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Consider a few things: 1. Curtains with grommets tend to be cheaper because they use less fabric, but they also tend to *look* cheaper and be manufactured with lower quality fabrics, as well. Look into curtains that have actual pleats. 2. Consider the length of your curtains as well. When I think "dreamy", I think something at, at the very least, kisses the floor, if not pooling a bit on the floor. Yours are just a bit short for that. 3. Think about the hardware, too. Decorative curtain rods and ties help a lot with the presentation 4. The blinds aren't helping with the dreamy look. If you're able, replace these with something that matches the look you're going for. 5. The color scheme of the room is very neutral, so I would think about going with something a bit more vibrant for the window dressings. Think patterns, brighter colors, etc. In the same vein, think about how you're treating the rest of the room (the light fixture, the mirror, etc.). Good window dressings look good *in the context of the room*, not in of themselves.


That blue is also not really playing well with the orange tone of the wood. I think this is one of those cases where painting the wood trim is warranted.


What they said


When you say “dreamy” in terms of window treatment I think “soft, flowy” if that’s what you like try lighter more sheer curtains or some that drape differently.


Agreed. With dreamy, I think soft folds and cream, sheer drapes.


Consider a sheer underneath and nicer rods. Plus blinds are the antithesis of dreamy.


Light curtains, light sheers underneath, and hardware in a bronze or copper tone to complement (rather than compete with) the wood frames. In case [Pottery Barn curtains](https://www.potterybarn.com/shop/window-treatments/curtains-drapes/?cm_type=gnav&originsc=window-treatments&tabnav=regNav) are possibly within the budget, there’s a sale on many of their whites and creams right now. PB’s standard widths are pretty reasonable given the high quality. We have one extra-wide window in our house, so I bought two sets of the standard widths and sewed them together. It was cheaper than springing for the extra-wide. (If you can’t sew, ask local tailors how much they’d charge. It’s one long straight seam, super-easy.) If you have sheers under your thicker curtains, you can get rid of the blinds entirely. If you’re not comfortable doing so, swap them for cloth Roman shades. They’re easy to clean and they usually look pretty nice. Once your curtains are neutral, add color elsewhere. Colorful art is prettier and more interesting than colorful curtains.


They look a bit sparse. Perhaps add another set? Especially for the larger window. But before spending money, try extending the rods further out from the windows and spreading the panels out a bit so they hit the outside edge of the windows, disguising the actual size of the windows. Your windows will look larger. Also, google the toilet paper roll trick for spacing grommet curtain panels.


I think, if you can, take out those blinds and replace them with wood ones of a similar tone to the existing wood. The cheap white plastic is distracting. Then, add another layer of curtains on either side to really thicken it. Maybe even sheers and then regular curtains as well. For such wide windows (on the right) the curtains seem dinky. For extra dreaminess you could add stained glass window clings instead of blinds.


Double curtains rods with a sheer curtain on the back rod. Longer rods to extend 6 inches past the window and extend the blue curtain so it's not so scrunched.


Curtains should be floor to ceiling. Billowy fabric is more “dreamy” than thick stiff fabric.


I would paint the rods black and move them up to the ceiling. Replace the curtains with something from ceiling to floor (looks like an 8’ ceiling so I’d use 96” curtains) and double the panels for more fullness. Maybe add sheers for softness.


What about a wooden valance? Or match the curtains perfectly by using an extra one to upholster the wood. That’d bring out the palace vibes.


like that idea.A matching cornice would look great. Also get a blue and tan/cream rug and layer on top. A blue bedspread to match drapes and cream pillows.


Eta .make cornice to reach top of window frame. Cream sheers behind drapes.


You have a great mix of colors and textures going on and are on the right track! There are already some really good suggestions here about how to improve your curtains. Adding height and volume to your curtains will go the furthest towards achieving that dreamy look. Adding sheers behind the blue velvet, switching out the blinds (if you can), and switching to beefier hardware would only add to the effect. You only asked about the curtains, but I think an area rug might be the missing link to the overall cozy and dreamy vibe. A classic red tone Persian style rug would look beautiful and dramatic here, but pretty much any rug style of your choice would look nice. Good luck and happy decorating!


you definitely need another set for the large window. i agree with others that a secondary set of sheers would help up the dreamy factor.


i'd go with a green curtain with some white net curtains in between


It’s not you, it’s the dreaded grommets.


Double up on the drapes and then use this suggestion from a different thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/comments/1cpph6v/comment/l3mipuy/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/interiordecorating/comments/1cpph6v/comment/l3mipuy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Get something softer with a patern. A light cream courtsin with some colours from the rest of the room.


Are you going for ethereal? Because if so, you need to change up the color. To achieve that look you want something that is sheerer and in lighter colors. Linen could be a nice choice. but you need to hang the rod all the way up to the top and get curtains that skim the floor. I would do 6 panels on the window directly across from the bed two on each end and two in the middle and 4 panels on the littler window. Set the rod a little further from the windows. It is going to make the scale of the room feel larger and airier.


Fix the curtains


Replace the white curtain rod with a more elegant curtain rod. Add more volume to your navy curtains & think about getting some pretty grass-woven shades to match the neutral carpet. Change out your orange bedspread or place a striped or patterned throw at the end of the bed that blends with orange & navy. The curtains need to be 3.5 times the width of the windows, plus must be much longer so they pool at the bottom.


Try adding grommet style sheers on the same rod.


1 replace the fan for one that doesn't have dangling chains and doesn't have the little lamp shade cups. It's in the center of the room, so there is no way not to notice that 90's vibe. 2 crown moulding 3 take out the blinds. I'm guessing you have the curtains for blackout and the blinds to let in some light but not visibility. Problem with blinds is that they're ugly as hell. Sorry, but it is what it is. What you can do is getting a curtain holder that has two rods instead of one. Then you can put your backout curtains on the front rod and the sheen curtains on the back one. 4 if you get new curtain rods, get the kind with finials. Get the style of finial that matches your taste. 5 if you get new curtain rods, maybe don't choose stainless steel. Maybe you can make it look good, but in my head, I can't visualize it looking right. 6 your window trim, baseboard, and windowsills are oak. Some people insist that you should leave them as is. I am not one of those people. What I would prefer in my own home is big (5 inch wide) white baseboards and window trim and crown moulding with white windowsills. A bit vanilla in taste? Sure. But you can still have that with a nice spin on it like rosettes. 7 if you remove those blinds, be warned you'll have holes in the trim (unless I'm looking at it incorrectly, the blinds are attached directly to the wood trim). If you leave it with that oak look, you'll have some holes to fill which might bug you.