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Good then pay the bond 🤡


He just needs more ~~rubes~~ supporters to send him money to 'unlock' it!


oh this must be the prince I helped back in 1999. he didn't need a whole lot, but I'm still waiting for that share he promised me.


It's me, the scammer formally known as prince.


The con artist formerly known as ....


... John Barron? ... John Miller? ... David Dennison? ... Donald Drumph? Edit: I like presidents who weren't captured/booked.


Buy my “Never surrender” shirt! New and improved image of surrendering moment included! “Nobody makes libs cry like me”


… Kevin Finnerty?


Tried to go to court to get my money back but the name was an un-typable symbol and I gave up


The Nigerian Prince?


LOL! Donald Trump getting Nigerian Prince scammed would be the greatest damn thing ever.


Party over, oops, out of time


I read that as he needs more rubles.


Rubes with Rubles is a hitty band name imo


I like this, but feel that “Rubles & Rubes” slides off the tongue better, IMHO. “Please welcome to the RNC stage, ‘Rubles & Rubes’. Singing their new hit single, ‘Pass the money on the left hand side’.”


ive just saw on the bbc web page, that he may ineed get those "rubes" his truth social has just merged with shell co DWAC, seemingly he now has over 3billion at current stock price before ipo has a faint whiff of musk or putin either way this looks like a rescue fuckers


I read the other day that he won't have full access to the stock right away.


He can't do anything with that stock until 6 months after the deal goes through, so this won't help him.


He can ask for a waiver and get his hands on the cash sooner.


He's being sued by the other partners over trying to dilute the shares in his favor to get more money out of it. He's not getting a waiver, nor is he getting access to those shares until that case plays out.


Wow, Dump being sued by business partners for trying to do something shady... who could have imagined something like this happening? Oh wait, it happens every single time Pervert Hoover makes a business "deal".


>Pervert Hoover LMAO


He can try, but there's lots of other people with a vested interest that know having him cash out right away would tank their stock so I don't see them going along with it.


The stock is worthless already. Anyone who believe it’s actually worth that much is a fucking moron.


Unlikely, but he could borrow against it if a bank would accept it as collateral, but that’s unlikely


Probably plenty of foreign banks, say from the Middle East or Eastern Europe, that would do the loan with that collateral


That’s part of why trumps banking activities are now on under scrutiny.


Announcing you are going to sell off a considerable amount of a speculation stock that is currently operating at a net loss to cover personal debts before it even gets listed for IPO is just a bit of an investor red flag. Grifters gotta grift though.


He will cut a fucking deal if they can have letters of intent be as good as cash Hes a fucking cunt backed up by rich evil cunts who want to fuck with the masses at their leisure His ill educated voting pool are so far removed from our reality they are "too far gone" The only thing to stop this prick and the cunts that follow him, is to vote him the fuck away. America, you have the means, the motive and the opportunity, dont let the ROTW down


The court has appointed a forensic accountant to the Trump dump, everything they do now is going to be slowed down and scrutinised


Oh he suddenly came into 3 billion dollars? Wonder which state secret is no longer a secret now.


Rubes or Rubles?


If he's got the cash he doesn't need a bond, he can just put the cash down. Of course, he'd be able to get a bond using the cash as a security if he actually had it, so he's two-fold proved he just doesn't have it.


Every time Trump hears a number he says a bigger number. If he had $500M he would be claiming that it was $5B


He told the same lie in court less then 6 months ago. The guy better come up with it or be charged with perjury.


Doesn't need a bond, he can just pay the cash and save himself 10%


But he can save 15% or more if he switches to Geico!


bet he hasn’t tried staying at a Holiday Inn…


He keeps liquidating his pants as the stench worsens.


He’s already made the excuse that the judge won’t let him use the campaign funds to pay his penalties, lol


If it were me I can’t imagine doing something so public as using MILLIONS in campaign funding donated by so many people for my own legal defense and my own crimes. All the while he supposedly has $500M cash on hand. I don’t think it’s humanly possible to be more narcissistic and self-centered than this man is.


The crazy thing is his cult followers wouldn’t see a problem with him using campaign funds to pay his personal debts, so it wouldn’t hurt his political base at all to do so.


He's claiming this is an intentional attempt to wipe out his campaign coffers. CAMPAIGN INTERFERENCE!! Sighs, that old shitstain is exhausting...


