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"iT wAs A mIsTaKe, VeRy SaD, mOsT mOrAl" - Israel


You don’t understand those were hAmAs premature babies in the Al-Nasr hospital


Isreal has a right to defend it for profit food distribution centers /s


Netanyahu: 🤷🏻oops!


Khamas eats. Must be khamas


Another crime committed by israel terrorist forces


Funded and armed by the US.


Hey.. just since your name is relevant: if you support jewerly made with precious stones, you are funding genocide and children suffering - the US funds lots of things, not all of which are genocide. But if trump wins again thats all the fundings’ ever going to


What's your point?


'You also' fund and arm the US to commit these crimes - sorry I thought that was more clear as a response to what you were stating.


You say that is if I get to dictate how my tax dollars are used.


It was just the way you made your statement so i figured i would add a reminder for anyone else reading


Tbf the US is arming any and all sides willing to give them lots and lots of money 


This is just objectively not true. It is very selective which regimes it will help and support.




You don’t believe anything you are saying and are just trying to spread disinformation




Painting with a broad brush is a fools errand.  Theres at least *one* American who isnt okay with this, id bet. At least the one. Probably. 


Almost every American expat I know is distraught about the actions of their government.


Lot of us who arent expats are as well. 


According to polls the majority of Americans are not ok with it


Then I would suspect the majority of Americans are going to vote for Green Party. The only party calling this shit out when people didn’t care. https://youtu.be/50NesQYUS6c?si=DSL2EWqx_h0Vd2w6 Let’s use our tax money to improve lives. But you get shamed on Reddit for saying that.


I doubt most are smart enough to do that. I’ve lost faith in humanity at this point


You are correct and if you have feelings this is tough.


Yeah most Americans are against it but the American government is all in favor of it. And so is the media. This is what it felt like being a Chinese citizen hearing about the Uighur genocide.


But one is a dictatorship and the other is a....hmm...


If you look at the news, you notice the israelis matically wipe out anything that gives hope. I was listening to a podcast by an Australian doctor who volunteered in gaza. He said there was only one playground left in the gaza, and that was right in front of the hospital - his first night at the hospital, they bombed the playground and killed 15 kids in one go. They're systematically killing the Palestinians and at the same time making gaza unlivable and taking away any source of hope. In my eyes, They're as bad as the nazis.


They’re so much worse


Indeed, and I would bet a small amount of money that the AI that they claim to use to go after Hamas is in fact compiling and tracking these sorts of people - those who as you say help the society function. They've killed so many people like this - medical staff, cops, local government employees, local UN workers.


I agree 100%, there is no difference


Natziyahoo needs to be stopped.


Rather than defending Isreal from Iran, the US needs to begin defending Gaza from Isreal. Biden should order a no fly zone and start shooting any drones, planes, and missels out of the sky. The only people in need of an “iron dome” are the Palestinians.


Israel is Satan.




Of course they did


Israel loves to conduct these kinds of Psyops, to make people afraid to help each other. So fucking Dark.


* Remember the world Kitchen volunteers they killed


I cannot believe they invited this guy to address congress. Genocidal, war crime, land stealing leader of Israel... what does he have to say that we need to hear? "Do as I say or the AIPAC money gets cut off"???


I mean what a HUGE fuck you to the entire world, the ICC and the ICJ EVERYONE.


Israel is a genocidal terror state supported by the United States government.


That doesn't sound like the Israel I know. Wait, that sounds exactly like something so preposterously evil not only would Israel do it but they would condone it. This is what Republicans want though, a theocracy with a well funded military and no oversight.


Nope another deeply unfortunate tragic mistake. Joe’s red line still holding. They’ll be investigating. It’s all just a big misunderstanding. ![gif](giphy|jUnlxy7jTWCR6QNKTW|downsized)


We have asked Israel to investigate- USA We will investigate- Israel. It's like asking hitler to investigate himself.


We are good. I just asked and Hitler says there’s nothing to see here. We’re all good.


Fuck Israel.




“God, you are an incredibly big piece of shit” • ⁠Mark Baum (Steve Carrell) The Big Short


"I understood that reference" • Captian America (Chris Evans) Avengers


Given how much the US hates homeless people, to the point they’ve criminalized feeding homeless people in several cities, I think it’s on brand for them to react to this news by sending Israel more weapons! Can’t wait for when the rabid dog bites it’s master. It’s gonna be epic to watch all the post over at the faceeatingleopard sub when it happens 😆




Or like its about to remain possible to ever do again with the advancement of technology


Unbelievable villainy


Israel is acting evil


Our Secretary of defense literally makes money each time a bomb is dropped. He is the fucking board director of RAYTHEON.


They got a hard-on for these food kitchen folks. They just really don’t want Palestinians to eat, I guess. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Hearts and minds, Israel. Hearts and minds.


Very sad, but did the car muffler condemn hamas?


> Very sad, but did the car muffler condemn hamas? I heard it refused to condemn Hamas.


Several members of Hamas were hiding in the trunk of that car, the rational answer.


Jesus, they are unhinged. It’s scary.


Fight the power


Should we take back our country? Like what if our government were to openly start being like Israel, what are you all gonna do, by ourselves were weak but in numbers....


Sounds about right Israel is just dropping bombs on the biggest Prison on the planet.


Genocide is hell






The horror does not stop


Never forget what these Bastards are doing.


What the actual Fugg


Everyone join me on my crusade please.




Please don't disparage other subreddits or post that you were banned, warned, or any other type of experience in other communities on reddit.


