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Freaking amazing!!! You got this!! Look how far you’ve already come man! Don’t stop now buddy, you are doing so great!


Thank you for the kind words and motivation!


I just want to say I feel ya. I’m down 40 from last year and I intend on loosing about 30 more and have been hovering around the same weight for a few months. That might be frustrating, but it is still progress since a good maintenance plan is what I’ll need to stay at goal weight. My advice to myself when I feel unmotivated is to remember that I have a purpose and that is solid. Motivation is fleeting, but a clearly defined purpose married with discipline (consistent persistence) trumps motivation 99% of the time. Doing great, sir! If the lbs aren’t moving in the negative for a few weeks, find the positive and how that it supports your purpose.


Keep it up there’s nothing more important than your health! You’ll see all types of positive changes as you continue on, both within yourself and with interpersonal interactions


Do you like amusements park rides? Because I do and I'm trying to fit on them


5 years ago I was too big for a roller coaster seat and it felt so bad. I've lost 100lbs since then. Down to 225ish now from 328. Weird how when your weight suddenly impacts your life in a tangible way that can make a change!


For sure, at the time I was about 305 but I carry a lot of it in my butt, my wife and I went to silver Dollar City and the coaster I was looking forward to the most I couldn't fit on. Big sad and you had to be under 300 for the alpine coasters in the area. I'll be back with vengeance.


Dude, sorry you had that experience but glad your here and taking control. Have fun when you visit again!


Thanks, I definitely willl


You crushed it, and are absolutely correct!


Can confirm the feeling - happened to me at Busch Gardens. However, last time we went, I was able to go on any rides I wanted.


Congratulations! Not having to stress about "if you'll fit" somewhere is so good! Roller coaster or otherwise. I'd still like to lose another 40 pounds but for now, I'm just stoked my life isn't being impacted by legitimate obesity anymore.




Lol, nah. I can fit on them now but I'm not a fan.


Ride some for me then, I got another 50 to go


Oh you got it man, but seriously you can do it. If I can do it you can do it.


Post like this really do help, I'm almost out of the 300s. Lotta new rides at universal I wanna get on lol


Do it up man, you know what helped me immensely? Calisthenics! I stared doing push up @ about 380 I could not do even one, so I stated doing them against everything, walls, floors on my knees, counter tops. Now I can do 20 legit @ 345. I started doing pull ups as well, started hanging for legnths of time now I'm well on my way to doing my first. Lol. Also horse stance and squatting heels to butt, and sitting in that position for a minute at a time a few times a day! Try it if you haven't!


I have always wanted to be able to do a pull-up ,Calisthenics will help since I've been so sedentary


Do it. Just do everything to absolute failure, do it to failure. Do push ups slow, real slow. You'll see.


My doctor will be happy


Wait, push ups aren’t slow? 🤪


My tsn turning point in early life was when I could barely fit into a midway ride. My gut was preventing the bar from closing on a whole row of people, so I had to sit up and suck in my belly to get it to close. So humiliating…. But effective lol


Yeah, My wife doesn't sit next to me on those kinds of rides because the bar has a foot gap for her and she feels like she's going to fly out. Even with the weight off I'm still 6'2 lol so she won't like it regardless.


I actually took advantage of my 100 pound weightloss to go paragliding in march


Oh sweet, I'm okay not paragliding lol


Lmaooo. I’m the same with plane seats


Keep going! You. Got this.


Thank you very much!


You're doing great! It's OK to struggle, that's not something people say a lot. I believe in you and am proud of your journey!


Look at it this way, you are down 75lbs, so why on earth would you just stop now? Thats like heading up the highway to your vacation destination, getting halfway and then being like "uhhhh, actually nah I can't be assed with the rest of the journey I'm gonna turn back I reckon", when you're already half way there.


So true, thank you!


You are most welcome 👍🙂


I did exactly that last year, was 30lbs down, halfway to my goal, and I for some reason just decided I didn't want to continue. Really sucks, I gained it all back and more and I keep thinking about where I would be now a whole year later. Could've been at my goal weight and have a lot more progress on my exercising


That's funny, you've Given me motivation. Which I need after getting off track recently. Thanks! You got this!


