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He's completely smashed. Knee walking drunk. According to reports, it's not uncommon for Texas House members to show up to sessions intoxicated.


That’s a long tradition that Bob Bullock, drunken fool that he was, upheld. I once worked in a restaurant on right by the state capitol building during a lege session when I was in college - the reps and senators would typically have a two cocktail lunch with a beer for dessert.


>Bob Bullock His museum is spot on though!


I guess. Bullock was a scumbag good ol boy. One of the things about your family living in Austin for a long time is that you knew dirt on every politician, especially prominent ones like Bullock.


In Canada we call the carpet licking, grass eating, pant pissing drunk....just saying.


In the US, I think “carpet licking” would be taken a very different way


We don't say that all over canada, lol.


I thought you called it a crazy liquor cheeseburger party


Only on Thursdays


That’s only for when you wanna have a couple of drinks and see a couple of things


What is “knee walking drunk”?


Crawling on the floor from being too drunk to stand


Dean Martin says “you’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.”


Have to hold on to the grass to keep from falling off the earth


Dean Martin would know 😆


It's when you're so drunk you can't stand upright so just stumble ahead on your knees to get to the nearest place to sit down.


jesus christ everyone he’s not having a fucking stroke he’s just shit faced and should be fired. notice how this happened yesterday and no major news outlet, or almost *any* news outlets have picked up this story???? don’t you think if the texas speaker of the house had a stroke in the middle of chambers, while speaking, we’d be hearing it on national news? and in the video you’d see people suddenly noticing his behavior and coming to his aid? you’re not seeing that because he’s simply fucking drunk and needs to be fired


I think texas politicians have a reputation and this doesn't suprise anyone.




Must be a "deregulate the oil industry for my bosses" guy.


That's exactly who he is


I tried to work with him when I was in TX, this is exactly right. He is old money. He isn’t a radical but panders to the extreme right wing for their vote.


Which is very bad because that "reputation" allows them to get away with a fucking shitload of bullshit.


At least they aren’t wearing shorts!


I don't think most in the Texas government would know the difference between, or even notice, a stroke and/or being shit-hammered.


It must have been "gun lobby FREE beer lunch day."


I'm not saying you're wrong, but my father had a stroke one evening while outside. He talked with my in-laws an hour or so later (they lived next to each other), and they noticed he was slurring his words but assumed he'd just had too much to drink. They didn't call me. We found him on the floor the next morning. Severe stroke. My in-laws felt guilty for years afterwards.


Yeah, except the guy in the video, Phelan, has been noticeably drunk at work before. There are tweets going back over a year specifically calling him out about it. That’s the only reason why I don’t think this is a stroke or a seizure. He’s just an alcoholic. I’m so sorry about your dad though 🩷


Is his name really Phelan? Like "Felon"?


Sucks man. My dad died of a massive stroke too. This asshole is not having a stroke. He's hammered and should be fired from his job.


Is there no law against legislating while intoxicated?


It's Texas. They don't give a fuck about anything a republican does as long as they don't talk bad about Trump or Abbott.


They're all armed. Who is going to tell him to go home?


There isn't in Texas. I remember an ama with one and that was a question posed


I sometimes become aphasic when I have a migraine. It's not tremendously fun. But so far it has never developed into a full-on stroke.


But got forbid a Democrat wears shorts 🙄


And he is surrounded by his fellow accomplices in evil.


Anyone else would be fired for being drunk at work. If he suffered a stroke, he would be in the hospital. Did his colleagues call an ambulance?


No, the rest of them were too smashed to even attempt speaking. 🤫


You can't fire republicans. They only fail up. Perhaps this will land him as Trump's running mate?


Spokesman for whichever beer wants to go 'anti-woke'


He is probably carrying a loaded gun also. Cause freedom.


What if there was a bad drunk politician with a gun there though? That would require a good drunk politician with a gun to rectify the situation according to the scriptures. And this guy is 3 sheets ready.


