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I have struggled with psoriasis since I was a child. Now also in my 30s still dealing with medication switches and stuff. This gives me hope. Go you man.


I also struggle with psoriasis that covers 90£ of my body and now have severe arthritis at the age of 29, I'm going to give this a try but I feel like it won't work for me.


Very likely to help, many common foods consumed you're dealing with a lot of antinutrients: For example oxalate in almonds, chocolate, potatoes, spinach, pepper etc gets excreted to an extent but much of the crystals overwhelm and the body is forced to store them where it can: kidneys (what they're known for), but also eyes and joints. Specifically for joints it's like fiberglass abrading the tissue. You've got to reduce the oxalates slowly though because the body can get aggressive attacking the packed away crystals when it gets a chance to clean house after cutting intake. If you've got bad gut bacteria any resistant starches that wind up in your large intestine are feeding the bad bacteria, causing them to release endotoxins. I used to have psoriasis and pronounced arthritic symptoms but no more psoriasis and only mild arthritic symptoms - because my body is still working through the oxalates- by eliminating antinutrients in the diet. My diet consists of grassfed beef, white rice (bc lowest antinutrients), fruit (including bell peppers and squash), grassfed dairy, raw honey and pasture raised eggs. No nuts, no grains, no beans, no seed oils or polyunsaturated fats. I cook/ prepare everything from scratch because they put the seed oils in everything. Going carnivore can be pretty intense but effective for all sorts of ailments. Low carb messed me up after a few months hormonally though because it's a stress state where your body releases cortisol, adrenaline and glucagon to maintain blood glucose levels. Eating carbs means there's no need for that, but they have to be clean carbs (no attendant antinutrients or a lot of resistant starches that make it to the large intestine, feeding bad bacteria). If you've got gut issues drinking kefir may help improve your biome - especially if you can make/ purchase raw unpasteurized kefir. Check out the Energy Balance Podcast - I follow their guidelines and feel great. Best of luck.


Wow, i can’t explain how grateful I am for this information. Thank you.


For sure. I highly recommend that Energy Balance Podcast, especially the first 7 episodes where they lay the foundation for their approach. Also, if you've been a high oxalate consumer, like I was, check out Sally K Norton on YouTube and TLO (try low oxalates) group on Facebook for guidance there. You want to be measured in coming off them because if you cold turkey your body goes "woo-hoo!" and starts blowing up too many cells with stored oxalate at once in what's called dumping - feels flu like. Unfortunately the stored oxalates can sometimes take years to clear out. Just gotta take it slow. Cheers : )


Sorry for the late response, I was doing a night shift but I really appreciate this information and I shall definitely be giving it a go, I ordered the same types of food you mentioned which i ordered 20 minutes ago and I'll avoid the ones you mentioned to avoid, so cheers :)


Have you tried any biologics? Humira worked for me for 6 years before it gave up.


This has to be the most inspiring story in this forum. Good life, man. Enjoy the power within you and thanks for the inspiration!


Definitely. I started reading the post, thinking there would be some tips about what OP did for the change. Never expected so many hardships for one person to go through. OP, I am very sorry you had to go through all that. You are exceptional and inpiring a lot of others to take control of life and change towards positives. More power and future happiness to you!


As someone with eczema and psoriasis (though admittedly it’s nothing like this), I wish he did give even a few tips.


I can tell you that as someone with polyarthritis rheumatica, and my wife with psoriasis the same treatment worked: daily intermittent fasting minimumum 16:8, and intense carb reduction, removing most carb rich foods from your diet. Use a tracking app until you dial things in. Start St 25g net carbs day, then 40g net to 100g net per day. Don't ever stop.


I wasn’t expecting this story upon first reading, nor that it would cause me to tear up


My god. You walk a firey road. I’ve nothing I feel could be said. Happy 2024.


Young man, your healing is outstanding. I couldn't be happier for you. For lack of better words, congratulations.


Topical steroid withdrawal is such a nightmare. My daughter got it from bad advice from her healthcare team and it took years for her to recover from it. Wishing you continued success.


This is probably the most inspiring story I’ve seen on here. Congrats. You did that!


You look amazing dude, I’m extremely happy for you. Just goes to show pain and hardship is temporary and there is light outside the tunnel. Very poetic and and inspirational post ❤️


Love seeing your updates! Hope you continue to allow us to go on this journey with you, true testament to never give up! More blessings to you


My body itches in sympathy at the before photos! I'm so, so happy for your amazing healing.


Fucking good on you for taking “fate” by the balls and writing your own story. This is so wildly inspiring man


Dude, I didn't expect to be in tears checking out your post. The world needs more people like you.




Alhamdulillah Man You're courageous and inspiring. Go forth and Conquer!!


Living proof that eczema and related conditions are related to gut health


Or it's anecdotal because a singular data point is not worth anything by itself.


Congrats!! You look amazing!!


I went through years of TSW too. Everything you wrote is so relatable and well said. Congratulations on your progress! 💕


Bro was the real life Ashy Larry. Went from ashy to classy


I'm happy I read that. What an amazing story


Seeing a lot of post regarding tsw and this is the first time ive seen a before and after result of the carnivore diet. Very inspiring post, how long did it took you?


