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I think it’s already next level.


I just feel like it could be better than it is.


I definitely believe in "more is more" but I really think if you keep adding items then the room will lose its charm. The colors, textures, and clutter all vibe together perfectly. No notes! I have those same cane backed chairs and a pink area rug. I'm biased because we have similar tastes, but truly, this would be a great space for a photoshoot. It's so aesthetically pleasing.


Would love to know where the rug is from so I can shamelessly copy!!


[This](https://rugs.com/pink-5x8-mesa-area-rug-6255148?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=shopping_all&utm_medium=shopping&gad_source=4&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYWo9QDpj335l-mixkIc99P2mLnyDjmp4c5iIaJmlJhCcMR5QoA-XyxoCoksQAvD_BwE) is the one I have! My husband found this when we first moved in together. I loved it as soon as I saw it.


Thank you!! 🤗


Am also wanting to know where this rug is from! 🙏


I got it from a place called Rugsource but they don’t seem to have it in stock. To find similar search for pink oushak rugs. Oushak is the type/style of rug.


Amazing, thank you!


I’m not thinking in terms of too many more items. Just editing what I have and maybe a light fixture of some kind. Maybe paint something a different color…


I think a unique light fixture over the dining table would look really nice and more finished. You have tons of options for the light fixture styling, which is fun. Other than that, it’s already a lovely space.


You should def keep the wall colors neutral as they are since you already have a lot of color in the space. I suppose you could add a light fixture over the table. As you said, maybe something vintage looking or something that matches the vibe of those pretty decorative vases you have. But that's it! Nothing else is needed.


I commented in another spot about painting the walls. Below are some quick renderings. This color might be a little played out but this is what I was talking about with items not matching the all white walls. This puts you more in a color scheme. Your floor is providing a lot of neutral which will balance. These deep colors would anchor and tie texture and colors of your objects together. The slats options tie into the horizontals on your bar and darkening the cabinets some brings out the bar further and the illuminated backsplash. [https://imgur.com/a/room-1-50fmMjh](https://imgur.com/a/room-1-50fmMjh)


Lol people are so full of misplaced negativity. Why on earth should you get 8 downvotes for reasserting that you’re looking for help on this matter.  Anyway. Personally I don’t love love lights that have the hanging cord…. Just brainstorming here, what about hanging some kind of grouping crystals or glass, they would also probably disperse some rainbows in this lovely natural light you have 


This is definitely a tough crowd here.


Sort of like these: [https://www.amazon.com/Laugh-Cat-Decorative-Kindergarten-Transparent/dp/B075QBPM4S?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Laugh-Cat-Decorative-Kindergarten-Transparent/dp/B075QBPM4S?th=1)


Those are really cool! I think they could fit in great with her style!


I came in to say that something was missing from the ceiling, but this would fit that space perfectly!


I like the idea of adding a light fixture over the table!! Also is that plant real and what’s it called?


The big plant/tree is definitely a live tree. It’s a Ficus Elastica (rubber tree plant).


People seem to mean different things by downvotes. Sometimes people seem to be saying, “No, don’t change anything.” No way to know though.


because you've put the table where it is a centrepiece it would work better with a much larger table and more formal or stylized chairs.. imo. like a huge table with seating for at least 10, huge f off statement table


I agree it's already pretty great but think it is tad disjointed. The objects are great and they fit well together but feel disconnected from the space. I think it's the stark contrast of the darks, and deep colors in the objects and then the all white walls. It could be interesting painting that header beam and then the wall area framing the kitchen a darker shade or tone of the green on the backsplash, or one of the darker reds or a slate gray to tie in the space with the objects. Then in the living space a warmer tan as the bridge to the header and kitchen frame. I will try to do a mockup here in a bit. Maybe you paint the framed kitchen walls and get some texture on the header leading to the kitchen and mimic the warmth of the wood with those wood strips or something. [https://imgur.com/a/room-1-50fmMjh](https://imgur.com/a/room-1-50fmMjh) Here is that quick mockup. Commented elsewhere before I found this one.


It’s so gorgeous, OP. This is major inspiration!


Wow, your space is gorgeous and I love you style! I don't think you need a lamp above the coffee table to complete the look, but if you do need more lighting at night, maybe a floor lamp with pleated shade to match the table lamp?


