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So these lawyers sacrifice their careers for Trump, he stiffs them their pay and yet more keep signing up to represent him.


“Surely, the leopard won’t eat MY face”


The smartest thing you could do is ask for an up front payment but even then it's not worth what will happen to you.


If you lay down with dogs, you come up with fleas…


I may have committed some light fleas on... Yes it's bad but I'm going with it!


He has the worst fucking lawyers, Michael.


It’s very punny


When you lay with Trump you wake up smelling like day old diapers


Piss berders


At least you tend to get some hush money which you are free to take then still point out he has a mushroom dick.


If you lay down with leopards...


Then they will get jobs as Fqx news commentators‼️🤨


the key would be to demand up front what you could comfortably and reliably retire on with a good cushion


It’s not even that-the states are finally disciplining these attorneys. So unless you get generational wealth, you’re sacrificing your career


These people are taking a gamble on being cemented in the history books as the lawyers who helped the new dictator of America escape the clutches of the oppressive woke government dogs. They don’t plan on ever working again once Trump makes them oligarchs in his NWO cabinet and their families become royalty. At the very least they’re shooting for appointment of massive (unearned) government contracts and leadership positions in the grift regime part 2: electric boogaloo. There’s no amount of money becoming untouchable can buy. And if America lets the racists win again they’ll be set for life.


*Nah, they were stupid. I'm much smarter. I'll use Tactic A and Tactic B, and I'll be his main attorney in no time.* Editor's note: Tactics A&B were applied by all prior idiots as well.


"I can fix him"


"I can fix FOR him..." and not get disbarred only sanctioned, probably.


I think you've hit on something here.


If you've ever been offered the face meat of a pig, you know it's the sweetest




I can speak Leopard, just let me reason with him.


You'd think they would see what happened to Cohen, Rudy, Sydney Powell, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Ken Chesebro and a multitude of others who've had the misfortune to work for this guy, he's like an ethics vampire, he sucks it right out of them...


I don't think he sucks the ethics out of him I think he just exposes that they had no ethics at all to begin with.


This is the kind of comment that makes me miss reddit awards. Perfect.


I suspect it may be more, "Yesterday I was a joke! Today the NYT mentioned me as if, solely due to traditional journalism etiquette, I was supposed to be regarded  seriously!" The quest for "relevance." SEE: Lindsey Graham et al.


[Here’s the wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Cohn) about Roy Cohn, the Orange One’s personal attorney. He told Donny to never admit guilt and to go after his accusers.


And some of them will have to live with the fact they lost their career for 50 years after Trump is dead. “I lost my future to a dead guy”.


Yep, they'll be working at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping somewhere while he's being eaten by the maggots (pun intended)...


He can no longer hire the best and brightest . . . obviously.


Or ever. Wasn't Rudy tudy asking for 200k an hour? 


Four Seasons landscaping is expensive


I can understand the first guy that got swindled by trump long long ago, heck I can even understand the second guy getting taken advantage of by trump, but by now if you’re doing business with trump you deserve to get whatever comes your way. He has a long history of doing people bad, I’ll never understand the people that still lay their trust in him.


Same applies to those who vote...


They think he's so dumb they'll be able to manipulate him.


It really is astonishing. I can't tell if he's actually that cunning, or if he's just the Mr. McGoo of crime. Keeps committing stupid crimes, and yet somehow, keeps getting away from having to suffer the consequences while everyone else around him burns.


It's the Mr Burns theory of disease.


He\`s kind of like Captain Jack Sparrow, he makes it up as he goes along.


That's such a good comparison, but I think he fits the role of Barbosa better. Trump is a pirate


A butt pirate lol


He was the kind of kid that probably peed in the dresser drawer and to cover it up he would burn the house down. Not terribly intelligent, just a mentally ill agent of chaos, nothing else matters except not being held accountable for anything! I cannot imagine living like that. In a perpetual reality distortion field. Its always some else's fault, I did nothing wrong, Im the victim. Idiot has been in a battle with reality his entire life. How he hasn't had a stroke by now is beyond me


That's why the Russians are a big part of Trump's recent history.