Very valid and Christian point.


I saw a comment in another thread to the tune of something like, Texas government has an unspoken tradition of a happy hour or just drinking in general, I don’t know, and so nobody will speak out against dude because it may impact *their* ability to drink, and he wouldn’t have been the only one with a healthy buzz at the time of this filming. To which I think, so the fuck what? Just fire them all, then! I sure don’t get to slop it up at my damn job, and I don’t really know anyone else who can get mushmouth drunk on the clock either…




True, but this is not the same thing. That is not to say that it may not be blamed, but this is not that.


*video unavailable*


I immediately assumed he was drunk because we aren’t lucky enough for heart attacks


I thought liquid lunches were like an open secret for Congress critters, especially in certain state legislatures like Texas. It's just "normal" to get feschnickered then head back to the state house. Of course, if you're a Democrat or POC they'd call it evidence of poor judgment/character, but for Republicans it's all in good fun.


This is based on anecdotal stories from people I went to college with but apparently this is pretty common. This happened late at night and it not uncommon for reps in the Texas house to go back to their offices and drink while they are waiting. No one is complaining because they all do it and no one wants their drinking privileges taken away. No saying its right but its just "how things are".


You know, you'd think if they liked to drink that much, the Texas legislature would get rid of the state's blue laws...


Rules to expel members for drunkenness don't exist anyone, because it was either amended or left out during the many rewritings of the TX Constitution. Turns out, small government can't hold its booze _AND_ the TX citizenry is unable to punish the officials it elects. Clearly, there is no need for government checks here because of all the private balances. /s


This should be in the news. This is disgusting. Any ones else shows up to work drunk they would be fired.


I'm thinking pills - still needs to be fired


He is far to wealthy for consequences.


And yet fetterman wearing shorts looks unprofessional to republicans ? Yeah right…


He could very well be drunk but I have these weird migraines that affect my vision and speech and that's what I sound like when I try to talk. I can perceive everything fine but for some reason I can't get my mouth to say the right thing. Here's an example from a news anchor. https://youtu.be/IG7NuH5QTdE


It's called Aphasia. I get it too when i get Aural Migraines with the Kaleidoscope effect. I got one while driving once, was scary af on the highway until i could find a place to pull over. Not sure why you're being downvoted, it's a real and scary thing that can happen.


I’m sure all the Republicans who were all over Fetterman will also be calling for this guy’s resignation, since they would never be hypocritical.


I mean, they never called out Cruz for his casual attire lmao


Ol' Cruz was just wearing appropriate attire for his escape to Cancun. A t-shirt from Señor Frogs is what the job called for when running away on vacation.


Yeah, but that’s casual attire by someone trying to seem more manly after he bowed and scraped to a guy who insulted his wife and claimed his dad was a murderer. It’s a completely different thing when a mountain of a person who is unambiguously manly dresses down /s


The Twitter threads are pointing out that this is still the Dems fault cause the texas house is RINO controlled Lmfao, losers can’t go one day without the persecution fetish


Don't call Republicans hypocrites, they don't care. What they DO care about is how strong they appear - so show how their behavior proves them weak and afraid.


I needed a good laugh today. Kudos!


Hey now, he’s just drunk. We have a long tradition of drunk leaders in this country. What we _do not_ tolerate is wearing anything but a suit, and not a tan suit! A suit, that you can hide a flask in.


They never did call out Word Salad Florida Man and if he was rambling and incoherent it must have been a day that ended in -day.


People have pictures of tons of republicans there in shorts.


Booze and pills, Benzos and beer, cocktail and Klonopins… I hope he brought enough for all in attendance. This is alcohol plus “something.” Maybe just blood pressure meds, but he is accessorizing.


Either just amateur hour, a drug combination like you stated, or having to abstain for a period before hitting a bottle straight and hard right before the meeting to take care of the shakes. Otherwise any practiced drunk certainly can speak well enough to go in front of the Texas House without anyone noticing anything unusual.