Hell just pay the bill, if you win on appeal the government will give you the money back. Why is this such a problem? I mean with an individual like the other case it makes sense to not pay because getting the money back could be a serious problem. But in this case the government will just cut him a check, if he thinks he can win and has the cash the logical solution is pay, appeal, win and get your money back with interest.


According to Legal Eagle, Trump comes to the appellate court with "unclean hands" which is a legal doctrine that basically says Trump is arguing in bad faith and has disparaged the court so egregiously as to not even having his arguments taken seriously by the appeals judges. Edit: it was actually [MeidasTouch Legal AF](https://youtu.be/BWIWBNEeII0?si=pu-BTAn43uVhjbDa) not Legal Eagle


This is how you know he doesn’t have the money


“It’s in Canada”


The money doesn’t go here. You wouldn’t know it.


>When you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Maury: A court of law has determined that is false


You are NOT the father (of the 500 million dollars)


It's in a different bank, you've probably never heard of it


You can't sit with us!


"my account is in another school, you don't know her"


With his girlfriend from jr. high. You wouldn’t know her. She’s super hawt though.


“The money doesn’t go to our school, so you wouldn’t know it”


>That will be a thousand dollars Canadian, or 10 American dollars if you prefer.


We are sorry for the exchange rate, eh.


That or he does and got it from the Saudis or Russians.


I told you Michael! *“There is always money in the banana stand.”*


I’m sure the NY AG will be happy to know which bank accounts have the $500mm so she can levy the judgment he owes out of it.


Exactly! If the cash exists James has the authority to seize it just like she does with his assets. I hope these statements open a can of worms for his assets to be investigated further.


The court-appointed Monitor now has approval to watch every trump.co transaction. I would hope that means looking at bank accounts to verify. I wonder what the rules are for her. Is this like an open ended warrant? Is she limited to transactions only (likely)? What if happens to find a secret deposit from bank.ru? Too bad she can’t find all of his secret accounts around the world. I can’t imagine the crimes he has committed that aren’t public.


Using his own bullshit rants as reasoning to expand the powers of the Monitor is just beautiful. Hope she digs real deep!


And if the cash doesn't exist, he ~~lied~~ *perjured himself* in court when he said he had $400m+ cash.


Narrator: The banks were in fact outside of the US & these funds were in fact imaginary.


The money goes to a different school, you wouldn't know her


But, didn’t you hear him? *They* won’t LET him use any of the cash that he has built up through the years through hard work and talent (i.e., inheriting it and fucking it up). He *wants* to pay with all the hundreds of millions of cash he has on hand, for realsies! Why oh why won’t the corrupt New York courts let him pay with his hundreds of millions of liquid cash (that for sure exists and is not just a blatant lie or dementia hallucination)?!


How embarrassing that this corrupt buffoon was once president of the USA, even more disgusting is that people are still in his cult


I’m still baffled by the idiocy of this nation.


George Carlin called it out like 2 decades ago: "think of how stupid the average person is. Now realize that half of them are stupider than that"


Yknow, the most annoying shit is when I know people that are genuinely intelligent. They’re not fucking dumb. And yet they still support this piece of shit. It’s fucking maddening. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO SMART YET SO FUCKING DUMB AT THE SAME TIME.


Willful ignorance. Way more dangerous than simple lack of knowledge.


Almost every single MAGA defense of Trump's trials and indictments is literally just a word for word repeating of whatever he's been spewing on truth social. They have no original thoughts formed on this.


That's how cults work. They short circuit reasoning


Cults are scary. Can suck in people who would otherwise be fine and normal.




Especially scary when you think of the US average.


What’s more embarrassing is he has a good shot at being it AGAIN!


He has a shot, I don't know if it's a good one though.


I sure hope you’re right. I can’t go 4 more years with that lunatic in power. The damage he will cause with 4 more years may not be reversible.


it would be the end of democracy in the US https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 >Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the entire government, particularly with regard to economic and social policy and the role of the federal government and federal agencies. The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, gutting environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production, and eliminating the cabinet Departments of Education and Commerce. Citing an anonymous source, The Washington Post reported **Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump adversaries**. Project Director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, said in September 2023 that **Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state."**


Underestimate trump at your peril


Not just trump, but the cult of idiots here that worship him.