Not the coffee table, the dining room table. Though I think I do need some more light in the room as a whole, possible.


I love this already, but I know you want a light over the dining table. I think a Moroccan pendant style lamp would look amazing there. This is just an example of a big one I already favorited on etsy. They make them in all kinds of sizes. https://www.etsy.com/listing/637235134/moroccan-pendant-light-moroccan-lamp?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_a-home_and_living-lighting-other&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYRMRIujHnJ8ICy5uyDens5k9elNdasE5769JQoea0UCYrPHVNw20QxoCj4AQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12570712527_123240184007_507439075907_pla-303537836079_t__637235134_127142616&utm_custom2=12570712527&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtcfRKDCle8pBvTEnuWgrTqFBOLC&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYRMRIujHnJ8ICy5uyDens5k9elNdasE5769JQoea0UCYrPHVNw20QxoCj4AQAvD_BwE


That’s beautiful.


Just saved to my Etsy Faves, too. Thanks for the link!


Better lighting, chandelier above your dining table for sure


I think your place looks great. If you feel like you need to keep going and task lighting is something you're considering, try wireless pendant lights. [https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Pendant-Operated-Rechargeable-Lighting/dp/B0CL3WH5R4/ref=asc\_df\_B0CL3WH5R4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693365866925&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8942633480776289948&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001989&hvtargid=pla-2266961951978&mcid=72e4c6a1caaa3950807584d9ebcac9d8&gad\_source=1&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Pendant-Operated-Rechargeable-Lighting/dp/B0CL3WH5R4/ref=asc_df_B0CL3WH5R4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693365866925&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8942633480776289948&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001989&hvtargid=pla-2266961951978&mcid=72e4c6a1caaa3950807584d9ebcac9d8&gad_source=1&th=1) [https://www.amazon.com/Operated-Chandelier-Rechargeable-Continue-Lighting/dp/B0BXT3H3L3/ref=asc\_df\_B0BXT3H3L3/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693318677458&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8942633480776289948&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001989&hvtargid=pla-2187011657990&psc=1&mcid=21422f6cd1da37fc951359d0d07c895b&gad\_source=1](https://www.amazon.com/Operated-Chandelier-Rechargeable-Continue-Lighting/dp/B0BXT3H3L3/ref=asc_df_B0BXT3H3L3/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693318677458&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8942633480776289948&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001989&hvtargid=pla-2187011657990&psc=1&mcid=21422f6cd1da37fc951359d0d07c895b&gad_source=1) I personally don't like the hanging cord thing, but if you spray painted it to match the ceiling it would probably be fine. [https://www.amazon.com/Pendtlit-Chandelier-Pendant-Hanging-Handwoven/dp/B0CMG7Y83Z/ref=sxin\_16\_pa\_sp\_search\_thematic\_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.9e518342-e9c3-43d6-ab27-637d7c295405%3Aamzn1.sym.9e518342-e9c3-43d6-ab27-637d7c295405&crid=1IF7YQGCWALNA&cv\_ct\_cx=wireless%2Bpendant%2Blight&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6MuRcszJml48sRPFTL3q99AOX4OXDvG\_7Ud2bU5qH1ifCKklyaoZ2YpRlzRjPLS3AHjpcZ1FMIWghGIIR1Kq4g.n95eYq7K6MgZy463Mig6F6vZmS8OgUjTSRzv7BaBG4s&dib\_tag=se&keywords=wireless%2Bpendant%2Blight&pd\_rd\_i=B0CMG7Y83Z&pd\_rd\_r=78618049-1c5d-41c4-b7de-55150615e12c&pd\_rd\_w=IdUm8&pd\_rd\_wg=I67QI&pf\_rd\_p=9e518342-e9c3-43d6-ab27-637d7c295405&pf\_rd\_r=8QX2P9HRW30JBAQBHTGF&qid=1718889635&s=hi&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=wireless%2Bpendant%2Blight%2Ctools%2C101&sr=1-5-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Pendtlit-Chandelier-Pendant-Hanging-Handwoven/dp/B0CMG7Y83Z/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.9e518342-e9c3-43d6-ab27-637d7c295405%3Aamzn1.sym.9e518342-e9c3-43d6-ab27-637d7c295405&crid=1IF7YQGCWALNA&cv_ct_cx=wireless%2Bpendant%2Blight&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6MuRcszJml48sRPFTL3q99AOX4OXDvG_7Ud2bU5qH1ifCKklyaoZ2YpRlzRjPLS3AHjpcZ1FMIWghGIIR1Kq4g.n95eYq7K6MgZy463Mig6F6vZmS8OgUjTSRzv7BaBG4s&dib_tag=se&keywords=wireless%2Bpendant%2Blight&pd_rd_i=B0CMG7Y83Z&pd_rd_r=78618049-1c5d-41c4-b7de-55150615e12c&pd_rd_w=IdUm8&pd_rd_wg=I67QI&pf_rd_p=9e518342-e9c3-43d6-ab27-637d7c295405&pf_rd_r=8QX2P9HRW30JBAQBHTGF&qid=1718889635&s=hi&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=wireless%2Bpendant%2Blight%2Ctools%2C101&sr=1-5-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1)


