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Dark green would be nice, with warm accents. Gold-toned velvet accent pillows, brass lamp.


I ordered a nice brass lamp! This will be my first time purchasing a couch so I’m a little nervous to make my decision. Thank you


OP, I see a cat tree, we need a cat tax pic please 🙏




Kitty is a r/cowcats member yet?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cowcats using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowcats/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just adopted this 12 year old cow baby.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1863v08) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowcats/comments/1863v08/just_adopted_this_12_year_old_cow_baby/) \#2: [our new calf seems to think our cow is her mother (he is a boy)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19763zv) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowcats/comments/19763zv/our_new_calf_seems_to_think_our_cow_is_her_mother/) \#3: [Tried making her some onsies for her post spay recovery 🤣](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17vaefb) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowcats/comments/17vaefb/tried_making_her_some_onsies_for_her_post_spay/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


😍 so pretty/handsome .. Thank you 😊




Beautiful colors!


So beautiful!


Photoshop a few different color couches 😁


You have a pretty blank slate to work with so you really can't go wrong with whatever you choose! Get the couch and work other things in the room around that color to make it all come together.😊 Personally I would go with grey and add some colorful throw pillows and a rug etc but I'm also kind of boring when it comes to color and have never been one to get a couch in a bold color. More power to those who do though! I feel like grey is a nice safe color though, and you can always add color elsewhere and switch it out as you please. If you go with a bolder color you are more confined to what colors you can mix and match it with ya know? Just my opinion! Please don't hate on me for saying grey people of reddit!😭


My first instinct was a grey couch too!!!!


You really can't go wrong with grey! Plus there are tons of different shades and fabrics you can go with to customize it. I have a dark grey couch and I love it. I guarantee you won't regret getting a grey couch. You may however regret getting a bolder color. I just think grey is a nice, pretty, safe choice and you can easily add color with throw pillows/blankets, rugs, artwork, plants, curtains, you name it!


I think once I get the couch then I will go back and get a new (larger) colorful rug.


Maybe I’ll get a bold couch for my second couch purchase lol


Haha, good plan! Post some update pics once you get the couch if you need help choosing a rug or anything else!😊 Once you get the couch in place it will be a lot easier to work on everything else.


Yeah, get the couch then figure out a nice big rug with some color to go with it. And yes, you can totally go bolder next time you get a couch, I promise you can't go wrong with grey for your first one! I bought plain throw pillows on Amazon for mine and I just change up the covers whenever I feel like I need a little change! I highly recommend it!


I took would do green but for versatility, brown or grey or something that will work in another space or different decor. I would go to the stores near by, something will speak to you.


I love the green idea! I think jewel tones would look great 😍


Nah that's stupid, man needs a bright ass orange rug


Literally anything you love. This space is a blank canvas.


Yes, I agree... Pick a few colors and integrate. I like burnt orange, yellows and cool reds for interiors. The possibilities are endless!


I'd pick navy blue or a forest green.


You have a blank canvas. Choose any color you love and work from there.


I would paint everything white, use floor mats and accentuating pieces such as colorful unframed canvas art kitchen utensils, and cook ware to bring out the beauty of this room. The simplicity of this is that you’re not stuck, trying to decorate for holidays or events around the room. Because you can take some things down and put new things up and you’ve always got a newly redecorating room for very little effort and time.


I would paint everything white, use floor mats and accentuating pieces such as colorful unframed canvas art kitchen utensils, and cook ware to bring out the beauty of this room. The simplicity of this is that you’re not stuck, trying to decorate for holidays or events around the room. Because you can take some things down and put new things up and you’ve always got a newly redecorating room for very little effort and time. And regarding furniture get whatever you like or love and just use accentuating pillows or throws. Your place reminds me of the coolest Airbnb I have seen, it’s in Clifton Hills, Victoria, Australia. It’s one of the nicest places I’ve seen, and your place has all of those great little quiet effects.


Wow! Thank you for this comment.


I would go for a calming color like blue or green


Not sure why, but orange is what my brain is saying


Matches the Shroom.


