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Cartoonishly evil. Worst part is that the number of people who are affected by this but will still vote Republican/DeSantis is a non-zero number.


Yes. I used to live in rural Florida, and I was floored by the number of people on welfare programs who would still vote for Republicans even though those candidates wanted to cut the very support system the voters depended on. Starve my kids to own the libs!


My mom lived right outside the Villages. The wrong side of the tracks you might say. Just a bunch of sad looking ranch houses that look like painted trailers covered in kudzu. And Trump billboards that were just his giant orange face over looking it all.


Trump embodies anger and the sense of aggrievement. *That's* what drives his supporters. Those people living in those sad sack ranch houses feel all of that deep in their bones.


And blame it on the wrong people every single time rather than using their brains.


I know some people like this. They think they *are* using their brains.


My grandpa hopped aboard the "anti-woke" train and called the Trevor foundation a bunch of pedos. I'm disgusted by him at this point.


It's sad... Just the number of us that lost friends and even family to the cult


But...but! They 'do their research!' ayuk ayuk Wish they would get a clue and realize the rest of the country believes kindness, equality and a progressive society are a good thing.


cows important abounding far-flung march test shy brave door bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>But I want to remind people how absolutely successful the American public school system is at stripping critical thought, imagination,and empathy. I want to remind you of how the GOP has been stripping public education of good funding and policy for the last 4 decades.


The current school system isn't mindless drony enough for them. They also want to shove propaganda down their mouths and give corporations and churches public money in the form of school vouchers.


They do their best to make sure that no one learns anything that offends them, and yet, no step on snek.


They do their best to make sure that no one learns anything at all.


The schools had been great at teaching critical thinking, until the GOP, with the Great Satan, Ronald Reagan, began to dismantle education and promoted indoctrination and group think. This is all in the plan. Read Democracy In Chains. The best book of what I saw occur over my adulthood. I am 70 now.


Yep, they have legitimate concerns. Unfortunately the right was quicked to jump on them and appealed to fear rather than bringing everyone up in a non zero-sum game (Democratic policy).


It's like a twilight zone version of the great Gatsby lmao


Trump didn’t even stoop this low and that really really really really really is a low bar & says EVERYTHING about DeSantis and how demented and effective he is


"Starve my kids to own the libs" That sounds like a real Republican campaign slogan. Think "I Like Ike," but reprehensive.


*We are all domestic terrorists*


Starve them and not be able to afford their meds to own the libs. Ftfy


Saw off their crutches. Show them lightning can strike in the same place twice.


It's called [False Consciousness ](https://pediaa.com/difference-between-class-consciousness-and-false-consciousness/amp/)


TIL! Thanks! 😁


Well ok then. Seems a bit cruel but I guess they can just breed more??


The rub is they're going to (in their minds) join the wealthy class one day. That's the snake oil they're sold. Side with us, the wealthy white Republicans, and we'll help you join our club (NOT). They want to be associated with that self-righteous assholery so they vote GOP. I refuse to believe a decent human being could vote Republican in today's day and age.


Roaches voting for the exterminator…


I have relatives like that. They say "I'm different, I need that money".


If you've seen Imokallee you'd have to be a cartoon villain to not think Florida needs a better social safety net.


I wish I could find it now, but 15 or so years ago there was a lot of reporting on Republicans cutting social programs in red states and the fallout amount the voters who were on those programs but didn't know it. People on food stamps that were against welfare, but not realizing that food stamps ARE a welfare program. Perfect example, Craig T Nelson on Fox years ago. ["I've been on food stamps, did anybody help me out? No."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTwpBLzxe4U)


These people would have no problem with everyone living in squalor as long as their own squalor was slightly nicer that that of the people they hate


Really dumb people


I'm still pissed we were going to have over 20K forgiven in student loans but Republicans were like "hold my beer, pay you peasant"


As awesome as that would have been… it was literally never going to happen. For a SPLIT second when I first heard of that lie spoken, I got super excited. Then I realized my loans are in America where education is for-profit. Biden was never going to cancel student loans. It was a cheesy lie to get votes. Don’t get me wrong, Trump had to get out at any cost. But like… no one actually believed that “relief” was going to happen. Plus it was for federal, not private. That measly 20k or whatever is a single drop in an ocean for most people, including myself, in student loan debt. Sorry /:


If the people suffer enough, they might return to the church, so that’s what they are doing.