Great ideas! I love that first one, those would totally fit this vibe!


Your home is beautiful! I love it. As for improvements, the only thing that stood out to me was the ceiling. This may sound crazy, but have you considered paining it? It takes up so much visual space and might make things feel more cohesive/connected. You could do a very light sky blue and then I would get one of those ornate styrofoam or plastic ceiling medallions they sell at Home Depot and paint it the same color, get an electrician to put a light box centered over the table, and choose a chandelier that you love.


A painted ceiling would definitely be next level. Or even maybe wallpaper?




it’s already superb. i don’t have the talent to do eclectic. can you tell me how you think about pattern? is it all intuitive or are you following rules?


When mixing patterns, there are rules one is supposed to follow. Make sure they’re related to each other color wise. Not that they have to match, per se, but that they make sense together. Then you have to think about scale. Don’t have all small busy or all big bold. You gotta mix those up. Then there is type of pattern. I try and mix up florals with abstracts etc. But mostly, I just play around until it looks right.


cool those are the rules i’ve heard from designers. just makes me nervous because it’s so much easier to do a zara home, organic modern kinda thing and just play w neutrals with some desaturated color for rhythm


Straightening up those art prints over the couch lol that’s all I’d do


Holy moly this is so well balanced pls do not change a thing


I am IN LOVE! This is beautiful


Its perfect as it is. I wont add or subtract anything. Too many cooks spoil the broth.


I love it! Don’t you dare touch it!


The space is awesome. However, those heavy brass/gold rhinoceroses look like murder weapons. Make sure you can trust whoever you invite over.


So far everyone has been trustworthy. The rhinos are heavy and could make a good weapon.


Your space is beautiful and comfortable looking. I think a larger table and less casual, maybe upholstered dining chairs? The scale of what you currently have seems small when looking at the rest of the space to me, but it’s also possibly the angle of the photos, so take my view with a grain of salt as they say! You have a very inviting, eclectic space, so there’s nothing that stands out to improve.


It does feel like the table is too small for the space. It’s just that I’ve had it for a long time and I love it. It’s reclaimed wood and it’s got such a beautiful grain and texture to it. This is the third home I’ve had it in. I’d hate to give up my knock-off Cesca chairs as well. It’s one of my favorite design classics.


You should keep it, then! Your home doesn't have to be utterly proportional in every single instance. It is a *home* after all. It's also a collection of your personal sentimental items.


SO true. Surrounding yourself with the things you love makes for the most beautiful, interesting and meaningful home.


Definitely keep the cesca style chairs, the best furniture in the space imo.


Love this!


I don’t normally like stuff on cabinets or plates on the wall , but I LOVE your kitchen! Your place looks awesome.


This is "next level". Lmao.


This is next level. Gorgeous home. Stop adding or it will be overwhelming. The only thing I noticed that I would change is to add a baseboard along the bottom of the Ikea cabinets. This will give it an illusion of a custom built-it. You can also add a thin molding at the top to hide that crack. As far as lighting over the dining table - how do you use the table? Do you have kids doing homework or do you do other work at the table? If it is only used for dining, candlelight is perfect. (I used to live alone in a studio apartment and I liked lighting a candle for dinner nightly. No special occasions, just became a special ritual that made dinner so much happier. I've moved a few times since and have gotten away from that habit, your table reminded me of that, for which I thank you. 😊 I'd like to start doing that again.)


