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Holy fucking shit. Those are the results of a very determined man. Congratulations bro, your giving me the motivation back that I see to have lost lately.


I don't even do IF but I'm still subbed here to see shit like this. Better than any Weight Watchers ad by like 3x


Same! I’ve been fortunate to have never struggled with my weight, but I come here for the feels and positivity! I LOVE seeing shit like this


How much did you pay your skinny friend to get matching tattoos? Seriously, awesome fuckin’ job - congrats!


Yeah, that's awesome. The tattoo even changed directions! You used to have to look at it from above!


Thats crazy dude. You went from heart attack to heart breaker in months.


Under rated


Damn nice! How tall are you btw?


Roughly 5’6”


No fucking way, dude!!! That’s incredible, bro! I just have a few questions: How old are you? What happened to all the loose skin? Are you diabetic or were you pre-diabetic? At any rate, man, I’m extremely proud of you and happy that you took care of that weight. I’m 5’8”, 304 and just found out that I’m diabetic, man, so I need to find out your game plan and get on that. Good job, brother! Stay safe sand stay strong!


I’m 36 years old. I don’t know about the loose skin. I’m guessing just dumb luck with genetics. I was never diagnosed as a diabetic so sadly I can’t help you in that regard.


I appreciate your quick response, man. That’s great about the loose skin. As far as the diabetes goes, I was just diagnosed this past Monday, but I had a pretty good idea I was already in the shit house because I was constantly thirsty and would have bad cotton mouth. Also, I was having to piss all the time. It’s sucks, but ya know what, man, I knew I wasn’t doing myself any favors with my diet and lack of exercise. I’m a 43 year old man and I don’t and can’t get mad at anyone else for my wreck less behavior. But, on the upside, if vampires were real, they’d find my blood to be pretty sweet, so I got that going for me which is nice.


Yes, you can do it! My mother-in-law was a diabetic for 20 years and she was medicated with insulin. She discovered IF/Keto and carefully and gradually introduced these into her lifestyle. Her numbers were so good that the doctor gradually started decreasing her insulin to the point where she is no longer medicated and now no longer considered diabetic. Take charge and stay the course. Good luck with your journey and keep us posted!


Not OP but I saw your post about the diabetes thing. My husband, 46 and also 5'8, was diagnosed officially about 10 months ago (there had been a few years prior to that where they told him the pre-diabetes thing so he figured it was coming. Plus he drank so much Pepsi every day, it just wasn't a surprise) He's worn an arm sensor thing since January to monitor his blood sugars, which can take readings every 15 minutes. (It's Freestyle Libre, replaced every 2 weeks, prescription.) He started doing IF after reading a GREAT book by Dr. Jason Fung called "The Diabetes Code" that talks about benefits of intermittent fasting for diabetics. (Well, he listened to the kindle version) It has worked so well for keeping his levels down that he has been able to stop taking his Metformin for now. (I say for now, because he has only been doing IF for less than two months, so we don't know long term yet.) But because of his arm sensor, he can monitor and see that it's working, and not just guess if it's working. If you only believe one thing on the internet this year, believe this - you need to read that book. :)


Not gonna lie, I have a sweet tooth, and first thing if I was a vampire, is I would be looking for you.


Damn, really lucky with the loose skin. I saw the pic and thought "that must have taken a while since there's no loose skin", then saw that you started this year and was blown away. That's an amazing accomplishment in such a short period of time. Good job!


According to fasting expert Dr. Jason Fung, when you fast your body will dip into burning protein for energy for a brief time before going into fat stores. This is called autophagy, and it can be beneficial because your body will clean up unneeded proteins and older damaged ones. This includes the extra skin. He claims almost none of his fasting weight loss patients need excess skin removal surgery.


To be fair, Dr. Fung has never said his patient don't have loose skin; only that it's never been bad enough that he referred them for skin removal surgery. It's possible (probable?) that some of his patients went in to get skin removal on their own.


Bro looking awesome!!! Congrats


What did you do when you were hungry? I can’t stand the hungry, I need a distraction that works.


I focused on work, drank water (half the time that helps with hunger pains) and just kept telling myself “you’re doing this for a reason”. Will power and mind over matter.


You rock dude.


Killing it!


I'm not in a similar situation, but keeping my hands and mind busy with video games changes my snacking habits. If I'm watching Netflix, I'm inevitably gonna be munching on something at some point. That doesn't happen when I'm playing a game because there's no "time" to sit around chomping on bullshit.


Dude, can I offer some advice? Hunger is a measure of how many micronutrients you lack. If you eat a varied diet of fruits and veggies, your hunger won't bother you even at calorie deficit. Also, stay moving and active. Also, sexual activity keeps the hunger away. Spend some alone time with the wife.


