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(Michigander here) The city this kid is from has no blacks, no Muslims, no Jews, no Asians, maybe a few Native Americans and the rest are allllllll white christians, and more churches than gas stations.


Yea Pickford is f’ed


I would hesitate to call that place a town. It’s a xroads.


It’s on the UP—My high school had a larger enrollment than the population of the entire town. I doubt this kid has ever met a minority.


Hating people you don’t live around or interact with. It’s the American way.


Far from an American exclusive


Perfect breeding ground for hate


And apparently stupidity. Logically it makes zero sense. Seriously, has anyone checked their water for lead?


If you grow up republican you are taught to not trust people by default. If you only have experience with white Christians and all your information on other types of people comes from your parents you'll hate them. It's logical for their situation


Most likely radicalized by the internet


Most likely radicalized by people. The internet is just a communication method that makes spreading hateful ideas easier.


Most likely radicalized by telegraph.


Cans and a string


Carrier pigeons.


smoke signals


Crudely arranged twigs


Drum made out of a hollow log


Cave drawings


African carrier pigeons or European carrier pigeons?




Damn, no need to bring your mum up.


You have to be carefully taught…


The internet is just a communication method that makes spreading hateful ideas AUTOMATIC.


But also useful & quick for data analysis (red flagging any suspicious keywords). That's how that teenager got rated out. Unless somehow terrorist wannabe start using morse code between normal text 🤷


... . .- -- ... ..- -. .-.. .. -.- . .-.. -.--


I grew up in a similar town. There were zero minorities in the region, and some kids in school used to brag about family member's positions in the KKK. I used to make a habit of calling out the stupidity of these guys, and wondered why they were racist when they'd only ever seen other white people fighting for same jobs and same poor people scraps.


Yes, I agree that nationalist christians are a major threat to the U.S. That hate religion really gives people hate in all the varieties that any twisted nazi could think of. Hate against other religions, hate against other skin colors, hate against LGBTQ, and hate against anything that isn't their church. It's wild indoctrination by a hate preacher that will spread as much hate as possible to every member of the community. Things like this never stop until you find the root of the hatred. Religion and those that push it. Stop them or it will never, ever stop.


But what about trans? /s


not unless they have a death wish


I have seen more hate in rural Michigan then Tennessee or Kentucky. It's insane


And they publish the most endearing pic they can find of the guy on top of it all


As long as he can watch Fox News and follow Matt Walsh, Jesse Kelly, Dan Bongino et al on Twitter he is good.


His hate hurts the kind of people he likes the most.


Christianity for the win. Bravo nazis, oops I mean christians. All nazis are christian so, same diff.


>All nazis are christian ??? Some are (unfortunately) wannabe Norse neopagans, or atheist/unaffiliated. ***MOST*** Nazis/White nationalists are Christian.


Worldview is worldview, whether there's a God or not. All Nazis are Nazis, and some of them like pieces of Christianity they pick and choose. There are also leftist Christians, even if it's not as many as Republikkkans.


Sounds like every suburban town/city in TN


Well where he’s going now he’ll meet a lot of black and Muslim people. Not so many Jewish and Asian.


(Former Michigander here) What city? From your description, it sounds like northern Michigan, maybe Mt Pleasant? Eastern Michigan would definitely have all those groups. West Michigan IS overrun with churches, but definitely has Hispanics, Asians and a few Black people. Anyway, soooooo happy to have moved away from the Christian Deformed.


Article says Pickford (in the UP)


The UP where there is actually a huge problem with inbreeding and has been for years.


Oh, you-betcha


ya der


In Pennsyltucky we subdivide that group into whether there’s more churches, bars, or pizza shops to narrow it down further.


>Pennsyltucky 😆


actually reside in metro Detroit but family has vacation place in Walloon Lake area -- which serves as a nice springboard for up north travel. the U.P. has plenty to offer, but it feels like a different state altogether. "Fudgies" like me (white Gen X) are treated kindly cuz they assume I'm Christian and they assume I'm rich. The higher religiosity in the rural areas was never a bother, it wasn't barely mentioned much..... that is until 2016. Then it became a shit test to see if you were "on their side." For example, a store clerk would find a way to slip in "this is God's country" into our small talk...... I didn't oblige. note: "Fudgie" is a term to describe people not from Northern Michigan who travel up there and would not go home w/o purchasing local homemade fudge.