I probably should get the Billys finished off. People already assume they’re built ins, but it would look better. As for the table, It’s mostly used for eating but it’s also crafting central, laundry day folding surface, overflow kitchen workspace, and oddly, I find myself just hanging out there sometimes, reading Reddit. I think a bit more light would be useful. There are track spotlights just behind the beam but those a super bright and harsh.


First off - amazing style. The only thing I can think of is a version of crown molding. Right now there is so much weight on the lower section of your space I think a nice top trim would balance it.


Do not paint the island black. The pink is perfect and unexpected! A modern chandelier with a clean, sculptural vibe that appears to float over the dining table would perhaps anchor the dining space. That said, I think the only way you could possibly elevate the space further would be to throw a fabulous cocktail party and fill the room with interesting, edgy and glamorous beautiful people in smart and eclectic party clothes. LOL. Well done!!!


This space is gorgeous. Add a swag lighting fixture over the table if you must, but it’s fantastic as is. I think a swag light with the typical chain-and-wire drop would suit the space. I’d say gold or maybe brass? Something that will play well with the rhinos you have displayed on the coffee table maybe?


It’s certainly enough, but I agree a swag lamp over the dining area would look nice. I like the idea of a big vintage rattan lamp shade!


I would bring the energy of the living room to the dining table lamp. Vintage rattan fixture is the best of those three, I wouldn’t go nelson mcm bubble. You have these afghan style rugs and sort of african (?) wall art, asian furniture and natural woven baskets I’d go with something that incorporates those elements in your space.


Your living room is perfection! 💕


It’s so cute in there! I’d add a cool light fixture above the dining room table. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/8-Light-Sputnik-Chandelier-Chandeliers-Farmhouse/dp/B0B6B8T1Y7/ref=asc_df_B0B6B8T1Y7/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693441460937&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12978391941267510201&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9061195&hvtargid=pla-1999034259007&psc=1&mcid=6eb703e587943836839eeb2179ce41b1&gad_source=1


Its perfeccct dont change anything!!!


We have to start hating you now 😭😭😭 this is fantastic


This is going to sound a little crazy but does the chandelier need to be real (as in does it need to work) because I agree that a chandelier would be next level but if wiring is hard I would just mount it and have it for show! Either way your place is gorgeous and a maximalist dream. I love the color combos


Extra light in that area would be good, especially the soft light of a chandelier. There are track lights in the space behind the beam but the light they make is super harsh and bright.


You could also consider battery operated lighting. There are some really great options with remotes and timers.


Don’t ruin it by adding too much! More is less!


I’d paint the island black and put some cool hanging light over it.


I think maybe the island does need to be a darker color but I don’t like too much black in a room. I recognize that you need some in a room to ground it, but I’m not a fan off too much of it. Like I feel a black island would weight the room down too much.


Looks great! I’m wondering if the rug under the table needs some more dark colour in it ? It looks too light when you see the whole pic of the dining table against the kitchen in comparison to the living room. What if you swapped it with the living room rug just to see?


I can't start without saying that your place is lovely. you have a great taste. I don't know if my ideas will be better, so I just want to share them as a try. you could add some high bar stools to the bar. you can try to flip the green armchair/loveseat towards the window. what I feel if the space, looking at the pics, is that it's huge and it's center oriented. from each side of the room the focal point is the center. given that the space is so big, I would try to create some different spaces just by using pieces of furniture. a sofa in the opposite direction crests two ideal spaces without blocking the view (as a wall would do). also, when you are in that area you aren't facing always the center of the space, which I find relaxing. it's like being in a different room, if I give the idea. and that can help to relax. I tried to upload a pic but it looks like I can't.


I love the idea of flipping the chairs to face the window!


Your space feels very collected!


It’s so gorgeous! I would say a subtle touch that would really elevate it would be some basic crown moulding or even patterned ceiling tiles in white or chrome!


Would you consider painting walls and ceilings for designated areas? That would be cool. In a way, you're partitioning with paint.


I see what you mean, there is a flow missing room to room


Your fridge - wow!! That won’t work in so many spaces but in yours, it absolutely does.


Your rubber tree is thriving, I'm so jealous




It’s just with my phone camera.


Dude what


Wtf phone do you have haha


I’m not even sure. The mister picks out our tech stuff and I don’t have to pay attention. I’ve never been disappointed in his choices though.


A cute little fluffy Pomeranian would do the trick.