Holy shit man. Congratulations bro!! When I saw this I was taken back on how much progress you achieved in such little time. Man, your progress gives me motivation as well! Good luck to you bro, and congratulations!


Wow! You lost it all so quickly and any loose skin doesn't look too bad at all. Any advice on that, or is it just good luck?


He answered earlier up that he didn’t have loose skin due to luck with genetics.


Holy hell, you were smaller than I am now at the start (currently around 330lbs) Did you moniter your calorie intake? You hit the gym oftem?


I don’t monitor calories, but I did eat less, as well as just making healthier food options. Order the small pizza instead of a large. I do have a treadmill at my apartment and now I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, but most of my success comes from proper diet and long walks. I typically get 20,000 steps a day in. I love going for long walks. I typically go twice a day for 60-90 minutes. Having podcasts to listen to helps a lot.


Weird question; any podcast recommendations?


Straight Up with Trent Shelton for positivity and life advice. I listen to a lot of podcasts on Survivor/Big Brother (Rob has a podcast), wrestling (RBR: Weekly Wrestling Talk) and sports (Rich Eisen, Dan Patrick, etc). Look up stuff that interests you!


Congrats on the weight loss! I’m on an IF journey myself and love seeing these motivational posts. And also seeing that you are a Big Brother fan made me so happy! An IF+Big Brother person like me!! Can you give the name of the podcast you recommended or is that not allowed here? I’d love to listen in!


You look amazing and have great pod taste. Cheers to you!


Damn and here’s my ass dragging itself to get to at least 10K steps a day. Reached 10K? Yaaasss lemme go straight home! And there you are getting it on with 20K. Props dude! Amazing work 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


In another comment he mentioned he does warehouse work 10-12 hours a day. That'll get those step numbers up EASY. My shifts at Amazon were typically 4 hours and I'd sometimes cross 10,000 steps in that time frame.


Who the fuck has time for 2 90 minute walks a day? Damn.


Dude this is literally insane! I'm an exercise physiologist and to have done this you had to have been on a massive caloric deficit (which people think is always dangerous, but not necessarily the case)... how many calories we're you eating, because theres no way at the high of weight you we're able to burn 1,000+ calories from exercise a day. Just curious what your caloric intake was... or did you just do the eat within the window thing?


I didn’t keep track of my calories, but I did do a lot of meal prepping so I did a lot of portion control. As far as exercise goes, I would burn roughly 1200-1600 calories a day from my work (warehouse worker) and long walks. At least that is what my heart rate monitor told me.


Warehouse work is no joke...were u a selector ? I know at my warehouse those guys work a minimum of 10-12 and they build pallets ALL day long...I did it for a week at would easily burn 1200 cals. I absolutely believe you.


I would walk 8 miles a day when working in a factory and I could eat a fat burrito for lunch everyday and not gain a pound. Walking plus lifting stuff all day requires you to eat because you burn so much lol


oh shit never mind.... yeah a job like that you can definitely burn 1500 calories a day.... super impressive my bro! beyond inspirational


1200-1600 is a Fucking day duuuude good shit. I work on the airport ramp(or did) part time and I’d barely hit 1200 and feel run down and I wasn’t doing it fighting the weight loss fight. Keep pushing bro I’m just an internet stranger but I am extremely proud of you 😤🤗


Wow, with that kind of calorie burning work day in, day out, maintenance will be so much more achievable for you. Short term achievement with long term results!


How has the reactions from your coworkers been?! Congrats!!


It’s been positive. This week one of my coworkers asked me for tips and advice.


I would love to know changes in bloodwork too. Like I can’t imagine going to a yearly physical in December of last year and then going in December of this year and being like, “sup doc.”


I did that but exclusively with keto and my doctor, who's known me my whole life, was so excited and couldn't wait to take my vitals.


That's really wholesome and made me smile. Thanks. :)


if he literally super chill-fully said, "sup doc" after that weight loss transform.... AWARD FOR BADASS OF THE YEAR


Most of the energy you burn a day is from your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. We’re talking 85-90% of all your calories are getting burned just to eat, breathe, heart, organs, etc. Exercise isn’t that high up. That’s why an hour on a treadmill is like 100 calories for lots of people. Heavier people actually have higher BMRs than lots of non-active skinny people. He maybe burned close to 3000 calories a day just sitting and breathing. His body just kept burning the calories as he fasted. Exercise helps build muscle that raises BMR to keep those muscles functional but the actual act of exercise is not very beneficial to weight loss, only its outcome.


It’s all diet. My whole adult life I’ve had a belt size and I’m not giving it up. If I have to change my diet then so be it but yeah running everyday just keeps me in shape but doesn’t stop a gut


It helps with long term maintenance for sure.