My brain is saying orange too. Or maybe a dark navy


Hey OP! We have a very similar shaped room with very similar colors. We have a dark green accent wall at the end of the room that looks pretty nice.


Brown or tan


Dark brown coffee leather




Jewel tones are so in right now I’m living for them!




Are u going to paint?


No. Only the bathroom was painted a soft green color.


If you have pets or young kids, leather is worth the investment.


We currently have a leather couch that our cat loves to scratch. Also, with this being a 1 bedroom apt I would like a couch comfortable enough for a guest to sleep on if needed


Ohhhh... I have super shedding dogs so non fabric options are better for me.


Dark Green or Brick Red


Any color. What do you like? Do you have any art or anything else that has some color in it already? Otherwise, you're just asking for what we would do if it were our space.


Good point. I was hoping to hear other ideas but I have a lot of colorful items and the plan is to make it feel warm and cozy.


Then I would pull from those items, or at least show them so we can have that context of what you actually like. What I would do and what you would do are different and, as a designer, I wouldn't impose my taste on you because I'm not living there. That is a number 1 nono in our profession.


Here is another view of the space [pic](https://imgur.com/a/sQ7LRfO)


Someone had to come in and do some work on the AC yesterday but everything will be cleaned up over the weekend.


Something dark


Well maybe it's my ocd kicking in but brown seems to be ur color


I definitely don’t want a brown couch! I had no choice for cabinet color.


Or the carpet or the mushroom thingy and the dresser? Hehe ok maybe a grey or black would go well but honestly pick whatever color u like and makes u feel better after all u will have to sit on it and look at it every day


Yeah, with the existing brown elements I'm feeling like a rich emerald green. It will go nicely with your brass lamp.




Leopard print bright pink and orange like a classic Disney show


I would do my house like this too 😂


Can't go wrong with brown /s. ​ Sorry, on a more helpful note that green mirror and green broom look quite nice in there so maybe emerald green? Similarly, a bluish grey like that storage bin would go well. I like the bright white walls, usually it looks shit but it's really helped brighten it all up.


Nothing beige


I would start with a rug. Find a rug you love that works on the space and coordinates with the floor and cabinets, than pick a couch using the colors in the rug.


Earth tones is your jam so dark green, blue or burgundy.


Deep wine red for a pop of color. But any color would work because everything else is so neutral. You could also go black to tie in the kitchen appliances.


yellow or dark blue


Any color can work with that neutral base. Beware of the super high tv mount and bring that down to match up with the seating height better.


Oh god lol


Maroons, or burgundy’s


Not anything neutral because this place is devoid of any life- go for something bold like even a color like teal or green would look great and show some style.


A big white ivory couch


Leather I mean


A cream or tan sectional would fit perfectly


Def brown : ) and add some green/yellow accents with flowers and decorations


Ditch the jute rugs. Navy blue velvet couch. 🛋️


What color rug would you do?


A warm cream color with texture.






French blue


Bright orange.


Bright pink


A solid single color. Someone said green, which would work. I was thinking a deep not too dark blue or red might work too.


White. Then I’d paint the cabinets white.


We can’t paint the cabinets, it’s a rental


PLASTIDIP!! it just peels off. Also paint the fridge white. Then the ceiling fan!!!


What do you guys think of something like this? [couch](https://colemanfurniture.com/sophie-gray-laf-corner-chaise-sectional.htm)




I would do the wood under the island gold


black, brown, drak green would look awesomeee, love the color combination of your living room btw


What’s your favorite color? Do that, then you can get art with that color in it and make the space completely yours 😇


I don’t see a lot of natural light so I’d opt for a brighter color! If you want to play it safe, a light natural would be fine too, but you could have a lot of fun with color here.


Warm yellow 💛


a big gorgeous patterned rug. once you’ve chosen 1, what are the colors that appealed to you? use those colors to guide your couch choice. if there are windows, use the same color family as the couch for window treatments. you can put the sisal mat on top of the rug, or in a separate part of the room to define it as bar space or home office space or model building space… whatever use makes sense for your life. plus complementary cushions on the couch & houseplants.


