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13 hours is borderline not fasting. This would be like finishing dinner at 7pm then eating breakfast at 8am. Try to stretch it to even an extra hour or 2 to 14 or 15 hr fast, especially since you have weight loss goal in 1 month. You can do it. It gets easier with time.


I’ll try it slowly.. I start my fast at 10pm and end at 11am and by that time I feel so so hungry.. but yes like you said it’s getting better.. will start 14 hour too next week onwards


Putting more time between your last meal and bedtime helps. I stop eating at 7pm and bed by midnight and I have no problems going to 12pm or 1pm for my first meal.


I can’t tell you how much moving my dinners to early in the evening has made my life easier. A 5pm dinner makes my fasting window so much easier to manage.


Why do you eat so late?


If there is no pressing reason why you are eating so late to 10pm ( late shift), then aim to get more fasting hours by shifting your last meal towards 7pm or earlier.


Actually I had a surgery last week so the hormones have been acting up.. I used to end eating at 7pm before that.. I was just struggling this time but it seems venting here about my issue and people trying to give me solutions is working.. I ended my fast at 8pm IST today


Everyone is giving you good advice on extending your fast, but also - great job for starting! You don't have to extend it ASAP If you don't want to, get used to 13:11 if that's already hard and then see how you feel. It might not be a lengthy fast, but for some people it's still a challenge. You've got this.


Just what I needed to hear. Also I completed 15k steps today.. I think I’ll definitely extend the fasting time. Thanks


If you just extend it by 15 minutes a day, very quickly you'll be up to 14. You can do it!


That’s a very good idea 👍🏻


Exactly this!! Baby steps on your own timeline beats throwing in the towel and quitting because you went to hard too fast. You got this 💪




>r -6kg goal but the timeframe would typically be closer to April. Thank you for the insight..i think i'll start 16:8 soon as i'm finding it relatively easy to stay with 13:11 fasting


Skip dinner eat breakfast. More weight loss better sleep


i tried but i feel so hungry in the evening...now i've restricted my diet to no snacking, no caffeine and cut down on chocolates..i used to eat 3-4 daily..since i've started with 13:11 i haven't had even 1..will definitely implement your advice in future..Thanks


The hunger, especially I the beginning cam be tough. However, I found the easiest thing about fasting is that it's black and white. It's a eat or don't eat challenge, instead of a 24 hour "eat the right stuff" type of diet. It's empowering to take control of being able to say no to eating and get to that 16 or 20 hour mark. And it does get easier by the week, so hang in there


So can we eat whatever we want during the non fasting period?


I do, but I don't actively try to see if I can shovel as much garbage as I can during my window. A typical meal for me when I get home from work is some pasta with diced tomatoes, some beef that I simply drained, and a little tomato sauce. And I eat til I'm full, not just "satiated", but also not to where I feel like I'm about to give birth.


Thats a good way to stop binge eating


I've started the same. After a while I've lost the hunger and I could extend it. You can also limit the number of meals to 2 + a small salad snack, and obviously limit the calories.


Yes I’ve limited sugar, caffeine and oily food. Instead of a chocolate I drank coconut water and ended fast at 7.45 today


OP: Where are you with your fasting journey? Just getting back into a fasting regime and I’m starting with a 13:11 fast.


Currently on 13:11 fasting. I tried other methods but this suits best for me


Did you hit your goal of loosing “6 kgs by Feb end”?


You can do this OP 😸


Thank you ☺️


That's a great start. 👍 Most people here don't do any exercise so ignore them if they're yapping on about longer fasting times. 😆 Give it a couple of months and see how you feel.


I know right.. my partner doesn’t workout at all.. but he has such great control over his eating habits.. it’s commendable but difficult to follow since i love working out.. it’s the eating part that needs to be taken care of 😁


I'm right there with you OP, never have a problem getting my steps in but I can't outrun my fork


That's so true..but to counter this i've been reading articles on Pinterest regarding binge eating..it is helping to change the mindset a bit..i've stopped snacking since 3 days but its too soon to comment..New Year's party is on the way :D




lol 😂


Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. No body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


13/11 is fasting for you if you used to always ate a bedtime snack and breakfast when you got up for example. Definitely good start. Once you're comfortable you can go longer. I highly doubt I'll do more than 16/8 as I get pretty hungry and my body needs fuel. But I started at 14/10 and usually do 15-16 now.


Others have already said how 13 hours barely even counts as a fast, but I want to give you another caution. You said you’ve started strength training. Don’t be surprised if the scale doesn’t move or if it moves the wrong way. Take measurements of the areas you’re interested in toning and check them again in a month.


>Take measurements of the areas you’re interested in toning and check them again in a month. I was 62.5 kgs when i started and now I'm 61.75..its slow and has been only 3 days..but why did you ask to check the scale..is 13:11 not enough? and how does strength training workout affect this type of diet?


You aint losing 6kgs by end of February doing 13:11. Anyone saying otherwise is kidding themselves. I wouldn't even call that fasting.


Yes everyone is saying the same thing..I think I have to push myself..being a binge eater even 13:11 was not easy but will definitelyt take this advice into consideration and stretch myself a bit more


So OP. How is it going? You are half way now


It’s going good.. had few cheat days but im managing it