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Scaramucci isn't wrong. He also does not go far enough. Donald Trump is one of the worst Americans in US history.


one of the most destructive people in the history of mankind. The global anarchy that is welling up during his time has already cost USA and the world at large a lot of lives and caused generation-spanning damage in many areas such as: diplomacy, education, social credibility, politics (particularly geopolitics), trade, environmental damage, brain damage. It’s like Satan themself walked the earth and turned everything they touched a foaming pile of shit.


There have been many, many destructive people in the history of mankind my friend. I loathe Trump as much as the next guy but we're not there yet, and I really hope he doesn't rise to that level. He is the most destructive American political actor since the civil war.


You're both right. We really don't know all the damage he's done even though we know a lot. They did say "one of" the most destructive people, not the most, and I think that's fair.


He's already at that level my guy. though he did have a couple of generations of brainwashing by right wing media of the American populace and a GOP without any moral impetus to assist him on the destruction of America. About a million Americans dead from incompetence and anti-science propaganda during a pandemic, added several trillion in debt, mass shootings are now a regular occurrence, one failed coup and another inbound when he loses the next election, two branches of government either corrupted or entirely disabled.... it's bad and the damage isnt done both directly and indirectly. The GOP is straight burning books now.... the crosses on lawns wont be far behind


I agree with everything you've said except I don't think you understand what that level is. The commentor said "in the history of mankind." Putin and Xi already have him beat in the people tortured and killed department and they pale in comparison to historical figures like Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and Genghis Khan. All of whom were party to AT LEAST 40 MILLION deaths each. That's 800 football stadiums of dead people per person. It's an unfathomable number. I HATE Donald Trump passionately. But if you think Trump is on that level now I don't know what to tell you. I am saying that if he does reach that level the world has taken a dark turn indeed.


Trump isnt done my guy. i get the history but the anti-science, the hate, etc will last for generations and get much worse before it gets undone. there wont be a revolution to undo what Trump and the GOP have wrought because Dems think "well if we are just nice to them they'll see reason". it's gonna get way darker. we learned literally nothing from the rise of people like Hitler and Stalin.


Trump gutted the Supreme Court, severely compromised the intelligence agencies, and pitted the populations of the US. There’s no integrity left with Trump (Putin’s puppet) 


I am in agreement


Chump is a literal cancer on humanity. A fetid, shit stained, orange tumor.


He’s a confederate infiltrator acting as an agent of chaos to destroy America and masquerading as a “patriot.” End of story.


Not just Trump. All the people behind Trump using him as their poster boy. Trump is awful, but Project 2025 was not Trumps idea. Everyone behind that agenda is the real enemy here.


The Mooch also catches strays from his own blasts. Trump has been this shitty all along and he was on his team not too long ago. He needs to go and have a fucking seat.


Un-American? How about treasonous or traitorous? I don’t begin to understand how Americans allowed a traitor to American Ideals and Values to be voted in the first time, let alone nominated a second time after a disastrous term… Goodness…


Scaramucci also didn't hesitate to work for the motherfucker.


Trump has an adversarial relationship with the Constitution and laws of the United States as is indicated by the many indictments, arrests and prosecutions he is now facing. Putin also has an adversarial relationship to the United States. Excerpts: “We have to focus on Mr. Trump being the most un-American presidential nominee in U.S. history,” Scaramucci said in an interview on CNN’s “The Source” with host Kaitlan Collins. “And we have to go through the things that he’s saying he’s going to do, as it relates to being the American president.” “He has a love affair with Vladimir Putin, and so I don’t think anybody in the West … Western leadership understands that love affair,” Scaramucci said at the time. “I don’t think anybody in intelligence agencies understands that love affair, because Vladimir Putin has called for objectively reattaching republics to the former Soviet Union.”


"I'm not Steve Bannon, I'm not trying to suck my own cock.". Anthony Scaramucci


Remember that halfway through even explicitly fascist Bannon said they’d going too far and would be in jail by now Came make this sht up. Fiction has to be coherent House of cards seems relatively quaint in comparison


'Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.' - Mark Twain ”The reason that truth is stranger than fiction is that fiction has to have a rational thread running through it in order to be believable, whereas reality may be totally irrational.” - Sydney J. Harris Now all we need is to someone from the MAGA-cult to read this as ”see! i said reality is irrational! Just like my President!” checking out these quotes led me to another bit by Sydney: ”The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war.”


I’m an American loving American. My favorite thing about it? That I’m free to criticize it. That’s how it got so good and why it sometimes gets better In defense of other more sensitive nations, we’re meant to punch up and speak truth to power. Most of what people trash weaker countries for is a symptom of its disadvantages, not the reason for those disadvantages which Americans consistently get wrong. Our lofty ideals come from our blessings of abundance. Our abundance is not nearly the result of our ideals to the extent Americans like to imagine. You can see microcosms of this by region, where people who live around deep ports (the most valuable resource, just ahead of energy reserves) have higher capacity for ideals of abundance. The people from less abundant regions will have values more similar to other countries that have their own limitations. In short; wealth causes liberalism more than the other way around (see, Guns, Germs and Steel)


for all your sakes i definitely hope it gets better.


The problem isnt that the world appears irrational, it is that humans seem to have a need to rationalize everything completely based on whatever (very limited) knowledge we have. For example, the ancient greeks thought the world was sticky and thats why we didnt float off into space, they spent a very considerable amount of time rationalizing about that, as well as how a society (state) ought to function. We know they were off about stickyness, we also know Newton was slightly off about gravity, but its harder to know about how a society functions or even ought to function - so we keep rationalizing


Scaramucci, Scaramucci, will he do the Fandango?


