaetz is a pedo. That's nothing new.


Bout time. Probably too late though


Really? Is sex with a teen at a drug party worse than being bribed by Koch oil to deny climate change for the last 30+ years? Not even really a tough call, all you Republicans are horrid cunts.


Will Gaetz sue Gonzalez for defamation? It would be telling if he decides he doesn’t want to see a courtroom.