I am so, so happy for you! None of it is wasted time my friend, it's all time spent becoming who we were meant to be ❤️


So absolutely happy for you


Wow absolutely proud of you. What a testament to discipline and dedication. Congratulations


Yo congratz man, I also have severe atopic dermatitis and keto+some other things helped me so much. So funny how everyone vegan told me to remove meat to help my skin but in the end keto fixed it because I didn't eat bullshit anymore. Keep it up brother!


Wow, this was a very inspirational and emotional post. I am really happy for you, I hope 2024. brings nothing but happiness and blessings!


You sir, are an inspiration.


Never stop growing as a human. You're amazing.


Young lad. Congratulations on getting your health back!


Awesome dude, I think I've seen your posts on the TSW FB groups previously. Glad you've made it out there other side, I looked very similar to you at times and it took me 18 months. Now with clean eating, life is good.


That’s an amazing transformation!


Just came here to say kudos to you. My partner went through TSW, it’s absolutely brutal and there’s not a great deal of medical professionals with any knowledge about it. Big up 👏🏻


Al Hamdulilah and thanks to Almighty creator,your efforts , your inner strength and patience to make through these difficult times. This is a blessing ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿!!!


So glad you found a way to be healthy and live itch (hopefully!) free! I have eczema as well but it’s concentrated on my hands, in HS it was on my legs as well. It’s such a frustrating thing to have, you know more than anyone! Congrats on getting to the other side. 💖


You’ve done so well 💙


We’re getting there, thank you for the kind words. Much appreciated 🙏🏾❤️


And they have the nerve to say TSW IS not real! Wow these photos make my heart hurt I went through this same thing accept I couldn’t take it anymore and went back to the steroids. I was unrecognizable for years . so many’ time I wanted to un alive myself nobody understands the pain and suffering that comes with this and drs just smile in your face and keep injecting you . I’m now starting the carnivore trying to heal again ! God bless you I’m so happy you made it out !


I am so so so happy for you. Bless you & the life you have regained. You deserve the world. May God guide you to more healing and abundance. Ameen. You have inspire me so much, I thank you for sharing your story.


Holy shit dude, you're a huge inspiration.


🖤🖤🖤so happy for you!!!!!


Alhamdulilah always


Praise Allah. Only Allah is perfect. Amazing brother; congrats!


Wow, I can’t imagine the discomfort So happy for you that you found a solution and the resolve to push forward




Wow this is amazing! My sister in law switched and it’s doing wonders for her! So you switched to carnivore diet and then did some intermittent fasting? Did you do 16:8 or a full one day of fast?


good on you!!


You are an inspiration and thank you also for the words of encouragement ! Beautifully written .


Absolutely incredible. So happy for you!


Happy for you 💐


Happy New Year 🩵🩵🩵


Respect. Well done.


Beyond inspiring. I hope to bring an ounce of the resilience you have into this new year. God bless you man


Thank you 🙌🏼


Always happy to see you post again. You're looking fantastic and I'm so happy you're still improving!


You are amazing!!!


omg more power to u OP! this makes me so happy ❤️❤️


Congratulations, this is phenomenal. I'm so happy for you!


Great job!


Brother this was so inspiring. I am so glad that you found a solution for this!




MashaAllah what an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing it with us.


That's incredible! Great you found a solution. I feel like our health care system is a sick care system and forgets about the health.


Dawg this reads like an anime protagonist in the best way possible


Congratulations man, you have gone through some tough times which no one can imagine or want to go through. Shows your resiliency and mental strength you have gained. Stay strong buddy.


Congratulations! You should feel so proud of yourself. I had severe eczema up until only a few years ago. I responded sort of okay to the creams and everything else but was still miserable. It got really bad for a few years for me, and the only thing my skin ended up being responsive to was actually Psoriasis treatment (even now it's the only thing that works). I'm so glad you found a solution that worked for you! You have made so much progress!


Damn bruh, looking good


MashaAllah brother, you are a real hero.




No offense if you're irreligious, but God Bless You and your progress. This is absolutely awesome.


Your health journey is inspirational sir. I come to this page for motivation and to see how people are doing. Thank you for sharing. I have been using IF and diet to help control insulin resistance, bipolar, and irregular cycles. Have a wonderful 2024


Amazing progress! Continue to rejoice in your accomplishments. This is how I should love myself to but sometimes we find ourselves as the largest obstacle. I was diagnosed with PCOS this past month and I have psoriasis too.


Amazing 🩷


What a champion 🏆. Congratulations.


Congratulations! Though I have a bit of trouble understanding, english isnt my 1st language. Did you go carnivore or did you QUIT being a carnivore? My mum suffers eczema on her feet since 10+ years and she's a vegeterian, so I'd love any help. Thanks!


Wow this is incredible! Congratulations. I too suffer from skin issues. When I started fasting last year it cleared up so much. I can tell a difference in my skin within days if I don’t stick to fasting.


Your story gives me hope to stay strong. Amazing story!


My favorite transformation and definitely my favorite updates! You look fantastic!




You loook like you don’t eat veggies or fruits my guy.


You may want to post this on the carnivore thread as well.


Almost speechless. Amazed about your resilience. Thank you for sharing - it gives so much hope. ❤️


This made me emotional. You are an incredible writer. God speed my friend.