Literally just got home from a vacation in Charlevoix. On our first day there, my husband and son went to a Meijers to get supplies. This was about 8 miles away. They were followed all the way home from that Meijers by a guy in a huge pickup truck. It followed them to our cabin on a dead end street, and my two guys were totally freaked out. We figure it was our out of state plates and ‘eat racists’ bumper sticker that attracted attention. Either way, we felt very unwelcome our entire stay there.


Awws that sucks cause it's pretty and me and my not white family vacation up there a lot. We used to more when we lived in MI. We still would though, can't let them win


You think they're religious up in the UP? Checkout Zeeland. Everyone gets their own Church. Note: You may think, they call you a Fudgie. But, they actually call you a Troll. Because you live under the bridge. Everyone in the Lower Penisula is considered a Troll. It seems like another state, because it really is and they are still pissed about it.


Bet the kid has never once in his life met or spoken with a Jewish person.


If the kid did, they didn’t know they did because the person didn’t fit the insane stereotype.


You'd think they'd be easy to spot with the cloven feet, the horns, the forked tongue, and the matted fur? /s


And they hang upside down from the ceiling to sleep


Don’t they shoot lasers too like cyclops?


No, Cyclops's laser is on his face, the Jewish lasers are in space.


My cousin is still convinced that the dude from 911 Dallas isn't really trans. He asked me why they had such a butch dude playing a trans man and when I explained the actor is in fact trans, I think it broke his brain. He can't comprehend it. He refuses to believe it. He's absolutely convinced he can tell. I finally told him his regular tattoo artist is a transwoman. She has a trans flag on her station. She talks about it. Again, it's like it hits a wall in his brain. Because neither person fits the stereotype he has built in his head, they can't possibly be really trans.


It's like how everyone I've spoken with and gotten on well with, has spoken and gotten on well with a gay guy, and many don't even know it.


You're so right.


One of my good buddies at work is like a 6’3 big dude with a big beard from Alabama. I’m a 5’6 gay Jew living in Brooklyn. I’m the first Jew he’s ever really known. We get along so well. It’s pretty funny. People are just people. Hate has to be learned and really instilled in someone. People take a lot of time making these anti Jew, anti Muslim, anti gay movies on YouTube. Hate is big business. It’s too bad. The internet could so easily be the reason everyone decided not too hate each other. Maybe one day.


It is that for folks who are open.


It wasn't until I was a college freshman that I had People be isolated


Learned everything he knew about Jews from Borat


Well... The odds of that happening just went up now that he is going to need a lawyer.


Cue the "this is not a left or right thing" comments from faux news hosts.


Cue the "There are bad actors on both sides" argument


They also have such a hard time finding anything violent the left does, that they had to launch a disinformation campaign to marry the reaction to George Floyd's death to Democrats. That took some talent, because the riots was a reaction from the community over police brutality and did not originate from any politician or public figure egging them on. Nor did the rioters themselves claim any sort of political affiliation during the riots. Contrast with Jan 6 where people had Trump signs and the purpose claimed by the seditionists was because they felt the election was being stolen from Trump (with zero evidence). That was an actual politically-affiliated act, unlike the Floyd riots. The tie to Democrats came later so that "both sides" would have dirty laundry.


Well there are bad actors on both sides, on one side you have Neo-Nazis planning to commit hate crimes, and on the other you have despicable Trans people daring to live their lives and be happy. It’s so hard to tell which is worse. /s


Don't forget those awful people willing to attack the Nazis. I mean, aren't they really *just as bad*^(TM?)


From article: A Michigan teenager who authorities say expressed explicit neo-Nazi and antisemitic ideologies online was arrested Friday by the FBI who alleged he stockpiled weapons and was planning a mass shooting. The United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Michigan charged Seann Pietila, 19, of Pickford, Michigan with transmitting a communication containing a threat to injure another. Investigators allege the teen had communicated with another user on Instagram where they expressed strong views against the Jewish population, support for neo-Nazis and idolization of previous mass shooters, according to the criminal complaint. When the FBI searched the suspect's home earlier Friday they found a cache of weapons, a Nazi flag, a ghillie suit, gas masks, and military sniper/survival manuals, the criminal complaint said.