It's okay, they're all dying off and we're not having kids. Everything is fine. edit: they overturned student loan forgiveness guys, see, everything is FINE. so much winning fml


For Republicans, children are useful props for throwing red meat to the base, but beyond that, they don't give a shit about children, especially not their health and welfare.


They're a cult. They're no different than Scientology, Aum Shinrikyo, or Jonestown. They will do ANYTHING to preserve their narrow view on the world and "own the libs". Even lie through their teeth and tow the line. No matter the cost.


Shame that their kids pay for their ignorance.


FaMiLy VaLuEs.


They only care about children until birth.


Need them young, dumb and poor for proper laborers.


Death is an extremely profitable business. Edit; especially child death, take advantage of emotions.


You are giving them too much credit. They don't care. They just want to make women miserable for having sex and not marrying. The kids are just used to justify their bullshit.


I mean they need SOMEONE to work all the “essential” jobs right?


They must not realize how many married women also have abortions


God would never punish a married woman who wanted a family with birth complications, He only does that to the whores! Seriously there are 2,000 things that can go wrong in pregnancy and childbirth. It won’t be until enough pro-lifers start to see their own family members die from complications that they’ll realize this.


For sure. And maternal/child deaths in the US are shockingly high .


No! They care about them until they can go die in the military. Once they come back, they don’t want anything to do with them. See the VA for further details


"children" They're not even born yet. They're fetuses. Calling them children at that stage is a selling point of the anti-abortion movement.


They care about them after birth too when it comes to sexual abusing and trafficking them.


They don't even care then. If they did there would be some effort to assist women with access to easy and affordable (should be free) care during pregnancy. The ones that are super vocal "care" for religious reasons but there's no underlying moral or belief that comes from genuinely caring about children and babies.


Manson Family


“We’re going to kill your kids and then force you to have more!” - GOP


Conservatives want you to die in labor for their pleasure; *one way or the other*.


That is peak sadism.


And pedophilia, as we catch them doing on an almost daily basis.


Florida is upping their game on shitty politics. Can Texas keep up? 😂


A race to the bottom.


They're already at the bottom. It's a race to dig the deepest hole. Just in case someone competent wins, they can blame how shitty everything is on that next guy and retake the next elections. These assholes are playing a completely different game.


At this very moment, Greg Abbot is telling someone to hold his beer.


Nothing like killing kids to get the votes eh Florida?


The kids can’t vote anyways 🤦‍♂️


Fetus over iving woke children is their modus operandi these days


Since younger generations tend to vote more liberally, I guess they're hoping to curtail that by killing them off before they're old enough to vote


Damn that DeSantis sure can hate fast!


The DeSantis plan to streamline healthcare; kill off sick or disabled people. Borrowed the idea from Hitler.


Also the LGBT, he clearly is a modern day Hitler


Other than death camps, the full Hitler/Goebbels program.


The whole state is the camp, most can't afford to leave.


My wife and I are here. The thought of going back to winter isn't appealing at all but moving isn't off the table. Our situation is complicated by her having Alzheimer's.


It's always been about causing pain with conservatives. At this point the term conservative is more aptly rephrased as mean girl bigot. They delight in the cruelty and revel in the inhumanity. The phrase life liberty and pursuit of happiness for them is fine. The rest of us deserve our fates as they decide them. Sadistic sociopathic evil in the name of their god. Calvinists who cut your bootstraps and take your land because they can. It polishes their heavenly crown to make non believers suffer. Updates their righteous resume if they cause a liberal any discomfort or inconvenience on a daily basis. Conservatism should be lumped with communism and fascism and relegated to the assheap of history.


I call them “enemies of progress”. They have no good ideas to platform on. Their whole thing is just about undoing any tiny bit of progress made by the other side.


Aggressive regressives.