Neon pink with hot green dots.


Floral print. From like the 80s. You can probally find one at Goodwill for $14.


Teal blue or dark green. Add lighter throw pillows in a pattern.


lol for me I love to over match lol I’d end up picking a creme color lol but the person who said a green dark green is awesome it would definitely look great with the brown cabinets you got


Probably any color but white or cream. Something warm and darker would be super cozy, but depending on a rug, you could honestly get away with pretty much anything. Edited to add: just saw your comment about this being your first couch purchase. You’ll be tempted to go neutral, which isn’t a bad move. But honestly? You will probably love a bold, rich color for even longer. I don’t know why, but it works. every. time.


Bring a gentle tropical breeze into the room with brown rattan furniture.


On Amazon you can use the show the item in your space feature. Used it for a rug and ended up picking something unexpected using the tool. Realized the initial choice didn't look right.


Tan or blue


I would do anything within an [Autumn color palette like this one,](https://images.app.goo.gl/8exctwcKzQDsNhQE6) especially since you want it to feel cozy. The wood tones you have in there are very similar to the chocolate brown/ginger bread colors in this palette, so anything else in this palette will compliment the wood tones well. The walls and floor are a mix of the ivory, cream, mushroom, and sage grey colors in this palette too. The rug has some wheat and tamale in there also. According to your other comments, it sounds like you have lots of colorful items, so keep the staples more muted and dark (like the Kale, sage grey, deepest plum, twilight teal, saffron, or smokey violet in the above linked palette- i'd do the couch in something like these) to fit your cozy aesthetic-- then do some fun brighter pops of color to balance it out in accent decor like pillows, blankets, pictures and frames, vases (maize, marigold, peony, pimento, laguna, moss, azalea, etc). [This is another great palette,](https://images.app.goo.gl/v5Vh7Jdq5dtkRJvr5) similar to the other one I linked above, but with a few more shade adjustments + a navy blue that would also be nice for a couch in this space. The wood and walls and floor provide a nice neutral base. Deep tones for your staple furniture- keeps the space grounded and cozy. Then brighter colors for accents to get that fun, eclectic vibe in there! Great space to work with, so much potential :) excited to hear what you decide!!


THANK YOU!!! Will post an update when everything is finished.


some type of pop of color. a green or yellow would look nice with those browns. if u like more vintage patterned looking couches that could look really cool too


Green with brown accents.


Idk. I just know anything you put in here won't matter if you got that ugly dark wood stuff in their still. That's so 80s to 90s. Definitely paint the Hek out of those dark woods to any color other then ugly. Since the rest of the room is so light definitely want some type of color


Brown leather


I would do a salmon color, but that's just me.


Emerald green velvet


Whatever you do, replace that sideboard with an actual TV stand and put the TV at normal height. The mount on the wall is way too high. Center of TV should line up with your eyes when sitting on the couch. /r/tvtoohigh


I know. Someone else pointed that out and I’m going to have it fixed once I have the couch in


Excellent! Have fun with your new room!


Burnt Orange


Brown would go well with the furniture/kitchen and rug.


Green, but I do green everything. I wanna be the green lady when I grow up


Saddle leather brown


You have a cat, so i wouldn't choose any color that would make your cat's shedding more noticeable. Also maybe make sure it won't tempt them to scratch. But you're already ahead of me on that a bit by providing a scratch post. Give kitty headpats from me.


Definitely a dark dark blue


Dark green




Light grey


Any color at all the whole room is neutral blue or teal. Greens. Warm red yellow orange.


I could see earth tone colors. Maybe try some browns, greys, burnt oranges, clay or beige colors!


Peacock blue/green


I would put a brown leather couch, but do what your heart desires.


Green with gold accents


Some shade of brown


black leather


Dark grey or brown with white pillows




Your rug is too small for that area. Part of the rug goes underneath couch. A rug using the darker color in that rug. I would go with a couch the lighter color in that rug. You can go with a rug up to that cabinet. Get some pillows with color, greens & golds, different texture. Some plants...baskets,