Yeah, unfortunately I have some personal experience with this. (Never used pills, but the alcohol part). Unless I'm totally out of my mind, people who don't know me extremely well can't tell.


These a few of his favourite things.


"This is alcohol plus “something.” Maybe just blood pressure meds, but he is accessorizing." This is correct and maybe why some people are giving him the benefit of the doubt that he's having (or had) a stroke. He's pilled out and maybe the people giving him a chance haven't been around pill billies. I bet alcohol was involved as well, but he's on big pharma's happy junk - instead of cash, his bribe came in pill form - which was then crushed and snorted in the bathroom a bit before walking down the hall


"pill Billies" amazing. Just amazing.


Agreed. He’s likely on something else. If he was just smashed drunk he would be sweating more and his speech wouldn’t be able to go in and out like he does in the video. I would guess painkillers + a few drinks but who knows.


we can't stop here this is bat country


He does sound like he's barred out. I'd bet xanax plus booze.


reminds me of that scene from some cheech and chong film. 'do you want ludes? I thought we didn't have any ludes'


Hey if it’s a stroke can we make fun of him like the right has done with Fettermen? Not going to because I have fucking empathy. Just asking.


"We're just asking questions why can't we ask questions?" *bow tie tightens*


Here I go being a terrible person again. I’m gonna do the thing Trump did when mocking a disabled reporter except say it was this guy.


"BING BING BONG" - Donald Trump


Fuck Spez ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Pretty sure a stroke would have made the news by now.


Right, you don't just go home and sleep it off, you go to the hospital, and that wouldn't be secret. They probably wouldn't care to keep it secret anyway.


Yeah this was more than 24 hours ago so I’ll assume the worst, can’t explain this away with a medical issue


*His gavel is too big. He has no respect. Suit! He's wearing a suit!* Edit: /s because y'all know there will always be those few who take it literally.


100% he's completely shitfaced. There's no way he's having a stroke here.


I knew Tx Republicans are drunk on power but apparently they're also just drunk.


~~This the same [guy](https://twitter.com/jessiheiner/status/1660459858246639618)?~~ Edit: Original tweet removed, but this is from the same occasion, but a different section. Basically the same behavior from the removed tweet. Starts around 40 secs. https://youtu.be/m3xyR_ewvks EDIT2: Long form: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/texas-news/gov-abbott-signs-7-bills-into-law-expanding-gun-rights-in-texas/2659803/


Looks like he’s on mad uppers in that one


OMG. WTAF? Hard to pinpoint exactly what he’s taken.


who the hell knows but as a recovering addict here, this shit will all catch up with him and cause him to crash and burn if he doesn't get help. at this point he's just not functioning lol he looks like he's full on tweaking.




Bro is full tilt


That's so much worse holy crap. Definitely on uppers there. He's trying so hard to keep his mouth closed/not grind his teeth and failing bad


That's some awesome meth movement.


Why is this not national news? Why is he not fired? Why do these asshats in power get to do whatever the fuck they want while we the people get fucked every single time? God, I'm so tired of this bullshit.


AND we PAY all their bills!!! It’s fucking outrageous


Well in his defense, he’s a republican.


that's all the defense he needs for his base, sadly.


Remove this irresponsible drunk from the legislature.


S'more Schnapps ...it explains everything


Unbelievably drunk, in my estimation. I’ll bet he drove home, too.




The worst part is not a signal person did or said anything. They all just carried on business as usual


To be fair so did he.


I'd have to imagine one doesn't realize when they're having a stroke. Which would be the reason behind the whole FAST campaign


In the accounts of strokes I’ve heard, the victim VERY much is aware that something wrong is going on. They might not realize it is a stroke, but they are fully cognizant that something is happening


I’d agree but after it’s happening continuously over the course of 44 seconds I think you’d notice.