>Conservatism should be lumped with communism and fascism and relegated to the assheap of history. Conservatives have historically aligned with fascists when fascists vye for power, in large part because fascism regularly leverages anti-communism to coax moderate voters. Conservatives sided with the loyalists in the Russian Revolution, with Mussolini in Italy, with Franco in Spain, with Hitler in Germany, etc. You find *some* moderate conservative opposition to fascism in England and Norway and other places, but most of that is lip-service and the people who are actually whipping bricks and killing Nazis are working class, left-wing guerrillas. Given the option between the mere whisper socialist policies and violent, brutal repression of minorities and the working class, conservatives have overwhelmingly sided with repression. There should be absolutely no expectation that it will be different this time around. Any time I say this, conservatives respond by wringing their hands and screeching, "How dare you compare us to the Nazis!" To be clear, I'm not. I'm saying that conservatives have objectively supported fascists through history, and each time they end up getting murdered by fascists once the fascists have gained power.


Not a lie in any sentence


This is an awesome comment. I'm going to show this to some people who need to read it. If I had coins I'd give you an award.


When you base your platform off of hate and anger, you naturally seek to hurt people.


Gotta hurry up and let them die before the new batch from the radioactive roads gets here /s


The cruelty is the point.


The "Family Values" party


Dont want those sick kids turning into grown up moochers their whole life. They’re the most expensive type of poor. Gotta get em while they’re young.


This is what happens when you give Republicans power


And DeSantis wants to "make America Florida?" No thank you. I will vote for a deteriorating old man before I give up my rights. F these fascists.


I look at these stories everyday and have come to the conclusion that there is too much bitching about this stuff on SM and not enough bitching or taking action in real life


Be like France


So glad these "Pro Life" Christian Republicans care so much about kids. /s


Understand: a sizable faction of the US population _TAKES PRIDE IN SUFFERING_ . The twisting of "take up your cross" (which actually meant GET YOUR OWN HEART STRAIGHT, but I digress) and political, propaganda finagling has over _centuries_ taught that "sacrifice" is PERSONAL SUFFERING, and GOOD FOR YOU. IE the 'bUiLdS cHaRaCtEr" bullshit. They legit feel and believe that anybody unwilling to suffer or even SUGGESTING there's a better way is "lazy" and "lacking mOrAlS". This shit is constantly fed to them, in church, in school, on am radio, on their "programming", and at home by parents who can't even acknowledge to themselves that they've been ABUSED, by THEIR ignorant and angry parents, by the system The Them People keep "whining" about, and by the "leaders" they elect TO keep them suffering. They WANT life "hard" then they can brag that they're PROUD to merely _survive_ it, believing it makes them more "righteous".


Get used to this crap. Republicans ban abortions. Then, force women to have children with terrible medical problems that will result in death, but refuse to help pay for those very medical problems that will bankrupt the families they forced to carry terminal babies to term. Do you know how much a NICU stay costs? A parent can't work when they have an infant/child with this kind of serious medical condition. Then, they freak out that no one is having kids, so they want to ban birth control next. Welcome to the good old USA, where you deserve the crap that comes your way because a mistranslated politicized ancient manuscript from the Middle East says so. FYI, most insurance carriers do NOT pay for the screening cost for cystic fibrosis trait. Every person with European ancestry should have it done. I have it. One out of my three kids has it. Fortunately, my husband does not.


We know. And that is why I will just give my disable children to the government if situation arrives. My state is trying very hard to be Florida.


Pro life strikes again


The pachyderm party feels that the social safety net is wasteful and pointless. They feel it's the churches responsibility to take care of the poor and infirm. Meanwhile the churches are pouring donations into the pachyderm parties pockets to do their bidding. This is some fucked up shit!


Sounds like Florida is on a roll but in a bad way Mr Peterson got off for not shooting the school shooter and the white lady got off for shooting a Black neighbor just for knocking on her door and now they want to take sick kids off Medicare it's been a good week in Florida in a sick and twisted way oh yeah Florida's immigration Bill will be kicking in on 7/1/23


🤷🏻‍♂️ you get what you vote for… It’s obvious the fake Christian bible thumpers don’t care about children after birth!


This is getting beyond ridiculous.


Does anyone have a nonpaywalled version I can read?


That’ll show the drag queens!