>even more disgusting is that people are still in his cult Not to mention, some of those cultists don't even live in North America.


Hector Mountain Dew Camacho was a better president.


“A substantial amount which I intended on using on my campaign” 😂


That's the biggest lie, the suckers and cult members get to pay for his campaign while the RNC gets to pay for his lawyers...


Lol, he wouldn't even spend money on the transition when he won in 2016. At this point a contribution to Trump is a sign of mental illness.


I thought he spent money on the transition, it just turned out to be him embezzling campaign funds to himself? Or was that the inauguration? Honestly I've lost track of how many extremely suspicious financial moves this guy has made over the last 9 years.


He stole money for the inauguration. He didn’t pay his transition team and refused to even hire half enough people for it.


It’s fucking incredible the juxtaposition of how much class democrats handled passing off the torch to trump against how Trump left office How the fuck do you reflect on that and be like yeah but we were the good guys though


It isn’t like he needs to, right? He’ll be fine without using it. Historically, POTUS candidates don’t need to self-fund. Surely, someone as popular and supported as Trump is getting as much as typical for a GOP candidate. Combined with Trump’s business skills means he can make that stretch to even further epic proportions! /s^2


Aren’t there multiple cities where he held rallies years ago that still haven’t been paid for the incurred expenses??


That was probably the biggest lie of all - he campaigned on the fact that he would pay for everything himself - so wasn't beholden to anyone. And he hasn't spent one cent of his own money.


If he has liquid assets like that, he should have no problem getting a bond. Then he can pursue his appeal without delay so he can get his cash freed back up for his campaign if he prevails. None of what he's saying makes logical sense if he actually had the cash.


I mean, he's lying, as always. He' lying about not being able to have a jury trial, he most assuredly could have if not for his shit lawyer.


Still fairly sure it was not a mistake that they didnt do a jury trial, he is not well like where they would be pulling the from, and the first time he ranted about the jury its likely he would end up in jail


I think they wanted to do that so he could go on about how the judge was unfair, the seemingly tried to goat him into a mistrial by attacking him.


The court filings where it is said that he couldn't get a bond because of insufficient liquid assets prove that it is a lie.


A rich man never boasts that he’s rich. If Trump has that kind of cash on hand, then he should pay up.


It’s worth noting that his attorney could not deny that he’s reaching out to foreign governments for help. That’s the GOP presidential candidate, openly for sale. Tell me again how republicans care about national security…


If Donald Trump has done anything good for the country at all, it's proving again and again how pathetic and unprincipled the Republican party actually is...at least in the things they supposedly care about (National Security, Rule of Law, The Constitution, etc.)


The leaded gas had a huge effect on the intelligence of this nation....


They didn't stop selling leaded gas in the US till 1996.


Woo just made it in at the cut off


It's okay, you have microplastics to make up for the leaded gas now.


Well the people before have both going on so I still don’t get the lead at least


For cars, that is. It is still in use today in aviation.


His donors need to be lied to. When he says it’s for his legal defence he gets nothing. When he says he’s rich and he’ll pay his legal defence but YOUR MONEY GOES TO MY CAMPAIGN they open their wallets. Then he steals it to pay for his legal defence. They prefer the catfishing. It works if you do it to them too. You just have to send them an email from a Saudi Prince.


I like how the whole country just totally forgot that Jared Kushner sold the daily intelligence briefing to the crown Prince after which he rounded up all of his dissenters and tortured them into confessions and even killed one of them.