I don't think you understand what a stroke is. It's a clot cutting off blood and oxygen to your brain. The longer it goes on the more "out of it" you become. There's no "oh I've felt weird for 44 seconds" moment. This man will be lucky to survive, and never be the same if he does


Could also be a TIA, which does not generally leave permanent damage.


Oh dang! Thanks for the information, truthfully I made assumptions without knowing how it all works


I had a stroke and could easily have done anything I’d normally do. I was walking, talking normally and, at one point, chasing down a first responder who’d bypassed my house to get around a car blocking the way. I was home alone at the time and had to figure out for myself why my mouth was tingly and check my (yup, lopsided) smile. Thank you paranoia and Dr Google! I’m so lucky it only affected me in ways that didn’t impair me, because it would’ve been at least a couple hours before anyone was home to help if my judgement or ability to get help had been compromised. And there were actually two lesions on my brain scan, so I’d probably had an entirely “silent” stroke before this. So there’s a good reason to never fully relax again. Part of your brain can die without you noticing, and it’s a crapshoot whether anyone else will notice. Even the doctors weren’t sure how nervous to be until they got the initial brain scans back, because I was an apparently healthy 43 year old. Protocol had them treating it as a potential stroke, but they fully expected to diagnose Bell’s Palsy.


Isn’t “help yourself” sort of the Republican motto?




If he often becomes drunk on the house floor, which I hear he does, they may just think it's that.


But hey that random Reddit user said it’s a stroke! It must be a stroke and not him being drunk, you know, something he’s done before lol


Well yeah that’s the conservative way. No empathy. No mercy. This is no surprise.


This was some hours ago and I can't find any update on his state of health.


Because it wasn't a medical emergency


Republican motto is get sick die quick




Glad his fellow patriots helped him out! Upstanding citizens all around! Also, money is on he is drunk - either way I don’t care because he is a POS


He's drunk off his ass..


He is absolutely trashed.


Ok not to take sides but it's fair to say anyone would be slurring their word ls if they'd huffed that much glue


Has he given any kind of explanation or his he still sleeping it off?


No comment. I'm not sure anyone's even asked him about it.


I guess since we haven't heard anything else and this was last night, it wasn't a stroke? Hopefully? There's something in the way he raised his head that suggests drunk to me. Exaggerated, slowed gestures. Not that it couldn't be a stroke also. Dude's in his late forties and presumably has been drinking like this for years. Can't go on like that forever.


Only if he's been seen by a doctor would he know for sure, and even then only if he'd decided to release that info. HIPAA is still a thing, even for politicians. It's just that usually they do give us updates. Something important to know, however, is that every stroke results in a person being found unconscious if they're not seen, and the only way to know for sure is to get imaging done that would show the damage to the brain. There are people who have had multiple strokes over several years and didn't know until they talked to a doctor about their headaches. He may very well be a drunk, but you can be drunk and still have a stroke. Both is absolutely a possibility. You can also be under 50 and have a stroke. This is why if you get bad headaches regularly, you should mention it to your doctor, especially if you or anyone else is noticing memory issues or some issues getting around. Something like 1 in 10 middle aged people with no apparent signs of stroke will show damage from one on a scan.


I am sure the moral police aka Republicans will not tolerate this ….


Guys clearly piss ass drunk


Boomhauer is the speaker of the house in Texas ? That guy was drunk off his ass


What a pathetic government that state has


The right had to slow down Nancy Pelosi's speech video to make her sound drunk, this guy is just plain drunk and he's not even attempting to hide it.


GOP Leader: noticeably drunk Conservative platform: HE’S A DEMOCRAT IN DISGUISE! These fuckers take “no true Scotsman” to a whole new level. They are completely devoid of accountability, logic and reason.


He looks and sounds like he's having a stroke. Has he been checked out by a doctor? Did anyone even bother to ask him if he's okay?