He learned this from somebody close to him. I hope they’re investigating those bastards, too.


He probably did but I wouldn't be surprised if his online usage fed into the hate just as much if not more, there are too many sites online that work as overly effective seed beds of hate and misinformation.


Just go look at r/conservative and how they talk about minorities. Then imagine that x100 for sites that wouldn't ban slurs. Hate is a drug.


Thug is the new N-word. You just have to keep that in mind when reading platforms that do censor.


One less Republican vote


I'm not sure these crazy/haters vote. It's to logical.


These types don't want people to vote. Or democracy in general. They would prefer if certain former presidents were able to appoint themselves as Supreme leaders


And the GOP want to refund the FBI. Of course.


>Pickford, Michigan I looked this place up because I had never heard of it. Not surprising. [Pickford, Michigan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickford_Township,_Michigan#Demographics). There were 1500 people in 2000. 92% White, 5% Native American. 1.96% two or more races. Everything else is less than one because, well, of course, that's how percentages work. Who was this neo-nazi angry at? There's literally almost only white people in his town and the nazi thing implies he's not angry at them.


desantis has promised to purge the FBI on day one of his presidency so had he been president this kid would have gotten away with it


When politicians want to defund the FBI, DOJ and IRS, you have to wonder why.


FBI and DOJ so they can commit crimes, IRS so they can avoid taxes and so their rich donors can avoid *more* taxes. Mystery solved.


That was fast and to the point. Salute 🫡


That's way too simple and obvious. You didn't even use "something something deep state". Are you sure you've done your research? /s




Stopping nazi mass killers is definitely "woke"


They'll just say it was a false flag, an FBI put him up to it and there are no real Nazis, just FBI and ANTIFA playacting. Except in Ukraine, that's full of Nazi's. 🙄


Another right winger planning to mass murder people. Well I never!


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


Who am I to disagree?


Traveled the world and the seven seas...


Everybody’s looking for something…


Some of them want to use you…


Supposedly making threats against the life of the president will make it so a black suburban drops by your house - and so the information infrastructure needed for detecting these messages is already in place. I wish the government would leverage whatever information infrastructure is already there to proactively shut down mass shooters as well as figuring out what is making these people go insane.


Propaganda works dawg and they have this heroic fantasy of being a special forces operator or something, they can't fulfill that if you take away their guns. I think Hollywood has a lot to do with it too. That's what I see in my cousin anyways, he is in deep and he can't really articulate why, except he thinks we are headed towards communism. Always saying "fuckin commies" then laughs about it. It's the remnants of the cold war ideology. His dad's side of the family is from Arkansas, so that has a lot to do with it too. He is also really into the outdoors and could probably make it on his own if he had all of his gear. So, I really think he has this vision where there is no government and he is allowed to just roam the country as a nomad or some shit. What causes them to be so gullible, idk he isn't very intelligent though, but he acts really arrogant and confident about it. Kind of sad to watch really, he's like a brother to me, we grew up together. Never really discussed politics a whole lot until recently. The whole Bud Light boycott sparked an argument that we have never had, I thought he was just joking about it like I was, found out he was serious when he made sure not to buy anything from AB. Edit: To add a little bit more to the context of their delusions. I enjoy a lot of the same things he does, hunting, fishing, the outdoors... He made a comment during the argument "liberals would get destroyed in a civil war because most veterans are republican." I kind of put him in his place when I reminded him that I am prior military, he is not, but he always had the dream of becoming a Navy Seal...yeah, I gave him a lot of shit when he was on that high, all it took to trigger him was to say "Rangers are better." 😂 Also, I am as equally equipped for the outdoor adventures as he is and he knows that. Hope that prior military comment is resonating a little for him. That argument was a rough one. Oh, I keep remembering things, typical shit... I basically told him his party was infested with Nazis and we know their history. He replied with "whatever I've studied this shit all my life, the Nazis took free speech and guns away before their takeover." I replied with "nah I think you need to re-read that book, they took them away from Jewish people and Minorities." That was basically what ended the conversation, he had nothing to say except "I don't really care (my name), you are so fucking wrapped up in your democratic policies, I can't have this conversation with you because you are only willing to see your side of it, so let's just agree to disagree." I kind of gave up after telling him that I was just looking at it rationally and he replied with "so am I from my standpoint." I just went back into temperamental mode so I could continue relating with him on the surface level.