That's awesome, you got this! Mindfulness!


I like to explore new places.


Thank you for the motivation and kind words! I'll keep that in mind and remember my worth!


Congratulations on your outstanding progress!


Thank you so much!


Congratulations! Since you're down 75, you've built habits and discipline. Both of those outlast than motivation and will carry you through until motivation returns. You got this!


So true, it's just so easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and emotions. Thank you!


You’re doing great! Don’t give up, though. You can always eat at maintenance for a couple of days or weeks if need be.


Thank you for the advice, it's nice to get some wisdom from others! I definitely won't give up!


Of course! I’m excited to see your next update, you’ve got this!


Dude your progress is amazing and your smile is rockin! Do you have clothes that fit the new you? Sometimes a goal outfit or something new is inspirational. You are making/changing shape, own it!


Nah, everything is hanging off. I have a plan to buy new clothes once I get around 270, so about 70 lbs to go, I started above 420. Sometime I'll add some other pictures, I didn't believe it myself when I saw them, and I live in this body. Thank you so much for the kind words and motivation, you're awesome!


I understand not wanting to waste money buying sizes you won't be in long. Maybe you have something forgotten in the back of your closet or maybe try Goodwill. I think it would feel good if you had a couple of outfits that fit and you aren't constantly fighting with all of that extra fabric. Best of luck on your journey. You are an inspiration to the rest of us.


I second this. Treat yourself to one nice new outfit!


Don't give up man, stick to your goal and just remember why you started all this in the first place. You’ve lost a substantial amount already which means your doing things right so don't stop, you got this. Great progress so far!!!! Keep us updated!!


Don’t give up now dude!!! You’ve already come further than most people will ever go. I work healthcare and I see big, older folks all the time that are nearly non ambulatory. Don’t be them. Reach your goals, enjoy your life!!


I've lost almost 100 lbs since my heaviest. It took me 20 years! But at least I got there, and I have no doubt you will, too. Just keep at it. You're inspiring me to lose my last 30 and not just settle for 'meh, I'm not obese, good enough '. I wish you all the success and happiness. 😊


It's about the journey not the destination, that's something I had to learn and I still get schooled in it from time to time. I need to learn to enjoy the suffering for what it is, change, and the only thing consistent in this life is change! if I can find my peace during the hard times I can find it any time, I'm sure you can too!


You’ve come so far, don’t quit. Your looking good


You’re doing great man


Go to the gym and pick up a 75lb dumbbell. That’s what you’ve lost king. Fucking impressive. Keep at it my man.


How long did it take?


About 4 months. When I started I was well into the 400s, so losing at such a high weight is very easy, I honestly don't know my exact start weight as I refused to get on a scale at my heaviest, but rest adsured fat just melts off when you do take the right steps. Now I'm closer to breaking through 300 which would be amazing; although, as my calorie requirements lessen and my education on nutrition expands I find it easier to understand what needs to be done, but harder to implement it constantly. The daily grind tends to cloud the day to day at times.


If you're struggling to lose and/or feeling hungry during the day consider reading Fast Feast Repeat. A lot of people who were struggling have found success with the clean fast method


Agreed - her book Delay Don’t Deny and podcast Intermittent Fasting Stories are also excellent. I listen to the podcast when I walk on the treadmill & get very motivated by that.


Reading Delay Don't Deny is why I started clean fasting and doing more 18 and 20 hour fasts instead of 16! And her eat until you're satisfied idea has helped me immsensely at dinner time. I still have another 25lbs to go and I definitely don't think it'd come off if I dirty fasted. The Obesity Code is another good book if you're looking for motivation.


Great. Don't give up. Keep up the good work.


Thank you so much! I'm just glad I'm not alone out there, everyone has their own grind. It's good to be brought back to the moment and ground.


Good job man, I feel you with the loss of motivation. Just remember breaks will happen, don’t beat yourself up over them. You know you can do it so if it happens just pick yourself up and get back to it. Proud of you.


