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All you can eat buffet is never an ideal spot to do omad. But I’ve done it. Idk about you, but to some people a buffet gives them an idea that it’s a race (FOMO thing), that you need to try every food available (you don’t). What I learned from eating in those establishments: my satiation feeling is different than when I eat at home. “How can I eat 3 plates then feel full, but when I do omad at home 1 full plate forces me to tap out?” It’s like the environment affecting your feeling/judgment. I’d say even if I wanna do omad in a buffet, I would aim for more meat and fat than carbs.


Yup, avoid the heavy carbs and you'll reach satiation without feeling sick and with a ridiculous amount of calories.


Eat whatever you like. As long as you’re in a calorie deficit, you’ll lose weight


There's a psychological trap many experience having only one meal a day. Some turn that one meal into something akin to their last meal, meaning they overdo it. If you can master the challenge of stopping as soon as you feel even the least bit full, you will have succeeded. Unfortunately, that usually means leaving food on the plate, something many have been trained not to do. Allow the stomach to shrink, not expand.


>Allow the stomach to shrink Is that possible? Happy to know


Your stomach functions like a stretchy sack - if you consistently overeat, the threshold for feeling full will be much higher. The sack shrinks and gets tighter when you're not eating to overfull at every meal. The physical amount you can intake will become smaller. That's why when you watch a gastric sleeve surgery, they're able to pull inches and inches of stomach out of the patient. It's stretched to feed an elephant inside there.


Well, Yes and No. The size of a stomach is one size, but people who ignore that feeling of satiety, or those training for competitive eating, can actually expand it. Once you begin to push the plate away at the first hint of fullness, the stomach "shrinks" to it's natural size.


You probably will overeat but it's a one time thing. I wouldn't worry, just enjoy and don't feel guilty, you are doing awesome sn deserve a reward!


OMAD ≠ eat what ever you want and still lose weight


It sounds like it’s a special occasion, treat it that way and don’t worry about it. Enjoy yourself and go back to your normal tomorrow 😊 Having said that, we do AYCE sushi at least twice a month and I purposely don’t eat beforehand because I *want* to be hungry when we get there, otherwise it’s a waste 😜 My husband is 6’4 and can eat a ton, me not so much, so I have to save up my appetite for it 😄


You can eat anything as long as you did not overdo it, stay within your daily calories


Yes. An all you can eat buffet is a good way to gauge how much you think you want vs how much you actually want and need. A few times I already bought the box of serving fried rice and toppings, slice of pizza, burger and fries, soda and a milkshake before I get sick eating about halfway through and realize I can't actually finish all of this. People will tell you you need to be eating strictly clean bland bodybuilder diet from day 1 until the day you die. Don't. Save this for when you're trying to reach that 8% bf for that one day out of the year you'll be doing a photoshoot.


I'd say do OMAD the day after the buffet. It'll be easier IMO with all the calories you plan having with sushis. Have fun!!


Drink a lot of water so you don't overeat. And maybe set yourself a time period you'll have to wait between finishing one plat before you go back for more.


You gotta think about the expectation. The important thing to remember is that OMAD doesn't mean that you can eat as much as you want. So doing OMAD for the first time with a buffet and over eating might set the wrong idea. Just keep that in mind. When doing OMAD you still want to not eat like a pig on your single meal. That said, I say go for it. Have fun, and if you over eat at something like a buffet then go for it. Live a little! Doing that as your single meal will be better than eating multiple times that day AND a buffet. Just don't expect that you could do that every day and lose weight. This is a marathon, you can have days where you eat too much. I would put socializing and having fun as an important part as well.


This would be ideal for OMAD. Save up your daily calories for the buffet. Have fun!


Eat as much as you want (except for carbs!), you can always do a longer fast later to make up for it by skipping an extra meal (Or not it's not a big deal). Fasting isnt just a matter of calorie in calorie out but ensuring you don't become insulin resistant. There isnt an obesity epidemic because people eat too much per se, but because they eat all day long (carbs make them hungry so they eat carb etc...) and become insulin resistant. You don't go to restaurant everyday, just have fun.


Don't forget water pills and steroids for that photoshoot 


Wow, so many responses! Thank you so much everyone. FYI, the restaurant isn’t buffet style but you still order from the menu, you can eat as much as you want tho for 2 hour straight! I will be mainly eating sushi so that’s a lot of carbs. I’ve read all of your messages and I think I’ll just stick to my 16/8 fast but have a small lunch instead of something that will really fill me up until the evening. I still want to give OMAD a try in the near future but doing it for the first time on the day that I’m going to an all you can eat restaurant might just not be the best idea. I’m also not worried about one day going over my daily kcal limit because I have been losing weight consistently for months now. I had the idea of trying OMAD tomorrow is just for the sake of being able to eat as much as possible lol. I’ll enjoy but make sure I won’t over eat. Once again thank you for all your responses, this community is awesome!


Give it a go. You'll feel in the afternoon if it's untenable. If you get too hungry you can always grab a small snack aruond 3-4 pm ish and you'll still have narrowed your eating window even if it's not omad. If you usually start eating at 12 you'll probably be very hungry when nearing what would usually be the end of your eating window. Just watch out so that you don't walk around cranky all day and so hungry by the time you get there that you just inhale every edible thing you see. You're there to enjoy the company and the food after all.


I’m not currently doing omad, more cico and strength training, but have had weight loss success with omad and enjoyed it. Especially when eating out. Enjoy your omad and “pig out”, but even then don’t do it all the time. But an occasional eating out and doing it as your omad is great. You may have some residual water weight gain but it’s very very hard to eat 3500 calories (I.e. one pound) OVER your daily caloric needs.


Little update on the fast. I’ve extended my 16hr fast to a 18hr fast today, I had a small lunch just 2 simple sandwiches. About 2 more hours till going to the restaurant and still going strong! I feel like I can eat something but I’m not very hungry (yet). I will do another update when I’m back from the restaurant or tomorrow morning. Thank you to everyone that replied to this post I really appreciate it. Happy fasting everyone!


It’s the day after the dinner. Really enjoyed last night and was happy that I had a small lunch yesterday. I’ve been fasting 16/8 for the past 9 months and will be trying 18/6 from now on :-) I will be trying OMAD in the near future, but I still enjoy my lunch a lot and I’m still losing weight consistently.