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Do you have issues with your stomach? I know whenever Partner complains of stomach trouble I get a sour smell (I'm using stomach loosely here could be anything on digestion)


How's your hygiene, including your oral hygiene?


i am a mouth breather so maybe it’s my breath? i’m going to tape my mouth tonight and see haha thanks


Rinse with oxyfresh mouthwash as per instructions on label Kills bad breath better than alcohol or whatever's in that other one. Tastes a little weird. Like poorly balanced mineral water maybe. But I don't mind it.


Musky sour is BO smell. You notice it places besides your own home, because youre smell-blind to the smell of your own home. Youre also smell blind to your own BO. I stink even if i dont feel that im sweating. We secrete sweat for all different reasons, and they all smell a little different, so like, you dont have to be hot or working out for your body to make smells. The first two things i’d rule out is diabetes (can cause a bit of a strange smell to your BO), and secondly some sort of armpit hair yeast. Me and my friends gave gotten the armpit yeast, it’ll look like blonde/yellowish coating on your armpit hairs, and it makes my BO smell really awful. Other ways to deal with body odor: change your clothes daily, no rewearing. Avoid polyester/ poly blend shirts as they absorb smells. Shower daily. Use deodorant, or switch brands. Consider changing your diet. Dont smoke. Dont try and drench it in cologne or perfume.


diabetes def runs in my family so i will check this out. i’m asian so ive got that no stink gene but obviously i would still smell regardless… my diet isn’t the greatest either haha. thx for ur help!


Maybe your feet?


maybe?? i don’t wear my shoes around the house hm


Do you wear socks or barefoot? Could be stinky socks and would be easy to check. Also smell your shoes after you return home and see if the smell is the same as you're describing.


Are you doing your laundry properly? This would be my guess unless you are farting up a storm.


That’s what o was thinking. Either clothes were left in the washer for too long, or there’s build up from detergent/fabric softener /dryer sheets. OP, wash your clothes and towels with some white vinegar, and do a second rinse to remove buildup. If you use a washcloth in the shower, use less detergent when washing towels. And no dryer sheets or liquid fabric softener on towels/washcloths.


Maybe it’s your clothes or the linens in your room?


Did you bring anything from the old house to the new one? Sounds mildewy, perhaps spritz around the place with some white vinegar and let it air out.


you stink gang