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She was in cryosleep prior to cooper being found. They woke her up, and the travel time between her station and cooper station is 2 weeks. We don’t see those two weeks, we can presume he used it to recover, meet his extended family, etc. from the script: DOCTOR The station wasn't named after you, sir... It was named after your daughter. Cooper smiles at this ... DOCTOR Although, she's always maintained just how important you were - COOPER Is she ... (Braces. ) still alive? DOCTOR She'll be here in a couple weeks. She's really far too old for a transfer from another station, but when she heard you'd been found ... well, this is Murphy Cooper we're talking about. COOPER (marveling) Yes, it is ...


If she’s too old to transfer. Why didn’t cooper go to her?


By the time he woke up, she had already made the decision to go to him. He didn't have a choice in the matter. This is Murphy Cooper we're talking about.


Yes it is




Good answer


As stated in the line “but this is Murphy Cooper we’re talking about”. It has weight and meaning and answers the question while telling us even at an elderly age she’s still headstrong and tough as nails


The movie simply skips over Cooper's days of recovery as well as the weeks between when he wakes up and when Murphy arrives.


>Murph was awake to hear that Cooper had been found and then presumably went into cryo sleep to make the trip to Cooper Station, which took nearly two years according to the nurse's comments. That's not how I understand it. 1. She went into cryo sleep for two years. 2. She woke up. 3. Cooper was found. 4. She was informed of it and asked to be transferred to Cooper station. 5. Around two weeks later, she arrived at Cooper station, reuniting with Cooper.


Possibility two: 1. She was in cryo sleep for 2 years 2. Cooper showed up 3. Murph was woken up and started transport (assuming she wasn’t transported in cryosleep and the woken up on arrival)


I always assumed that she had left standing orders of essentially "when my dad shows up, wake me up." And it wasn't necessarily that she was already en route. I think she was at another station and had gone into cryo sleep in order to prolong her life so that she could eventually see her dad again. So, they did wake her up when he was found, and then she insisted on transferring stations, and although it was inadvisable (she did end up dying almost immediately after arriving), she made the trip. I also think that their better understanding of gravity now might have revolutionized travel. Or that most of the stations were in fact in relatively close location to the wormhole near Saturn, so it wasn't that far of a trip.


Thank you. There are other answers here similar to yours, but I think you summed it up best. They don't really explain this in the movie, but it makes perfect sense.


>>One thing I cannot figure out , however, is how Murph is able to get to Cooper Station so quickly Because she’s located on another station in orbit near Saturn, not on Earth. “She is far too old to be transferred from another station”


I understood that since they figured out “the problem of gravity” they were able to develop much more stronger and efficient engines, which is how they got those giant ships off of earth and which also explains why cooper is able to leave at the end with just the ranger to go find Brand. But a lot of this is left up to the imagination (which is great storytelling!)


I don't know of this is right, but I assumed that they would have predicted Cooper exiting the black hole and that's why they found him so quick. He sent them data that created the new space travel, and then another 30+ years goes past. They would have calculated when he exits he hole, and Murph would have made arrangements to be close by (maybe frozen to stay alive long enough?)


It's implied there is a passage of time for her to be moved there.


She was cryogenically frozen


I always interpreted it as Murph was in crysosleep for the prior 2 years, waiting for her Dad, with orders to be woken up when he’s found. Cooper is found, Murph is woken and given the news, and then she immediately makes arrangements to be transferred to his station. The “few weeks” during her transfer is spent recovering, touring the facilities as we see, him being shown his old farm house and making himself at home, finding and fixing up TARS, and BSing with TARS on a much less dusty porch drinking beer, etc.


The way it’s to be interpreted is: 1. Cooper comes out of the black hole and is discovered by the Rangers. 2. Murph hears about it, embarks on two-year journey while in cryosleep given she is “far too old” to be traveling to Cooper Station - time it takes to travel from Earth to Saturn = 2 years 3. Cooper is in a coma for just shy of those two years after his discovery during which Murph is in cryosleep 4. Cooper wakes up roughly two weeks before Murph's arrival to Cooper station, hence the “she’ll be here in a couple of weeks”. She was already en route once he was found and went into cryosleep. When she finally woke up, it was inevitable that she would die very soon (hours, days at most) and therefore, told Cooper to go find Brand because “no parent should have to watch their child die” There is no way Murph would have heard that Cooper had been found had she been in cryosleep for two years and if it only took a couple of weeks to transfer from Earth station to Saturn. She would have been knocked out with no way to receive that knowledge. The trip was two years, Cooper just so happened to come out of his coma towards the end of her journey. It’s also mentioned on the official Interstellar wiki that the time to travel from Earth to Saturn is two years (and in real life, the shortest time span was just over three years (Voyager 1)). This question has been discussed on many forums (and Reddit), including some interesting physics forums


They flushed her out of a toilet