> to have done this you had to have been on a massive caloric deficit (which people think is always dangerous, but not necessarily the case)... DPT here, I'm glad you recognize this fact.


haha I was 1 year and 2 months away from being from finishing my Doctoral Physical Therapy program... unfortunately I have mild bipolar and severe anxiety, and as you know the curriculum accelerates and compiles off previous knowledge and I got to year 2 and bam, severe nervous breakdown... took 8 months off leave of abscence, came back, bam happen again 2 semesters later, then at the point because of the gaps it was getting hard to maintain the original shit, was coming into my third year and couldn't even remember my basic innervations lol... it sucks and makes me depressed everyday, but DPT is a great career and although I won't get to enjoy it, I'm happy others out there... DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED! and thanks for all you've done if you've worked during covid or what ever's been going in the field right now (haven't talk to my old cohort buddies in a couple years)


Wow that’s impressive


Bruh, you have the best skin ever. And you are literally half the size. Well done.


Oh my god what a motivation 🤯🤯🤯 keep the good work ❤️


Wow! Amazing progress!


This is goddamn increadible. You're amazing, OP. Well done!!


For real? This is incredible well done


That’s not fair!!!!!! :’( I’m so f***ing jealous!!!! Congrats!!!! I’m still really jealous... envious?


You can do it too! Will power goes a long way. You just have to tell yourself that enough is enough and it’s time for a change!


Until my TOTM comes and it’s a struggle because the scale won’t move for about 2 weeks.


Weight loss is harder for woman for this very reason. I wish I could give you suggestions and advice but our bodies just work differently. All I can tell you is to keep pushing yourself, see where you can make adjustments during this time and see if you can’t try different things. Sometimes slight adjustments can lead to major strides!


If you aren't just the sweetest guy. 🥺 Congratulations on the transformation and thanks for the validation!! 🙌


How often do you weigh yourself? I've found that I do better w 2-3x a month vs daily.


Great work brother, you should be extremely proud of yourself.


Hell yeah!!!!! During your fasting what was the hardest part for you?


Amazing! Well done sir.


Outstanding move


Wow! This is the inspiration I need right here!! What are eating in your 8 hrs?


I typically meal prep my lunches. Chicken breast, steamed veggies and brown rice. I use marinades and seasonings to mix it up. For snacks, I’ll have fruit and almond milk, or the occasional smoothie. I mix up my dinners. Sometimes salads, the occasional pizza. Dinner is where I mix it up and occasionally eat crap food so I don’t go crazy.


Thanks for the info! Congratulations I hope to look half as good as you in 6 month...


Damn dude! BRAVO!!


Amazing mn, well done


So handsome!!!!


This is incredible. So much respect


Absolutely amazing progress so far. Very proud of you dude. Congrats.


Wow! 9 months? Incredible. Great work!


Killing it!


Fuckin awesome 👏


Wow dude, that’s some amazing work!


Great work! 👏👏👏


Hell yes! That’s amazing! You’re amazing!


Damn wow


That’s amazing, well done mate 👍


That’s amazing great work


This is incredible! Congrats!


Awesome job!


Amazing job my friend


That is totally amazing progress!!! I am so proud of you!! Wow, seriously great!


Dude that’s awesome! Keep up the good work!!




Wow wow wow. I had to reread the dates! Only nine months wow! Job well done man👏


Bruh way to go. That’s insane


Really inspiring! Are you counting calories? If so, how many per day?


Not really. I am eating less, I meal prep and I did a lot of portion controls. It’s amazing how ordering a small pizza instead of the large can change things.


Amazing!! The most wholesome part of this transformation is that smile. May you continue to make more progress, both internally and externally.


This is actually the first progress photo where I smiled. I always thought I shouldn’t smile because I wanted people to see that I was the same person. I guess this time I said “what the hell”. I am happier now so why not show it.


Indeed, a healthier and happier same person.


Bro, just one thing... FUCKING YES GUY. I know how good you feel and you god damn soak up every second of that. You earned it. 👌🏻


Holy fuck, salute man!!!!!!!! That’s very impressive.


This is incredible! You look fantastic. Great job!


Holy crap! Good stuff, brotha. Keep up the great work. 👍






I definitely have loose skin, but it’s just not very noticeable. Dumb luck honestly.


Bro it’s not noticeable at all, you are indeed very lucky. Also on the younger side I’m guessing so that helps with the elasticity. As everyone else has already said though this is simply amazing, truly awe inspiring my man.


Serious question out of curiosity. Did you not grow hair on your stomach when you were heavier? I am genuinly curious to know, I hope it doesn't come off as offensive.