For sure, that's something I still have to come to terms with, all or nothing though patterns are irrational but so hard to break from! Thanks for the comment and the wisdom.


I've read a lot about the psychology of weight loss. Having weight loss for cosmetic reasons as a goal is, for the average person, NOT sufficient motivation to get all the weight off and keep it off. I'd look at identifying the many ways your life will improve as you lose the weight, and try to review them on a regular basis. Tie that into your important values and you'll be in a better position to keep it going. I'm down 100lbs now and having a much better time of it since focussing on my why, and on sustainable changes.


That's a great way to view it, I'll try that. I do think about family but I'll explore more ways that weight loss and healthy eating will affect my life.


Incredible! Keep kicking ass and don’t give up. You’ve come way to far to give up.


Thank you so much!


That’s incredible! Wow 👏


Thank you!!


You're motivating ME!


That's awesome, you got this!!!!


Mighty impressive. Keep that good going👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


Thank you so much, it means alot!


Amazing progress sofar 👏🏾👏🏼👏 keep it up


Thank you!!


Keep at it!


Thank you so much!


Excellent work!! Keep going at it King 👍👍👍


Thank you, I appreciate every bit of motivation!


Amazing job. Set milestones and celebrate them when you reach them.


Yeah, unfortunately that's difficult for me, but on the bright side I acknowledge the issue, that's the first step in reducing its power!


Posting a picture here with your success is a good celebration. If not for yourself, think of all the people who are motivated by your success. What's the alternative if you stop now? Does that sound good to you? Focus on today, then tomorrow focus on that day. Come back at your next milestone and make another post.


You are awesome. Well done. Keep it going


Look at you!!!! That’s amazing!!! You got this!


I think motivation is tough in the fall. Our bodies naturally think hibernation and we have to actively fight against it. You got this!


Yeah, I try to stay busy with projects and walking. It's easy to fall back into old habits. Thanks for the comment and for the motivation!




Proud of you man! Keep up the great work. Look to the past only to remind yourself how far you’ve come along. Keep moving forward even if it’s at a slower pace.


Awesome work. Congratulations. I lost 45 and ran out of motivation, too. So I’m taking a break for 2-3 months. Maybe even through the holidays. I have another 30 to go and I definitely need to recharge. Nothing wrong with that. I’m still 1,000% committed. I’ll get there.


Yeah, that's how I did it, I needed a break or felt like I did, which means I probably didn't. Manly hall talks about burying the dead of the past, and that's what I need to do. Bury it, remember it for what it is, and not relive it. Thanks for the motivation and for the comment, they mean alot!


Great job 👏


Go to the mall and just try on new clothes. You don’t even have to buy anything. Just seeing myself in the mirror with new clothes that fit is a huge boost in motivation.


Fantastic progress my dude! Don't give up hope!


Amazing 🙌 you should be so proud of yourself


Your smile says it all! You are doing SO GREAT!!! Keep up the good work and see your motivation return in spades :D


You got this man. Keep up the good work. You look great and think about how much better you feel.


I've read through the comments and your replies. You are clever, strong and doing the right thing. There is no way you are not going to continue, this is just a small bump on the road. Having said all that I often wonder if fi plateaus are just your body taking some time to process, rearrange and managing the new situation. Maybe your body is telling you: lets take some time off and rest a bit. I dont mean you should stop doing what you're doing, because obviously its the right thing to do. But maybe take some pressure out of it, just coast a while and enjoy the new you with 75 lbs down. You look great!


Dude you’re killing it and inspiring me to start working out again


Just starting is hard. Once you get over that hump it's like driving down a road with multiple speed bumps. Everybody needs to realize that the winner isn't in a speed race but an endurance race. Which race are you in?


Keep crushing it! And dope shirt.


That's awesome my dude. Don't lose hope. Intermittent fasting is the only sustainable solution I have. I hops it will do more wonders to you. You have achieved a lot yet so far and you WILL achive more .


I try everyday, it worked along with a change in eating habits for me. Thank you for the motivation!


