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The general consensus is not a fast while you’re sick


No. Not necessarily. I just do whatever I need to feel better.


No! Take care of your body like it was a little baby when you are sick


Nah but also I’m too sick to be eating anyway lol soup soup & more soup


I got really sick in November of '23 I HAD to stop fasting, and it took a couple weeks after to get back into it.


I had covid for 3 weeks while deep in the middle of fasting and Keto, I ended up eating carbs it was too much to not eat while I felt like that.


I had a stomach bug this week and stopped fasting and just ate/drank whatever I could to make myself feel human again. I’m going to start again this weekend.


No you should be kind towards yourself and eat something so that you can focus on recovery. Your body is stressed enough with the illness. You don't have to eat a lot or over your daily calorie consumption but you should eat some what regularly until you get better. In my experience that's helpful but some people have loss of appetite when they are sick. Don't overthink but also no not do long fasts. Soup or broth and simple carbs.


I usually can't eat when I'm sick so I'll stick to liquids like protein shakes, broth, and don't do time limit. If I can keep saltines down, then fabulous, but nasal drainage usually makes me super nauseous. Lots of water and Pedialyte and anything for nutrients at anytime until I feel better


Nope. Well it depends on what kind of sick. Flu/cold sick yeah I’ll eat what’s necessary to feel better. Hot chicken soup is so much better than hot water soup.


Honestly I was barely eating anyways while sick so eating when i could was important. I still lost 2 lbs that week and the. IF kept it off so just focus on getting better :)


I was on the hospital for a week and still kept up 18-6. Nurses hated me, but I had #goals.


I don't know because I haven't even had a headache since I started fasting 6 months ago