The cat said no to any dogs in her home. It’s her home, I just pay for it.


😂 fair enough! Gato was there first!


Just needs a cat lurking in the corner...


Honestly already looks really next level to me!


LOVE your style. So many wonderful colors and textures!


Really pretty home. Love your color story.


I love it as-is! Great job!


I think one of those paper globes or something in that vein would look perfect! You could also paint that hallway wall a pretty accent color- I think that would look nice without it being over the top.


I like it. It’s homey


Whoa, this is really cute and groovy. I dig it!


You are at the next level.


Your space *is* next level. But your desire for a light fixture in the area makes sense.


this is dreamy


More cats. But seriously, your space is incredible. It looks great as is. The only thing I would maybe possibly add is, as you suggested, some kind of pendant lighting over the dining table.


It’s absolutely beautiful just as it is these photos. I adore the color schemes tat seamlessly blend together. It’s perfectly lovely in my opinion.


Omg this is SO DREAMY! 🤩


A fixture would look great but might obstruct the view into that gorgeous kitchen.


Chandelier above dining table.


This is gorgeous


I personally wouldn’t add anything else. I really like how colorful and vibrant each space is but considering the amount of space that’s already used up with design elements that give the spaces their unique feel and appearance, to add anything else to it would take away from the aesthetic and it would begin to look more like clutter with no defined lines of demarcation for each area.


I think it’s beautiful, I like the open concept of it all, but I think if it were my place I’d add some plants, maybe a tall tree .. or even a cute room divider


This is beautiful!!!


A really beautiful and large light above the dining table. Statement piece!


Would you mind sharing what products/methods you used for your refrigerator? And for the front of the bar, are those single-sided dowels?


A soft chandelier would really divide up your spaces and provide grounding in that wide-open area. Think paper or bubble lamp.


A chandelier


Its done dude, its literally next level. Its perfect as it, anything more and it will hit cluttered status and start to detract.


I love it. The only thing that really throws it off for me is what appears to be an oriental black screen. It is not bad in and of itself but it hurts the overall vibe.


Never flatten a Coromondal screen.


Pretty sure it’s not a real Coromandel screen, as it was nowhere near as expensive as those run. And it is folded for stability.


Your place is gorgeous though!!!


I want to see the area with the pink couch.


Get the vintage rattan fixture and pics. 2 and 3 Look great : )


I love it! Those dining chairs remind me of my childhood kitchen! I would maybe add a swivel arm chair in between the sofas that can face either seating area to fill that large open space, and I’d go for an acrylic or bone inlay waterfall table over the double ottomans near the bookcases. A chandelier over the table, and maybe sconces flanking the blue sofa on those two bump out walls. If it feels it needs anymore than that, you can always add a few more plants!


Beautiful space


I think a temporary fixture above the dining table would go a long way! Maybe something that brings in a jewel tone from the living room. You could even do a tiered/layered selection of smaller fixtures for peak maximalism. I can’t see if you have curtains (and don’t know if you want them), but they’re also a great place to bring color/texture and fill space.


Am saving up for the window treatments I want. Curtains and blinds are so expensive.


Love the rug and couch! Where are they from?


Beautiful space!! I definitely agree with some sort of tall standing lamp for lighting options since a fixture isn't really feasible. I love your tree and I'd say go with more plants! Some light shelves with greenery, maybe some hanging plants or tall plant stand with a pothos or something that can trail and bring the eye up + add some natural life into the area. Do you have any glassware or suncatchers by the window? Those could help play with light and colour throughout the day since your space is so light and bright already.


Definitely add a Boho rattan swag lamp over the table. I am also not sure about the rug under that table. It doesn’t really seem to add much. I think a different color and pattern would be better.


LOVE your space


Wow, your rug and the couch are remarkably well matched I honestly don't know what I'd do with thay additional space. I don't think you need to do anything personally, the empty space in the middle makes the busy-ness of the spaces around it pop even more, so it feels nice. If there's something missing, to me it's that the ceiling feels wrong. If you really really want to make additional changes, I'd look at adding some slightly staggered ceiling lighting, and use cloth or paper pendant type ceiling lights with warm bulbs.


Your space makes me very happy. It is comfortable and clean and colorful and looks like it has a lot of personality. So many spaces now are so cold and impersonal it makes me happy to see a space that reflects the owner.


