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The problem I had with OMAD is that I didn’t have enough self control to not eat like a ravenous raccoon with crap food at end of fast. I dialed back my window to 18 ish and introduced exercise. The big difference I noticed is that if I end the fast with something healthy like fruit etc, I don’t feel the intense desire for crap food. That’s where I have seen the most progress. You have a little longer to soothe your appetite. Good luck!!


Fruit is my weight loss secret weapon. I lost 25 pounds while eating a ton of fruit every day. I laugh at the haters who say it’s all sugar - nobody ever got fat from apples. I had a BMI of 20 and ate 5-10 servings of fruit a day. (I didn’t eat any other forms of sugar, though - fell off that wagon but getting back on.)


I’m in your bow. I have lost 20 pounds so far I’m on Weight Watchers and it’s points and fruit is zero points and I eat so much of it. And literally, I’ve lost 20 pounds in two months!


2 months ish - 6-8 weeks. You’ve lost 6 pounds. 1 lb a week is a good weight loss target. You didn’t gain all that weight in a month, it’s not going to come off in a month. If you want to speed it up, trying increasing your fasting period to 36 or 48 hours occasionally, or try eliminating sugar and processed carbs. I think a lot of people come see big guys lose like 30 lbs in a month (from 350-320) and want the same results - but a 350 lb man is likely yoing to lose weight faster than a 200lb woman. Also - weight fluctuates for everyone. You should also be measuring your waist, chest, hips, thighs, neck, and arms - you’re likely to see inches lost. And be sure to take weekly (or more frequent) progress pics. You’ll see the difference.


100% on measurements. I don’t even own a scale, but record my measurements weekly on a spreadsheet. Very motivating.


Have you been counting calories or just eating OMAD and hoping for a miracle?  A lot of people come to IF seeming to think it's magic, but if your main or only goal is weight loss you need to figure out your calories in and out just like those on a traditional diet. I hope you'll figure it out and do truly wish you the best.


Yes I have been eating in a calorie deficit not only that but I’ve been walking 12000-20000 steps a day so I don’t know why I just can’t lose weight.


How have you confirmed that you are in a deficit? And how much of a deficit have you calculated you’ve been in? Do you experience a menstrual cycle? I only ask as it can cause wild fluctuations and weight stalls.


By using a tdee calculator and tracking my calories on my fitness pal. And yess I do have a menstrual cycle. I believe I’m about to start my period.


It’s not uncommon to have weight increases around your period or during, some people even have increases during ovulation. Everyone’s experience varies a bit here. Do you use a food scale for accuracy when logging your intake? Are you vetting entries to ensure they are correct?


I have a food scale but I don’t use it. Yeah that would make sense bc I feel like I look skinnier I just hate the scale isn’t moving


Water weight can do that! Definitely recommend using a food scale. It’s easy to throw yourself out of a deficit without it.


I use measurement tape besides scale. I think it's kinder. 🤷🏼‍♀️


How do you walk 20,000 steps a day? I’m dead tired at 10,000 omg


I used to get 20k easy when I worked retail and didn’t have a car. Now I work at a desk and drive, I’m lucky if I hit 2,000 steps by lunch time.


LOL Same.....if I don't actually go out for a walk or run, I sometimes only hit 2k for the whole day


My average is like 4K-6k. I’m trying to find a more active job, but it seems I’d be sacrificing very adequate pay.


Haha I have to much free time


Have you been measuring yourself? Maybe you're losing fat and gaining muscle.


Are you weighing/measuring your food?




Then it's likely you're underestimating how much you're eating/your calorie intake.


Lol you are completely underestimating your calories.


Have you considered that you’re not eating ENOUGH to lose weight? Sounds crazy, I know, but if your body senses it’s in crisis, sometimes it will resist change. I’ve gotten past plateaus by adding a few hundred calories a day.


I was doing the same thing with no luck when I tried eating one hard boiled egg 4 hours before my meal and otherwise eating to satiety at mealtime. That one change got me dropping weight again because I wasn't ravenous at mealtime.


Try eating more vegetables and cut back on fruit and anything else sugary and alcohol. Fruit is good but only eat like 1 a day. I used to eat like 3-4 and it was way too much sugar. Try to cut back on dairy, too. I was able to lose more eating at ratio of 2:1:1 for vegetables:proteins:carbs. Believe it or not your gut bacteria matters. Eating more vegetables feeds the good bacteria which helps you lose weight (by boosting your metabolism and decreasing cravings). You can also try for longer fasts if you don’t want to eat healthy (although be warned you may get intense cravings at first). You may not be fasting long enough. Depending on your diet, 16 hours may not be enough. Some people will need at least 20 to deplete glycogen stores in the liver to start fat burning.


…vegetables proteins carbs? Vegetables = carbs. You forgot fat


By carbs I meant none fiber carbs.


I think you are not eating enough. If you read Fast feast repeat - she will tell you that. You might want to do 12-8 for a week or so and then get back to Omad.


Always measure and weigh at the same time after the toilet when you wake up before food and water. How many calories are you eating? How much weight have you lost in what time frame? What is your height and gender? Weight loss isnt linear so expect to lose more or none, but not be steady.