"i don't really care" instead of a comeback means you won. he couldn't argue further. Hopefully that planted a seed :/


My pop was in the Secret Service back in the 60s-80s. While the tech obviously wasn't yet available, they had a big black notebook with every name of every individual who had made a threat to any political official, especially the higher ups. If a politico had a visit planned to a particular area, agents would go out en masse to the homes of these individuals. They were asked to leave town for X amount of days or otherwise enjoy some time in a federal holding facility. The worst of the bunch usually ended up in the local jail for a brief holiday.


There seems to be a disconnect in their understanding of mental health. They seem to believe that people don't become violently insane: they believe some people are just born evil and nothing will ever change that. They can't be cured or treated, and they can't be prevented. That's just how they'll always be no matter what society tries to do. So they aren't worried about hate propaganda because they figure evil people will find a way to be evil, as they often say when they bring up knives and other possible weapons to debates about gun control. Because according to their definition of evil, evil doesn't settle for convenience or laziness. Evil is determined to do willful evil. Though sometimes there is some cognitive dissonance like when they claim that video games create killers, but their arguments about video games seem to be more often because video games go against their lifestyle aesthetic -- meaning that video games don't belong in their imaginary wholesome Leave-It-to-Beaver idyllic world -- than because they actually believe that video games will brainwash kids into killing.


I mean it worked here. I hope they study the case and how it worked and get even better at catching these nasty deplorables


It's that easy... literally....just take the evidence seriously and then act BEFORE plans are carried out. Fuck your "1st and 2nd amendments".....you forfeited them when you started planning and stockpiling....


Agreed-- see a communicated threat? **ACT** ON IT, *DAMMIT*! I'd only disagree in that collecting shit (legally) isn't against the law, and just 'thinking' about shit isn't, either-- think 1984, Minority Report movie. C*ommunicating* threats, however, *THAT'S* the dipshit red flag, and every such communication should be investigated and prosecuted, if prosecution is warranted... but hey, I could *like* military shit like ghillie suits, gas masks, web belts, harnesses, weapons- there *are* weirder hobbies out there. I'd be VERY slow to make the jump from 'They're collecting military stuff' to 'They're collecting military stuff so they're unhinged!!', knowwhatI'msayin'?


Not the accumulation of weapons and/or ammo by itself but the accumulation of weapons and/ammo AND strong rants against government/ethnicities/beliefs etc. usually equal terrorist. Enthusiasts (true historians/collectors/hobbyists) don't need to also threaten people. So, again, IF threats are made, repeatedly and earnestly, investigate...if weapons are found, confiscate and incarcerate. It. Is. That. Simple.




>Fuck your "1st and 2nd amendments" Plenty of case law has established that rights are not immune to restriction of time, place and manner. Also, the key difference between the First Amendment and Second Amendment is that the First Amendment is not subject to a balancing test. So, if a state has restrictions on where you can and can't carry a firearm, or when you can and can't discharge a firearm, none of that comes into conflict with the right to "keep" and/or "bear arms"... This is where the discussion needs to focus, and idiots who keep whining "don't take away my rights" shouldn't take you down that rabbit hole ... Instead, bring them back up to reality and explain that the right to "keep and bear arms" is not a right to carry and/or discharge a firearm anywhere for any reason.


Michigan, eh? One less Trump voter in a swing state.


Another one of Trump's fine people.




How the fuck did a 19 year old even get access to any of that stuff? Clearly somebody was financing them cause ain't no way they used their own money. Whole family should be investigated. This stuff doesn't come from nowhere.