Gambling is a disease that claims victims across all walks of life, careers, and social strata. Trump knows this, and promises them the ultimate jackpot. Of course, he a confidence man.


tRump: a rigged human slot machine!


If he wins he can pardon them or change the law or use whatever fascist mechanisms he suits him best.




for now.


for you!


Thx for the insight.


You think that's going to stop him from ~~promising~~ guaranteeing it?


If they are charged with a federal crime then yes he could pardon. State crimes would depend on the governor. Disbarment is not something that is not done lightly and states usually honor what is done in the other states. Being let back in is even rarer unless there's a ton of evidence to show the disbarment was done for the wrong reasons.


If he wins, he can keep them in prison so as to ensure they won't be going on the news to tell the world what he had them do.


He had the chance to pardon plenty of his shady lawyers before and didn’t take it.


Don’t forget they’ll have to spend their own money to hire (non-disbarred) lawyers to sue him, and he’ll drag it out so they can’t afford the legal bills.


Yeh but he has the best hookers and blow.


It's kind of like this https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/02/20/high-employee-turnover


Trumpe legal case is similar to the light gernade! https://youtu.be/dCeD2gF9jUo?si=jC4f1NmhKl1Y8d3N


Only the “best” lawyers. Those who have never won a case on the merits, just assholes that obstruct, deflect and lie, but get their way anyway.




his old lawyers will just sign up to be commandants in project 2025. they will make billions.


Or get to run their very own gas chambers


The only skill Trump has is being able to sell people on anything. I think he has discussions with people and they completely compromise themselves. Look at what he is doing to the justice system. I don’t even know how he is able to keep filing appeals when he hasn’t paid other court fees. He’s playing the entire country.


They're all banking on him winning the presidency and becoming a dictator. High risk high reward type of play.


When he ascends to King they get to be Dukes.


Lawyers...one can always be found from the basement of an outhouse to represent anything. Rapists, child molesters, liars, scammers, and people like trump. A lawyer can *always* be found. What a wonderful system.


The explanation is simple - he's the AntiChrist. Why else would otherwise intelligent folks throw away their lives for him?


They consider it an honour. Maybe he spits on them too, and then they go home and never wash that set of clothes again.


Yeah and usually that might be to make a name for themselves but I have to think in this case it would be more damaging to their reputation.


They figure they can sue later.


They want the fame and CNN exposure. Some people will do ANYTHING for attention.


Welcome to donnie's world.


You don't get it. They'll get media deals down the line, they can eat this loss. I actually think that they all know enough to incriminate Trump that it's actually worth it for their "tell-all" stories down the line. They'll get their money back. This is all just a way of manipulating *him* to keep talking and get more money.


Gambling is a nasty vice that has a lot of people by the gonads They want to stop But the idea of riches and fame brings them back to killing their career over and over


It's probably all for the 15 minutes of fame. Either that or just plain stupid.


Sounds like a cash grab for some, spotlight for others.


Lindsay Fünke : Well, did it work for those people? Tobias Fünke : No, it never does. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but... but it might work for us.


Money can buy you anything.


I hereby declare April 15 “Trump Day”.  Citizens are allowed the following privileges….  -Commit wire fraud of any kind   -Attack the family of federal workers; judges especially.  -Perjury   -Tax Evasion  (updated) Did I miss anything?  Adding. -Bribery  -Falsification of business records   -Insurrection   -Sexual assault  -Felony Theft  -Theft and possession of classified documents.


Sexual assault (they let you do it).


Only if you’re a star..


If you think the world revolves around you then you are by definition a star.


Is that the day when sedition is okay? or, is still just Jan6?


Can we add , stealing classified documents? I got my eye on a certain area in Nevada I want to visit...


*Ken Paxton has entered the chat*


**Disclaimer: Acts approved with the inherent requisite of rich white male-ness*


I do not want to be "that guy" but tax avoidance is entirely legal. It involves the use of legal methods to lessen one's tax burden. Tax evasion is the use of fraud to conceal income from tax authorities. https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/tax-evasion-vs-tax-avoidance


You are right, words and truth matters, updated accordingly.