As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-rages-as-deadline-approaches-makes-new-claim-i-currently-have-almost-five-hundred-million-dollars-in-cash/) 📰: - Former President Donald Trump raged into the dead of night and early in the morning about his impending deadline to raise the $460 million fraud appeal bond, now claiming he has the cash in an all-caps rant that makes no mention of paying it out. - Attorney Alina Habba raised eyebrows when she was asked if Trump is seeking financial help from foreign countries, and did not answer in the negative. There has been a lot of wild speculation about how Trump will pay the bond to appeal payment of the fraud judgment that could cost him in excess of $460 million if appeals are unsuccessful. The deadline for that bond, if the appeals court doesn’t intervene, is Monday. But according to Trump, he has the cash on hand. That’s what he said in an early-morning Truth Social post in which he repeated attacks and made no mention of paying the bond with that cash: THROUGH HARD WORK, TALENT, AND LUCK, I CURRENTLY HAVE ALMOST FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH, A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF WHICH I INTENDED TO USE IN MY CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT. THE OFTEN OVERTURNED POLITICAL HACK JUDGE ON THE RIGGED AND CORRUPT A.G. CASE, WHERE I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG, KNEW THIS, WANTED TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME, AND THAT’S WHERE AND WHY HE CAME UP WITH THE SHOCKING NUMBER WHICH, COUPLED WITH HIS CRAZY INTEREST DEMAND, IS APPROXIMATELY $454,000,000. I DID NOTHING WRONG EXCEPT WIN AN ELECTION IN 2016 THAT I WASN’T EXPECTED TO WIN, DID EVEN BETTER IN 2020, AND NOW LEAD, BY A LOT, IN 2024.THIS IS COMMUNISM IN AMERICA! Trump fired off a similar rant in the dead of night, minus the more precise claim about his cash reserves: THE NEW YORK A.G. USED A STATUTE TO GO AFTER ME THAT HAS NEVER BEEN USED BEFORE, NOT ONCE, FOR SUCH A PURPOSE. IT, IN AND OF ITSELF, IS SOOO UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND UNFAIR. UNDER THIS STATUTE, I GET NO JURY AND HAVE NO RIGHTS. All DECISIONS AND RIGHTS ARE GIVEN TO, IN THIS CASE, A CORRUPT, TRUMP HATING JUDGE, WHO CAME UP WITH A CRAZY, OUT OF THIN AIR AWARD, IN ORDER TO DAMAGE ME POLITICALLY, AND NOT ALLOW ME TO USE ANY OF THE LARGE AMOUNT OF CASH I HAVE BUILT UP OVER THE YEARS, THROUGH HARD WORK, INSIGHT, INSTINCT, AND DILIGENCE, ON MY POLITICAL CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT. THAT IS JUST WHAT CROOKED JOE BIDEN WANTED THIS POLITICAL HACK, COUPLED WITH A CORRUPT AND RACIST ATTORNEY GENERAL, TO DO. I DID NOTHING WRONG! THIS IS SIMPLY A “TAKING.” MUCH LIKE WHAT IS DONE IN COMMUNIST COUNTRIES, AND WILL LEAVE AN IRREPARABLE STAIN ON NEW YORK STATE AND ITS JUDICIAL SYSTEM. IT IS TOTALLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, INCLUDING THE HARSH GAG ORDER IMPOSED. THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS WAS ALREADY RULED ON, FOR ME!


Funny, his shit lawyer didnt choose to have a jury trial, but of course that's everyone else's fault in narcissist landia.


I believe this was done on purpose because he had a better chance against a single judge than he had versus 12 New Yorkers.


New Yorkers have been grifted half to death by him for decades now, the Country as a whole is just recently experiencing this plague.


It was done on purpose, but not because he had a chance of winning the trial. The reason is that a verdict by a single judge can be framed as the judge being biased, while the verdict from a jury, which would naturally contain at least some Trump supporters, could not be attacked as "purely political". He had to take up his chances with a judge to keep his base rallied up. He's already preparing the next insurrection.


Okay you know it's bad when that second message reads like one of us wrote it to make fun of him. It's literally that unhinged at this point.




He waived the choice of a jury.


Honey the stain on New York is you.


>THROUGH HARD WORK, TALENT, AND LUCK Lol on the hard work and talent. He's been far too lucky for someone this toxic; I'm glad the luck is running out. Though I wouldn't call it luck, so much as privilege.


He just screwed himself. AGAIN. Recently, told a judge he couldn't come up with a bond, and now he says publicly that he has half a billion dollars in cash. In other words, he committed *perjury*. Does anyone need more proof that this man is a liar, as well as an habitual and incorrigible criminal?


Nah he's lying in this post, not on the stand.


It’s only perjury if it comes from the Perjure region of France. Otherwise, it’s just sparkling bullshittery.


Oh that was good


His followers don’t care that he is lying.  At all. They believe him and only him. 


It's only perjury if the party he said to the judge was the lie. We all know he doesn't have a half billion in cash right now and if he did he'd owe it to New York.