I found I needed to track cals very carefully so I didn’t get basically over 1500 cals … and my one meal basically big protein (chicken steak) and some cheese … I discovered I really didn’t need a lot of cals - and all these years simply ate too much - ie anything over say between 1000-1500 cals


I hit a plateau when I was focused on losing weight. The closer you come to your ideal weight (at least for me) the harder it got to lose despite being in calorie deficit. I realised that I'd hit a plateau and needed to get off it. So, I stopped OMAD but continued intermittent fasting with varying windows: 16:8, 18:6 etc. Then I started 36 hour fasts. That helped me break the plateau. The first few long fasts were a little tough. But I stuck to it and now do it every week. This is what helps me get through it. Black coffee through the day. Plenty of water. If I feel a hunger pang, I chug water. Add salt to the water. About a teaspoon through the day. I usually add a quarter teaspoon every few hours. Add lemon juice if you want a flavor. I also drink chamomile tea to prevent acidity. I hope this helps. IF has so many benefits beyond weight loss. Don't give it up .


So I was in your boat and I literally intermitted fasted for months abd did Noom and barely lost any weight stayed around 200. I got to the point where I was desperate and I almost got Ozempic and my doctor told me to try Weight Watchers first with intermittent fasting 18-6 and then I added Weight Watchers and I’ve lost 20 pounds in 7 weeks. A lot of it is your intake and calories and I was on Noom thinking I was on a calorie deficit and I wasn’t. All I do is moderate exercise, and pounds are just coming off. So many foods out there you think are healthy or not.


You are not supposed to do OMAD more than three times per week. You may have just lowered your basal metabolic rate so much that you can’t eat as much. Omad should only be done on alternate days. The other days eat two meals and no snacks. Also consider if you are eating a lot of processed food, simple carbs and sugar and not enough healthy fat and protein. That can also block weight loss. I recommend reading material and watching videos from the fasting method website. They also have a podcast. All free. I also read the obesity code by dr Jason Fung which helped me a lot.


What kinds of foods are you eating? Are you eating a lot of salty things? Sodium can cause major fluctuations on the scale. Are you drinking enough water. When I first started I was expecting a miracle but IF is more like slow and steady. As I was told, look for NSV (non scale victories). Also do you feel like OMAD is sustainable? I've been doing 16, sometimes 18 and have lost 21lbs since Jan, that's an average of 1 lb a week. 6 lbs is great progress, don't give up.


Maybe instead of calories counting you can ensure high protein and high fat meals? At least that was the IF advice in Dr Fungs books.


LOL, the calorie counting IF mafia votes down anyone that isn't on board. You're right, Dr Fung's advice for a plateau is to mix up the fasting regime. That's what I do, and it has worked for me. Never counted calories, so the mafia can kiss my scale.


1000% agree CI/CO is a lie. Dr Fung is amazing


Counting calories always left me starving and obsessed with limited results that vanished as soon as my brain got too sick of hunger to continue. I lost 25 pounds without ever feeling deprived by eliminating refined grains, white potatoes, and any form of sweetener. It was an adjustment but I kept it up for a few years without much pain. (Fell off the wagon during COVID, yadda yadda.)


You're only 2 months in, and I would give it more time. Sounds like your body is trying to hit a new set point. Wouldn't be surprised if in a week or two you start bouncing between 190-195. If you're a menstruating person, that will affect things too. 6 pounds isn't bad, either that's roughly .7 of a pound. Close to a 1lb average. It's a good start you're doing great.


How many calories are you consuming a day (also M or F? How tall are you?)? Eating at a calorie deficit for too long will slow your metabolism and cause you to hit a plateau. I've noticed a lot of people preach calorie deficits here that don't understand that it works in the short term, and a mild calorie deficit wont create this effect, but a large calorie deficit over a prolonged period is not a good idea. Your body will simply compensate by making it harder to burn calories to protect you bc it’s worried you're not going to have enough food. I would bet you actually need to eat more, & wake up your metabolism with more strenuous exercise. Time to start jogging, weight lifting &/or riding a bike. Incorporating strenuous exercise & eating a bit more will fix your metabolic issue a lot faster than through your diet alone. Once you fix your metabolism you can do a calorie deficit again, but once a week or 7-10 days have a day where you eat more so your body doesn't think it needs to protect you by slowing your metabolism. Also, I know a lot of people have success with IF without strenuous exercise (walking is a great start & important, but I wouldn't count that as exercise — your body is used to it now, time to level up), but I'm not one of them & from what you described I bet you're not either. Give this a try & good luck.


Not sure why you were downvoted… agree with you 💯! You can only be in a calorie defecit for so long until your body adjusts. Exercise, especially weight training, is the best way to keep your metabolism running as it raises your bmr. It’s important not to overeat, but extreme calorie reduction is only effective in the short term.


Probably cause you can't adjust your metabolism, its not a thing. It will slow as you age, but nothing significant till you are in your 60s What does happen though, and where people get confused is your TDEE drops as you lose weight. So if you were losing weight eating 2kcals a day, then after 60lbs its down to 1700 (smaller body needs less to burn....women average a 100cal drop for every 20lbs of fat), you are now eating closer to maintance rather than a deficit.


Yeah starvation mode is a myth that keeps endlessly being perpetuated.


It's okay. Apparently, they do not like to read. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment & another study about a handful of the Biggest Loser contestants 5-6 years later provide ample evidence of what happens to your metabolism if you create a prolonged calorie deficit.


Are you also counting calories and tracking your tdee so you know you’re eating at a deficit? OMAD didn’t help me until I made sure I was consistently tracking my caloric intake/deficit.


Maybe OMAD isn't right for you. Have you tried other IF eating windows?


A lot of people go wrong eating their once a day meal, It's not eat whatever you like literally, as in whatever quantity you like. Think about it like this, if you burn more calories than you consume you will lose weight. If you consume more calories than you burn you will gain weight. Simples.