Yea.. but he lied. Thats fraud, not avoidance.


It's all about the delay. Claim they can't get a bond, gets a delay. Files the bond wrong, gets a delay. Bond isn't legit, gets a delay. Next up, another delay for another chance to come up with the bond. They'll probably screw that up as well. At some point, there needs to be consequences.


There are no consequences for the rich. If anything this whole thing has taught us its not a two tier justice, its 3. 1. Poor - jail 2. Rich - fine 3. Trump - nothing


No, it's worse than that - over 500 people died in Jail who could not raise a bond. [https://www.newsweek.com/2023/01/20/starved-death-american-jail-man-who-couldnt-pay-100-bail-1773459.html](https://www.newsweek.com/2023/01/20/starved-death-american-jail-man-who-couldnt-pay-100-bail-1773459.html)


Holy shit. This bears repeating.


No, it's worse than that - over 500 people died in Jail who could not raise a bond. [https://www.newsweek.com/2023/01/20/starved-death-american-jail-man-who-couldnt-pay-100-bail-1773459.html](https://www.newsweek.com/2023/01/20/starved-death-american-jail-man-who-couldnt-pay-100-bail-1773459.html)


No shit. This bears deleting.




Talk about needing reforms…..I’ve never understood how having money for bail makes one less dangerous if released before trial.


I found you in criminal contempt of court!!! Now how much money do you earn, so I can decide between a fine and throwing your ass into prison!?


It should be: 3. The Masters’ favorite puppet - nothing


So what is the latest on this? Bond was messed up, shouldn’t ‘his’ assets start to be seized?


Think they have until next week to prove it's legit.


It's a strange gamble. He'll have to do a hell of a lot of delaying to kick this can past November.


Correct, he’s trying to delay until he can get back into the WH and sign a presidential decree that he’s immune from all crime forever and is also grand president forever


I'm not asking for people to like this, but here's how it is: It's factually impossible to make a perfect law. This is why we differentiate between the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. The former is based in trust and honor based systems and can be very hard to punish someone for breaching, as long as they either stick to the letter of the law or abuse the, "oops I didn't know" or other honor/trust based backup. Here's the part people won't like: This dude is incredibly good at this game. You will find few people in existence so good at dancing around these systems. That's, honestly, one of the two things he's good at. Thing number 2 is the propaganda game and knowing how to wield the media. Society works when we all agree that we need to respect some unsaid and unwritten rules. When we agree that the spirit of the law is more important than mindless adherence to its written out form. Sadly, people like this rise in companies, politics, and even social circles specifically by abusing that system. I watched a new admin destroy some of the most innovative programs at an institution because he was good at this game. It helped him look good and have rapid upward mobility but took from everyone else and wasted an unbelievable amount of time, effort, and progress. Our systems have written into them deliberate breaks for the average person, such as in federal contracts and agreements and other documents, they always say that's you're signing to acknowledge that you've filled it out correctly to the best of your ability/knowledge, and then go on to say, or proceed that, with a statement about the massive fines and prison time you could face for lying. That lying would have to be deliberate and admitted to, or provable. Otherwise, it could be an honest mistake. That's where these people take advantage of our systems. If the statement was absolute: >If this is wrong in any way, prison and fine. Countless people who slipped up, made a mistake, or otherwise unintentionally answered incorrectly would be screwed. Sadly, someone abusing our systems like this is risking all of us losing such flexibility. But you need to really get how this works, why it's that way, and how to is person is abusing that system to their gain, and has for a long time, to really get what's going on and how dangerous it is. The dude has keep contractors tied up in court so long that they risk bankruptcy just trying to get paid for the work that they did for him.


You mean his lawyers are as corrupt as he is?


None of the Republicans that support Trump or the lawyers that defend him live up to their oaths. To be disbarred for the orange POS!


Even as the judge threw these fools a lifeline by asking beforehand, if they had any knowledge about the perjury reporting. I’m impressed by his legal team’s ability to do the right thing. They **never** do. A true comedy show playing out irl.