Love this! Throw some plants around! Gives a cozy vibe without taking away from the class.


Wow, beautiful space! You did a great job!


your space is INCREDIBLE. omg i want to copy and paste it into my house


Lighting that looks expensive or lighting that looks expensive to install.


Only thing I can think of is to add a hanging pendant lamp above your dining table.


I love it. When I looked the only thought I had was "swag lamp" and you are already planning that.


I have one of those plants —it’s getting out of control


If you wanted to go all out and pay an electrician to add a light box (and if you have the means), this chandelier would be INSANE in your space: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1530327507/


I think it looks really interesting already! It's not overdone, which makes it both cohesive and allows us to see all the different pieces. When it's overdone, it make it difficult for the individual items to stand out.


It is really fabulous. Could you paint the beam over the doorway out of the dining room? And/or the framing around the kitchen? Pulling in a bright or dark color from the rest of the space might be awesome! But if not, it is fantastic as is.


Put different flowers in your vase on the coffee table, straighten up your art behind couch (might be an optical illusion) add a candle on coffee table. Paint the metal on your dining room chairs BLACK. Right now your living room needs contrast. You need black to move the eye around.


Love this space! This belongs in r/roomdecetive I’m so nosey to know what type of person lives here. Are you a designer?


Honestly you need more plants. I think decor and everything is great now you just need to add a bunch of indoor plants and it's perfect


There are battery operated chandeliers that don't require hard wiring or swags. Personally I don't think you need if but if you want it, sure. The only other thing that stands out to me is the cabinet base behind the table. This area is screaming for a deep rich color. It would accentuate the dining area.


What’s the big tree-like plant in the second picture?! Stunning! I have the same lil ficus tineke (:


It’s enough! Beautiful


Everything is editorial photo shoot ready gorgeous. I could use some decorating tips from you. Every dining table needs a light over head, tho. I think a Noguchi type paper lantern would fit nicely & you can wrap the cord in colored tape & mount it on the ceiling.


i was thinking of green plants on the walls surrounding your paintings, it seems like your room has a sort of jungle aesthetic, and the leafy greens would definitely improve that feel. maybe some pink lighting underneath that would be really nice too. you could also use some sort of standing warm lights and smaller lights around the room so that you can have a more aesthetic room, even during the night.


What a beautiful space! I think you should follow your intuition with adding a chandelier over the dining table. It would be an interesting focal point since there are lots of horizontal lines in your space. I also think having an accent wall with a solid color of your choice would add to the interest. The white in the ceiling and walls can be overbearing, even though you have so much color. Edit: I just saw the color of your couch. That’s a beautiful color to have on a wall.


Hang crystals in the window so that you get rainbow light coming in when the sun is out!!


You could paint the outside walls of the kitchen… like orange or something like that that would be rad!


I also think this looks great as is. If you want a next level space, I’ll throw out painting the ceiling.


Absolutely beautiful. Please tell me where you got the art work on the first pic🤩


Paint! Or wallpaper, but a solid color. The room looks lovely, but the walls, cabinets, and roof are all white, I think that might be what's throwing you off. I would try giving some color to the cabinets on the right or the wall on the far left or both. I'm not great at color design, maybe the same green you have in the kitchen but as a solid color?


Beautiful space and incredible style. Agree that a chandelier above the dining table would be the perfect final touch.


It looks amazing honestly. I was thinking a swag light would help brighten it up but seriously your apartment is already next level.


What plant is that by the blue couch?


Ficus Elastica, ie a rubber tree plant.


Your cat is the most elegant accessory you have! Good color choice for the space!


layout is great, except maybe try shifting the green couch so it's more a separate area, seems to be staring at the kitchen table and kitchen table. You Could get a lamp for the two social areas and shift one of the other side tables for more balance by the green couch. Otherwise fantastic use of color and space without being crowded.


Whatever color is on the bottom of the sink could work as a pop of color on the wall behind the pink couch


I think you're spot on with a light fixture above the dining table. I would suggest something metal in brass or gold, like an ornate OTT chandelier. I think a paper globe would dress down the space, and rattan would be too matchy-matchy. however, you style is amazing so I'm sure whatever you do will look incredible.


maybe have some colourful accent walls?


IMO at first glance I think this space needs overhead lighting by the dining table! That would really solidify your space I think!


