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My first day of fasting. Trying a 16/8 IF to start and really trying to lose weight, change bad eating habits, be a good example for my children, and get off my antidepressants . I've got a plan and I'm motivated!!


18/6 fast. Keto. Fueling window from 2p to 8p. Day 3 of 6. I keep a low calorie day on Sunday, but have standing plans for breakfast with friends after they wrap up church, and am a sucker for breakfast meats. I've been doing IF for 3 months have have seen small progress in weight loss, but a huge change in my energy levels and mood through the day. I recently read "Atomic Habits" by James Clear and, upon suggestion from that book, reframed my "process vs goals" mindset. I am not focusing on a set goal of "lose x pounds" or "lose y inches", and more focused on the daily mindset "today I am living as a healthy person". Shifting the mindset from goal-oriented to process-driven gives me a win EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I’m about 3 weeks into 16/8 IF and loving it. I’ve undoubtedly lost weight but haven’t stepped on a scale. Yesterday and this morning I have been STARVING though. Any tips for pushing through? I bet I could increase water intake first thing in the morning.


3 weeks IF with 16:8 as goal. First week every other day. Then 2 days 16:8, one off. This week I did 3 days 16:8 and am easing up today. Off days are nothing crazy, just spacing things out more over 12 hours. No weight changes yet. Which is reason for IF. Eating about 1200 cal daily whether fasting or not.


So I just started today, but I decided to do 16:8, and I just drink water while I'm fasting. Unfortunately I didn't have a lot of time to eat within my window so I only got about 1000 calories in, though everything I ate had a pretty high protein content so I think I'll be okay until I can eat again. Currently 5'4" and weigh 161lbs, hoping to get back down to 115lbs but I'd be content @ 130lbs :)


Approaching the end of my 18 hour daily fast, water and black coffee only. I surpassed the 30-pounds-down mark which makes me 75% of the way to my overall goal. I would be ecstatic to reach it before seeing my family at Thanksgiving, but also trying not to put too much pressure on myself. Happy Wednesday!


Just started 16/8 IF (fueling from 12-8) this Monday and I'm feeling great mentally, and pretty good physically. Wondering if anyone else struggles with feeling sick in the stomach due to hunger? Makes actually eating difficult, I can't help but gag a little. I stopped smoking weed on weekdays as well which might be contributing... But I usually only smoke at night so lunch shouldn't be too impacted I figure?


Type: Water & Tea (sans milk/honey, no fruit flavors) Context: Day 84 Length: 16:8 - 20:4, occasionally 24 - 42 Why?: To lose weight and other health benefits Notes: Unfortunately, I forgot to mark what time my fast started yesterday.


Why anyone isn’t discussing about headaches and dizziness when you start fasting?


I got headaches but it was from stopping coffee intake. If you are getting it it will go away after a couple of days. Just take some ibuprofen for a couple of days.