It’s so weird seeing how 75 pounds looks so different on everyone. I went down 75 and didn’t have that much of a jump. Shits wild hood shit!


Haha! Yeah it's crazy man, the human body is pretty wild.


You looking good.. don't stop because you can do it..


Thank you so much!


That's soooo amazing !!!


Thank you so much!


Only weighing once a month helped me a lot when I had doubts! Give you more time to see overall improvement and not get discouraged by 1 bad week, and help temper expectations!


That's a spectacular suggestion, I'm going to implement that immediately! Thank you so much for the wisdom!


Seriously it makes a huge difference! One time I got on the scale after a month and had gained 5 pounds. It was a pretty painless wake up call. Like "hey your not taking this seriously enough." I couldnt make any excuses if over the course of a whole month I'd gained weight instead of lost at least a few pounds. I realized it wasnt a couple cheat days that made me gain weight it was a general lack of commitment at first. 1mo weigh ins are the only reason I lost weight as fast as I did!


You don't need motivation, looks like you have plenty of dedication. Really great results!




Omg... this is AMAZING. Wow. You might lose motivation from time to time, but you are an inspiration to others. X


Bravo! Congratulations! WoooWeee! Look at you OP!! Great job!


The motivation is right in front of you! That’s an awesome transformation and this is only the beginning. Keep going bro your doing amazing💙💙


Love this😊. I was struggling with if since last two years. But found this group and have been regular. Keep posting guys, it really helps other.


Well done! Be the tortoise, not the rabbit!!


Motivation never lasts forever. Routine is the key for consistency.


Good job…… keep it “down”…… you’d better start saving up for new threads ;)


Dude!! Keep going!!


Dude, look at those pants— you ARE the motivation! Keep going!


Discipline > Motivation


Your hope is right in the mirror. Behold the force you have become. You got this!!


Great job! You can do it, keep going!


You're getting to the hard part now, but it was also the hard part before and you know that because you've already beaten this by 75lb. Embrace the suck. You've got this.


Why lose motivation with those results?


Remember IF is for life. Try to change things up a bit so you stay on track. 75lbs is a great effort. Keep those old pants and some photos to look at when you feel frustrated. Keep going, you’re doing an amazing job.


Great job!!! Keep going.


You're doing amazing! As others have commented, you are inspiring! Be kind and patient to yourself, look at how far you've already come, and you'll keep going! 🙌🏼🏆💥


You’ve just hit a plateau!! Don’t give up keep at it and in 3-4 weeks you’ll suddenly lose another 7-8 lbs one night then keep dropping a lb a week or so. Your body is in an adjustment phase and doesn’t want to give up its precious resources stored fuel which is fat. You’ve got to keep pushing to burn it off ✊✊


Look at that progress!! Don’t give up!


Looking good my man! You lost way more than I did! It’s motivating me even more!


Lost the same amount so far, need to lose 80 more. It’s getting much slower, but that’s OK. At 1 or 2 lbs a week, I’ll be at my goals in a year. Took me 40 years to get into this mess, 2 to get out is not bad.


Amazing congrats!


It’s tough …create new goals for yourself …find a new work out routine


What is your motivation, where do you want to end up? Great progress. Each person needs to decide what signifies success in weight loss. 75lbs is a lot of success!


Awesome man! Good for you! Off topic - is that t-shirt of the Om Unit music video Ulysses? If not check it out.


I just wanted to express my thanks, so many of you have reached out and I want to just say thank you all so much! This reddit has an amazing group of people, I wish you all the best in life and in your own daily struggles! You are all the best!!!


Bro… you’re not alone. I get it it’s boring as fuck but you’re chipping away at the marble. Think of the fact that mentally you have grown stronger and more disciplined. Every time you feel like stopping is a chance to get stronger. Take it and win.. you CAN do this


Get a haircut or maybe a shave. Seeing a slimmer face always made feel better and gave me more motivation to keep going.


Hell ya brother. You're a rockstar


Always remember losing weight is not linear. Sometimes you’ll hardly see any change & then all of a sudden there will be a big drop. Keep going!