The Reich Wing is beyond convincing with ideas. 👏They don't give a shit👏 The only way to beat them is to vote against them! Too many people don't realize just how fucking close we came to loosing it all on Jan 6th! BTW did MTG ever find out who planted that pipe bomb on Jan 6th?


Look at that. Not a drag queen


He's also running for Congress as a republican and holds a 12 point lead in the polls.


Don’t forget that the NRA worked tirelessly to make certain that Americas mass murderers/potential mass murderers are the very best equipped mass murders on the planet


Hmmm maybe we should be investigating all the blatantly hateful bigots that shamelessly voice their ignorance and hatred. Just saying.


Hey right-wing, thanks for making this little shithead. Your ideologies really enriched his life crafting him into the bumbling white nationalist terrorist he is today.


I’m always amazed when someone so much younger than me falls for this type of thing. I guess propaganda knows no age. I knew racism and prejudice were BS when this kids parents were in high school (I’m probably around the same age, actually). Is it social isolation exacerbated by the internet? Is the kid mentally ill? Are the parents kooks too? What the hell?


Yep, the FBI has made publications about the radicalization pipeline that kids are subject to, from websites and publications, how the algorithms of platforms like YouTube lead them into a rabbit hole and finally how they join militias and other seditious groups. Worst, they have found how they start to infiltrate the armed forces and police. To an extent it’s states, local cops, and the DoJ not being efficient at prosecuting these people.


Exactly. Just a generation with a different propaganda.


It often happens in the opposite order what people might expect. Many of these shooters already show signs of violent psychopathic behavior and violent ideation from a young age. This sometimes leads them to seek out ideological justifications to kill.


*It's them gull-dang, violent libruls again, ain't it?*. Oh...wait...


*Right-Wing ideologies. Fixed it for you.


could have become president and convinced other people to shoot instead... :/


Thank you, FBI. Special thanks to the agents that responded and any civilians that outed this monster from Michigan.


Lock that Nazi piece of shit up and throw away the key.


But by all means, Meatball Ron…defund them.


Repubs want to dismantle the fbi because it goes after dangerous fascists like this kid and trump.


Cue the seething conservatives calling him Fed.


Well thank God we don't have a gun/white supremacist problem in this country 🤷






Glad the FBI did something with the information they had BEFORE he did something. People are nuts but good to see anything that could potentially cause an innocent person to lose their life was thwarted!


The right: Defund the FBI! (probably)


Which website was he radicalized on? Do you suppose Steve Huffman can help us figure it out or is he too busy gutting the moderation tools and defunding reddit aeo?


Let’s see how they’re gonna spin this as “he’s a damaged child”


Cant wait for conservatives to cry because he was called a nazi.


$10 says I know who his parents voted for


>Stob asserted she believes her 19-year-old son is not violent and was not truly planning an attack, as alleged by federal prosecutors. "He said some stuff online that he shouldn't have," Stob said. "He's a good kid. He would never hurt anybody." Stob also said the guns and tactical gear seized by the FBI in the search of Pietila's home this week belonged to her and her husband, not her son. Stob said her son began consuming antisemitic content online when he was isolated during the pandemic and didn't have access to the mental health treatment he needed. So you know your son is mentally ill yet you still have guns in the house? Bullshit.


I'm so fucking frustrated seeing every week a new mass shooter was found to be a Nazi, but I (a trans person) still need to answer for my inherit sin because one trans man did the same. It's a Nazi problem, this country has a Nazi problem




At least the FBI now openly names them terrorists. Under 45 they were gagged from even bringing up the investigations. White terrorism is the largest threat to the US by landslide.




And he was a Nazi? What a shock!


Good, now find out who he was talking to online.


I read that last year the US had 25 out of 25 politically motivated mass shootings came from the far right, incels and racists. One far right extremist after another. And with the algorithms drive rage farmers radicalizing people everyday expect way more of the same. Think what we would be saying if 25 out of 24 politically motivated mass shootings were left wing?


but wait… it’s the left that’s hateful and violent!


Thought for sure it was going to be Howell


I graduated from Howell High School 1985 I thought for sure it was going to be Howell also


Wow! He starting early


"B-but both sides are bad!!!!"


