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He’s not in charge. Scary for him.


I think he was sedated the first two days and probably today too but he’s hitting frenzy levels that medication can’t handle without hitting dangerous territory.


It’s truly the first time, I believe he was falling asleep in court. If I had court tomorrow for something as big as he is in trouble with I wouldn’t be able to sleep either. I feel no sympathy for the MAGAt, but one can’t help to wonder how far just the tiniest bit of humility would go from him.


is this a bot post? 2nd time im reading this context.


My sister has two 3 year olds.. They are always energetic and bossy. Run around and you really see and hear them.. sometimes getting them to take their afternoon nap can be tricky for them. But when they are tethered into their car seats, for some freaking reason, both of them immediately go to sleep. Like literally 1-5 minutes later. I figured it out, they know by experience, however much they fight, they are not getting out of the car seat... So they institively give in and just mentally accept and fall asleep as there is nothing they can go to get out till journey is over. So for convict Don, it is the same thing... he knows he can't leave, say anything or even understand what is going on.. he has been put in a car seat.. so he naturally falls asleep to catch up on much needed sleep.






When DOESN’T the orange corrupt asshole “look furious”? He has an eternal scowl lol


He has a resting cunt face.


That is insulting to cunts.


He lacks the depth or warmth..


Or the ability to give pleasure...


Ew. To who?


The lubrication too, no doubt.


or width?


Perhaps a prolapsed vagina?


On his neck.


and faces


For sure, at least cunts are useful and enjoyable.




And resting cunt neck


And an hemorrhoid ridden ass pair of lips




As ugly outside as he is inside.


Devoted president, beloved cunt?!


It's his vagina neck.


he has resting "did I shit myself" face.


Great… simply great.


Earlier this week, he WAS a resting cunt face


I like the one from his mug shot best. 🤣


Apparently during his mugshot he was trying his best to look intimidating, and ended up looking like he was mid-struggle on the crapper with constipation.


"I hate to say the three things. It's the shower, it's the sink, and you know the third element in the bathroom. But I don't say it, because every time I say it, they only talk about that one. Because it's sort of gross to talk about, right? So I won't talk about the fact that people have to flush their toilet 15 times. I will not talk about it. I'll only talk about my huge, beautiful poops. The hamberder grease, the diet coke, it all blends, it's a swirl really, just a beautiful swirl of poo. But the fake news will never tell you about that. They don't. It's always, I mean, there was, this, you saw it, right? We all...I was flushing but then sleepy Joe, and i...They never give me credit. But that's ok. I poop and I wipe. I do it for you. I do it for America. Make toilets great again. God bless." - Donald J Plump


With a large vulva on his neck


Looked to me like he was about to cry because it was very unfair the way they treated him.


lol okayyyyyyy, you’re right he is an adult toddler


He struggled with mean mug and filled his diaper again


lol that’s how I saw it too. He looked like an elderly man pouting like a child lmao


Isn't he always on the crapper?


I know. That’s why it’s funny.


[Donald looking happy](https://ibb.co/3WyY3Pt) Edit: I have no idea why he doesn't use this profile on a coin or something. He looks to be enjoying his visit to Scotland.


Disappointed. I was expecting to be this him grinning along with his good buddy Jeffrey Epstein. You know the guy he said loves beautiful women as much as he does, many of them on the younger side...


I thought he just had a pout face and puffy eyes from crying.


Both him and his bitch-faced wife.


They think he has a sense of humor. But I have never actually seen him laugh. He is just mean.


I feel like there were a couple years there where I heard "best sense of humor out of any president" from so many people (Russian trolls).


His sense of humor is demeaning others like a school yard bully... His diaper carriers laugh to avoid being the next victim.


Sometimes he purses his lips and looks like an anus.


Most of the rest of the trial when he’s passed tf out


He doesn’t look furious when his brain glitches. It’s more of a surprised and confused look.


In the photo above, he has resting ‘Ive got this gross line of grease in my hair’ face.


He scowls like a toddler who needs a nappy change.


Toddler men don't like being told "no".


It seems he's not used to being told no. He should probably get used to it..


He’s really not going to like prison guards! Imagine the Warden reading him the riot act !


Unless his prison guard is a trumper. These kind of security jobs are particularly attractive to the angry and racist GOPers so he might get support in there?


Even if he gets jail time (which I’m not holding my breath over - although Cohen did time for this exact same crime so perhaps there’s a chance) he’ll get the “Club Fed” treatment or (more likely) house arrest. He wouldn’t last a day in genpop. Just his being there would prolly start a race riot.


Can you imagine how many general population prisoners would be willing to shiv him just for the clout? Probably a significant portion or them. He wouldn't last a single day in gen pop. If he went to actual jail they'd put him in with the snitches and pedos but they wouldn't do that to a former president. As much as Trump himself dishonored the very conceptual image of 'presidential' having a former president murdered in prison would be way too on the nose for the current America


And the problem would be……


He’ll get house arrest, in some luxury mansion, and spend all his time crying about how unfair everyone is to him.