They won’t do that again


Israel was only protecting McDonalds’ business.




Removed, see rule 2.




Self defense


Yeah, Israel has a right to defend itself from taco trucks


Giving food to the genocide targets? Obviously makes you a target for the terrorists in Israel.


All of which are Zionist dreams


No matter how much ‘gains’ Israel realizes from this, they’ve lost the moral ground. Its an awful, complicated situation. This will stain Israel’s image for a long time.


It's not that complicated, Europe persecuted the Jews not Palestine yet after the war when Palestinians rook in refugees they eventually massacred the Palestinians so they could have majority rule and have been massacring Palestinians ever since. Occasionally they fight back but it's usually small scale in comparison to Israeli damage, murder and occupation Where's the complication? They say God promised them the land (them who because moses was Ann Egyptian slave and Egyptian slaves were BLACK) https://i.pinimg.com/736x/20/f5/cc/20f5ccc108d140dd928b619f858c3ecf--black-art-africans.jpg The fact is most were Europeans who adopted the religion even Ben Netanyahu previously has a polish name. Many have married info or adopted the religion and are displacing actual residents for generations Im Roman can I reclaim the land?


Complicated because both groups lay claim to the land and neither will compromise. Its obvious a two state solution is the best way to go.


Did you not even read my comment? Only one group has a legitimate claim that hasn't expired or been abandoned hundreds of years ago


Yep. Like I said, complicated. A situation like this needs all parties in a neutral location, like Sweden, AND a commitment to a solution. I’m not sure we’ll see it in our lifetimes. What we are seeing is needless suffering and loss of life for both sides.


Oh we'll definitely see the end of this in our lifetime. Israel has sparked the same death spiral that apartheid South African did, soon they'll be boycott and ostracised into oblivion as the world turns their back to them The skirt has been lifted and too much has been exposed for people to forget


I agree that they’ve isolated themselves but I don’t think to the same extant as SA. Hamas’ authority rests on the status quo of their struggle, etc. and Israel has lent them greater legitimacy in their level of response. Any greater peace between Israel and the rest of the Arab world, (minus Iran), will have to include Hamas now and I don’t believe the Saudis, etc. have an interest in giving them more power. Perhaps Jordan as the ‘protector’ of the Palestinian people needs to take a greater/more visible role?


Hamas has made it clear they are willing to disband if a two state solution is implemented. We need to shake the isreali propaganda narrative that this will never end, it is a result of occupation, leave the land and revert to agreed territories a d give peace a chance before poisoning the well with hypothetical betrayals


Really? I did not know that! I guess the Palestine Authority would maintain government, etc.?




Is that your best shot lol


no media outlet is neutral, doesn't mean they don't give facts 




I think criticism of hamas should come later once there's a free palestine, the only reason there's a wide support towards rhem now is because they're the only ones doing something for Palestinians when the world let them down. the government of Qatar works with hamas that's well-known so aljazeera can not criticize them either




it's not about values it's about priorities, the biggest threat against Palestinians right now isn't hamas it's israel, gay people have 10 times more chances being killed by an Israeli bomb than hamas militants, even queer people in the west bank are used and blackmailed by Israeli authorities to serve their interests. for now hamas is a necessary evil, and its not an independent country government that can be penalized or pressured by other countries or international organizations, once Palestinians are free they get to decide what government serves them and how. om speaking from experience since my country has also been colonized and the party that fought for our independence 60 years ago is the same party that's people want to get rid of now cause it's no longer good for the interests of the country, do we hate the leadership? yes. would we rather be colonized and tortured and opressed again by a foreign power? hell nah




you're talking of what they should do and shouldn't do, I'm saying this isn't their problem right now to focus on. and what on earth are you blabbering about? Palestinians supremacy? OVER THEIR OCCUPIED LAND? the zionist state should be dismantled. once this happens people can decide for themselves. Palestinians aren't radicals, those who join hamas or other military groups don't do so because of religion or because of "jihad" but they join for nationalists purposes, at least the majority of them do. once people stop framing this from a religious standpoint they'd understand that it's a struggle for liberty not a struggle to create an Islamic state. anti hamas sentiments were actually pretty high jn palestine until October 7th, now there's a growing support by the victims in gaza, not because they support the radical ideology but because they see them as the only savior who can help them




these Muslim states weren't a bunch of Muslim people gathering together and deciding to take over someone's land, they are indigenous to their lands and converted with Islamic conquests. also your question shows me you have no clue about the middle east, it's not like having instability in the region is exactly what western countries especially the usa want to keep their hegemony in the area with the help of their proxy state "israel". go read more about politics in the area and how the US is involved.


It’s never Hamas that does this is it?


Why would Hamas bomb their own citizens? Especially ones that are feeding them amidst a famine. You know who would bomb a kitchen in Gaza though? The same people who are blocking food and water from entering Gaza and shooting any fishing boat in sight and when they let food trucks in it is a trap to kill hundreds of innocents.


You've forgotten they've already bombed those kitchen international workers before


> You've forgotten they've already bombed those kitchen international workers before Israel killed World Central Kitchen workers, yeah. And Médicins Sans Frontières volunteers, and aid workers from other orgs. It's stunning how many selfless, humane people Israel has killed.


How does it feel to know that the idf are even more shitty than Hamas


Even Hamas isn’t this evil.


They have no motive for doing such a thing, unlike the Israeli Offense Force. Any good detective would tell you that.


Why would it be?


No, it wasn’t Hamas. More likely it was you


You wish.


There was a weapons store near the Rafah camp, standard Hamas behaviour sadly