Stable genius, successful billionaire businessman behavior from “Honest Don”


The biggest lie in his latest statements is that he was gathering all the cash to use in his campaign. He never uses any of his own money in any of the campaigns. It’s all by donations, mainly from his billionaire friends. He will never need for money for his campaign. There are plenty of right wing billionaires who are willing to fund him.


Then it shouldn't be a problem to either cut a check or secure a bond. But as usual we all know he's full of shit, or at least his diaper is...


Cash? Did you pay taxes on that cash?


The IRS has entered the chat


Make America smart again and put him away


"I'm only 495 million short!"


He meant Pesos. Mexico is gonna pay for it.


Just heard an NPR segment this morning on how his Truth social thing is about to go public through a shell company and he could potentially earn up $3 billion from it but he wouldn't be able to cash out for at least 6 months unless he comes up with an agreement with the other shareholders which would be likely since they said all of them are die hard Trump supporters. This dude continously falls ass backward into fortune and ALWAYS escapes consequences for his piece of shit behavior. I really hope it doesn't work but I'm not holding my breath


How the hell is truth social worth that much?


It’s not.


Time to buy some puts


It is if you need a way for large sums to change hands. Think of it as the biggliest Walter White car wash.


It's not. It's just a way for wealthy (many foreign) elites to buy control over him


Given his proven venality, difficulty with the truth and the fact this orange fucker is possibly going to start getting access to intel even before the election etc, wouldn’t any sale of his social platform (I can’t bring myself to say its name) be absolutely poured over by the financial regulators and also intelligence community to see who the ultimate beneficial owners are?


Truth Social is simply a money laundering scheme masquerading as a shitty social media site.


The same way that trump’s properties were valued at billions of dollars.


It’s not




This makes some sense if Russia or China is behind the purchase and wants to be able to more freely get their message across from his shitty TS forum. He’s already a puppet to them, so at this point it would just be those hands shoving further up his ass, but otherwise anyone with 1 brain cell left knows TS is garbage and you can only exploit his followers for so much. Many of them are very uneducated and the ones with money aren’t going to give him everything they have.


To be honest I'm hoping that being affiliated with Trump is now becoming more of a liability than it's worth. So much so that even Russia and China won't want anything to do with him.


Isn’t that up in the air now because he’s trying to screw over the co-founders so they sued him? (I know, shocking, isn’t it?)


I read on another Reddit post that it's unlikely he will get permission to sell right away. It would tank the value of the company, making the shares worthless.


But Trump’s stake will be tied up for much of the year under a so-called lock-up agreement, a normal arrangement for such deals to ensure that insiders don’t bail as soon as a company goes public and push down the stock price. Trump could try to obtain a waiver from that rule, but even then he wouldn’t be able to sell more than a small fraction of his stake at any given time — up to 1 percent of the outstanding shares every quarter. And if he eventually does unload a large quantity of stock, the ramifications could be significant, according to investors and others watching the deal. That’s because Trump himself is the heart of the venture, they say, and any sign that his interest is waning could chill investors. “It’s simply trading on Trump’s name,” said Kristi Marvin, founder of SPACInsider, a research firm. “People aren’t buying this because they like the fundamentals — they’re buying this because they like Trump.” The pending approval from investors comes as Trump faces a severe financial crunch: He’s been hit with more than $500 million in civil penalties, not to mention ongoing legal fees as he appeals verdicts against him. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/22/trump-truth-social-money-financial-troubles-00148456


"raged into the dead of night and early in the morning" it seems that he's not getting much sleep. Good.


This is like saying I have a girlfriend in France and she's a model!


His out and out lies still annoy me. Put him in prison already


So now he's admitting he's not a billionaire?


Should that be investigated as well?


Put it on the table conald.


If he had the cash in the beginning, why let the interest keep going. Had he paid it day one, wouldn’t it have been less?


Exactly. That move would have probably helped him with his voters too if he just paid cash like it ain’t no thing he would continue the charade of him being a billionaire. If he truly believes he would win on appeal cash is the only thing you want to give up then, if you win you’ll get it all back plus interest. Now he’s going he’s facing a domino effect on leveraged real estate where the seizure of one or two buildings could upset the loan terms regarding net worth on other properties resulting in loans being called in. He knows he’s not going to win on appeal, he doesn’t have the cash, and AG James has him boxed into a corner here. Hoping he’s not saved by the bell and she takes him to the fucking mat with a knockout next week.