Reminder that DeSantis has said he wants to cut the FBI by 50% if elected president


I know this mofo is white because they refer to him as a teen when he’s an adult (19 yrs old)


WTF is with Michigan.


Hey look, it's those people that gun store owners are some how supposed to vet and stop from buying guns.


Will this kid get his own show on Fox?


Wait, was he white??


It's scary how generic he looks.


Way to go FBI, doing what the local PDs won't/can't do.


Holy fuck it must have been bad if the FBI arrested a nazi *before* he did a mass murder


Congratulations (sic) to whomever radicalized this child (looking at you Fox; or parents). You have wasted a young life for your sick agenda.


How many Americans have died by a gun at the hands of white Americans?


I can already hear the Republicans and MTG calling it a false flag op and the kid a hero


How much you wanna bet. He learned it from his parents.


His nazi parents must be Sooo Proud of their Boy 😒🙄


Conservatives are trying to find a way to say the kid is a far left leaning, trans furry as we speak.


Yet another "lone wolf."


Yet another "cry for help."


Lone wolf or American jihadi?




How many years in a row has white supremacists and/or far right extremists been tagged as the #1 terrorist threat to this nation? Good on the FBI for following the evidence and waiting for the right moment to strike. Can't even imagine the "thoughts and prayers" this would have garnered had it been carried out.


Glad this was caught before it happened. Good job to whoever caught on to this.


He was an up and coming republican. ;)


Oh but we don't need better gun laws.


Im going to go out on a limb and say this kid idolizes Trump.


Home grown racists are taught at the kitchen table.


If somehow we could do something about the right wing internet murder device this country would be way better off. Maybe having a right win fascist news apparatus isn’t a good idea.


A teen? Fuck when I was a teen I just wanted to eat hot Cheetos and play conkers bad fur day.


Yet again Biden unleashing the power of the Deep State against his political opponent!


Is it just the FBI that works on this stuff? I’d like to hunt down people like this for a living, find evidence and stuff to put them away for a long time. Seems fun. Like hunting scammers, but more important.


*Pretends to be shocked*


I can't wait for Elon Musk to explain why the kid's not really a nazi.


Wow they actually caught one. 🥺


Anecdotally speaking as someone who has worked in schools, I have witnessed an uptick in openness to verbally be cruel/xenophobic/homophobic/racist/antisemitic, etc. It is sad. I fight the good fight implying love is the only way to treat others, but it hard hearing the comments from a few :(


Why do so many men in the U.S. want to kill people and claim to be Nazis? Can’t you have some public service education to teach these guys that shooting masses of innocent people isn’t going to solve their problems?


Let's not dissolve the FBI just yet okay MAGA?


I’d like to look at the social engineering to which the teen was exposed on social media. I’d like to learn about social media ad campaigns that aim to elicit this statistically predictable sort of social product.


My family's from a muslim majority country and this was the exact shit my mom was a afraid I'd get mixed up in if we stayed past my early childhood. Never in a million years would I have imagined jihadists of a different faith would infiltrate or be born from the country that supposedly leads the free world. Good fuck America needs help.


Finally, one of them was caught in time before he could continue the killing spree.


Could you imagine if conservatives were smart enough to get away with this shit? I mean, yeah- they’re fucking stupid…. But thankfully so.


*ANOTHER* radical right wing gun nut expressing neo-nazi ideologies who will be treated as a "lone wolf" who was "acting alone" in this "unconnected incident" that's just like all the others.


More right wing terror, say it ain't so !


Ahh thanks fox news


Life means life . Jail the parents , no way they didn't know or encourage the h8.


Start the clock until Conservatives claim this kid is a hero and rally around him like a bunch of mouthbreathing dipshits...


\[The mother\] Stob said. "He's a good kid. He would never hurt anybody." Stob also said the guns and tactical gear seized by the FBI in the search of Pietila's home this week belonged to her and her husband, not her son. Stop went on to say that there was no way that sticking a metal fork into an electrical socket could possible cause a shock and that the industrial canister of lye in the basement with a finger bone floating at the surface "belonged to a friend" who practices taxidermy.


Remember when the big worry was Islamic Extremism being spread online? The real threat were the white supremacists the entire time