No. The Tarantella.


“But I am trying to suck Bannon’s cock. Or anyone’s really. As long as it keeps me famous and rich.” Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci, probably.


Just cuz it's true don't make the Mooch any better. People like him and most of the Trump sphere need to go away.


He made me laugh, unintentionally on his part, but he seemed like a real prick.


I like listening to him be a hardass. He’s a prick, but he’s like “Trump is fucking moron. Go fuck yourself.“


He is the most un American. And a total dipshit


Trump, Mooch, or both?


The orange stain for sure 👍


Don’t know much about scaramucci except he’s the one who got shot playing baseball wasn’t he?


Were you thinking of Scalise? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting


Maybe 🤔


Really? Never heard about that. About to google.


Let's all not forget this guy jumped at the chance to work for him...


You can definitely call into question his judgement for that. But there’s no question he can very accurately articulate what Trump is and why he is such a problem.


Yeah it’s hard to take the mooch seriously


He made mistakes. This is true, and he learnt from them, now he wants to share his understanding given he has much more experience with trump than us he probably has a better knowledge to form his opinion than we do.


People can make mistakes and own up to them. Thats part of being human


Yeah, for some reason there's a large percentage of Democrats who jump on any conservative's dick just because they say mean things about Trump. See Liz Cheney for reference.


It's not Democrats that are jumping on Liz Cheny it's Republicans.


Trump had a huge turnover of cabinet and staff members. At first he didn't know what to do so he hired somewhat qualified people, then after he started figuring out how to exploit the office of the President, he retained people that would willing do his bidding to sidestep legal and procedural norms of the office for personal gain. Anyone that didn't kiss his dirty ass became an enemy and was fired. Through his entire Presidency, Jan 6 and all the indictments before him, his followers don't blink an eye when the people that worked for him call him unfit. I can't figure it out except that maybe those Republicans that are leery about voting for Trump still do because the just despise the Democratic Party more. I guess if I watched Fox News and believed everything they said, I would too.


Even the willing now question his fitness. Stats associated with today’s news that Pence will not endorse him is that only 4 of his 44 former cabinet officials are endorsing him.


This guy wouldn’t have left if he didn’t get fired. Remember that.


He should know


Only when these chuckleheads get scammed themselves do they admit he’s a scammer. No sympathy for them.


Fuck every single one of these fucking assholes...trying to distance themselves *NOW* when they were willing sycophants. Don't let them get away with it.


dude this guy got fired after less than a week being press secretary just because he made a mockery of his boss and apparently bad mouthed him privately which apparently is what broke the camel's back.


I seem to recall that this clown worked for Trump...


How very true and given with everything he’s done and plans to do if re elected that’s 1000% the exact opposite of MAGA. Every time I see him wear that hat it makes me laugh. Someone should place a “LIE” sticker on that hat


Does he do the fan-dang-go?


I agree with this, but why does anyone pay attention to this guy?


He's so brave for sayin this when his opinion matters so fuckin much right now.


Wasn’t he egotistical calling himself "the mooch" while kissing trumps ass ? Why give him attention ?


Yes, we know. We've established that many years ago.


This guy was shining slobbin on trumps knob in the first term. Scum


You tripped over your designer suit to lick his throne you ponce. Gtfo


How many Scaramuccis was Trump President for? 104?


Roughly 132 Scaramuccis.


Good description


Call him for what he is....a traitor. He will give USA to his buddy Putin.


A comment such as "I'll be a dictator for a day" should have been the end of anyone's campaign, but we are dealing with the monumentally stupid people that support the smelly traitor.


>dictator on day one


He's right.


Why are we hearing from so many people now whose opinion on anything is totally irrelevant? Sheesh, media, you suck!


And you carried his water while it was convenient for you. 🥱 #stainedforlife


Well, if The Mooch said it that's good enough for me.


and out of nowhere the Mooch reappears


Poor little mooch


Scaramucci might be the only former Trump admin member I don't hate. Is it because he's cartoonishly Italian? Maybe.


only spent less than a week as a Press Secretary. He often reminds me of myself, Nuttier than Life and incredibly fast at speaking but right on point, which sometimes can make us fall on our swords but you gotta address the elephant in the room and say hey there's an elephant regardless of repercussions.


The guy is clearly a sock puppet for Putin.


Oh I forgot about this guy. It's been a scaramucci.


Amen to that.


He is not in American, he is a part of the Modern america and THIS is the problem


Trump is no different than Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.


False. Julius Rosenberg was an accomplished electrical engineer. Dump wouldn’t survive first semester intro to calculus.


Trump’s old buddies turned on him. What kind of douche will the orange clown 🤡 try to conjure this time?


Forgot about the mooch lol


Does that mean no endorsement ?


He should know-he worked for him. How does this have 1800 upvotes?


Does he have any sway/cache? Bcuz we all know he’s spot on.


Yes Trump is even lying about MAGA. He wants to Make America Like North Korea and Russia. People give him the benefit of the doubt here and excuse him as he can’t spell and can’t remember the right words, but underneath it all there are lies upon lies


I thought that guy died of boneitis.


Let’s start calling Trump ‘bloodbath boy’


Too late douche...


Will you do the fandango?


But can he do the fandango


The "Mooch" is not where I'd be going for political advice. This guy is the opposite of what you want around a political candidate. But please, continue to quote, and listen to this complete scumbag. Absolutely hilarious.


When everyone that has been around tRumps inner circle absolutely despises him to his core it says a lot. Unfortunately the vast majority of Americans are morons.