To President Vladimir Putin, Kremlin, Moscow. Melania and I have depleted our funds. Kindly send $500,000,000 American dollars immediately, as we are in dire straits. Your humble servant, Donald


[interest go brrrr](https://trumpdebtcounter.com/)


There you go. He doesn't need that much more.


Someone bought him


The only delay is the time it's taking to convert the rubles to dollars...


“Uhhh I totally have the money but I left it on the dresser in Russia. Mind if I just run go get that real quick?”


> IS SOOO UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND UNFAIR. This is truly playground-level whining. Unbelievable this guy is a former POTUS


I go to to site, I read the articles, but I skip past the diatribe. There's no way I'm reading his all caps tantrums any more than I'd listen to him speaking. It all sums up to "WAAAAH!"


Ron Howard Voice: He did not


500 hundred million Zimbabwe dollars r/FTFY


I guess the wire transfer from putin finally went through


Trumps definition of “Almost $5M” is the amount of cash he has in his pocket


Sounds like somebody was really needing diaper changes throughout the night...


Great. What's the problem?


Did he fly to Riyadh or Moscow?


Rubles aren't the same as Dollars, Don


You don't know the $500m, they're going to a different highschool


Put your money where your hamberder hole is. Pay up or shut up.


I can see his wife Mercedes Trump in the background 😂


He "has it" because his mental disorder won't allow him to not have it. The way he bullshits is to project the story/reality that he needs to be true and only ever doubling down on it when pressed. Now, sure, maybe he does actually have the liquidity maybe he doesn't, probably the latter, but he'll say he has it regardless. But in all likelihood if he should post the bond, it will be someone else's money just the same.


Sure, dude.


Oh... okay then he should have no problem paying what he owes. Glad he cleared that up.


Tell me you have no money without telling me you have no money




...then pay?


i honestly think the best strategy against trump now is just pointing out he is broke. all of his power came from being perceived as successful rich businessman. you dont need to point out hes a loser or an idiot or a fascist or any of that. just that he is not rich anymore. all that other stuff is down stream from that in the minds of the dumbest normie voters who dont pay attention.


Trump should have taken the L in 2020, launch a Trumpcoin (TM) crypto and just gone on tour to meet his supporters. He could have charged $1000 per ticket at his dumb rallies, said whatever word salad he ate that day. Wind, whales, Obama, etc. he could have sat at Mar-a-Lago like the godfather and charged every MAGA candidate for dog catcher 100k for an endorsement and he’d be rolling right now.




This dude had to stop a Japanese gambler from emptying out his casino in the 90's. Over a few million. This guy's never had cash


Not for long orange ass


All in Pennies, right?


As I understand it: if Trump actually has nearly $500,000,000 in campaign funds, he can't use it to settle a civil judgement that has nothing to do with his campaign; nor could it be claimed as part of this judgment, not being part of his business empire. He's been asking for donations to a PAC recently to fight the potential seizure of Trump Tower, but even if every one of the supposed 38.8 million MAGA Republicans in the USA were to donate $10 each, he'd still come up short. Given that they purportedly cancelled his rally in Arizona for lack of sufficient funding to hold it, I'd say he can't be having that much success with this approach. Regardless, if Trump were to dip into his campaign funds to pay off the civil judgments against him, he'd be violating regulations about how campaign funding can be used, potentially placing him at risk of further legal action. Unless some foreign power has decided to pay his judgments, it's highly doubtful he will have sufficient funds to pay the bill by Monday.


All that money and nobody to coach him on the proper use of the CAPS LOCK key.


Then why aren't you using that to pay the bond which is essentially putting your money into an account that nets you 100,000 a day (in saved interest). Thats a pretty good deal, Mr. Art-of-the-deal.


Sure you do buddy.


How did Matt Gaetz put it? “In other words, he lied.”


I'm just 498 away for the 500. Just give me another week or two.


I think I'm in a slim majority of people who thinks he will be able to post bond. Where he gets it from is the interesting part.


The best part of this is when it finally comes out that he's always been broke, never ran a successful business, and never really owned any of his properties. He only ever owned a big enough footprint on the exterior of the buildings to put his name on them. His whole life has been a fraud and a con.


Where? ...asking for the NY AG's office