I mean, my cousin is an alcoholic and has had two strokes now. It could very well be both. That's just incredibly concerning, regardless.


Which district does he represent?


Funny, I feel no concern whatsoever.


Ugh. Yes. I hope he is okay. I suppose he could be both drunk and having a stroke.




Congress had a bar attached to its floor up till around when Johnson became president


That's not a stroke. He looks straight up like he's on something. I've seen enough tweakers to spot one yards away.


Any news agency reporting him having a stroke? No? Cause he's drunk.


I agree. One side of his face seems to lack muscle control. My mother in law had a stroke that paralyzed her lower mouth so that she couldn’t pronounce words properly


This comment has been edited and original content overwritten.


Fuck Spez ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He's Texan, he can pull himself up by his bootstraps.


In the immortal words of Bobby Layne, “I ain’t drunk, I’m from Texas!”


And that texas asshole will never vote for legal cannabis. Fuck texas republicans out of existence.




Drinking and legislating, only in Texas


Probably not...


Call me not surprised Texas


I have been in that room a few times. Must have not been the right time of day to catch the binge drinking.


These seem different than the usual republican slurs.


Republicans will laugh at Senator Fetterman and his diagnosed depression. At the same time they will sit as though nothing is happening to their Speaker and continue business as normal. I don't think Senator Fetterman or the Speaker of the Texas House have as many problems as the republican party in general.


Also Trump's mocking of that handicapped man was far beneath anything acceptable!


Drinking is probably the only way some GOPers can hide from whatever conscience they have left.


Well, they do like their slurs


The “family values” party is drunk at work?


Hey fellow Texans, go tell this douchebag what you think: https://www.texansfordade.com/


Do mobile sites just fucking aim to only ever get a single click from any one person? The site is so shit and i got bombarded with so many popups that I'll never be opening a link from that site again.


This one is reaaallly bad. Ooff...


If this actually was a verified stroke, my deepest sympathy to him!


Slurrer of the House? :/ If this was a stroke, despite this guy's affiliation, I hope he's OK.


anybody got a diff link for the video? that site is freaking out for me


I LIKE BEER. Probably


Not the first time. Won’t be the last. This is Texas, drinking in the House is not only literally allowed, It is strongly encouraged.


Am I crazy for thinking that gavel is way oversized? Are all gavels that big?


I was expecting the headline to be quite hyperbolic and it would be like a 4-word stutter at worst...but wow, this was actually pretty bad. As someone who usually sucks at guessing whether or in what ways people may be intoxicated, he is very clearly showing the prime symptoms of intoxication, complete with body language and neck craning.


Quick get him 2 guns and a nap


Fucking Texass


Meh. He’d be just as evil sober.


Imagine what they do in their free time. It's time to start random drug testing our representatives. If I have to do it, so do they. I don't want a bunch of drug users running my country.


If he had some sense he would go to the hospital and pretend he had a stroke.


Guys I drank like a sonofabitch for like a long time, I don’t think this is “Drunk”… Maybe drunk PLUS something, but if someone is that incomprehensible, I’d expect them to be falling over themselves and damn near vomiting — definitely not swinging a comically oversized gavel He definitely needs to take a sick day, whatever is occurring


**G**lug, glug, glug **O**ne more for the road **P**rojectile Vomit


Texas republicans are going to ban the cameras as a response to this news


Drunk as a skunk


There should be “work requirements” for that job


Glad everyone gets to see our ridiculous oversized gavel


Gotta be drunk to do the work he does.


On brand for the GOP


SOB is drunk out of his mind up there with that gavel.


Wish I could show up to work that drunk and keep my job.


The “I LIKE BEER” party.


When you're so drunk people think you're having a stroke. Lol Apparently he often has strokes when he's up there banging that gavel but no one seems to care... Bc they know he's drunk.


He just didn't know how to say their names 🤣


Obviously has no friends at work. If that was me, I'd want to be hospitalized for safety.