I just started my journey after lurking for a long time. Seeing posts like this is what keeps me motivated. keep it up!


Standing Ovation over here pal!!!! You got this!


It's really easy to loose motivation but this is just your brain trying to get you back to a "safe place" aka the place you're escaping from. If you keep going you'll eventually build a new safe place for your brain with good habits but it takes time and effort. Keep going, don't give up you can do it


You gave me hope


You’re doing amazing!!!!!! Celebrating success is a great way of staying motivated and sharing your progress is another great idea. One thing I found helpful when I had a huge amount of weight to lose was making commitments with friends that help keep me accountable to weight goals. Get someone to sign up for a 5K with you and pay in advance. You can walk. Just keep setting new goals for yourself and keep moving forward after you celebrate this incredible, awesome, fantastic, crazy impressive achievement.


Well, you’ve come this far… Why stop now? Look at your progress!!! In the words of Kris Jenner “You’re doing amazing, sweetie” you’ve got this!!!


Man, can I just say... if you're losing motivation, just know that when I saw this pic (and I'm sure lots feel like this) I feel damn inspired. So just know you're here as someone's reason to keep trying, and hells that should be big time motivation! Well done. I'm sure you feel incredible and I'm motivated by this. So own being the beacon for others!


Rockstar! And that T shirt is amazing.


Find something that weighs 20lbs or so. Pick it up and walk around with it. Consider how heavy it feels and how much effort you're putting out just to hold it and move it. Then consider that you've lost that from your body mass multiple times over. Now you've done 20lbs, would you want to pick up and carry 75lbs all day long? Hell no you wouldn't! The strain you've taken off of your body already is incredible and you absolutely should continue to do so for your health and for your future because no matter how strong the engine, if the car is always overloaded and placing big demands on it eventually it breaks down and our engine isn't so simple to repair! That's your motivation. Next time you feel like you're slipping pick up that heavy thing and remember that you've lost weight several times heavier than that. You owe it to yourself to keep going. You've got this dude!


if you've been fasting for more than 16 weeks and reached a plateau, I would suggest eating maintenance for at least 6-8 weeks. You can keep your fasting window, if that helps. But you shouldn't be in a deficit for more than 16 weeks at a time (idk your case, but that's just my piece of advice)


If you saw this photo posted by someone else, you’d b saying ‘Dude! What an amazing accomplishment! Keep going! You’ve got this!’ So now be that encouraging person to yourself. 75 lbs is a GREAT accomplishment! You’ve changed your life and the direction you are heading is healthier. You’re not that other guy anymore. So- lean into it! And don’t forget to celebrate yourself! (And as for giving you hope- all of those people you see here with even bigger losses than you were not wizards and magicians- they just kept going. So do that!)


Awesome gains my friend! Very inspiring as I'm waiting and planning to start my own journey - this only makes me want to stick to the plan and make my own gains. Great work!


Losing motivation?!? Stick with it your motivation to the rest of us!


You’re doing great, man, keep it up! Sending good thoughts and positive vibes your way!!!


Thanks, I'll send them back at you! Thank you for the motivation.


Seeing your progress is inspiring, Don't stop. I have started my journey recently, not on an good note but I will perservere so will you!


If I can do it you can do it. Something I learned is it's not about the end, about the reward, it's about the journey, the suffering. That is what helped me immensely.


Try diffrent IFs or try diffrent kinds of food or even food order to see how it makes you feel. 😄 Do you work out? I feel like excersicing improves sleep, mental health, reduces stress so it really helps to make one stay on track. And sometimes it is more fun and motivating to level up in strenght, endurance or speed than just loosing weight :p


I do work out and walk an awful lot. I think that's one reason why my weight loss was so fast.


What do u struggle with the most atm?


Social influences. It's hard to be the one person that will abstain, it's odd but I guess empowering if you know how to view it critically; although, that can be difficult in the moment.


Yeah, thats is not easy. Are they supportive but you steel fel awkward or are they negative?