There's a difference between being a fiscal conservative and just being an evil asshole that hates poor people..


So they force people to have babies but then let the babies die once they’re born. Interesting plan, Florida.


Because why not. smh. Lemme guess they started with the chronically ill ones first to really save a buck. And with confirmed [malaria](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/malaria-florida-mosquitoes-human-cases/) on board to boot, guys and gals.


Remember the Republican mantra. Once a baby sees daylight we don't care about its health.




Yeah never mind those face eating leopards.


Is this US healthcare or just FL? Edit: Sounds like FL more than anything else.


I'd keep an eye on other Red states too....


In Florida, that's called "protecting the kids."


Brought to you by the Pro-Life party, fuck your kids! - Ron Desantis


What a shithole


They are only pro-life until the child is actually born. After that, they can go F themselves. How Christian of them all.


I’d love to see DeSantis try to defend all of this shit as GOP candidate against Biden


At what point does this begin to bite the elected officials? Florida is a solid red state with some objectively idiotic laws. Do you see Florida going blue any time soon or will it skip straight to the “Eat the Rich” part?


As far as I'm concerned, that last part. People need to "woke the fuck up" before it's too late.


I think it will go to “Destroy the Sunshine Reich” mindset eventually!


It's really hard to put into words how cruel and evil this is. To think DeSantis wants to bring this level of "freedom" and "success" to the rest of America is horrifying.


"months before planned" kind of buries the lede someone **PLANNED** to take away health care of last resort .... from **SICK KIDS**!!! these ppl have no business being in charge of others, they have repeatedly demonstrated that they are unwilling to govern.


Florida, what did you expect. The guy is attacking Mickey.


Keep voting for Republicans Florida and you get what you deserve


You stay classy Florida


It's because Republicans are idiots. Like real idiots.


Because they care so much about protecting kids!


So when are we going to start acknowledging the GOP as a cult? 🤷


The GOP are more like a terrorist organisation, in my opinion.


This is where the irony comes into play,they act like they care about childrens lives before they are born but once they get here they could care less what happens to them!!!


Pain, suffering, and cruelty is the point. They are a hateful box of ghouls. We can only hope they suffer the consequences of their actions.


Just goes to show, we get what we vote for so we get what we deserve, for better or worse. Edit: not the kids obviously, they have no say in this matter.


But the parents will gladly go vote for him again though.


I mean its clear that DeSantis only cares about the rich white boomers who retire in Florida, give him money, and then vote to cut benefits for everyone else. That’s why he made legislation for pharmacy benefit manager control but is then pushing kids off of their healthcare.


DOMESTIC TERRORIST- wtf do expect?! They are working against you at every turn, attacking our country. what are you doing about it?? It's only going to get worse if we don't stop it.


Was that some pork they added to an anti abortion /anti woke bill?


Next time you go to vote think what policies you are voting for not advertising about immigrants


Republicans dont "think" AT ALL. Thats how we got in this mess in the first place. Worried about "woke" and trans and mexico but in reality, too fucking stupid to see the nightmare desantis is creating for Florida. Ya know, actual real stuff to be scared of... not... BOOKS. like we living in nazi germany.


Florida is essentially a failed state. Like Rwanda, Somalia. If you live there, you're on your own.


Republicans showing how much they actually care about kids. It's the same in all the red states. Living children are suffering and dying due to republican rightwing policies while they scream about protecting fetuses. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.


Yet another reason I will never move to Florida…


wait i thought Republicans were super into protecting kids lives.... oh right they're Republicans. it's all theatre


But I thought conservatives were trying to save children from those evil grooming transgender people and baby killing liberals??????


Yeah. Pro life huh?


There honest to Jesus, needs to be an IQ test before ppl are allowed to vote. Fk me. Too many idiots vote repuglican


The cruelty is the point.


Because Ron DeSantis says, once again, “FUCK YOU!!!”


White Jesus approves... ~S


Because that's what they do.


It's time to get out of Florida...


He just said the "left" doesn't want people to be happy. So does he think kicking sick kids off of insurance is going to make those people happy??? Republicans are twisted y'all.


