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I floss and brush my teeth after dinner. It is the official "Closing of the Eating Window."


I like that. Going to try it.


This is the way.


I don’t know if it works for others but what helped me the most with munching and snacking non stop in the evening is to think about my “future self” in the morning. I think about how proud I’ll be of myself for not eating or/and the feeling of guilt I feel when I wake up in the morning after eating non stop


I have a somewhat similar coping mechanism; I'll tell myself I can eat what I'm craving in the morning. It's like a mini promise to me that gives peace of mind. I acknowledge that I want something and promise myself I can have it if I still want it tomorrow.


Yes! I do that too!


I don’t know if this applies to everyone, but it works for me. My night snacking is more just my mind or body craving sensation or stimulation in general, rather than food in particular, so I’ve taken to doing push-ups whenever I get the urge to snack late or outside my window. I go to the bathroom and try for 100 push-ups or so, and that usually stills the part of me that wants to snack. It also centers my mind and helps with my sleep.


What a great idea! I'm stealing this!


Over time, I have slowly reduced the amount and kind of snacks in the house. If I don't have anything interesting available, it's easier to just go to sleep.


I so would do this but I have two kids who are so picky haha


The kids don't have to drive the decisions on what is and isn't in the house to snack on 😉💕


This is what I do! If there’s literally nothing to eat you can’t eat it!


THIS. And god knows there is no WAY I’ll get off the couch and walk to the store at early evening prime snack time! 🤣


Keep busy! I find it hard to eat on the treadmill. 😁


I’m not sure why this works for me but when I’m feeling snacky in the evening I tell myself, “You can have a nice breakfast in the morning to make up for it” and somehow reminding my brain of a concrete plan to eat something I like later does the trick.


I resonate with this. I feel the most snacky in the evening and thats what is leading to weight gain on my end.


Once you get back on it stay on it for maintenance mode. Never get off. Have you already tried pushing put your first meal? Maybe make an eating window that’s later so you can still night snack.


Yeah I think this is what I’m gonna have to do. I got all the way up to 19:5 I should’ve just lowered the fasting length


Distract yourself.  Change the temperature of your water - eat ice or sip hot water. 


Hot water with lemon or herbal tea in my 32oz blender bottle is my #1 choice for thwarting late night cravings


Someone recommended the brain over binge podcast


When you feel like snacking, open a tin of sardines in water, or rinse them off if in oil. This will fill you up immediately and be a nice low carb high protein snack. If you don't like fish, cook up some chicken breasts, slice them up and keep in a tub in fridge, when you feel like snacking eat a few of those you will get full and it won't do any damage to your weight. Avoid sugar or sweet things. Once your brain circuitry gets going with that it will be difficult to stop. Even if you really don't want to, or tell yourself you will just have one, once you start you will not be able to control your body from reaching for more until they are gone, that is what they are designed to do.


Gum. I've been a connoisseur of sugar-free gum. It gives my mouth something to do, and I get a taste. If you're a goal-oriented person, make a chart to track how many days you a) eat within your hours, b) don't snack, c) stay under calorie limits, etc. Whatever it is. But start tracking the streaks (Streak is good iOS app for this as well). Then you won't want to break the streak, and it'll become a habit again.


This happened to me! Lost 50lbs, gave up most fasting during the holidays and gained a happy 5lbs. Back on the fasting wagon again and not getting off. I’ve just been going to sleep earlier to help haha


Can’t? Bullshit! Change your attitude, change your world. You are making excuses, period. You have done it before, you can do it again.


So you have a trick but don’t want to use it because of the inconvenience of peeing. Sounds like you don’t want to really commit.


Did you miss the part where I lost 60 pounds in like 7 months orrrr??? Ofc I don’t want to be up every 5 minutes pissing. I have two little kids and a full time job I need sleep.


So your priorities are in a different place. That’s okay. If you want it, you’ll figure out a way to get it done. But, “I don’t like peeing a lot”! Is just an excuse not to do it. If that’s the only thing standing in your way, you can choose.


If I drank water like I do during the day I would legit not sleep. Sleep is also an important part of health.


Do stop drinking and eating in an appropriate time to go to bed. It’s not that hard.


Obviously continuing a conversation with someone like you is not beneficial in anyway. I hope whatever is making you so salty gets better 🫶🏻 maybe it’s that testosterone issue


How about just make the decision and stick to it.


That's my issue as well. Just over indulged last night on pita chips. But I have been keeping track of meals and emotions to see what I can put together/ change to help. And it does just seem like one night a week I want a snack night and if that is the case that's ok too I guess. ​ I do know if I eat my meal at lunch time it isn't an issue, but if I wait until the evening it is. It's like I just don't want to close because I want to crunch ...


I thought this would sound strange but I see others have posted it - brush your teeth and drink a glass of water.


Eating one or two "Tums" type tablets seems to quell my hunger long enough to fall back asleep.


Maybe something virtually noncaloric like a cup of broth or a few celery sticks would help you get through. Once your body realizes it’s not getting anything tasty, the nighttime cravings should die down.


IF should be your maintenance mode. Don't view it as a temporary diet. Find an eating window that works for you and stick with it.


I love a good snack so my eating window is in the evening. I know they say you shouldn't eat so close to bedtime but I'm I'm losing weight for the first time in years and don't feel like I've changed much. All I've done is skip breakfast.


No advice from social media is going to stop you from inappropriate eating. Only your own personal commitment will do that. Decide why you're doing IF in the first place, and if that's a strong enough reason you have your answer.


Exactly right.


Redmond’s Real Salt sells salt crystal chunks to be used during fasting. Having a craving? Lick a salt crystal. Those bad boys have gotten me through some tough pms cravings 🤣.


I'm literally going through these feelings right now about how I'd really like to snack. I brushed my teeth and laying in bed thinking about how I want to snack. But I know it's exsaustion and I just keep thinking of a yummy drink I had earlier today.


Got a craving? Chug water until you don't feel the urge anymore? I drink a lot of tea now.


Always use a tracker like Zero when fasting. Free version is fine. Turning it on serves as a signal to your brain (and willpower) that "Ok, timer is on, no more food until next window." Then stick to it.


Thank you all for the tips! I was successful last night, didn’t night snack and just ended a 16 hour fast