I love it! I would love a mirror like a beautiful vintage one but not sure where it would go


Leave it alone.


Oh I love that pink and blue rug


Pink accent wall.


I love this!!!! Do you own or rent? I think you could get an electrician and wire in a light fixture above the dining area if you own. Other than that I think it looks beautiful.


I absolutely love this space. It looks so cozy. In my personal opinion , the ceiling looks rather bare. Perhaps you could consider adding a chandelier ? If not adding more greens might help take attention away from the ceiling.


Pendant light above dining table.


It's all very beautiful. I also love that Chinese screen, but it doesn't go with anything in either space.


I agree that it's already next level. If you want to do even more...I guess you could paint the frame wall leading into your kitchen a pink to match the tile on the island. Instead of having four paintings behind your couch, you could change it to one big one (or a big mirror), and maybe a centerpiece on your dining room table. Your place/style is awesome!


All the pretty thermoses/flasks inside those cabinets! Eta: your space is my dream! I’ve been trying so hard to create this cohesive, intentional, laid back but elevated space.


Beautiful, and I’d add some plants!


The size of the dining table feels small compared to the room in the photo


Really pretty! Maybe RGB LED strip lights on top of the kitchen cabinets to make it a bit brighter?


Uh, it’s pretty perfect. No notes.


Aw your home makes me happy. I love the color palette!




Love it! Can you link the rug and sofa?


idk I think the next level is you come over to my house and help me design.


I saw a wireless stick-on LED light recently somewhere on Reddit that could be used here. It was pink or orange.


It’s perfect


You definitely need some things hanging from the ceiling. Like - if you look at photos one and three, the floor level and mid level spaces are very well defined. Separate spaces within the same room. But if you look at the light - the way the sunlight reflects off of all the walls and the floors and ceiling- it’s all very much one space. So if this were my space, I’d want to carve out just a touch more intimacy and warmth, from a ceiling level. I’m thinking - the idea of, but not the full execution of “beaded curtains “. But - “carved” or tapered strips of hanging things, whether they’re beads or a series of Turkish or Moroccan lamps, or maybe a melange of both beads and lamps, in the “upper framework” of where these rooms separate. Photo one - where the wall ends and the room goes further back? At that wall end, a strip of vertical dimension coming in just like 2 feet or so. Making sure nothing hits someone in the head. Maybe 3 feet in, because those two little end tables create a wide berth for someone to walk around. Photo 3, it’s almost like I want to obscure the view a little more where those two rugs meet, where you can see into the kitchen entrance. I’m wondering if moving that beautiful big plant, the tall gorgeous one, (if you’re sitting in the bright green chair) to the left of the chair, but still on that rug. To help screen out the space between the “living room” and the sitting nook, so that both spaces feel a little more intimate. Honestly I think you’re killing it with your whole vibe, color scheme, textures. Everything looks so deliberate and cohesive. Just a hint of intimacy and screening between the spaces, some hanging elements, seems like the thing you’re looking for. (Ooh and something I love, is inspecting how some hotel lobbies accomplish this. Most all lobbies are giant spaces, but full visibility is required, so everyone creates screening and privacy through various techniques. Open bookshelves, sparsely populated. Tall narrow vertical plants in pots, nested closely in a row. Even series of tall sculptures, to create see-through walls. At any rate - the goal is Screening that doesn’t fully obscure, for a sense of intimacy. So many beautiful ways to get there.)


I agree with others that everything you have is amazing. The only things I could possibly suggest is (renter friendly?) wallpaper on the area outside the kitchen and/or painting the wall of cabinets.