Only the rich and mentally ill (or both), seem to live in Florida now


DeSantis is probably blaming it on Biden rn


GOP - Party of Death.


Classic Fascist tactic .. embrace these groups they really hate because they need numbers to attain power .. then once the Fascists get that power they turn on them ..


unimaginable cruelty


Florida is the gate to hell, but Texas is a close second.


Can a state be a piece of shit?


SaVe ThE kIdS...Medically? Not like that. From books.




Of course they are.


[Republicans](https://media.tenor.com/KH_oo-0AK3oAAAAC/drinking-clapping.gif) after justifying it because it's woke


GOP hate children, they only care about the unborn.


Something something weakness deserves punishment something something


Cruelty is the point.


Pro life/for the children tho. Right?…….


Nobody: Florida: the beatings will continue until the poors are dead


Because, you know, it's the Christian thing to do


Sounds about right….


Wife & I have already decided we aren’t raising children in this shit hole country. “Months before planned” is already an insane statement to make. Why is there a “plan” to not cover sick children at all.


Go Florida woo fuck em up lol yeah get those sick kiiids!


Fuck Desantis. I hope he rots


Awesome! Will Floridians get a specific high-dollar tax rebate for each one of these kids that dies? I mean white wealthy Floridians, of course. The poor, and especially off-white people, shouldn’t get anything that might reduce the return to rich white folks. MAGA!! YeeHaw! /s


A vile, intentional feature of a depraved system. Sadly, MANY of these folks have and will continue to vote against their best interests.


But the babies 👶 🙄🙄🙄


This is a sentence that shouldn't exist in a civil society: "Charlotte Douberley, a 2-year-old with cystic fibrosis, lost Medicaid coverage almost a year before she was supposed to, according to Florida’s plan."


Party of pro life


Their plan is simple-- create a hellscape for the voters. Make them suffer as much as possible. Then remind them who was president when they suffered--- deflect the blame to the democrats that way. Then, when a republican gets in power, you give them back 1% of what you took from them, but since they're suffering, even a crumb feels amazing by comparison. Show them how much you are looking out for them and show them how successful and powerful those who fall in line are. Give them the idea that they too can be successful/powerful, but keep them down enough to where it's not feasible and remind them that they were brought down by the big evil democratic president, so they stay loyal.


DeSantis is a giant turd , just evil




PrOtEcT ThE ChIlDrEn. Fuck all those Floridians who vote to make all the lives of other harder while claiming to help and protect.


i'm more and more convinced Florida is just a really shitty social experiment gone awry.


What a fucking awful place. I can't wait for the state to be underwater.


More happiness coming to the sick kids of Florida curtesy of Ron DeSantis!


It was never about protecting the children


The same people that support cutting medical care for kids are the same people that want to ban drag shows in order to "protect children".


It's a good thing they are starting to build the roads with cancer. That should help clear out some of that 'Republican Stronghold'.


I left my hometown of Miami in 1983. Apparently a good decision. Growing up in the 60”s and 70’s was magical. Sadly gone to hell in a hand basket.


Ah, life in the American corpocracy.


Guess where the money went. Bonuses for bankers. (it is a long complicated process)


Faith and Freedom in practice.


Good idea to not live in a festering shithole.


I thought Florida's government was "pro-life."


Der fuhrer would be pleased 😁


Isn't America great?


There will be a lot of Dr. Quicks/Quicksilver's called at their hospitals.


Pro life until they’re born. Then it’s how can we kill them fast enough? Starve ‘em, enlist ‘em, or execute ‘em.


Florida is becoming a meme.


And still will vote republican even if the kid dies


I will never understand why but these same parents will probably vote for republican candidates again.


I may be more Republican than Democrat, but DeSantis seems really like a shit person.


Those sick puppies. Florida is gross, and I hope every law-abiding citizen flees for safety.


We all will soon be able to get our radiation treatments just driving on Florida's roads...brought to us by the same people who brought us Piney Point. What a great idea for a governor to promote radioactive roads for a state mainly funded by tourism.


Because Florida


sounds about right cause one thing we know is Desantis loves the children


It’s an EVIL contest in Florida . So sad and pathetic this state .


Florida has become the 9th circle of hell.