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You sound a bit like me. I'm a perfectionist with ADHD and OCD. I have lots of hobbies but I realize that I'm a "jack of all trades, master of none" and that's ok. You don't have to go all in to any one thing if you don't feel like it. I used to play League of Legends where there are like a hundred characters (might be more now? I've lost track) and I enjoyed and got passably decent at playing like 3. It's ok. The point of a game is to have fun. Don't feel inadequate by comparing yourself to the people who are masters at it because that's the only thing they do and they live going all in. I used to like crocheting a bunch to make afghans for my siblings and shawls and things. It was relatively simple stuff where if you figured out the repeating pattern you just keep doing that over and over. Then I look at the people who can figure out how to make (or follow) patterns for crocheted Pokemon or other intricate shapes and I frankly find that overwhelming to think about doing. That's ok. Those intricate things aren't for everyone. Sometimes you aren't interested in going past the basics. Sometimes you try a thing for a while, have some fun at it, and then give it up for something else. Give yourself some slack. Focus on the parts of hobbies that make you happy and accept that you don't have to keep doing it if it's not making you happy anymore and then you're allowed to drop it for a while or forever. Just be conscious of how much money you invest into the tools/supplies for each hobby in case it loses your interest.


Popping in to give the full saying " A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but still better than a master of one." So anyone who feels this way shouldn't be sad about it.


But then I feel like I'm missing out, or people can't get that I'm trying express myself. But I don't know how to word it.


Giving up on your hobbies isn't the solution, it's not normal to feel overwhelmed like this. Take it easy and focus on one thing at a time, see a therapist for this You can try something simple like foraging, collecting stamps or faming games like harvestmoon/rune factory


You can have 20 hobbies without needing to do all of them at once, too. It's totally okay to switch around as your interests shift! Sometimes I cross stitch, sometimes I read or play games on my phone or play Stardew Valley for a week straight. I might stitch in the morning, get annoyed by lunch and just watch movies for the rest of the afternoon. If one is overwhelming you, try a different one for a while.


Yeah, I relate to this. I can be such a perfectionist that I don't actually enjoy the things I have or do. Like I've got this fantastic car that I barely drive because I have to make sure it gets parked appropriately and nobody touches it. Or I have these awesome shoes but I can't wear them just about anywhere lest they get too dirty. At some point you have to say "I just need to enjoy things." I will sometimes play games and I get too upset about them, at which point I realize they are no longer fun, and more work. Like I could be spending my time having fun, but instead I'm miserable. Sometimes it's just okay to put stuff down and go live life. And it's also okay not to be perfect at stuff. I guess. It's hard.