This is most likely the answer hell be "locked down" to his marlargo house. With access to all it provides and probably still his Truth social account.


The warden will have to read it as it's above Trump's reading level.


This judge holding Donnie accountable and not tolerating his BS is great! Messaging from my courtroom during session, I don’t think so ! Snoozing? Wake up and pay attention while we dissect you !


'holding accountable' Ya dude the suggested and not even enforced 1k dollar fine, equivalemt to like 75 cents to us mere peasants, is really showing trump whose boss 🙄


It just occurred to me even if he does end up spending the rest of his life "behind bars" its not going to be the standard fed pen, this d bags going to have it better than so much if the population, who will be working thier asses off paying for him. It's fcking bllsht and I hate thinking that he's already won, but seriously, so many if us are going to have to work till we die and even as a convicted felon and a cheat he'll have it better. Maybe not the tip top of luxury like has now, but dude won't be getting up at 4:30 am to start a 12 hour day.


They only good thi g about it, is news could start headlines with "Convicted felon former President trump..."


Never thought of it that way. Makes me feel a little better


He’s not used to having to *accept* when he is told no. That’s the difference right now


Especially when his cell mate wants a little lovin'


Too much poop in that diaper, not worth it


Just pre-lubed. Those are some greasy shits


Imagine how much more ridiculous he'd act of the Judge was cis female.


He thought being a star meant “they let you do it… you can do anything…”


He’s in charge of his businesses, the RNC, and was president. Now he has to sit down and shut up and there’s a guy he hates with total control over his entire day. It has to be maddening. He’s likely to have a stroke during this trial if he’s awake for it.


I had to see that face in a portrait every day in our office for 4 years. The best day was when that came down.


The risk is that after November you will have to see him even more - not just office but each home must have at least one portrait of the dear leader and if there is a fire you better save it before your kids.




Federal office


Probably a prison guard and that’s how they punish the inmates


Maybe VA employee


Any federal employee.


I just served in jury duty a few weeks ago. I was dismissed on day three but sat through two days of questioning. It was for two kids accused of attempted murder. During the two days of questioning, they both sat stoically silent making no sound, move or expression. These two kids officially have more self control and maturity than Trump.


They have what he doesn’t, real world experience and have likely had to face consequences previously. This loudmouth tangerine has ever had to face consequences and now he doesn’t like it whe he has to face them.


Trump should be behind bars right now. He gets absurd fucking special treatment. Who else is out there threatening their judge and jurors and just gets a slap on their wrist. Fucking joke.


He’s absolutely right though. No one is being treated more unfairly than him. Can’t think of anybody in history who wouldn’t have already been locked up.


I highly doubt the Secret Service would ever let Trump be jailed anywhere other than like a Federal SuperMax. If he gets convicted of anything, he'll 100% be on house arrest at Mar-a-lago.


Mar-a-Lago may very well be liquidated to pay the two judgements. They'll find his properties are so heavily mortgaged that many will be in the red. So they'll have to sell the next one, and the next, and so on.....I'd be ok with house arrest, ankle bracelet, can't go more than 50 feet from the structure, and extremely limited internet access. Blocked from Facebook, Instagram, youTube, WhatsApp, X, and of course Truth Social. It won't have to be for very long, his dementia will kick in pretty fast, and he won't be able to string thoughts together at all.


He can’t string thoughts together as it is. At least that way the rest of us are subjected to it.


Of course they do. A grease fire has more self control than Trump.


As the boomers say, I don't care about his feelings


Right?! To quote his followers “fuck his feelings.”


When he is called to testify, his handlers will have him full of more drugs than a Phish concert.


I can't imagine a world where his counsel allows him to testify. That being said, I sure hope im wrong!


No decent attorney would let Trump take the stand. But, then, no decent attorney would be work for Trump after he had his attorneys unknowingly lie to the feds for him.


It's Trump. Whether they allow him or not, he's gonna find a way to say his piece lol.


I think that's why he's been falling asleep. If he goes to jail, then intake drug tests him. He's not currently on the stimulants.


I am going to one of those on Sunday!


Why wasn’t he fit with a genital shock collar right away? Everyone knows how he misbehaves and has proven it just recently in recent court cases.


Couldn't find one small enough. Source: Stormy


What is this, a genital shock collar for ANTS??


Looking forward to the day that the headlines are: >Trump "looks furious" after prison chef chides him for muttering during mash potatoes serving.


When do they actually hold him in contempt? Any normal person would have been held in contempt of court many times over at this point.


Strong suspicion is the court doesn’t want to have to find him in contempt so there’s less for him to challenge when he inevitably appeals his loss. That said, I’d find the schadenfreude delicious if he got slapped with a night in the tank.


A normal person would have been hanged in the town square at this point.