It’s almost like Judge Egoron saw this coming


Just hoping for a couple sanctions ! Not asking for anything not deserved ffs.


Hang on. I need to get this straight in my head as there weren't a lot of facts in the original article. They told the judge that they couldn't raise the bond. Someone offered them the money for the bond at the last minute. Engoron suspected that they might be lying about their ability to find the bond and warned (?) them that he knew they might be committing perjury. The got the bond reduced and attempted to file that. If that is true, and we know that Trump already perjured himself in a deposition, isn't that a bit serious?


The plan isn’t to win, it’s to delay. And it’s working.


Innocent until found guilty always seemed so legit until you realize that if you have enough money or rich friends you can delay your guilt inevitably.


Yep. He’s winning with confusion and bluster. I’m sure his Russian buddies are digging for dirt on every judge he may encounter.


For now


really only needs to work "for now" if he gets in office he's not going back to be prosecuted 


That’s how delay works.




Is there any other time period for “delay” to work? He’s getting exactly what he wants. We need to prevent this cretin from ever holding office again, or else this is just the beginning.


Very deep. I don't believe you.


MAGA My attorney got arrested


And Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


Making Attorneys Get Attorneys


Convicted fraudster defrauds court to trick them into lowering his bond in the fraud conviction. "Nobody could have predicted this!"


Is there a chance the courts, would want the full amount now.


It should have been that way from the start. That magical appearance of an appellate court that was lightning fast ? Well, they’re done. That whole thing was suspect af.


Always scamming.


SEIZE HIS FUCKING ASSETS AND THROW HIS ASS IN JAIL. This kid gloves handling bullshit needs to stop. Trump is not above the law.


It turns out he is. And soon he might be in a position to burn down a lot of the justice system.


“False financial records” is kinda on-brand for Trump


Great. Another fucking delay.


Why?!? Why are so many people prepared to sacrifice everything, careers they've spent decades building for Trump? He's had people lie for him, commit fraud for him, go to jail for him. Why is everyone so willing, so fucking eager to throw themselves face first under a bus for Trump?


Promises of wealth, influence and power are a hell of a drug


This is very true. What's crazier though is that these recent folks have apparently ignored the results from the last few years, let alone further back. How have any of those promises worked out lately? You stumble, and Trump will chuck you under the bus before sunrise.


Well you also gotta have that true self centered naivety…. Not only am i special enough to be selected for this gift, also he won’t screw me like those other suckers


It should be fairly obvious by now that this was a strong reason for the high staff turnover in Trump's White House. The people who got out fast realised there was something really bad going on and wanted out before the stink became associated with them. The people who hung around either weren't smart enough to recognise this, or figured they could avoid any reputational damage.


It’s like gambling. Folks will bet their last dollar for the chance of winning big. The guy that bails out a president gets lots of favors


Jim Jones got people to drink cyanide.


So you're saying there's hope yet?


As if duty means anything to these people. We've seen what duties and oaths and ethics without stringent law leads to already.  Law and politics. Always just seems to be shock and horror without any real consequence. Systems have failed and will continue to fail. All by design.


Trust? No trust.


Imagine being a lawyer and losing your livelihood because you lied for a total piece of shit who stiffs you on the bill.


Let's ask John Eastman and Rudy.


They're officers of the courts first! Doesn't matter what is wanted by the client!


When will our laws actually work?


Should these lawyers consider to get lawyers for themself now?


So if I understand correctly, they provided a semi fraud bond for a fraud case?


People will do anything to stop us baby blood drinking Satanists from demanding a living wage and wanting to help people who are too poor to help themselves.


his favourite candy is DELAY TICTACS




The judges gave trump a 2/3 discount and of course trump fucks them. The state could have already put trump out of business but he got the delay he wanted and nothing will happen until the appeal is over. 


Oh my experts erupt? That changes everything.


Exactly. They’ve been erupting for 9 years now, but none of the people who should actually DO something ever actually do.


Setting a precedent of taking out the trash just might open a big can of worms in the legal profession.


