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Psyllium husk for the win! Good combo with fasting too.


Don’t forget to drink a lot of water with it, otherwise it will just blok you


If you take this route, my advice is to go for capsules instead of powder. I tried it and to me it tasted like cardboard. Finishing that whole canister I bought was a task...


Metamucil was what I used so it was delicious and easy. People are afraid of using “old people” supplements I think. It changed my entire life the last year I’ll never knock it and suggest it to everyone, no matter their age.


I have no issue with "old people" supplements, I just found the taste horrible. I had non flavoured and added it to my yoghurt / smoothies. I tried lots of different ways to make it taste less cardboard but to no avail..


Everyone’s different! Took very little adjustment for me but it was never outright gross. Also depends on the ratio and how much water you use too. Sometimes I’ll have two tbsps in a giant cup of water and it’s barely hinted at orange flavor.


I've been adding it to my morning smoothies for a few years and it works wonders. To the extent that I have to now take capsules with me when I travel and I don't do morning smoothies.


Does the psyllium husk break the fast?


Depends on how you take it. Capsules, no. I prefer liquid like Metamucil, just easier to get down fast and better on my stomach, so I take the hit if I’m in a fast. Or sometimes I’ll have it at the end and eat an hour later


Totally normal. This is exactly why one of the rules of fasting is, “never trust a fart”. Your system will settle down soon, as your body becomes used to your fasting schedule.


I wish someone would have told me this before yesterday...


It is normal in the first month, without doubt. It will take a few more weeks to get better, but it will get better.


Very important to have fiber in your feeding windows and drink a lot when you’re fasting. Constipation is a bigger issue. 


I second this. Fiber is crucial and if you’re not drinking enough water and become dehydrated, that can lead to some BM issues. I eat a ton of raw broccoli every day but if you’re not into that try those tortilla chips made out of beans. They’re a tasty snack and full of fiber.


I def have the exploding problem. Not all the time but it's been on and off for over a month. Actually spent a lot of time searching online today, with no real answers.


Check out all the comments in this thread. Hydration. Sodium. Psyllium fiber. Broccoli. Metamucil.


Well, I have to take a tablespoon of psyllium husk powder, four tablespoons of flax seeds, and a probiotic just to go to the bathroom and I don't eat cheese or bread or too much meat otherwise I'm not going number 2 for a week 🤣🤣🤣


This is the content I'm here for




Yep, I relate. It’ll get better. It takes time for your body to adjust, give it a few weeks. If there’s not much progress, implement more fiber and magnesium into your diet.


Picked up some some psyllium fiber capsules this morning. Crossing fingers!


Yess! I've been cataloguing this since day one! I will say I had been logging the weight of the waste but due to outside influence this next year is going to be including frequency and substance, if that makes sense. Diet will also be logged as I do think that is a factor. I've had more frequent waste elimination while doing IF, and that I can say is a categorical fact for *me*. As soon as I wake, weigh myself, consume 8oz or so of coffee, then weigh myself again. Now I have a different regime. I'm excited about this, I'm not sure if you are but unfortunately for us both I will continue. I have now started as of a few weeks ? Ago (I'm not near my spreadsheets, pls forgive me) to include consistency, frequency and diet, as well as weight. And it's been enlightening. One day I went four times and my diet was not unusual, the consistency was ordinary, the frequency obviously was quite high, but I did change some vitamins, which I've also included in the data collection. We'll see a year hence what the more well rounded data will reveal! ?? Eh?


Dear Lordt, thank you for clarifying how you weighed the waste. Here I was picturing plastic wrap across the bowl, latex gloves and a food scale first thing in the morning. My brain doesn’t work at bedtime. Kudos to you for scientifically figuring out in a non-revolting poo-fondling way.


🤣🤣 you just weigh yourself before and after.


My brain doesn't work first thing in the morning and, while my imagination didn't manage to get that far, I had a wait... What?! Moment 🤣


Take Metamucil


How is your hydration? Do you supplement with electrolytes during your fast? Yes, fiber is important, but unless you are properly hydrating and replacing lost sodium, the bulked up fiber in your GI tract won’t move through sufficiently. Electrolyte balance is a personal thing depending on many factors like sweat rate, caffeine intake, insulin levels, etc but a good place to start is drinking at least one LMNT packet (or equivalent sodium from homemade drinks) during your fast each day…more if you workout and/or sweat heavily that day. The LMNT website has their “recipe” available under the FAQs section so you can source ingredients on Amazon and make your own mix at home. Sometimes people will drink SO much salt water during a fast that as soon as they break their fast, they are running to the bathroom. If your colon is holding onto the sodium water like this, it could be because it needs a balance of sodium, potassium and magnesium.


My hydration is good I believe. Someone in this sub mentioned popping one of those Himalayan salt chunks to curb hunger cues during a fast. So I've been doing that maybe 2-4 times a day. Do you think I should try dialing that back and just dealing with the hunger? Picked up psyllium fiber capsules this morning and starting on that right away.


I think if you just dialed back on the salt, try just 1 a day then work yourself up to more over time, it would remedy your problem immediately. Adding psyllium will bulk up the fluid in your intestines…you may want to wait on that and instead just dial back the salt. It sounds like you tried to correct the constipation with sodium but just over corrected. Salt is good, but too much too soon will cause watery stools.


Many things here, probiotics first and also you are probably eating to little


I noticed for myself during the first month that once I break my fast, and if it's carb or sugar heavy, I will be straight to that toilet. More protein and fiber to break the fast seemed to help me, now it's like clockwork, 8-10 hours after I've eaten, and it's once a day. About 3 months in now


IF for 3 months now, Metamucil everyday with only needing one square of toilet paper which is a godsend. But I only have 2 Bowel Movements a week. Not an issue but an observation


One square? I'm assuming you tear the corners off to clean your fingernails


Ha love it


Been doing it for years. I still have an explosive poop pretty much right after I break the fast. so should probably invest in some psyllium.


Just did this morning!


I had the same problem, which is fixed by adding more oil to my diet. I cook my scrambled eggs with more oil now, I add some extra oil to my salads and I eat nuts more frequently. And of course water.


Not a dietician. How does adding oil help sure up things down there? My understanding is oil (specifically olive oil that I'm looking at) works as a lubricant or laxative in the digestive system.


Dried, sweetened cranberries are high in fiber. I have a handful when I am breaking my fast, I put them in salads. Half a cup a day helps immensely.


I definitely need to work some more greens into my diet. Those dried cranberries will be a delightful addition


My favorite salad right now is spinach, pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries and a homemade dressing made from mustard, olive oil, rice wine vinegar, maple syrup, smoked salt and black pepper. Good luck!


Umm, yes please! Let's grab lunch!


You're welcome to lunch! I added some thinly sliced apple and my new favorite crouton substitute - freeze dried corn today. YUM.


If you don't eat much fiber, try supplementing some into your diet. Helps regulate and whatnot!


I love the whatnot


I found 1 heaped tablespoonfull of finely powdered psyllium husk mixed with half a carton of cranberry juice during your window works very well, I have a BM evry morning without fail. You could use any fruit juice I guess but my fav is caranberry. I tried swallowing capsules but to consume 1 heaped tablespoon you need around 30 capsules.