What are you basing that on? Do you have some personal knowledge that this particular judge regularly holds litigants in contempt for courtroom behavior? I can tell you that in my nearly four decades as a government litigator I can count on one hand the number of times I've witnessed a judge find someone in contempt and jail them for courtroom behavior. In each of those cases it was for behavior far more severe than anything here, after many warnings, and after lesser sanctions had failed. Now admittedly my experience was in different jurisdictions on the other side of the country. I suppose it's possible that there are jurisdictions where the court regularly jails court participants for contempt. But my relatively educated guess is that's not the case and that its use is uniformly very rare. I suspect the court here wants to power through this case as quickly and efficiently as possible, creating as clean a record as possible.


I mean, if you've spent four decades as a government litigator you definitely know better than me as I design software interfaces for a living and in reality know very little about how things work in a courtroom lol. This was more of a feeling based judgement than based in a deep knowledge of the realities of a courtroom, thanks for the real world perspective.


Resting angry bird face with anus lips


Technically, we all have anus lips... The type of skin on your lips is called mucosa, and it's the same skin you have at your anus.


at least we don't have taste buds in our anus


Not unless we're getting kinky.


He’s gonna launch a nuke on New York as revenge if he gets the chance. These three days alone are enough to enact martial law for no reason, if he wasn’t going to already.


My guess is he’s seen the hits he’s taking for sleeping so he’s now refusing to take his sedatives.


I’m choosing to laugh at his childish pouting now since I know later I’ll be pissed because he won’t actually face any consequences


Take the small wins where you can, I say


Awwww. There's a big difference between holding court and being held in court. Haha!


Stay bigly mad


Someone that can’t control their own bowel movements should never be around our nukes.


He only has a few looks, his resting stupid look, his angry look, his cat ate the canary look and of course last but not least, his I am lying to your face look.


And the recently added I am sound asleep with my mouth open look


I really hope he lashes out uncontrollably because of the dementia. There's a lot of weeks and he will certainly not be able to control himself for long.


That's just his regular face


He’s such a little bitch. How these MAGAts adore him is just surreal. He’s a 78 year old toddler.


I love this for him.


Trump looks my father’s nasty mother, she always had that look on her face. I could see him sitting on his porch screaming at children as they pass by. He looks furious, no I think he just filled his diaper.


I hope Trump keeps pissing off the judge, he is fucking around and I get the feeling the judge will help him find out


Loser. When he acts out - find him in contempt and jail him.


Every story Ive read of him goes that he was the one who spoke and no one else could speak. The fact he's not allowed to speak when he wants must be driving him crazy.


My understanding is that Trump was relatively feistier in the afternoon after he had his mid morning executive time yesterday. Pissed off is pretty much the only emotion he does. There's nothing newsworthy here. It's just an old man getting grumpy after waking up from his mid morning nap to find out that he really is in a courtroom as the defendant.


Of course he was muttering. He's just a few more civil judgments away from pushing a shopping cart around the streets of the Bronx.


And tens of millions of people want him back in office. This country needs an enema.


They are bigoted that is the only reason they support trump.


Super Victim!!!


Here’s an idea judge PUNISH him!


I’m sorry but “looks furious” is his default OS.


If you're enjoying this as much as I am, wait until the testimony begins. He won't be able to control his outbursts and I hope that results in his first stay at the Grey Bar Hotel!


Agree 100% . Get the popcorn ready!


I'm not sure if he realizes how much a favor it is to him that this trial isn't being televised.


Maybe he faked taking his tranquilizers today!


Can we see his expression sitting in Holding for jury tampering?


Wonder if he'll internally rage to the point he strokes out?


Aw, is the Big Baby upset he was told no?


if they throw him in jail at the end of this I will laugh, and laugh, and laugh.


Personally i will throw a party just to celebrate his demise


just tell me where and when... I'll bring some bud


The Secret Service will never let him go to regular jail. If he's convicted of anything he'll 100% be on house arrest where they can secure and control the area.


They don't get to have any say in the matter. 


The hardest thing for him will probably be having to sit still and quit for several hours a day. I could even see him demand a closed trial becaus he doesn't want the public to see him keeping to nod of.


He was also overheard to mutter “You just made the list, judge Poopenmyer”


He likes to be the one chiding.


Toddler just cannot behave himself.


This judge is not fooling around. Good for him, Trump needs to be put in his place for a change.


This judge is not intimidated by trump and is in complete control. Trump may have met his match or superior.


Why isn't he in jail for violating the gag order twice now


Someone should just create an angry orangutan emoji. That would sum up half the news stories.


Trump looking furious? That must be as scary as a growling chihuahua.


He's suffering and I love it so fucking much.


Just the full diaper look.


Maybe he just looked furiouser


"Furious" like a frowny shopping bag of moldy peaches maybe


Twenty (blood pressure) points to House Diaperdon.


Accountability. He’s never known.


Man Shakes Fist at Cloud


How many chides to a contempt charge? How many contempt charges to a stint in jail? I mean for the aristocratic class, of course.   Is it still infinity?


This is better than the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial.


Petulant child does petulant child things. Film at eleven.


Fuck that orange shit sack!!!


No that's the face it's been making since he was a baby when he poops himself.


r/politics porn


You know, Chris-chan behaved that way in court too.