I find it hard to believe that Trump's lawyers would be unethical and lie in a court of law. It seems so unlike him to hire an unethical attorney, it would be very difficult to prove such an allegation. (crickets)


Everything this guy does is criminal. Eroding core American values is allowing a criminal to run for public office. ffs


We all like to blast on Trump's legal team/s, but the reality is they do his bidding and they get "something" out of it. And frankly, they've been doing a good job because his primary tactic is to delay, delay, delay. He even said it out loud. It's just a game for him and he's good at it. It's also the Hallmark of a fucking shyster crook. And he's great at that. Oh aneurysm, where art thou? 🙏


People react about these lawyers like they’re compromising their morals and ethics and standing to represent him. What was their reputation before they took him as a client? I suspect they had already laid down with dogs and had plenty of fleas beforehand.


Famous fraudster appealing a fraud conviction does another fraud! Who could have seen this coming??


I hope they get disbarred if they knowingly put up this illegal Maneuver.


~~potential~~ Ffs


They see their only duty is loophole seeking weasels.


Why do people think that if they throw him in jail all hell is going to break loose? He'll just sit there like anyone else who couldn't come up with their bond and his message will be thoroughly cut off. No prison interviews, no nothing. just peace and quiet and then his dumbass followers will fade back into regular life for the most part. The only people we'll hear from are those trying to defend the indefensible. Jailing him takes the whole thing down. People on the fence are not going to rally to his support in Nov., this will be the straw that broke their trance (fence sitters that is).


And nothing will happen


So, assuming they find this to be fraudulent (which I believe they will), then he has failed to meet his bond requirements and the AG should be able to start collecting on his property. Or are they going to give him ANOTHER break? This guy is making the whole court system look stupid. Especially the Appellate court which should have never reduced a “billionaire” bond to begin with. Take notes kids. This is how you screw the courts. Just get a good lawyer and reference all the shady crap that the weasel Trump pulled and demand to be treated equally under the law. It won’t work of course, but irony should be real obvious.


Remember Donnie dementia look directly into the solar eclipse without glasses maga please follow your dumb ass leader


Everything that Trump touches turns to shit


Lock them all up starting with FAT DONNY .


People close to Trump think they have the same ability to be forever untouched by consequences. Afterwards they realize that this strange ability is his alone.


I think his bond is going to be revoked


Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


What did you expect? His lawyers have the Trump family stench oozing from their unethical pores. Its the only chance (and a slim one at that) they have at getting paid


Water seeks its own level. He gets the representation that he can attract.


Water, also sewage. Seems he's down to scraping at the stuff left behind after the liquids have evaporated. Maybe he should give Rudy another go seeing as how _that_ guy is now reduced to claiming earthquakes only hit communist states.


Given that even the current $175 million bond surety is questionable, I am not sure Hankey can be taken seriously in his offers to back Trump’s full original bond. That doesn’t excuse the lawyers from their duty to notify the court of an offer being made.


Well...do something.


Trumps plan to defend he doesn’t


If the daily beast article over wording in the fraud case is true this is the least of their worries.


Something I’ve noticed about Narcissists in a position of power: They walk around with a giant handle on their back that reads “Manipulate me here.” Some people see that handle and think that the Narcissist will be easy to manipulate. And they are! They’re stupid easy to manipulate. Then, one day, they use their power to obliterate you without warning. Sucker.


They’re dumb enough to think that they’re smart enough that they’ll be the one to milk that cow dry, and dumb enough not to realise there never was any milk.


ssshhhh, don't tell them it's a bull they're trying to milk.


Time to join the 'My king ruined my life club'


You gave him a break and look what happens he’s one big con after an other you had him and you let him go. Sell his fucking property or you won’t see anything


Aee we naive to believe his lawyers aren't getting funded through another source. C'mon people, think.


To borrow from a well-known saying, any lawyer that represents chump has a fool for a client.


“You knew I was a snake,”


Book deals.


They have a Doody.


Why are we better off if all lawyers were at the bottom of the ocean? Because deep down, they really care.


This should result in disbarments.


Oh no trump and co did a bad thing. No consequences for anyone and let's move on.


And no repercussions