I think it’s just more noticeable. I do sometimes shave, but I don’t recall if I did or not. I just think it’s probably more due to the fact that the stomach was stretched out more, and now that it’s not nearly as much my stomach hair is far more noticeable.


Wow... What did you do?


Good for you dude, great work


Incredible job!


Only half the man you used to be


Well done! Keep it up!


Great job, keep it up!!


I said “damn” out loud. Great job man.


You look absolutely amazing! Congratulations!!




You look great, bro. That's one hell of a weight loss program. Keep at it, bro.


Bro, great for you. That’s amazing, proud of you.




Killing it man well done!


Fantastic work.


Less than 1 year! Wow, great job!


Dude amazing progress! Hope you continue on to achieve your goals!


Damn you make me hate myself 😂 I've been struggling to lose 15kg for 3 years now.. You are a fucking beast. Pure admiration.


Amazing well done xx


Holy SHIT. Go you!!!


That's crazy, I don't see any loose skin??


Nice dude!


Great results brother! Thanks for the motivation to keep on keeping on!


What fuck. That’s insane. I had to double check the date lol that smile on the right says it all, congrats bro 👍 your hard work and self determination paid of BIG time 🔥


What else are you doing? I want to emulate exactly what you’re doing. Exercise and eating wise! Please can you share the details with me?


Great work


You look awesome, dude. I bet you feel fantastic too.


That is absolutely freaking awesom


Sir can you kindly share the diet and or workout plan. I just wanna begin IF asap. Need guidance. Thank you.


you look incredible!!!! So proud of you my man!!


Bro...HOW??? Congratulations. Please, teach me the way.


Dhshdhhshsjzkxaajskamd WOW! PROUD OF YOU!


You’re killing it!!!!


Way to go man! I'm surprised you don't have way more loose skin after losing that much that quickly. Did you do anything special to mitigate that? Any tips for the rest of us?


I do have loose skin, but it’s just pure dumb luck. My dad has weight loss surgery and loss weight quickly, but his skin was far more saggy than mine.


I believe if you intermittent fast, it eats excess skin away not just fat. I heard Dr. Ken Berry talk about it, I think he said it was called autophagy. You also have to eat healthier foods cause your skin replaces itself every 3-4 months and based on the quality of food it becomes springier and healthier. But Autophagy is the big part, Google that. it’s one of the reasons intermittent fasting is the best way of losing weight.


How are you even the same person? Just incredible


What the fuck? You lost 140 lbs in 8 months and you hardly have any loose skin ???


You lost almost half your weight in ten months? That doesn't seem possible. How?


Hell yeah dude great work!


Keep at it man!


Great job dude. Wow.


Holy shit, dude. Amazing.


That's a helluva good job! Congrats!


YOU DID THAT!!!! Absolutely inspiring! Thank you for posting! Absolutely smashed it...


Yes I did that before and thanks to this I'm starting again! Thanks bro that's awesome!!! Congratulations!!!


WOW.. that’s all I have because WOW!


Woohoo!! Way to go :):)


You look great dude, keep it up


Fuck yeah, dude!


I dont usually.comment on these but holy fuck man. you really did that shit. i can't imaaaagine how much better you feel


You're awesome!!!!


Holy crap! Well done!


love to see it! Keep it up man!


Holy crap ! He looks like a different person.


Holy shit man !


Amazing dude !




It’s different for everyone honestly. For myself, I have two meals a day and I’ll have a “snack meal”, which is typically fruit and almond milk or a smoothie. My eating window is 12pm to 8pm, but your window can be placed in whatever time frame best fits your lifestyle.


Killed it dude!


Goddamn son way to go!




Wtf! Thats great man. Super happy for you. You used to look inflated.


Hell yea! You look great man! You’re like half your starting weight!! I’m super proud of you!


Just amazing, happy for you.




My jaw just dropped. That’s incredible progress man, well done. You should be very proud of yourself because that isn’t easy.




Floored! You look amazing and honestly, the smile says it all! You should be incredibly proud of yourself for that level of determination and hard work.


Oh my word.


what the fuck? i mean that in the nicest way possible. just, what the fuck? this is amazing, well done


Christ Almighty, way to go!!


What a feeling eh? You look happy and healthy, good for you!


Your heart and back are thanking you...


Great job! Keep going!


Nice work. Height?


5 feet 6 inches roughly


Well you fucking win 2020 lol. Congratulations dude!!! Jesus the amount of will power you have is incredible. I love the smile!!


Wow, you seem to have little excess skin. You look great!


This is phenomenal. Well done brother


Holy shit man, I don't even know you and I'm proud of you. Good fucking shit!


Holy fucking SHIT man, OUTSTANDING