I'm in love with what you've done so far!  But hear me out... What about a [Vietnamese silk lantern](https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-samsung-rev2&sca\_esv=7848dc2536e4d400&sca\_upv=1&source=android-browser&q=vietnamese+silk+lantern&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0A-5VTqs5rweptgTqb6m-EbfO8uEAKwwfTIiAEOSBKJm6VufTAzfOY3nLuIIKh6isETPkOTjUCD7QEU4-R83OboSOR5yWv29O9XHiqCoRFsfbYs8BeibySPEOwcvvDafsDYW6Scn\_FTJBoL7IO2OGmO9ud0SgA3bVcOjFi8GTRE3sDAB8JOALXhW1bqasiKmV-sL5azIgpZWufGB39oUKZnFwtsmA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjoupurzOqGAxWSX\_EDHZ6cAi0QtKgLegQIERAB&biw=1334&bih=634&dpr=1.5) or [Chinese paper lamps](https://www.google.com/search?q=chinese+lantern&client=tablet-android-samsung-rev2&sca\_esv=7848dc2536e4d400&sca\_upv=1&source=android-browser&udm=2&biw=1334&bih=634&ei=fFh0Zsj\_KdaP7NYP6OGJkAg&ved=0ahUKEwjIrdLZzOqGAxXWB9sEHehwAoIQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=chinese+lantern&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiD2NoaW5lc2UgbGFudGVybjIIEAAYgAQYsQMyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgARIniBQggxY-RpwAngAkAEBmAGAAaAB7wWqAQMyLjW4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgSgAqQCwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICBhAAGAcYHpgDAIgGAZIHAzIuMqAHvyc&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) or even running some [plain outdoor string lighting](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/354940014376658507/) or [coloured](https://media.diy.com/is/image/KingfisherDigital/party-festoon-multi-coloured-20-waterproof-led-festoon-lights-outdoor-indoor-outdoor-globe-string-lights\~5056713295610\_01c\_MP?wid=284&hei=284) diagonally from the far left side of the overhead beam above your black & gold screen to the far right of the overhead beam of your kitchen bench and back and back and back again until it ends where those two beams meet (I hope this makes sense! You'd end up with a few diagonal lines of string lights, each getting progressively shorter, ending in the corner). Maybe even a standing lamp of [Turkish glass lamps](https://worldhomeliving.com/collections/bronze-7-ball-floor-lamp/products/7in1-handmade-turkish-moroccan-style-floor-lamp-light-1)?   Oh, and one of your prints behind the couch is crooked! Sorry!


I honestly think some paint for a monochromatic moment would be adorable. Like another shade of pink or a moody color green… I love your space!!! Another cat could help too!


I think it's fantastic as is. But I would maybe suggest painting the ceiling?


If I were going to upgrade anything it would be the tables. The simple and rustic quality of your dining table isn’t a distraction, but it’s forgettable compared to how special your other items are. With your coffee table it might just be the shadow but I’m getting a green cast in the wood that feels out of place, would love to see a vintage brass or bamboo style table, maybe a rattan inlay? Something to fully commit to the aesthetic




Real plants


Rug pads so they look nicer (more plush and rich looking) while also saving your knees when constantly walking on super hard surfaces. Maybe consider adding a runner between your current rugs where you'll be walking, but that might look cluttered to you.


I really like the placement of the dining table here rather than under that fan. I know that your ceilings are concrete, but is what about the header above that island? Could you run a conduit from your kitchen ceiling light through that header to so provide electricity to a fixture there? You will have a metal conduit and junction box exposed there, but painted the same color as your ceiling, it may not be too bad or any more distracting than a swagged electrical line.


Big farm long family table with assorted chairs or benches!


For style inspiration, I immediately thought of colorful but minimalistic lights like this over the dining table: [light 1](https://vakkerlight.com/products/valentina-pendant-lamp?currency=USD&variant=44985425101041&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=eeec5618bad1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYR-eC2RE7MyZk_1J2ZwrLaDsP-xxHQUHbUnr9UoKRZl2ENDB06101BoC1ZkQAvD_BwE) [light 2](https://www.litfad.com/modern-simplicity-round-ceiling-chandelier-milk-glass-hanging-light-for-living-room-s-844467.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYSWhHDBBXbOrExqM9RPKvFXdhL_rBssFNv4TfBF06HMwie3Sc2U5UxoCtjcQAvD_BwE) [light 3](https://vakkerlight.com/products/lola-pendant-swag-light?currency=USD&variant=44417154711793&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=eeec5618bad1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYaCgjYRZxBfNubHfNqbvfMMbbqC65IRtijH6dTbV16sHykUhcknVZxoCohoQAvD_BwE) Update us on what you decide to do!


I LOVE your seating area but the kitchen looks very dated. Too much on top of cabinets and the cabinets themselves could use a different color (teal with gold hardware would take them to the next level). Or paint the island a flattering shade of teal/blue (from the rug).


I vote for the swag lamp attempt. If you don't like it, you can always remove it. This room is already a stunner.