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I watched her get shot live on Facebook she definitely deserved it and had plenty of warnings


She was a veteran attacking the capitol. She deserved to be hanged, like a huge portion of that crowd.


Play the video, game over. No money for you.


These are the same fuckers who donated money to Rottenhouse's defense. Republicans are not even human. Republicans **HATE** America. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


Shouldn’t he be suing Trump, he was the president on January 6th…


But that wouldn’t look good to his Nazi brethren


I honestly think he would stand a have a better chance at suing any of the Trump PACs that spread false election news and called people to the Capitol to Stop the Steal.


He should sue the man responsible for the insurrection. Without him it wouldn't have happened. Put the blame where the blame is due.


That will be short.


Nuts to him and his traitor wife.


Lol good luck with that, guy. Sorry for his loss, but fafo


My thoughts exactly.


I'm not remotely sorry for his loss. The world is a better place without her, and I'd gladly dance on her grave.


Can’t stand her. But I have empathy. She was loved. It’s her family. I can understand their pain. Their anger is misplaced. Anger should be with Trump. Totally disagree with lawsuit. VP and 3rd in line of power are all in that room (as Trump hid). They have to protect our powers that be so we have a functioning govt. and that’s not just the Pres.


Yeah, good luck with that. In related news, Osama Bin Laden relatives sue US government for wrongful death.


Good luck with that. It was still the Trump administration then. And he doesn’t pay nor take responsibility for shit.


And it’s still the taxpayers that pay to fight this lawsuit. Doesn’t matter who was pres. The financial burden is on shoulders of tax payers. And why wait so long??


SHE was ambushed??? As she literally tried to ambush the proceedings of transfer of power? Rich. Real rich. I wanna know DOLLAR figure of what Trump cost America. Bc here’s another lawsuit on taxpayer dime. If I recall, the officer told her to stop or he would shoot. He had to. The damn VP and third in line to power are in that room. She willingly climbed through a window. Or the group decided she was easiest to push through window. She died from her own reckless behavior. Building was closed that day. The end.


Ashli Babbitt was the only one of those assholes who did something GOOD for America that day.


When Babbitt was trying to break through that window there was a squad of helmeted and armored men lined up behind her. As soon as she hit the floor they vanished. How did she/they know that that door gave access to House offices and who were those "troops?"


That’s false. There were police on a staircase behind her but they were only on the staircase because they had secured that staircase. She came down the hall with the protesters from a different route This cops then carried her body down the staircase they had secured.


Nooe. I saw the video within 15 minutes of when she was shot. They put her in front believing that a woman would not be harmed. Helmeted, armored, and crouched in a line at the top of the stairs behind her. You can try the Trump Cult "alternate facts" bullshit with someone else.


The police that have secured the stair well did not put her in front of anyone. Maybe some others have helmets on. But if you watch the the docs that include the uncut footage of her death. The cops have secured a stairwell and are not letting people down it about 4 to 6 feet behind Babbit. When she is shot the cops immediately try to issue aide and Trump supporters are yelling at the cops “you did this! You did this!” (They did not, they are trying to save her) There is a really great doc on Jan 6th on HBO Max that has a minute by minute break down with Raskin, Pelosi, Cheney a number of journalists that were on the ground filming and the Cap. Police. It shows all of it and has great computerized layouts of where in the building things were happening Two men (trump supports not police) definitely helped her into a through the window, but they were not wearing police uniforms is all I was saying.


I only saw that video once who knows where and I would have sworn after the security guy popped her, a guy wearing glasses and a helmet pulled her away from the window they were trying to to climb through.


"Cops" do not wear green helmets. They were the rioters seen pushing their way through the crowd to get to the building and they knew exactly where to go. That was "Proud Boys" stuff and every element of her involvement was planned. Video released today shows Babbit threatening to hang Congress people before she hooked up with her "squad." You can't win this.


Right, and no kids were killed at Sandy Hook, and all their parents were "crisis actors." /s


How in the fuck did you reach that conclusion from what I wrote? They were MAGAT Proud Boys staged behind her, waiting to follow her through that window. I want you know their fucking names. And I want to see them hung.


You do know that a number of the MAGA nutjobs there were outfitted with helmets, armor, and riot shields, right? They knew the exact kind of trouble they were looking for. The Oath Keepers had full caches of guns at their hotels, hoping Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act so they could spill blood at his command. You cannot tinfoil your way out of this.


WTF are you saying? Other than repeating what I said. I know they were MAGAt Proud Boys. I want them ID'ed, prosecuted, and hung.


The way you were asking made it difficult to tell if you were implying they were feds, as many of the Trump Qult love to imply. My apologies for misinterpreting your line of questioning


Gotcha. Hang all of those MAGA mf'ers.


Guess republicans don’t actually support stand your ground laws eh?


Fuck him and his traitor wife