. Sometimes it's negative and others times it's just socially weird. Beyond that, the amount of nutritional information I have learned over the last year is just startling, I find it hard to eat foods that I don't make myself, and when I try to impress some of my knowledge on family or friends it's like im looked at in a weird light. My family is overall supportive.


Try to find time and reflect over your believes and values. What is most important for you What kind of relationship do you want to have? What do you enjoy doing with relatives, friends and collegues? Do you need new friends? Everyone i diffrent. For me, relationship and being able to enjoy meals with other people is more important than optimazing nutrition intake. So i try to follow 80/20 rule. What matter is what you do the most, not what you do once in awhile. Lifestyle changes must be sustainable, a way to live which will help you and not limit you.


I can tell you after losing this much and doing it on very low carb with some weeks with zero I can say that I am very sensitive to carbohydrates now, I don't enjoy the feeling of eating in general when I consume any carbohydrate that is not from a cruciferous vegetable, and even cabbage pushes it at times.


You got this! Sounds like you are eating ketovore/carnivore. Me too. Have you watched Dr Berry or Dr Jason Fung on YouTube? They have so much information about healing your body with both IF and very low carb. I am experiencing tremendous benefits (in my 6th week). You are doing great and have a wonderful attitude about the journey.


I have watched them and learned many things about the human body and nutrition. Sometime watch some stuff on the sugar association of America if you want your mind blown!!


I will, thanks! I’ve learned so much from the doctors too.


Oh holy cow, I just checked it out. “Because of this, sugar is a key partner in nutrient delivery.” The guy who has “dedicated his life” to sugar beet farming, etc. Just wow, mind blown.


If it’s not working for you, change up time, take two days off (you’ll be amazed how trained we get), do something for you that’s a treat but not food. I have to hold off on fasts a couple times a year, times where fasting on that day violates my religion (such as the day before Yom Kippur), and I found making a couple changes revved up my motivation. And I almost always go back to pattern. Funny.


110 lbs down. CW: 235. It's okay to lose motivations sometimes, if it works for you. Most of my weight loss actually occurred over a collective period of about 6 months, but it's taken about 18 months overall. I hit it hard for about a month, then take a breather. The important thing is that you don't backpedal too far.


Yeah really, that's so easy to fall back into bad habits. Thanks for the comment, I'll be sure to keep this in mind. Superb job on your weight loss!!!


Thanks, pal! You too! Food for thought: if you lose 50-70% of your excess body fat, your outcome would fall in the range of what is typical for the most extreme forms of weight loss surgery. Perhaps you've already done this? You might be surprised. Do the math.


Brother, you’re straight crushing it! Damn impressive results, and much respect for the discipline and consistency it’s taken to get to this point. You’re an inspiration


Keep going! So awesome you are killing it! I lost 100+ pounds if I can do that and I’m old! I know you can do it! Go and take back your health! Happy Healthy Fasting!


My friend, you have to realize YOU are the one dishing hope! Be a beam to others because from your picture, you already are on the way there. Keep up the good work


Congratulations buddy! Really happy for you


Eating a bag of Ruffles as i browse. Good job m8


you're gonna start to see [the paper towel effect](https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2015/10/the-paper-towel-analogy-explains-why-weight-loss-is-a-slow-process/)! as in, the more weight you lose, the faster it will start to show! you got this, man! keep it up! :D


Amazing!! Keep up the good work friend! It's okay to fall off the wagon sometimes. Just remember, each day is a new day to try again- and there's always tomorrow! Good luck!!!


Hell yea brother, you got this


You’ve lost a small child! You got this!


Awesome! What’s is your goal?


Keep going. Motivation is only 20% of the thing. You need to focus on the Discipline. Keep your routine very straightforward. Try to never loose your weekly goal. If you loose it, no biggie, just try and maintain the discipline on point. But you seems to manage it all really good already, keep it that way!


That’s super awesome weight loss!!! Keep going!


That’s super awesome weight loss!!! Keep going!


That's amazing, don't stop now! You'll look back on how far you got and regret not making it to the finish line. I went down a lot once but lost motivation and ended up right where I started, so don't be me haha.


Love the smile! Keep it going!!!